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Jun 03, 2021
If you're going to keep saying that, just do something about it, then okay, I'm leaving. Hello guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel. Okay guys, for this week's video I'm going to be


with my


s the entire time. This day this is going to be pretty interesting and maybe even a little awkward, but if you guys are excited, make sure you give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started, okay, let's look at the most awkward one. out of the way first so with that being said ben will be here any minute this is going to be really weird now we wait hello you look cute today and like the hat really breaks your eyes and stuff yeah i have green eyes like that thank you.
flirting with my brother s best friend
That's very kind of you, yes, so what do you have after this? Besides being sexy, what else do you have? You're probably going to lunch, really, yeah, they come unsure of where we should go. I was going to eat chipotle, maybe you could just like take me out to dinner later to dinner too if there were clocks outside it's not cool because I'm trying to steal your heart it's like I don't want to get caught or something what are you saying? love like a good deal a deal yes the clothes are 100 off for me what's wrong with you?
flirting with my brother s best friend

More Interesting Facts About,

flirting with my brother s best friend...

You have something wrong with you, I thought when I was dead you didn't really get my heart back, okay? So, do you want to help me practice before we go flirt with the rest of our


s? We could, okay, let's do it. Ben, so you're just a random guy, okay, hey, hey, what are you doing? You're like a pair of socks because I think we'd make a great pair, okay, okay, don't wear that one and the thing that crawls on your arm is nice. weird why do I feel like it's a spider or something, okay, I won't use that one, try again, do you happen to have a map, maybe you'll keep getting lost in your eyes, oh my gosh, relax, I'll give you five out of ten.
flirting with my brother s best friend
It's okay, they're getting better. Is it hot in here or is it just you? I can take off my clothes. I'll give it a 7 out of 10. They are getting better and better. Okay, I love my bed, but. I'd rather be in yours, I hate this, so what do you say? Lexi, don't use that on any of our friends. Okay introduce yourself let's go as most of you know Brent and Andrew are very good friends so we'll see how Brent reacts when I flirt with Andrew they both have no idea I'm doing this so this should be interesting for all. right guys so I'm here with Andrew and his friends and today we're going to let the fast food employees decide what we eat okay guys ready yeah sorry okay come on you guys look really cute today , yeah, anyway, you guys, this.
flirting with my brother s best friend
The line is super long so we could be here for a while. I feel like white is your color because it highlights your similar teeth. No, you look a lot like the person I like. Have I ever told you? Here I will show you a photo. Of them it looks like this what is going to go to McDonald's why is this strange no, we are almost at the self-service wait I would like to recommend something like sweet you know like you oh my God, what is happening? I'll see what your favorite type of barbecue sauce is, yeah that makes a lot of sense because only sexy people like barbecue sauce personally, I don't like barbecue sauce but it makes sense that you like it, this is weird , You know? what i just want to go home that explains why brent is like some kind of ketchup hi i was wondering what you recommend on the menu ok my boyfriend will settle for a dr pepper im saying that boyfriend is fine anything else for you, no, that's it Here you go, kitten, are you acting strange?
It's just me, okay, now it's time to try the food we have so the cutest guy in the car eats first. So Andrew, the most handsome guy, why do you keep complimenting him? Yes, what do you mean? I just think you look very pretty today. This is rare. I'm sexy like you. Oh my god, what's going on here? Why do you keep calling him sexy? You look so pretty today. Lexi, if you're going to like keep saying that just do something about it then okay, I'm going to go, we're not really going to let fast food employees decide what we eat, I thought it would be fun to flirt with you in front of brent and get The reactions of your two boys well, actually it's my boyfriend, but it's okay, now I'm out of the twins' house.
They think I'm filming a video about becoming a triplet for a day, but they don't know I'm going to flirt a lot. both of them and let's see how they react guys, so now I'm here with alan and alex. I want to be one of the Stoke twins, so teach me your ways. Okay, let's do it. So first things first, you guys are already compatible, so I think I need to have this matching sweatshirt right here, okay, now we're all twinning, we're all drinking, we're going triple down, I don't even know what these are. fact of by the way like what's the material like boyfriend material probably right now that you're asking now that you're asking yeah like what are you asking okay, go ahead I want to know what you guys eat so let's make this is the only cereal that we have so, does this cereal make them super handsome?
Because how did they get so handsome? They looked very cute today. I didn't even shower so I actually have a question about something so my phone has been super weird let me show you. I think the main problem might be that his guys' phone numbers aren't on it. They have a cover, let's see what's going on. That was just a pick-up line because I think you guys do. cute what's really going on I feel like we're not filming what it's like to be a triplet bother my friends you're holding me back you guys are acting weird you guys this video is so awkward it's so awkward so basically I'm


with my friends and you guys are what like this who didn't mean they're officially the baddest uh fixer I knew something was wrong when you said besides being sexy um it was a pleasure for me to flirt with you today I'm actually sad, can I?
I still have your Snapchat, though it's okay, Jeremy is here. You know my birthday is coming up, so I'll take a photo of you to show people what I want for my birthday. No, no, yes, but I want you to stop. Here, oh my god, you were being so suspicious. I thought: would you do that to me? Oh, Jeremy. I literally couldn't take that seriously. I couldn't even tell you my second pick-up line. You are like a baby. Because? so hard like I can't flirt with you what are you trying to say? I don't know, I knew it was too good to be true.
You're just doing that for the video. Yeah, I was just flirting with you for the video. Oh my goodness guys that's going to be it for this awkward video but if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel, if you haven't already I'll link to everyone's channel. below if you can subscribe to them too yeah thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye.

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