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Dream SMP But I Troll Skeppy

Jun 01, 2021
I thought the revolution ended everything, that it was the dawn of a new era without tyranny, but the hearts of men did not change so easily while I was away, they formed a new government and planned their revenge. The next time I logged in I found my base. I looted my stolen horse and my slaughtered cows. What crimes were they? I looked everywhere for my horse Carl. You see, one of my major donors promised to never donate to me again if he died. I mean, that horse is my entire retirement plan. I soon got it. Upon learning of his whereabouts, they had taken him deep underground and built a massive labyrinth filled with traps, puzzles, and redstone contraptions designed to burn my horse and lava.
dream smp but i troll skeppy
If I tried to force my way through it, if I wanted to get my horse back, the labyrinth of death would have to be done. to be legitimately completed it would be a battle of wits where one wrong move meant certain doom as I stared into the jaws of death I realized what I had to do I'll just break this sign here skeptical I made a cool puzzle for you to do I'm going to kill me for the views. I would never do that. Okay, welcome. You didn't tell me to come in, but I wanted to welcome you to the labyrinth.
dream smp but i troll skeppy

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dream smp but i troll skeppy...

Okay, you want me to put all my items there, all your items, including my armor. yes, and this is not a scam, I am not skeptical, why is there another one? You just need to solve this combination lock to open the door. Are you timing me or do I like it? Yeah, okay, I'm going to get the best time there can be. million combinations, how is there a clue around me? Actually, there are only over four thousand combinations, oh, four thousand, sorry, yeah, you could finish this in a couple of weeks, couple of weeks, yeah, oh my God, how am I supposed to know what the clue is? ?
dream smp but i troll skeppy
Real gamers know the Konami Techno code, I have no idea what it is, this is the Nami code, so let's try up, down, yeah, it's a genius. This is the part of the video where I tell you to hit the subscribe button. Yes, yes, I know. It's cheeky but it works every time I say this I have so many subscribers press that button okay I'm leaving you need to set up your techno place I give you all my stuff and now you want me to set my generation here too oh you're going to need to get there you're going to walk all the way On the way back the lecterns have clues in the books that will give you clues good job on the code now it's time for the real test that wasn't even real make sure you sleep you are forced to die in the maze that is to come remember , I believe in you in the maze and the puzzle will leave your horses dead, well that's all about the puzzle, the point is that you are trying to rescue some horses, okay, are you going to come with me or not?
dream smp but i troll skeppy
You'll stand there and see, oh my God, what just happened, have fun, oh no, don't do this to me. Okay, I'll go techno. This is rare. How did you build this? It took me a long time. Yes, Redstone tutorials. If I die, do you want me to die to respond? Oh yeah, this is depressing. I'll try. completely different approach this time i went left this time or i went left last time let's go right i believe in you


can you do this okay cool cool i'll go right now and i'm dead this is what i want me to do it well it reminds me of the infamous


ing but I


ed him first in the sequel oh no but he wasn't oh he wasn't even trying to troll me I just felt like okay is the way to go okay and then I'll move on oh my god this It will take more than weeks.
Alright. There must be some kind of pattern to this. There is no way you would expect me to get this randomly. Listen. I will give you ten emerald blocks if you complete this. If you are the first person to complete this, no, no, no, no, please jump, don't break the blocks, won't it kill the horse? Those are really good horses. I don't know why I put good horses there. but I did it buddy, I don't even know if I'll make it to the horses based on how this goes. I believe in just trying a new route each time.
No, are you sure the central route is not? okay center out let's try I got the first one and I know I have to turn right which is good okay I'm going to write this from right to left this can't be that hard. Technoblade did it right, right to left and then we go test left, oh my god of course it's not left of course you take the only way I go, not the right one, ah no , I'm on the same path, do you get joy from this? Are you getting pleasure from just sitting there watching?
This doesn't make any sense there are only three ways the first is lava the second is wawa the third doesn't lead anywhere you need to give me a clue or something I'm very confused if you have tried all the directions from the right then it must not be the right no it should be the right one it shouldn't be the left it shouldn't be straight which one is good you just did the left one and the center one like one time they really failed so fast yeah I just walked in and it's dead okay okay the left one got me It flooded somewhere, so I guess you're right, oh, oh, hell no, I hit something.
You mean the next puzzle you spell wrong is hard? Make sure you go fast, oh, and try not to die. It will be as easy as the next time you are close to saving your horses now wait so good and then straight or less than the trait I almost wrote the wrong one you are like wait so good oh parkour my favorite yes easy I got it Okay, next puzzle Wow, you're really good at parkour. Next up is a game of chance and we'll see if you're as good at parkour next time. Oh, you want me to do it again.
Hint, he who fails can. lose but maybe not again I have it so you want me to lose to win wow this must have taken you all night to build oh it took me a long time to build this I put a lot of work into this okay well I'm just going to go in the fourth because four seems like a common number four oh man oh no I have to do that parkour again and everything is fine let's put the bed back and then you have to do a different code each time for the type of no please , no, I knew I'd mess up the second time by turning the flesh so bad that my thorn armor is just destroying you, okay, I'll really do it this time here in parkour.
I've done this once before. I can do this again, oh, it's easier this way, I understood it right, so it wasn't four, but you said that he who fails cannot fail again, it will be like red stone water next time if I do four again or I'm thinking too much about this, who knows. oh, okay, two seems common and it's two, it's two and I survived with one heart, two. Good thing, it's a good thing you didn't hit me again, oh my God, you're so right about that, as you can see deep down the rest. of the puzzle doors were actually left open by accident, meaning that all Skeppy had to do now was walk over to the horses and get them out.
It failed, no, it will be whatever. I don't want to talk about it, how did you manage to suffocate me? I got on the horse and I suffocated on the wall 'cause you had one 'cause I had a heart, okay, oh my god, dude, I get so mad at these stupid games like these, I get so mad at these, real easy, this is cool, yes, have it. yeah, okay, I remember who two are, so I'll push you there quickly and then okay, I lost the book, which is great, I think you've lost a lot of kids, yeah, I did good, here we go, you gotta having to write this. many times yes this is like revenge for all the puzzle maps i put you through, maybe i'm a big fan of revenge now you just have to take out the horses and then you win, you win the puzzle


, you did well, did you? as?
I do that, I have to bring it back to the surface, okay, I'm off, I'm off the horse, one has been oh God, oh no, no, you're not going to make me, this is a scam, yeah, let me off here, yes. Can you break something? No, no, you're going to fail the challenge. No, I can't feel it. I can't feel it. Let me go find the last horse god. I'm surrounded by vines right now. Oh, it's Carl, yes, Carl. right, we're good, we got out, yeah, we did, we saved the horses, you did, yeah, right away, now you want to know the secret of the puzzle, skeppy, I'd love to know that I didn't make that puzzle that you like to pay someone child. fiverr to make it for you, an awesome guy made it, he made it like a puzzle for me to do to get my horse back and I thought it looks too hard, it looks too hard so I tore up all the posters oh I tore up all the posters what they said for tech, there's no blade and then he said, hey skeppy, you really did it, you just stole like an item, no, but look who wrote the books, I didn't even write the books, you must have stayed up all night re-pasting These books.
Sitting here asking me for clues and I'm sitting here like bro I wouldn't even know you were doing parkour if you didn't say it out loud and so Carl was saved and the maze was finally defeated never to terrorize another soul again unless so skeppy he did this puzzle eh I put all my stuff here yeah, more or less up down down he doesn't know I think they left it right you can do it bad boy halo I think we believe in you foreigners

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