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Every Star Wars Movie Reviewed - Pt. 1 - The Original Trilogy

May 12, 2024
Greetings players, I just returned from the future and while I was there I decided to watch the latest Star Wars


now. If you ask me, I thought the


was cute, but despite the graphic male nudity I still thought it was pretty good and since it's Star Wars Season again, I figured we'd go back to basics and I'll just review all the Star Wars movies never made if you ask me. Star Wars is what I would classify as the perfect franchise, it has a timeless setting that you can simply apply. About any story, in this extremely versatile world you can experience an explosive action-adventure movie, a gritty kids' show, a smaller-scale heist movie, an Old West samurai-inspired show, and the movie version of what it's like to nightmare, yes, and


one has their own.
every star wars movie reviewed   pt 1   the original trilogy
Favorite Star Wars thing. I like Kotor and Clone Wars. A lot of people are really interested in that new Mandalorian show and there are even some brave souls still playing Battlefront, but it's all focused on the movies, so for the next few weeks I'll be watching. and rank each Star Wars movie, I think it might take like three videos because while I've already made videos on some of these movies, I haven't gone too deep into most of them, so get ready


one because this video is going to be the good one because We're going to


t off the



with a little movie that came out in 1977 simply called Star Wars, we're about to get hyperbolic here, okay guys I'll go ahead and say it, I think it's a new hope.
every star wars movie reviewed   pt 1   the original trilogy

More Interesting Facts About,

every star wars movie reviewed pt 1 the original trilogy...

It's a perfect movie, flaws and all, and I know perfectly well that I'm the most biased person to say this, but honestly, even though I've been a Star Wars fan since I had sensibility, I didn't really love it. movie until recently, a few years ago, I was sitting with one of my exes who had never seen Star Wars 'iz and I tried to warp my brain and watch it with them as if I had never seen it before in my life. and watching it through this lens changed the way I watched this movie. After watching it, I decided to look up reviews from 1977 and they are amazing because back then these types of movies simply didn't exist and people didn't know how to express their opinions.
every star wars movie reviewed   pt 1   the original trilogy
Thinking about this, many true movie buffs called Jaws the first blockbuster ever made and while that is technically correct, I personally see Star Wars as the true birth of the blockbuster we know today, action-packed character adventure films. young and friendly who face generics. bad guys and when you read these reviews you have people like Roger Ebert who back then didn't know how to describe what he just saw. He calls it an out-of-body experience and marvels at how the movie can be so entertaining without having a deep message, so now I want you to do me a favor, I want you to humor me, okay, imagine watching this movie without knowing anything about Star Wars without knowing what a stormtrooper is without knowing anything about the Jedi or the Empire.
every star wars movie reviewed   pt 1   the original trilogy
These are all completely new concepts. I want you to see this first film with that perspective. Sit with me and imagine you are sitting in the movie theater in 1977 and this is the first thing you see. The first thing we see is a block of text. introduce us to this world and normally I would say this is how it is done, but the text is concise and easy to understand. Let's be honest with ourselves back in 1977, this was considered a pretty strange movie. She was a princess with strange hair and buns on one side. giant making a monkey suit or something, I mean, it was weird, it was very, very strange, so for once I'm completely okay with putting the whole exposition here at the beginning, they managed to fit a lot of information into this small space and also the music is great and the presentation is engaging, the texts floating away from us at this angle are more visually stimulating than if they were static or even just scrolled vertically.
I mean, look how boring it looks now, after that we get this iconic shot. Personally, I think the beginning of a movie is the most important part and this movie hooks you in the best way: it


ts right in the middle of the action, baby, with just a block of text and some simple images, we know exactly what is happening. here these are rebels and this is the Empire and the Empire is really big and really scary and strong and damn, it's really tall the only characters we have to follow so far are these two robots and they have such distinct and entertaining personalities and one of They can't even speak English.
This movie starts with two faceless robots on a planet full of aliens and we're still engaged. Only later do we see some normal people on this planet. Luke's introduction at this point is perfect because this is when it's actually important to the overall story. This might seem like an obvious point, but it's not obvious to everyone, especially George Lucas himself when watching the


