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Flattering Poses for Fabulous Photos | Dominique Sachse

May 01, 2020
come on, let's be friends hello everyone, welcome to today's video. I think it will be exciting, definitely outside the picture box. This one is about taking a good photo. How many times have you seen a photo of yourself and thought, boy, what was I? thinking I look like a brick I'm not smiling right my heads tilt in a strange way my face looks fat my body looks fat my sister Sue is much prettier than me I want you to be able to take


with confidence knowing your angles a way to pose knowing how to flatter your body type and feel good and relaxed about it now I'm going to tell you that it's a process it's like presenting a newscast watching a camera reading a teleprompter and making it look like you're talking to someone one on one it doesn't happen overnight in the morning and the same goes for taking a good photograph it is a study it is a study of how you behave it is a study of knowing your best angles and so with a little practice and knowledge, and I mean just a little, you will be able feeling confident in photographs and being able to look at the final result and say bam, I look good.
flattering poses for fabulous photos dominique sachse
There are some very, very simple basic rules to follow and as I talk about these things I will also walk you through them so you can see the different body positions and how just a few small subtle adjustments can make all the difference in the world here, But we have Christmas parties coming up. I have family gatherings over Christmas and I know they will be taking a lot of


, so I want to make sure they end this season happy with those photos and that it is an album they are happy to share and not attempt.
flattering poses for fabulous photos dominique sachse

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flattering poses for fabulous photos dominique sachse...

To isolate yourself, okay, so first and foremost let's talk about the most important thing when it comes to taking a photograph, and that is posture and how you hold your core is key. Remember to keep your body straight using your abs, lengthening your spine, shoulders, chin back. always forward and down that way you won't get the double chin and it doesn't look like you're looking up at the sky so point your chin down there's a perfect angle for this to happen and when you hit it it's the most


shot but your body and your posture should be tall, you should be upright and it will automatically make you look five pounds slimmer just by doing that, when you relax too much and sag in the shoulders, folds things start to happen.
flattering poses for fabulous photos dominique sachse
You don't look that pretty, but there's a big difference when you do this versus when you're like this and I'm sure you can tell right away, so upright and straight and long and linear, face up and then leaning down, so just think up. up and then. down and with your chin pointing so that the next thing you think about is creating holes. If you are like this, you are a block with your arms and legs together, you look like a big human block and what? it makes people look good what makes photographs look interesting is creating holes because it allows your shape to look so simple now raise your arms move them to the sides separate your legs move them a little away from your body create space create areas where The light may appear and suddenly you have a waist and suddenly you have hips and suddenly you have curves and you have taken on the human form instead of something man-made, so spread out and start playing with holes and blank spots around the body.
flattering poses for fabulous photos dominique sachse
To create some interesting angles and also to make you look your best, next is staying straight doesn't always work for everyone, sometimes the most


