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Famous TikToker Wants Free Meal At Restaurant

Mar 26, 2024
Hello friends, it's me, today is Darman Monday and we are going to watch a video about a


girl who refuses to pay at a


, you know, because tick tockers deserve everything for


. 10,000 likes in the first hour. Wow, that's crazy, not that I. It amazes me what beautiful people say, you should be on the cover of a magazine. Someone said I should be able to cover a magazine like I'm


now. I don't have to pay for anything. Love that fits. You got it? What this girl just asked 818 if I bought it at Forever 21.
famous tiktoker wants free meal at restaurant
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? She is calling me poor. I'm going to tell you what I think. Wait, no, she probably meant that with good intentions. I don't want to. to see your ugly face in my comments I only wear designer clothes, not cheap Forever 21 knockoffs like the ones you got, is this what Gen Z haters are doing? Know? Instead of calling you ugly, oh, that's so cute, got it? not at Forever 21, no ugly pig, I don't think you should attend that too late, I already did uh, they'll cancel you and I'll block her too so she can quickly pester hey, that's cowardly behavior. blocked I don't even want to know what you have to say, let me know if you need anything else.
famous tiktoker wants free meal at restaurant

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famous tiktoker wants free meal at restaurant...

Sorry, there are nuts in the salad. Are you trying to kill me? Oh my god, did you tell me you had enough allergies? No, you should have. When they asked you what do you know, if you actually put two brain cells together and use your eyes and your brain to form a single thought that has nothing to do with Instagram, you could read the menu and it would say it has nuts, you know what? horrible waitress, how dare you not read my mind and know that I have a nut allergy? important things to do, take it off the account, make me a new one and we'll take both of us to do what we both have, then you should have a headache, don't you think my life is at stake and you think I'm? being dramatic, okay, now I know this big influencer, but like my mom used to say, be nice to people on your way up because you might pass them again on your way down.
famous tiktoker wants free meal at restaurant
Oh girl, who do you think you are an influencer with a nut allergy unless your mom? get 10,000 likes in an hour without following her advice you are still charging us for the salad after your mistake everything should be


including my friend Mandy's food why is that not necessary here leave it Alicia I thought you were a big weather influencer If you can afford to wear designer clothes you can afford two salads at a