cut. George actually put in additional scenes of Luke during this opening act and it really kills the pacing. He is incredibly boring. Luke has nothing to do with this story, but I guess he thought he had to introduce his main character earlier and I mean, it's not crazy to think that most movies do it that way, but it's nice that things are simplify here.
Because this movie has a lot to explain, we're only like 20 minutes into the movie and we've already seen robots, a princess, lasers that kill people, lasers that don't kill people, giant spaceships, and an evil samurai cyborg wizard. and the fact that None of this is too much for the audience, it's all because the pacing and flow of information is perfect to this day. I still have no idea what Luke really does with his uncles, but I know he doesn't like her. and that's all that really matters once luke knows the story we can start experiencing the world through his eyes the characters start explaining more things we learn about the force and vader from obi-wan and then Right after, we have a scene that shows us what kind of person Vader is and how the force can be used, this is a perfect flow of information as the events on Tatooine begin to escalate, we see that the Empire has the princess and they are torturing her because as our heroes advance, we as It is necessary to remind the audience that things are getting worse, this keeps the tension high.
We are constantly building the story and at the same time we meet new characters organically. Many movies have trouble balancing a large cast, but this movie does it. to quickly throw in character after character and they are all iconic and different from each other, you have a cast that is basically the same size as this movie and some of those characters are not fun to watch compared to this movie where each of these characters are someone's favorite Star Wars characters. The cantina scene is also perfect for world-building because not only do we see that the galaxy is full of crazy aliens, normal humans, and whatever this guy is, they also see that, oh, the old guy wasn't. lying, he's actually a badass, and that guy our heroes just teamed up with and are trusting is kind of trash, in just one scene they tell us that Han is a wanted man and then he murders the guy who told him that.
As many people probably already know, the original idea was for Java to appear here and talk about how Han is a wanted man in the first draft, Scream actually spoke English, he was going to say something else, but they dubbed him an alien. language so he could lay out all the information for Jabba's scene so they could just cut that work into one scene. All of this was done to make the movies much better paced and results in a perfect flow of information for the audience and I'm very excited about that, this movie is really simple but it's so effective and honestly it's not easy to make. a movie that is so solid.
This film was worked on for a while, was greatly delayed, and had to be reshot and edited. and over and over again until it was perfect, compare that to the fact that the prequels were supposedly rushed and submitted in a single draft. If it were that easy to make a solid movie then they would all be this good and we know they aren't. This is all good, I really love this movie so much, even when annoying Star Wars fans are arguing about nonsense, everyone can agree that this movie is great. I love how Vader and the environments look in this movie, I mean he has fingerprints on his.
The helmet people love that this universe looks dirty and lived in, but I think it was all by accident. I like how Princess Leia is initially shown to be pure and kind-hearted in her first scene, complete with a cute little music cue, but then when she reunites with the rest of the group she's a sassy brat who screams all the time. I really like awkward things like this Darth Vader moment and the movie isn't unintentionally funny either. This is the only movie that made people love it. Han Solo and I honestly think it's solely due to the perfect comedic timing of this scene.
How are you? I also love the Star Wars title. It's so simple it tells you everything you need to know and I'm a little angry because this movie. it was changed to a new hope and that all the movies are now called Star Wars because before this was just the name of the first one. I really wish the rest of these movies kept this naming convention because A New Hope is probably the dumbest name ever, honestly. nothing can ruin this movie for me the characters in this movie are perfect the pacing is great the music is iconic the effects are timeless and the sound design is amazing everything is good any criticism I have for this movie is generally directed against the mainstream releases about this movie, everything good I've said so far is about the original version of this movie, which you have to watch illegally, the only widely available versions of a hope, honestly horrible, there's some kind of stigma attached to Star nerds Wars because People think we complain about fools all the time and yes that's true but it started when Lucas was filming this good movie and just with that you can't legally watch the original version of this movie since someone who loves the cinema, this concept honestly disgusts him.
I would feel the same way if you couldn't see the original version of Twilight, you should be able to see the original theatrical version of a movie if you really want to, but no, instead we get these boo boo versions of a new hope. and all these new versions of the things I just praised oh the movie has timeless practical effects, now there's CGI everywhere, literally everywhere, oh the pacing is perfect, now we have to add pointless exposition scenes with more bad effects, so we have a scene. that perfectly sets up one of our main characters and shows that he's kind of a bastard now we can't have him shoot Scream first that's what bad guys do let's have Guido shoot first and then Han snaps his neck to dodge it because he's always great and heroic, it doesn't matter, I changed my mind.
