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Doctor Reacts To Hilarious Mr. Bean Medical Scenes

Apr 11, 2024
Mr Bean is an absolute cult classic, whether you're talking about the movie, the comedy, or even the animated series. Well, today I'm going to take a look at them all so we can have a laugh and learn something in the process. ready, bee, shout, or should I say sir, it's urgent, we have a ruptured kidney and massive bleeding, okay, with the stethoscope down, I want to know how the kidney broke. Kidneys generally don't self-combust, so I need to know why this kidney ruptured. Hello


, we have a 45 year old man, 1 type b negative, brought in by the paramedics 10 minutes ago.
doctor reacts to hilarious mr bean medical scenes
He has a penetrating injury to his left chest. He's fine, no, no, my man needs to wash up before going to the operating room. In a very strict way, how this happens, first you put on the surgeon's cap, you put on the mask, then you start washing your hands and you do a very thorough washing process where you disinfect and make sure you are sterilized up to your elbows. once. If you are sterile, you walk into the room making sure you don't make contact with anything, then they have the sterile gown for you, which you insert your hands through quite carefully, then they have their sterile gloves and this is all a process that must be follow for a t-shirt to make sure you don't contaminate the sterile environment, so no you don't get dressed and run to the operating room like okay, I'm going to save the world, now I know where that meme comes from. number one number two you don't touch your mask when you're in the or that's not part of the sterile field if you touch it then you have to disinfect throw everything away and restart the whole process again not sterile m ms what is it?
doctor reacts to hilarious mr bean medical scenes

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doctor reacts to hilarious mr bean medical scenes...

What was that? I think it's a bullet oh oh don't eat it oh no because that's a m m an m m it's made of chocolate and the body is hot when it falls inside the body cavity it will automatically melt some sugar and that sugar would stay in the body and it would serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and sepsis for the patient once they close them, so it's actually a really big problem. You should irrigate it with a little saline water. us what's your pulse 38 that's not good that means you're speeding up your heart rate you're dropping the suture cart behind Mr.
doctor reacts to hilarious mr bean medical scenes
B that's pretty accurate we have many different types of sutures for different uses depending on the type of procedure you're doing it I'm sorry, we're losing it, I have to go in there now, well


, you can't it's just too dangerous. Oh, removing the bullet didn't save the patient's life. Imagine that someone was shot. He made a hole in it. arteries and his organs and by removing that bullet you have not solved the problem of the fact that the patient is bleeding internally, so no, Mr. Bean, you did not save him by simply going to any type of damage to the brain, it is a very sensitive thing. look, so maybe we should just go outside and give the doctor some room to work.
doctor reacts to hilarious mr bean medical scenes
The first nurse said that we shouldn't think of this as a coma, but rather as a deep sleep. Yes, that's true. Jennifer. He speaks awake. Breakfast ready. Jennifer is still at home. Her damn defibrillators aren't there for you to play with or wake up patients, they are literally meant to restart your heart and when I say restart it doesn't mean that if your heart is flat, these help it restart what it does. It actually stops the heart and allows it to restart on its own, so it's almost like interrupting the heart's natural rhythm. The reason we do defibrillation is in certain cases if a patient has an irregular rhythm to the point that it is a useless rhythm. or it goes too fast then we can control it by doing one of these very controlled shocks depending on the rhythm that we see on the monitor and Mr.
Bean does not use the defibrillator to wake people up he did not say clearly what is happening that doctor's feet are a genius and he does not I know what's at the foot of his bed if that's his EKG my man is having a heart attack and we have to call we have to call someone we have to call a cardiologist because that's not normal, no, so let's take your temperature, He's going to get a fever, right? Get ready, this is malingering at its finest, try to pretend to be sick to get someone else's attention. Actually, there are people who have Munchausen syndrome by proxy when I have a person who keeps his family members sick, so they depend on him.
I'm going to link some resources below just because I think it's a really interesting read oh oh yeah I don't understand, she checked his temperature, he had a fever, she's rushing him to an x-ray. Do you want to check if he has pneumonia? You might want to listen to his lungs first. Oh no, are they going to do a chest x-ray? First you will see the teddy bear. An entire teddy bear wouldn't appear like that unless the teddy bear was made of metal, but otherwise you wouldn't just see an outline with the bear. How about you put him to sleep?
We do some anesthesiology action there, no we don't. Let's not sharpen the scalpels as if we were going to cook look at the posters in the background here evil on the right healthy on the left cured on the right restaurant on the right what is evil come here again posters restaurant chapel bar go out down debt First of all, What hospital has a bar? Actually, I think a Grey's Anatomy hospital might have a bar. I remember them like this in the first episode, right between the procedure and the call afterward, they said, "Let's go have a drink at the bar." and then everyone comes back to the hospital like 10 minutes later where is that bar? maybe you are in the hospital there will be some serious burns on your hand there is definitely an icd-10 code the icd-10 is the international classification of diseases 10 manual and it has become so specific that if I have a patient who comes in as a result of a fall, I can't just write fall, I mean, I can, but it will give me all these sub definitions like fall on concrete, fall on sidewalk, fall in park fallen gym fall on freshly cut grass I'm not even kidding I'm going to try to find some weird ones to appear on the screen here is a good reason why all the ambulances have a giant sign on the back that says keep at least 50 yards back so they could open the back door and allow the patient or help the patient to accompany the patient to the hospital because many times they are in a mobile bed so that bed can come out.
There is no car parked directly behind. What's inside? Why does he have a teapot? Oh no, don't accept his fine. That's so evil. Oh, that's worse than licking the hospital floor. The dirtiest part of your body is your fingers and they all touch each other. that thing and you know, here's another funny '90s comedy where I review



from Seinfeld and here's the truth about cracking my knuckles, so I just did it, but click here to find out what that truth is and As always, stay happy and healthy.

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