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Jun 04, 2021
Hello guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel. Well guys, today I'm going to expose my



. Obviously I love my


very much, but today I will put them to the test and we will see. who is real and who is


. If you're excited, make sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get started right guys, it's time for the first test and this one will be for my good friend. Ben basically for this test I'm going to be in the pool pretending like I'm having trouble swimming and if Ben jumps in to save me he's a real friend and if he doesn't he's fake so let's see what he does. right he will be here any minute so let's get in this pool help okay I can't what happened thank you actually I wasn't drowning and why did I jump into the pool because you are a real friend and you are fake.
exposing my fake friends
I'll put in an aggressive bath, bro, why would you fake that? Oh, technically, right now I'm the fake friend, yeah, a fan, okay, so you jumped in to save me when you thought I was, you know, I'm possibly drowning, although it's realistic because you can. I don't swim well, that's why I think so. It's okay, not everyone needs to know that. Okay, continue. I am very proud to announce that you are a true friend and pass the fake friend test. After that, you better pass and he jumped with his clothes on for everyone, so you also get this little trophy, okay buddy, it wasn't that bad after all, so congratulations, then you're a real friend and Hopefully everyone else in the group can live up to this standard of friendship, uh, I don't think so. everyone is going to receive this trophy, well guys, now Pierson is coming, we're going to lunch, but on the way I'm going to list a bunch of facts about me that just aren't true and I'm going to see how well he really knows me and if it's a real friend or a fake friend, let's do it, hey, Pierce is here, but anyway, um, just so you know, my birthday is coming up like March 22, so I thought, oh, it would be. really big is yes, no, it's not, yes, March 22, what is it?
exposing my fake friends

More Interesting Facts About,

exposing my fake friends...

And then I thought, oh, it would be cool to have dinner with everyone, um, at this really cool steakhouse that I loved because their meat is like it melts in your mouth, like, the best steak I've ever had in my life. life, so I asked my brother bruce and I said can you have a reservation? okay, pearson, so this trophy is for knowing that i don't have a brother named bruce. Bryce and my birthday isn't in March, okay, but you missed the whole steakhouse thing because I don't eat steak. Oh, I'm dumb, but that being said, you barely passed the fake friend test, here's your certificate, you were testing me, you weirdos.
exposing my fake friends
So this was all a test. You could have asked me if we were friends. I would have said yes. So, you know my birthday isn't in March, but do you know when my actual birthday is? I'll take my trophy, thank you. So much for a good time oh wow I'm going to walk home give me that trophy bag okay it's time to put Jeremy to the test so Brent do you think Jeremy is a real friend or a fake friend? I have a real fake friend. no, i think jeremy is a real friend, i thought jeremy is pretty real, he'll make a couple of mistakes, i think if we try them on something, i don't know if he'll pass, yeah, so basically what we'll do is send jeremy like three random tick tock and then right after that I'm going to send this friend Tess if you sent this to a friend via text and he doesn't send you a video on the back of his hand like this then You're probably not seeing all the other ticks you send them and they're not a real friend and at this point you should probably throw them in the trash, so basically if Jeremy doesn't send a picture of him doing this, he's a fake friend.
exposing my fake friends
No, we're messing it up, so I just sent the three ticks and I'm about to send the fourth one, so okay, now let's actually see if Jeremy actually looks at the ticks I send them. Look, okay, so Jeremy just responded to the text. Okay, the results are in. OMG, he just liked them all. You guys literally liked every link I sent you and then I was just like, ha ha ha ha ha, wow, wow, I didn't expect this to be this big. Friend Ruby is a fake friend so Jeremy will be here in a moment so we will definitely confront him and I will definitely fail him on this fake friendship test make it okay Jeremy is here let's not say anything Jeremy yeah yeah what's happening?
Oh really? Why are you backing me out like this? Are you serious? What's going on? What did I do? I'm really disappointed in you to be honest. What did I do? What are you talking about? I can't even call you friend anymore right now. period, this is a joke, you don't look at my ticks, jeremy, you don't look at my ticks, I send you, what do you mean, everything you did was like them, go ahead, look up our recent text messages, could you talk with You got something right yeah the ticks I sent you and go ahead and look at the last one I said go ahead and click on it and look at it oh fake friend test oh it's okay with your hands like that then you're probably not Seeing all the other clues, okay, listen lex, hey, you didn't say I had an explanation, I was drunk, you're a liar, well, okay, I have something for you, you little fake, listen, I was driving like that, this is your result , here is your gift, no.
Come on, you really failed, you know that I am a true friend and you know what this is very important because you are the first of all our friends so far who failed this test, get out of my house. I'm not invited here anymore, it's okay, Jeremy, I'm sorry, you should be, I'll give you one last chance to prove your loyalty to me and this friendship we have, okay, what do I have to do? You have to help me. andrew's test, oh we're basically going to film a video and I'll come down in this disgusting outfit and hairstyle and then I'll walk away and see if Andrew talks bad about my outfit and my hairstyle, oh that's good. do it you're there okay perfect yeah here we go she's okay so basically since you guys already did my makeup I thought it would be fun to do your makeup so oh wait I forgot my powder bag.
Yes, oh, it is. um yeah you guys like this outfit I don't know how I feel about it I think it looks good actually what's up with the hair? I like it, I did it a little differently, oh I think it's a little different and that's not what you guys like. What you're saying before, yeah, Andrew, telling the truth or not, wait, what not, yeah, she looks different, that's not what you said before, let's say they're like, what the hell is it that you were saying that she looked bad and then Jeremy was involved? No, Jeremy redeems himself by um helping me here, but as far as Andrew is concerned, I don't think we can be friends anymore.
Hey, look well, I didn't want to, I don't want to, yeah, look what he's wearing, I don't. You know, maybe you know, Butterfly, Andrew and I aren't friends anymore, what's okay guys, that'll be it for this week's video. So obviously some of my friends are real and some are fake. I'm not fake, I just didn't want to. to be bad, okay, you talk bad behind my back. I'm going to be honest right now, please think I'll delete it. If you liked this video, be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you have.
Not yet, I'll link everyone's channels below so you can subscribe to them too and yeah, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next week, bye.

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