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You Won’t Believe What I Found 30ft Deep Underwater! (RECORD BREAKING)

May 31, 2021
What's up guys, Jake, here today? We're at Chimney Rock on Lake Martin and we're going to dive to see


we can find at the bottom of the lake. If you liked this video and want to see more in the future, send us a message. Approved, if there is support, we will team up again and see


else we can find here in this lake and I said, let's jump in the water and see what we can find. Okay guys, we have all the equipment ready to go, let's jump. the water and see what we can find oh oh so we're back on a boat.
you won t believe what i found 30ft deep underwater record breaking
I'll give you a quick update so far, we


some cool stuff, but unfortunately I also saw a lot of junk down there, but I did it. Bring my garbage bag. I'm going to go back there and pick up all the trash I can, but I'll also keep an eye out for anything else interesting I see along the way. Hopefully, we can find some more interesting ones. Things are good, we're having an amazing day treasure-wise so far. We


four Apple watches in a place called Chimney Rock. Some girls on a jet ski recommended we go to this swing.
you won t believe what i found 30ft deep underwater record breaking

More Interesting Facts About,

you won t believe what i found 30ft deep underwater record breaking...

I've never been here before, but. There might be some really interesting things to find before you do it. Actually, I'm going to try to make the rope myself. I have to be careful because of my shoulder, but I'm not going to climb from above. Let's have a good time. Come on, it's time, so we just jump off the rope swing. Now let's see if we can find some interesting things


. Wow, wow, so we're done diving for today and we found a lot of interesting things. We also collected many. of trash on the road today and I will say that today was a


day for Apple watches.
you won t believe what i found 30ft deep underwater record breaking
This was the most I have ever found in a single day. We found six, some of them still work and we're going to try our The best thing is to return it to the people who lost them completely free and I ended up finding four wedding rings, some changed the Star of David and also a really cool necklace, so with that said , we are going to take things back at home trying to investigate to find out who lost them so we can return them to them. I'm at home right now and this is my favorite part of the scavenger hunt, returning everything I found completely free, so I went to lake martin twice and on those two times we found a total of eight Apple watches out of those eight watches Apple, four of them I'm going to be able to return to people today, two of them are locked and still working and these two here are completely dead, so there's nothing I can do with these.
you won t believe what i found 30ft deep underwater record breaking
I'll try to find out the owners later. I have a slightly different method. It'll just take some time and I'll go to the police station to get them to leave. to be put aside now these four I have some numbers that I'm going to call and I don't have the number of the exact person that I have, like moms, dads, friends and I'm going to do the research and hopefully find the people that lost them got a big reaction so let's start with the first Apple Watch so this is a series three Apple Watch and the person who owns it is a guy named Alexander.
I'm going to call his mom right now and tell her my son lost his sight and I found him a little nervous hey hey my name is jake she's Alexander's mother uh what do you want uh I found your son's Apple Watch at the bottom of the lake and I really like to give it back to you for free. Yes, ma'am, wow, yes, I don't know how to give it back to you. Is there? If you could send me his address. I live in Columbus, Georgia. I can mail it to you for free and I would love it.
I give it back to you, she's like me oh no, so she yeah, she's okay, so we get the first Apple Watch out of the way. I thought she was going to kill me. She seemed a little mean at first, but she perked up and uh we're going to be able to give that back to her son hey is this jake uh this is jake who is this hey jake this is alex chris uh you just talked to my mom oh cool yeah yeah yeah you're first Apple watcher how are you doing man I'm fine how are you doing good man so I heard you lost your Apple Watch huh looks like you've heard more than that yeah I've got it in my hands right now , man, and everything works and I'm off. mail it for free honestly the most extraordinary thing that happened tonight oh that's amazing man okay you're welcome man seriously I appreciate it all and thank you so much.
I'll send it to you tomorrow, guys, okay, thanks. Bye, that's great, so yes, I have your Apple Watch. I'll send it to you tomorrow. Nothing but nice things to say, so here's the second Apple Watch. I don't know who the personal owner of this watch is but there are two contacts for mom and a guy named bill I just called mom she didn't answer so I'm going to call bill and tell him I think maybe his son or someone he knows he lost the watch hey is this bill yeah hey bill my name is jake I'm a treasure hunter and I don't know if it's your son or maybe someone you know but I found an Apple Watch at the bottom of Lake Martin and it works and I love giving it back to him , oh yeah, I heard, I heard about this, yeah, fantastic. yeah thank you so much oh don't worry you found that thing how many feet is it about 30 feet


? is this, your children, is this, your watch, is my son's, yes, thank you very much, yes, I will send it to you right now and yes sir yes sir great, thank you very much, okay, okay, thanks for the call, don't worry, bye, thanks, okay, so we gave the watch back to Bill's son, that's going to be amazing, okay, let's move on to the third.
Thanks for calling and now we're open to everyone so the last two Apple Watches there's basically no way to find out mom or dad's contact so I'm checking recent calls with numbers not listed. like contacts so I've caught a lot of people and so it goes to a company uh in that case it was hibachi express and there's no way for them to know who the Apple Watch is so I'm going to do it A little more research so after From doing a lot of research last night, we had a total of eight Apple watches, two of them were completely dead, two of them were locked and of the four that I could call people, two of them I was able to return. the owner, so what we're going to do now is mail those two.
The other two I will try to investigate a little more to see if I can return them to people. I had a lot of Fun. It was really great. finding them, but also being able to give them back to those people completely free, is pretty amazing, but with that being said, I hope you enjoyed today's YouTube video, if you did, be sure to give this video a big thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe if you are new. I'd love for you to join me on my next adventure, but until then I'll see you next time. Thank you very much for watching them.

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