Han may be edgy, but he still can't be evil, so he can't shoot first, but he can shoot it almost at the same time as Guido and every time we release the movie, let's change it up a little bit. a little bit more now in the newest version let's add another line it's very important that I add this line okay everyone listen up so Han has his iconic line where he says this yeah and then the guns go off on the burrito , but let's have Guido say the Last Word now, okay, now screams, I'm going to say McConkey because I don't know, I guess it's to show Guido Telegraph that he's going to shoot Han and explains how he can dodge the laser instantly without having superpowers, but hey, I don't know, maybe we do.
I should just go back and keep going. 10 out of 10 is the best movie of all time. I can't wait for the sequel, so I had a lot of good things to say about the first Star Wars movie and Star Wars is notorious. for having movies that aren't exactly the same in quality, then Empire Strikes Back is just as good as the original Star Wars, no bro, don't tell anyone I said this, but it's actually better, a lot of people think Empire is the best Star Wars movie and sometimes I'm okay with that, I regularly go back and forth on whether I like this or New Hope more for me, they're the same because I can't watch New Hope without watching Empire right after it, it's like Kill Bill 1 and 2.
You have to judge them together and, like Kill Bill, both films are very different from each other. This film is not that flashy or bombastic and does not try to prove anything to the audience. A new hope has to attract you from the beginning. the beginning and building of this great adventure, but Empire is a bit slow in comparison, the pacing is not as good and it is more about building on the world we have alreadyseen and that's the vibe of the entire movie it's based on. the latest one improves things a bit and some aspects are much better.
Firstly, from the opening scenes you can see that the film is better shot than the previous one, the lighting is much more atmospheric and the camera really moves. More with our characters, A New Hope is filmed in a very static way and these films are much more dynamic. Another thing I love is that Star Wars is the only movie series that doesn't waste time explaining the previous movie for people who haven't seen it, the only exposition we get in Empire is Han reminding us that it has a price for his head and that's okay because in the original cut of a new hope it wasn't really a point he focused on that much.
The movie expects you to have seen the original Star Wars and if you were around when this movie came out you probably have, so it's not a big deal now, although the pacing of this movie isn't that great. I think the story flows. In an engaging way, though, every Star Wars movie cuts between the heroes and the villains and this is the first movie that shows us more. About the villains as people, Vader is a much more developed character in this movie and this is important because we are going to have to learn a lot more about him as a person so that the twist in the climax affects us more and Honestly, each character grows in this movie, something that is absent in the previous one.
Han is struggling with his responsibilities towards his new friends because deep down he really wants to run away and hide from all the conflict every time he wants to run away. he returns to save Luke or get closer to Leia and it's only at the end of the movie that he finally accepts that he loves his friends and that he is sacrificed to prove this point and if you ask me this is where Han should have died but we'll talk more. More on that later, though, the best character growth in this movie is obviously Luke. Luke still just wants to fight the Empire because he's very much the same impulsive, impatient kid from the last movie, he jumps headfirst into danger constantly and this movie.
It's basically a great lesson for him to relax and start thinking about things more. He wants to be a Jedi, but he doesn't want to put in the effort. He believes that Jedi have to be strong and brave warriors, but the Jedi Master he knows. This movie is a strange elf who steals his hot dogs all this time, thinks the Empire is pure evil, but his faith is shaken when he hears that Vader is his father and in the end he gets his ass beaten and thrown to the ground. The trash. I really like movies where our hero is defeated because it makes his eventual victory that much sweeter and this is all made even better by Mark Hamill's performance as Luke, most of this movie is just him interacting with puppets in his scenes on Dagobah, this is serious. just Mark Hamill and under the floor is Miss Piggy.
Now they couldn't hear upstairs and Mark couldn't hear Frank Oz. How do you make a scene? They can't hear each other. I give Mark a lot of credit for this, but regardless. These scenes offer some of the best moments in the entire franchise. My personal favorite moment in this movie is when Yoda explains the force to Luke. Yoda's speech about the force is the best explanation of what the force is, its energy surrounds us and unites us and when. People say oh, I like the Sith because they're not boring and they can have sex. I roll my eyes because the way Yoda speaks makes it seem like he has a genuine understanding and love for the force whenever the Sith talk about it. they just use the most simplistic language to show you that they really don't understand it at all.
I appreciate that other media has worked to make things seem a little grayer, but I also like the way this film addresses the inherent black and white nature of this concept in general, this film is really good at emotional moments like this. Reviews back then called this movie darker than the first, but if you ask me it feels safer, not exactly darker, the first movie introduces us to the good and evil in this universe and this movie works to develop those. sides a little more. This film is also lucky because it is the only film in the original