I don't care if it's McDonald's or Nobu that doesn't pay I'm not sure I can do it, we better find out Do you know who I am?
famous tiktoker wants free meal at restaurant
Sorry if this sounds familiar, but find me on Tech Talk. I have over a million followers and I would hate to have to make a story telling everyone how your restaurant sucks. Now go talk to your manager and figure this out, you know, I bet. Actually, there are people like this, who get popped by a Tick Tock and are like, do you know who I am? In his entire life to use that line, girl, you're embarrassing yourself, please give him the nuts in the salad, teach him. a lesson, that girl over there doesn't want to pay for her food, she said she will tell her Tick Tock followers not to come here, so what should I do?
My children talk. Recently she went viral for some dance videos and gained likes. a lot of followers so you don't know her Cass you want Tick Tock yeah but I don't have a lot of followers who is she? I think your name is Mandy, something like Mandy Bailey. I went to high school with her, I thought. she looked familiar to me you know it's not much and we don't want to get on her bad side so just tell her we're arresting her and she didn't deserve that if she was in a restaurant she would be ticking exposing her. we have everything on camera, okay, and here are those salads, no nuts, no charge.
In fact, I think I know where I recognize you. Sorry, no photos. I have a big deal to close, probably like three years of your salary. You know, the sad part is that I. I think influencers in Los Angeles are really like that. What do you mean I have to pay for my food? Mandy. I have to say that we are all very excited to work with you. Are you looking for me to make a couple of Instagram posts with your products? or we are thinking much more than that, we want to launch friendship bracelets, they are not real gold to keep the price affordable for the younger ones and the best part is that they come with an anti-bullying campaign behind it, oh that's so you're definitely going to get bullied for not wearing real gold you're asking a bully to do anti-bullying that's because I'm so passionate about it girl she said anti-bullying you're literally the bully you people don't believe it or even me they bully me Earlier today, for example, there was this girl, don't say it, don't say it, my outfit on Instagram, oh, shopping forever. 21.
No, she called me poor without calling me poor, what did you do? What I always do, I call her an ugly pig and I block her bond with kindness and love because in my heart I only want the best for that, you are faker than the gold on that bracelet, it's so sweet. I wish my daughter could think like that, she's the only reason I do it. It was when I found out she was being bullied at school, seeing how sad she was crying brought tears to my eyes for this to do something, so what better way than a whole campaign around friendship and you, Mandy Bailey, as the face, you want me to be the Apparently, yeah, so everyone can expose their high school bully.
Mandy Bailey bullied me for being poor. Mandy Bailey called me fat. There's a whole magazine cover involved in everything. Here is the contract. There are fifty thousand dollars. Fifty thousand dollar girl. Take it easy. There is more to that. If the campaign goes as well as we hope, oh, it will, uh, I think it will go exactly like the telescopic mask was, how does this work? Can you give me the money now or in cash? Hey Alicia, you have a Porsche now, how could you do it? pay all this easily, I just have to deposit 5K and then pay another 5K a month and you are not worried about running out of money, no, this is the dumbest thing people do, why are you in such a hurry to buy nice things? as soon as you have a little money, like pay off your debt, pay your mortgage first, don't rush into buying a new car, it's literally the dumbest thing you can do, the CEO said the 50k is just the first payment you It's going to Smart where that comes from, didn't you hear anything he said?
Well clearly not because when she said anti-bullying she's like me, that's me, hey baby, I just toured the inside, you're already going to love this place. I'm going to yell at him for ruining her tic tac. It's a little above the price range you gave me, but hey, once you see it, you won't want anything else. I'm excited about how much above the price range we're talking about, yeah. five thousand dollars over budget, so 10 thousand 10 thousand a month for one person and you're renting, that's a big waste of money. I don't think you should waste this camera.
Alicia, think about the content I can create here. Pay to. on its own, come on, let's look inside girl, they didn't even pay you any of the deal, that's not how brand deals work, like you sign the contract, you make the deal, you publish the content and then they pay you like a month or two later you don't get the money right away and definitely not in cash um wow I can't believe it's you do you mind if I take a selfie with you? Sorry, I don't take photos when I don't have makeup on, oh. okay I can use a filter didn't you hear me?
I said what then why even go out in public without makeup like a tic tac Mega Superstar um hello oh cool you're that waitress Cass whatever listen I'm amazing remember stress well I saw it first nevermind I'm wearing this for a session photos, which I'm sure is much more important than anything you were planning, you know, for the face of an anti-bullying campaign, oh, you saw it, yeah. Anyway, my point is, I can't believe you still treat people like trash. What do you mean? That's what I was trying to tell you at the restaurant we went to together in high school.
You still don't remember me. No offense? You're just not very memorable I remind you, you ruined everything for me, well this is when you put it out there, you know what's funny and with my experiences with influences I meant in real life, the ones who act best in front of the camera are usually horrible people . In real life, when I was little, I was diagnosed with this rare health condition and had to take these pills. The pills helped me feel good, but I didn't know that one of the side effects would be that they would make me gain weight, so I felt very insecure.
That was bad enough myself the whole time, but what made things ten times worse is that you decided to point out how much weight I had gained in front of other students, you constantly made fun of me, a point I had to spend so much time on. my lunches Crying alone in the bathroom, okay, but if she ticked about this, she would explode and then fall Mason, what was his name? Madison look, I don't even know that it's not very memorable, so you see, that's why I still deal with so much insecurity about my body and that's why I also lost so much weight, in other words, you should thank me for making you look so much better. , you're welcome, hello Mandy, thank you very much for coming to our Boutique I wouldn't give you anything if I can help you with something, in fact, yes, if you could mention this to me, sure, forgive me, you know, if you were a famous big tech talker, you wouldn't do your own.
When purchasing photo shoots, you literally have stylists who do all of that for you. Things are going great, not only is the bracelet a success, but it has also helped all of our stores generate a lot of publicity and, most importantly, make a positive impact on the community. Great, although I can't say I'm all that surprised. I know I said the last deal was just the beginning, but now that we know this works, we also want to extend his contract for next year, so we're thinking 250,000, no way. "Are you kidding me no that's crazy all you have to do is sign on the dotted line and it's all yours which is amazing I think we have a problem oh you can read it trust me I won't get a little deal of 250,000.
What's going on there? There seems to be a video going around that mentions your name. Oh, give her a thing about me. Mandy Bailey bullied me at school and thought body shaming was cool. cry. It got so bad I wanted to die. You probably want to see that all that really happened oh come on she's just jealous because my career is taking off and she's just a waitress at a restaurant who's just a voice among Millions Mandy has a point we can't assume just because one person there are so many more oh I mean that's the most popular one it's really going viral here's another one from this girl uh Jess 818 one thing about me is Andy Bailey sent me to the In the end, it was not pleasant at all, I won't even pretend that he called me.
Ugly made fun of my clothes and blocked me and this seems to show that not all influencers are who they pretend to be, what happened to always responding with kindness and love, ah, I have to go, he doesn't even know, it's too late to sign that contract, uh. yeah get out of here im sorry about what happened its crazy how many followers you lost oh no she has to move what happened to the poor people thats how the cookie crumbles i had to get rid of her and my new apartment so the waitress told me she called on Tick Tock everything went downhill well maybe you should have been nice to her I'm so sorry I'm sure your agent will get you another Brandy oh that's over too my agent and my manager left me ooh it's like What else can go wrong if you're here to talk to me about finding a new place?
I honestly can't afford it, that's not why I'm here. Well, I just came to make sure you left because I have someone. coming to see this place that was fast it's this new up and coming girl that just went viral oh another one this is the tic tac house it doesn't come out with the old in with the new you can't afford it like just a waitress oh this is funny , you're wasting your time, she's not just a waitress. Cass is the new face of anti-bullying. oh, she stole it. Brandy stole it quickly. Hello, it has a lot of big brands behind it.
Yes, including those 250,000. Deal, thanks to you, isn't it funny how Karma hangs around girl, you can hit him directly. I tried to tell it to yourself. I'm surprised you still have your best friend with you because you might pass her again on your way down. right, you're supposed to be on your best friend's side, go to Forever 21. I need a new outfit, maybe that will humiliate her a little, but anyway that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this video if you made sure to like it. Click the button and I just launched some new products.
We have hoodies, tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack. Oh I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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