look is a 45 degree pivot. Now this is where you have to be careful if you have a big chest and you turn too much to one side then all you see is the chest so the key is to do that 45 degree turn and then swing your arms back so that that way you have that right angle, that little twist really. short at the waist flatters wearing your shoulders back fits you again it's a very, very nice look with the legs here, you can rest on one heel, leave one heel forward or you can spread the legs a little depending on the nature of the photograph who you are standing with how formal or informal it is, but that 45 degree turn is important and the angles when we are sitting because we are not always photographed standing, so when we sit we have to think about creating that space as well.
We don't want to sit up straight because again we'll look scruffy and big, so now it's about creating that sitting angle to the side, how are you going to position your legs? Make sure you separate them so you don't see a leg block but you see legs, you can cross your legs again twist your body to create a little bit of separation move your hand away from your body again just keep thinking about holes and angles and play with the key is just take a lot of different photos of yourself or have someone help you with this photo while you practice all your different moves to see what angle suits you best and how you can create those holes and how it feels because it's a matter of doing it over and over again.
After you understand what that feeling is and then when it's time to take a photo, you just sit there and recreate that feeling. The next thing is if you want to create curves you know some women are very straight and have a youthful figure and an easy way to create a curve is to actually sit on one hip and that suddenly puts the Vavoom into the body so if you're looking to create angles, sit on one leg, one hip really kick that and then all of a sudden you've given yourself the illusion. of having more curves than you really have in the next one and this is a big problem for me, it is very used and exaggerated, but it is that staged pose and everyone does it because it flatters the body, but the problem is that it looks like a staged pose .
Pose and that's that 45 degree turn with your hand on your hip and you see that a lot in society photographs and I just find it too artificial and I think there are better ways to create that nice angular, slim look. without looking so staged and so posed and the hand on the hip is just staged after the look so you can wear things like a handbag holding a handbag and then all of a sudden the way you carry that handbag can create that angle with your arm or even just resting. your arm a little on the outside of the hip so that your arm is straight but you do see the separation from the waist line to the arm down at the hip, but I prefer a more relaxed posture, especially if you are at an event formal o In a wedding type setting, try to avoid hand on hip and bent knee and that's it so I'm trying to help you get into a new zone of being creative but still flattering your body so now we have it.
We've covered the body and how it's photographed, let's talk about the face again, as I mentioned at the top, having your chin down is key and also knowing your face shape because if you have a wide face and your face is up and You give a big smile, then suddenly your face looks even wider, that big fake cheesy smile, yeah, that never looks pretty, but if you lower your face and give a more subtle smile, suddenly your face is much bigger. thinner and the fake smile is the worst we can find. We want to look natural in our photos and sometimes the best thing we can do is start laughing and if you're laughing with girls you know, say a funny word and make everyone laugh and then take a bunch of photos or whoever is taking the photo.
They hit him about ten times and something really nice happens. You can try to laugh and then everything calms down and before you know it you have genuine smiles on everyone and it creates such a pretty image with your lips closed or smiling with a smile. that's another thing to mix it up, not every photograph has to make you smile so sometimes it's just interesting to make the smile and then sometimes it's just interesting to relax your face, part your lips slightly and maintain that for a natural directness. moment plays with facial expressions. I think very often that one, two, three cheeses creates a very unnatural image, so smiles are great for fooling you if you're posing with people and it's a headshot tilting your head towards someone who acknowledges their presence in the photo recognizes the relationship and connection between you and that person and I think it makes it more attractive than moving on but two heads that are now tilted towards each other, with their chins down a little and then looking at each other. the touch towards the camera shows the relationship and that's key in what you're trying to capture, well now we're going to talk about and that was all kinds of photographs, now let's move on to the selfie and the cell phone camera, there are some. serious tricks of the trade here and once you discover them, I mean it, you will be happy with your photographs from now until eternity number one, the selfie, what you need to do is play with your camera, wait, I'm going to grab mine okay so once you have your camera, now you have the opportunity to play and the best way to do it with a cell phone camera.
I'm sure you know that by now, but in case you don't, on the left side your volume controls, the bottom control also takes a photo, so when you swipe it or switch it to selfie mode and you see yourself yourself, what you do at this point is you start playing with your side, for example, if I'm taking the left side. from my face I'm going to hold my phone in my left hand. I'm going to use my index finger on this bottom button and I'm going to use it to shoot, so when you're taking selfies you always want to hold your phone above your head it's a nicer angle to shoot a woman and it also helps create better lines on the face, so you just take it and press it down and now you can play with your smiles, you can make a big smile. you can make your smile and you can start to see what looks good at the same time, you can start moving your camera to see how you look at different angles, reverse your hand and now take it to the other side and you can decide which side of your face do you prefer?
I tend to shoot from my left side and that's because of the way my hair parts. I have it on this side so you can see more of my face at this angle versus this angle, so I don't usually shoot from this angle a lot because my face is covered, but sometimes it can be a really dramatic look and especially with the way the light hits and I can go in that direction, but again, when it comes to selfies, start shooting and then meter and figure out that okay, that's my best angle and that way, when you're with a group of people and it's time to take a selfie, you know exactly where to enter, how to position yourself and what your best angle will be to cover your face in a group. shots especially with selfies I love that everyone is interacting and not necessarily looking at the camera as much, so if you're taking photos now in a group, I think it's great to just start talking or have someone say something or have someone say something funny and then make everyone respond or make everyone laugh at the same time.
In my opinion, there is nothing more valuable than those candid photos that truly capture a memory and a moment and then every time you see that photo, you think of that moment. Think about what that person said or whatever triggered that moment and it will have a very special place in your heart. Last but not least, there are actually two things when you take a photo with a cell phone and if the person does hand you your phone. Someone and says: can you take a photo of us? A couple of rules, ask them to press to hold the phone completely parallel because tilting it this way will create distortions, so now you want the phone to stay perfectly parallel. women choose to be photographed from the top and the bottom and it's slim, but what that does also is it really focuses on the head and everything else is very, very small which I find and this can be shocking, but if you photograph from, let's say , hip level.
Suddenly your legs look elongated and you have your legs photographed for days and you go down to hip level, so when you give someone your camera and say, can you take a photo of us? Don't be afraid to say: would you mind taking a series of photos? starting from the top and working your way down and this way you are covered in all the different height possibilities and what that will look like too when you are photographed in the group, not everyone will have their eyes open. from the front and this way you are giving everyone a chance to look their best and I always ask them to take several photos because you never know, sometimes it's one in 10 that got their money so if someone just shoots Once you know that the odds are really against you to look your best and also to make everyone else in that photo look their best, again there are many wonderful tips and tricks, but the most important thing is to figure out how to do All this and achieve It seems natural and effortless and only requires a little time and a little practice when photographing family members or people you love, what makes them so beautiful is capturing the emotion, even if you are thinking about the angles and the body. pose and all that, the most important thing to capture is the love between two people and thus get closer to that close physical contact in a photo heads close to each other hugging that intimacy is what makes it asuch a beautiful moment and to me That supersedes anything else I just told you, but I really believe that you can capture intimacy and relationship and still know your best side, know how to position your head and still turn it into a magical shot and sincere, so I hope these little tricks have been helpful to you as we delve into photography.season, click, click, there will be a lot of pictures taken this holiday season.
I want you to feel very good with them. I want you to say, "wow, look at all the winners we have in this lot and which one are we going to pop and place." on the wall or send it to grandma, please let me know how it works for you. I really want your comments on this video. Let me know what else you would like to see from me again. I'm trying to be creative here and on types of things. that I am presenting and also Christmas is coming which means there is a giveaway on the horizon and there are so many things to look forward to I love this season I love you come out be brave and be blessed and I will see you next week bye

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