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Mean Girl Rejects Autistic Girl... and Regrets It!

Mar 18, 2024
Hello friends, it's me and today is Darman Monday and we are going to watch a video about a








who lives there, there is a clock, oh that must be the new girl. Heavenly, she is alone, fat for her, why not? Are we going to sit with her? What what am I? I'm not enough for you to make you want to go sit with the new guy. There is no way we can't be seen with someone like her. Oh, what does that


? Tess. Don't make me say it. out loud let me start recording what does that mean Tess you know I could post this on Tick Tock you would be canceled in an instant you won't go to college you'll never get a real job we'll sit down with the girl okay I want you to come see me after classes because I'm really worried about you minding your own business, she's dumb too, okay, everyone should have made up their graded exams, except Heavenly, she's new, okay, I'm really excited to tell you.
mean girl rejects autistic girl and regrets it
What about the next task we are going to have? The math teacher is the only one who will get excited about a math competition. Oh man, it will be super fun. What about putting numbers together? It's fun. You know, Matt is the only fun thing if I'm good at it, I'll pair them up and whoever wins in class will get a chance to go to the all-school competition. Oh wow, what a privilege. You know that math homework is not enough. Now you can do math competitively. Destroy the operations with your algebra skills. Whoever wins the school-wide competition will get an automatic A in their final.
mean girl rejects autistic girl and regrets it

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mean girl rejects autistic girl and regrets it...

Well, that's quite a bit, finally, some excitement, like imagining being very good at math. You know, I was good at everything good except math. No, I'm sorry too. I feel like the brain didn't fully mature instead of being 26. I feel like when I was in school I wasn't school smart. I got all A's because I did all my assignments well. I already matched them, so let's find Alex and John. together Shantae and Aaron Julie and Barbara Tessa in Heavenly oh of course not I can't work with her why not come on she says well it's not rocket science you know why I have no idea what you're talking about and anyway It is not subject to discussion.
mean girl rejects autistic girl and regrets it
I mean, why wouldn't you want to partner with someone who really knows what they're doing, but I don't care who you are as long as you get the grades? My grade in this class is already bad enough. It's going to be even worse, why do you know that math is my favorite subject and I'm very good at it? Maybe I can help you. I highly doubt he's bad at math. A Down syndrome group is going to be horrible, what girl can you? Don't just say things like that, I don't actually have Down syndrome, I have autism, whatever it is, they all mean the same thing, slow, no, I know two people with autism who are incredibly good at math and you know she's not only stupid in math. department my hard drive does not appear this is very annoying.
mean girl rejects autistic girl and regrets it
Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in or restarting it? I already tried all that and nothing worked. All my history project is on this hard drive and I need to get it. off before next period you said you were having a problem with the hard drive you are like a mosquito buzzing in someone's ear so annoying yes she is having a problem with the hard drive do you think you could help? This happened to me a few months ago. Your drive may not be formatted correctly. I can show you how to change the format with Disk Utility.
It only takes a second, but you have to be nice to me or I'll accidentally delete your project. You know, sometimes you have to play hard, it's hard enough. being the new kid, I have to be the new kid in the second year of high school, like everyone already has their friends and then, little me, I don't know any of you. I have to like moving across the country to a new school. It was very difficult to talk to people, especially when you are shy. I had to wait for people to talk to me. I don't remember asking for your help and I know how to reformat it.
Thank you foreigner. Wait you need to back up your data first or you could lose your project look this is way above your intelligence level okay now leave us alone this is the girl with a D I really hope she loses her history project I reformatted it oh well there goes your project oh no where did it go huh oopsie homework? It's gone oh no whoa you must have lost it no no now I'm going to fail this is your fault you told me at reformatics but I tried to tell you this is what I get for listening to someone who doesn't have a complete understanding functioning brain what an idiot oh no , you've distracted me yeah, I'm already running on two brain cells, she literally told you what to do, I'll laugh at her, that's Instant Karma at its finest, it would be a shame if someone didn't listen and lost their project oh wait, no I don't even know where to start.
I wonder what Heavenly is doing, who knows, she probably doesn't even understand the task, I don't know if she seems to have a plan. I'm going to ask him: Hey, Gosh, what are you doing? I'm building a foundation for my house to stick to and will help it stand. That's a very good idea, let's try that. No, I'm not going to follow anyone's advice. Wraith is so out of place, well it's the truth, this is so annoying, why isn't my wall holding up? Maybe Heavenly was right to start with a base, she's just a character, there can't be people that stupid, Heavenly probably doesn't even know how to spell.
Foundation, she still can't believe I'm stuck with her for the math competition, it's so embarrassing, oh this is bullying, it's okay Celestial, you're smart and talented, go Tessa and your smoothie will be ready. I'll ask Ralph to do it. You, who's Ralph, oh, he's my new waiter, he's great, he's there, seriously, mom, why would you hire him? What do you mean he has great experience? Yes, experience ruining things. I believe what I hear. Tess Ralph is a hard worker in fact he is one of my best and he is not just a waiter he helps with everything wait until you try the shake he makes for you just make it more mom can you make me a shake ?
Your mom is a waitress, she's on the clock, I'm the restaurant. I also hope to eat free, do you know what happens when a child is like that? I don't even blame them. I blame the parents. You raise them to be like that. He will end up ruining it. You must be Tessa. Your mom told me great. stuff, there you go, oh he made this, no way, yeah, I did, in fact, I love making cool food art. I just hope he tastes as good as he looks, he's not a milkshake, he's a mochachino, he's amazing, honey, do you have your cell phone with you?
I need to know what a tip of 20 in 81.67 is. You work in a restaurant, don't you have a calculator by the cash register? It's 16.33, well 0.334, if we're being exact, wait, they did it right off the top of your head. I doubt that's true, let me check, well oh no he's right, he can make smoothies and he can do math. Wait,


