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Jun 08, 2021
Hello guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel. Well guys, today I'm here with Andrew and Jeremy and for this week's video we're going to do the 24




in a car, bro, what I know, sorry guys. Make no mistake, make sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now if you're excited and let's get this


off to a good start so we get in the car and we have all our snacks, blankets, pillows, all that good stuff ready and uh. Let's get comfortable so we're still getting ready but Brent should be leaving for lunch real soon and he has no idea we're here so we're going to prank him with a snake in his seat and you guys don't just have this.
24 hour overnight challenge in brent s car
Snake joke for Brent, but Bryce will follow us in his car and honk non-stop and we'll get Brent's reaction, so let's do it honestly. The 24


s have just begun and I'm dying. He comes. Come on, what the hell is this someone? Hello, I knew someone was back here. I was hearing how Squidward sounds like someone like there are people in my trunk, so are you getting food right now, bro? Yes, I'm getting lunch right now. Can you please bring us all something? um no, I'll give something to Andrew but I won't give anything to you guys once I'm okay.
24 hour overnight challenge in brent s car

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24 hour overnight challenge in brent s car...

Brent is back with our food, but since I know you guys are doing a little challenge in my car, I'm leaving. put this right here no dude that's not right yeah come on Andrew get it you got it reach for it ew we got it oh thanks


okay so


took the car back home and we all struggled, but we made it to the front seat and now we're going to steal the car and go through some drive-throughs, let's do it right guys, so the first drive-through we're at Starbucks and we're going to play a little game, okay, it's OK?
24 hour overnight challenge in brent s car
Please I have both of your guys credit cards why what are you trying to do? Okay, thank you, thank you, so basically I'm going to ask the Starbucks worker to choose one of these three credit cards and whichever one she chooses. I'm buying, okay, I hope it's not mine. Hello, choose a card in the middle, in the middle, what not, amazing, yes, great. Okay, so let's get our Starbucks and move on to the next drive-in, so we all change seats for the next drive-in. Jeremy will be driving and Jeremy, what is your strategy for this drive-thru?
24 hour overnight challenge in brent s car
My strategy is I'm going to give them a deck of cards and whatever cards they choose, so if they choose a three, hey, that's 30 dollars, right there, three dollars. tip three tips okay so say you pick eight that's an eighty dollar tip eight dollar tip okay I like it great yeah hey wait could you pick a card like any other card and what number is five to five, does that mean fifty? dollars please tip fifty dollars for you my friend thank you fifty dollars there you go there you have your tip brother thank you very much okay so we change seats again and now Andrew is driving so Andrew What is your strategy for this self-service?
I think I'm just going to flirt with the drive-thru workers. What, fingers crossed it's a girl, oh fingers crossed it's a girl, okay, unicorn cake, yeah, could I put your number in the window too? Great, thanks Andrew, she did it. I'm not saying no, Andrew, she didn't even say anything when Andrew said he had pretty eyes. Andrew has never been rejected before, so she's really affecting him a lot. Thank you. Excuse me. Maybe you want to have something like a drink after your shift or something? Oh thanks. she was like, "I'm fine, oh my gosh, okay guys, so we came home after the drive-thru and we just drove after that because you know there's really nothing to do and we need to waste our time here." What are they doing?
We have to stay here for 24 hours. Our time is almost up, but we still have to sleep here. Oh my goodness, good luck because it's going to be very cold. You have to close. Oh my god, let me know. If you need anything, thanks mom, bye, you look a little boring, so we should decorate for sure, okay, let's decorate. I actually bought a hammock, so let's see if we can hang it up. No way, okay, so it took me a little while, but I think. We're decorated, okay, so the sun is setting and you know it's getting a little late, so what should we do?
One last thing before we go to sleep. Oh, so when I heard Andrew was going to be a part of this, how to bring me and the friend, a movie projector about to go on a date, you're good, so we set up the projector, we have our little movie about to play in our garage, we'll be watching the laptop, so yeah, a little movie night before we go to bed. Lexi, what are you so annoying about? I can't wait for these 24 hours to pass for me too. I want to get out of this car. Thanks mom, have fun, you're welcome.
Okay, see you in the morning. Well, we just finished the movie. and I think I mean I'm tired, I don't know if you guys are tired but exhausted, yeah I think it's been a long day, we've been here all day, I think we need a bedtime story or something from you . Come on, there was a midnight jury while I thought we can wear down many known bearers, a volume of forgotten knowledge, okay, and they're asleep, good night guys, okay, so let's try to fall asleep now and see you when let's wake up Up, good night guys, oh God, good night, no, why did we do this right guys?
So I just woke up and I have to pee so bad I haven't peed all day and guys like to pee in cups and stuff so I definitely don't have to go to the bathroom or anything but I'm dying and I think that I'll have to give up because it's so bad. What I'm going to try to do is go to the bathroom inside my house and come back and finish the bathroom. 24 hour challenge without Andrew and Jeremy knowing so let's try this for you guys so mission accomplished. I just peed inside my house, oh my God, did you see this is the worst day, the worst night of my life?
I swear, did I wake them up? Oh my god. What are you outside? You just lost. No, I'm inside the car. What are you guys? Don't come back. No, I didn't go, I didn't do anything, I didn't go anywhere, wait, I'm dreaming right now. Where did they just do it? lose your own challenge, she did it, she lost you guys, go back to sleep, you guys don't understand the fight, okay, you guys were peeing in cups all day and I hadn't gone to the bathroom all day, like it was just to take a look. continue the challenge let's continue you're so loud coming out no I wasn't really dude it woke me up and I woke him up like I was like me I think Lexi got out of the car dude she was being So quiet oh my god , okay, at least now we can get out of the car, guys, that's it for this week's video.
I really hope you enjoyed it and know that we did the best we could. I tried. I try my best to hold my urine, but things don't always go well. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already. I'll be linking everyone's channels. below so you can subscribe as well and yeah, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next week.

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