that is virtually unaffected by any changes in the special edition, while a new hope has been slaughtered by the recent release of this film almost completely intact, even the film itself George Lucas realized that this movie is one he doesn't need to mess with too much.
The Empire Strikes Back is a great movie and if you like Star Wars you already know that and yes, it's It's a shame that this was the last good Star Wars movie before Disney bought things and yes, I'm keeping that 10 out of 10, it's also well let's look at the fool now so now we have the conclusion to George Lucas's original vision. The Jedi and I already made a video about this movie which was actually my first video on why it sucks and while that was a long time ago and my approach towards these types of videos has changed a bit, my opinions haven't changed at all.
Anyway, if you want to watch that video, the link is somewhere around here, it's in the description or up there. I don't know, it's not hard to find, but hey, this is the definitive review and I can't just not talk about it. Let's paraphrase that last video in a lightning round, here's everything I don't like about Return of the Jedi. Han Solo sucks, he's boring since in this movie he's not the fun charismatic character we knew him as, since I guess Carbonite just removes his personality because he's not the same man in this movie, he's just a buffoon, he takes on a role strangely passive in this movie and should have died in The Empire Strikes Back, just think how cool that would have been.
He really solidified his character arc. I really like it in The Force Awakens, but I don't know. I would have liked it more if he wasn't ruined in this movie by overstaying his welcome and I say this a lot, but this movie is really boring. It's so quiet that the last film has the Empire mounting a counterattack against the rebels. It's literally the entire plot of the movie. It's in the title, so why did the Empire just stop attacking? Why are they just hanging out in this movie? What happened to make you decide? Oh, you know, let's stop attacking the rebels for a few years.
Who cares? Well, the rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor. Yes, the structure of this movie is also completely, the entire first act focuses on this. An absolutely crazy plan that Luke comes up with where he just allows him and all of his friends to be captured just so we can launch an all-out fight with Jabba in the desert. Couldn't he just go there with his lightsaber and his friends and fight? Everyone, if that was his plan from the beginning, why don't you do it here? Then we have this extremely fascinating subplot about our characters camping in the woods.
Honestly, I can't think of anything exciting happening in this middle part. of the movie I make fun of the first act because it's all really stupid and Luke's plan doesn't make sense, but at least it was exciting, but for the vast majority of this movie I honestly have a hard time staying awake, there's a lot of unnecessary dialogue and before The Final Battle is just a slow, agonizingly boring film, a weak ending to the trilogy and not even remotely close to the level of quality seen in the previous two films. I don't like Return of the Jedi and it's the only movie in the original trilogy that I don't watch, if anything I skip to the end because the final battle has some interesting things.
The movie has good moments, but if I judge the whole picture I can't give it a good rating. a score of 6 out of 10 is very disappointing so that's the original trilogy out of the way and even though I don't really like Jedi I think we have a pretty good trilogy to work with, it was certainly good enough enough to inspire fans. Over the next few years and into the late '90s, rumors were that George Lucas would return to make new films, and although he had only been alive for six years, I still vividly remember going to the cinema in 1999 to see a new Star Wars film.
Did George follow up with a faithful continuation of the franchise? No, he got over it. These movies are bad, they're horrible, and for some reason this is kind of a hot tank now. I feel like I'm living in an alternate dimension because people are actually trying to tell me that these movies are good. Now you have to literally brainwash yourself into liking them. The only people who like them are kids or people who watched them as kids, and unfortunately, these kids grew up to be people with very strong opinions. They want you to think these movies are secretly art while they're not, they suck, they're bad movies and I don't want to watch them again.
I'm really good tonight, I finally feel free and it feels so good. Oh, try doing the same. Things I would like to see your princess, everything is fine, oh, there is no work or the answer in a fixture in the palace, ooh no, it is the charcoal lights that turn me off. I'm living life now that I'm free.

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