people are capable of more than just being autistic. Wow, how did you do that? Actually, it was simple. I've always been good at math, but I use. a little trick to get 20, you know what 10 out of 75 dollars is, bro, can't even do 10 out of 75, who has an underdeveloped brain?
Now, uh, you just moved the decimal to one, seven dollars and fifty cents, yeah, and to get twenty percent, just double it now, which is two times seven fifty and fifteen here in natural, this was the best service. that we have had, we will definitely return once, he was a special person, never lose love. I'm going to mark this in my office. the computer in front still doesn't work, oh I forgot to tell you Ralph fixed it, wait he did it, it was simple, I actually just had to run a command prompt through the computer terminal and found some corrupt files that needed be restored.
Get it, you can do it all, you know, something tells me he's just working in a restaurant because he's a know-it-all, I have the answers to the questions, actually, it was very easy, okay, you're really pushing him, handle the dishes, right? because you like it? Your shake test now you see why I hired him. I just understand how someone with a disability can be so smart. That's something a stupid person would say. I thought everyone was like a disability isn't a disability. People with autism are as intelligent as everyone. Otherwise, I'm starting to see that now okay, you have math homework to do.
Tessa can't help but feel bad about how badly she's been treating Ralph and Heavenly; when she returns to school, she decides to give Heavenly a fair shake. opportunity to her surprise that they end up beating all of their classmates in the math competition and qualifying for the school-wide contest. Well, come on, let's be honest. Heavenly beat them because I didn't do anything. They took her in art class. Tessa also follows Heavenly's advice. and her project turns out great, even the teacher can't believe how well Tessa does it. Tessa starts to see that Heavenly has a lot to offer, so you don't really like her for who she is, just what she can offer, you know what to do best.
She's just using her, you know? I thought she was supposed to learn a lesson not only in the classroom but also outside of class. Tessa and her friends have a lot of fun hanging out with Heavenly. I bet she just wears it and then the day of the competition comes. Tessa and Heavenly make it to the final round. Wow, that's crazy. A week ago, Tessa didn't even know how much 10 of $75 was. She is now taking a math test. Are you ready to see who the high school champions along with the books are? are foreigners for this last and final round, each team can choose one person from the other side to face in a sudden death.
Choose wisely let's go with Alex this is literally the math competition because otherwise we choose Tessa oh oh no. I'm going to make us lose in front of everyone, this is going to be very embarrassing, no, it's not like that, I believe in you, we chose Alec, I know how this ends, the limit does not exist, okay, the person who goes the furthest is the point. decimal wins now you can't write this or consult with your teammate about it what is 20 of 12.44 2.4 6. oh oh that's wrong Tessa for the win what is 20 of 12.4 don't even look at me okay don't even Ask me, so no I understand, so I moved the decimal over one to get 1.244.
Oh, you get 10 and then you multiply it by two. So, 1.244 times 2 is 2.1.4, hell, she showed her work too. That's right. What are they? the chances of them asking a percentage question great job girls and Tessa, you know what this means automatic congratulations from D to a, that's the whole trip. I'm so proud of you, thank you very much, Mom, but it was all because of Ralph's trick. He taught me at Heavenly, she's been helping me study, and I'll welcome my first day at Mount very well. It's very nice to meet the famous Heavenly. Tessa talks about you all the time.
They are your parents or a member of your family. I'd love to. meet them, yeah my dad is here somewhere, oh he there he is, now you know when he said he was working with a girl named Tessa. I didn't put two and two together, oh wow that would all make sense, why are you so good at math? computers, your dad gave them to you, well I don't know anything about that, sometimes I think she's smarter than me, let's not forget that Tess is the one who won the competition, okay, we have to celebrate, what do you guys want to do?
Girls? I know. Would you mind making us some of your famous Oreo shakes? They are incredible. You got it right. Smoothies coming soon, bro, you literally took the night off work to come to this math competition and it's asking you to get back in the kitchen and make some. Oreo shakes, you know what, Tessa? I really thought you grew as a person. I have to ask you to do better, but anyway, today is over. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did, make sure to hit the like button, click and I just like June. Merchandise, we have hoodies, tank tops at OG
I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack. Oh I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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