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I finally teamed with Dream & Technoblade...

Jun 09, 2021
I have your fish. There's only one man who had that fish, he wouldn't give it to you, he gave it to me, so now let's let me see someone, stay with us, hey, hey, you stay there, I did it, I'm not going to show it. you the fish unless you come with me come with us skeppy come with us and for us let it stay well I'm not going to show you the fish unless you are nothing nothing bad is going to happen to her during this time that you have my word its fine as long as anne frost is there all i have to do is tell airports one word and she dies tommy so don't do anything too crazy im frost hey what's going on ? nothing, nothing you want to see, yes, I want to see you. come on, come on, nicki, it's gold again, run, run, run, now it's your turn, okay, keep running, keep running, zombies, oh you fool, you didn't need to let me get to the holy lands, you let me get away, nikki, We have achieved it.
i finally teamed with dream technoblade
I did it nikki go to nikki go to parktopia i don't know where poktopia is and kill her i'm killing her no no i'm killing her aunt doesn't betray people she's very loyal resistance what tommy oh stop now i hate doing it i'm telling you, i have your fish and i hate tell you, but there is one thing I have that you will never, ever have. I have the sword. She was sleeping well. Let's do this death. Yes, I'm going to kill. This fish unless you let nikki go okay stop me do you think I'm afraid of techno blade?
i finally teamed with dream technoblade

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i finally teamed with dream technoblade...

Do you know who I have on my side? Are you ready, I'll give you 30 bucks, wait, but we have techno


and Mars, so you Are you going to back off now or Mars is going to get what you wouldn't touch Mars, oh, right? I'd hate to break it to you, Scapian and Frost, but


and techno are on the way and they want blood, so I suggest you. Take what you have now Let Nikki go and get off that land Hey, no, oh, let's dream, Tommy, why didn't you let me take potions first? I don't know, I got some gaps, man, I got some gaps, don't worry, yeah.
i finally teamed with dream technoblade
Well listen friends, this is your only chance to give up, you really want to do this I think, I think, I think I want to tango, what, what, I'm sorry, oh, you're such an idiot, I can't be bothered, I think, I think we. I'll take if you fight us now the fish gets it yeah tommy tommy if you do anything to that fish I'll burn your record wait this is over for a fish tommy just give him the fish god I didn't even bring a shield, but you. you have the disk the battle of the lake the battle of the lake there is literally a tower right there and you thought you were sure you wanted to do this why do we let Tommy get us into this battle where we are as doubles?
i finally teamed with dream technoblade
I'm not giving back the fish, so either you hand over the discus for the fish or we fight over this and keep your stuff safe, let me fight, so you choose death, Tommy, I guess I choose to fight, okay? right, oh my god, I killed that frost myself, no, oh my god, it's terrible, oh look who's logged out again, what you're recording, do your signature move, oh, you're throwing technology, now its strength, Guys, I'm being the target of a dream here. oh wow there's a lot of us cows oh man I'll get this broadcast oh come down techno go after yourself yeah don't fight once okay puns why are you backstabbing?
You're broken, very inappropriate, nice and that's the dubbing. go and now take this, these are all our techno things that you just lost and now we have all this stuff and you're not going to get any of them back, so I really suggest that the next time you fight us you think about it, but everything What do I do? What I'm saying now, friend, is that we have the fish. I'll be honest. I came out a little better than I thought. Yes, we just won. We just won and I did absolutely nothing.

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