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The Worst YouTuber Injuries

Apr 23, 2024
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before, but apparently there are a few I missed, so let's take a look at them and get started. I have some football stuff. Oh, this is destructive. I heard something about this. It's crazy how life could change. The injury was like this. It happened, you know, lowering your head is not the right way to make a tackle from a safety perspective instantly when I hit him, the whole left side of my body went numb, my arm hurts, my neck hurts and a team doctor he evaluated me and said I'm fine for now, just put some Tiger Bomb on it, finish the game and we'll do more tests later, but I don't know if I'll face people like that again, yeah, every time you lead with the crown of your helmet You essentially open your neck to all types of


, so the ideal is to attack almost with your shoulder and be able to visualize the person you are attacking, so what happened to you?
the worst youtuber injuries
On the kick-off I went and tackled someone in the right way. Hell was down and I mean, I guess you have a video of that. I get to see that it's a big question for that physique because the mechanism of injury is very important in the video. See your neck snap back which means there is a hyperextension injury and hyperextension of the neck is very very dangerous because not only are there some parts of connective tissue like ligaments in the area but you also have in the back two arteries that run on both sides. of the spine called vertebral arteries and when you have hyperextension, especially to one side, you can sever those arteries.
the worst youtuber injuries

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Obviously that's not what's happening here. I'm just describing the dangers of a hyperextension injury. What did you feel when you did it? The left arm was gone. num and my neck instantly stiffened, so if I touch you here and here it's 100% the same, yes, here, yes, this is a good evaluation from a neurological exam point of view, you're not just checking muscle function , you are also checking the feeling. any of those super sensitive lower parts, you've had a pretty major neck injury, you fractured what's called the lamina and you tore them at C5, you also tore, there's a ligament that's not in this. model that goes up and down the front of the spine called the anterior longitudinal ligament which is a very serious injury, essentially you broke your neck the neck is made up of seven vertebral bodies C1 to C7 and the highest one in the spinal cord you have a injury the more devastating it is C5, depending on where that injury is, it can affect the muscles in your upper arm, it can affect your ability to speak like your vocal cords and make it difficult for you to breathe, and that is if spinal cord injuries they are correct.
the worst youtuber injuries
Now the only thing we know is that injuries to the bone and specifically it is the posterior portion of the spine known as the lamina if it were any other part of the spine you would probably have had more symptoms but when you have the fracture of the lamina that actually creates an opening for swelling to occur and may actually mitigate symptoms. We actually perform what is known as a laminectomy, where we remove that part of the spine to allow less damage to occur to the core of the spine during other back injuries, so the fact that that part is broken can allow that to occur. a situation where you're not sure it's a devastating neck injury, that's why it's so dangerous, so I mean it was a major bone and ligament injury and you've got two small deflations where the herniated discs c56 and c67 occur as a result of a lot of pressure on the discs, they are like little spongy areas between the vertebrae, depending on where it herniates it can create different symptoms, so if it herniates inwards it can actually put pressure on the spinal cord, which could be devastating if it ruptures. outward or to one side could press on the nerves leaving the spinal cord and have symptoms only on one side versus the other.
the worst youtuber injuries
The reality is that this will probably heal, but it will probably take 3 months on that collar for it to heal. I don't need, I don't need surgery, right, it's interesting that they say you don't need surgery, it must be a very limited fracture because many times, in a situation where the C5 vertebrae are fractured, fusion surgery is needed. to make sure they are stable so I don't know the extent of the damage here but clearly it should be in a reasonable amount so they feel like you can allow the area to heal with the c collar to protect the spine and then do some work rehab too, you know, I send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery and to destroy this because I can imagine how difficult it is to be an athlete and to have this happen to you because of the way this car we've been. standing next to it all this time I bought this the reason I had to buy a new car was because the next myth is that you can break a car window with your fist oh no don't do this not only is someone going to cut themselves and it's going to bleed a lot someone is going to break a bone in their hand that's not even a myth like you're not supposed to do this like there are even specific hammers that people have inside their car to break and in case you're like trapped or you're sinking here we go people be careful what you do to get views because this can become as dangerous as cutting yourself in areas where you have major arteries, it's so scary because you could die in a minute or more if you They give points right now.
That was a horrible way to start the day That was a stupid thing That was a little stupid and when creating entertaining content sometimes we get carried away That's a lesson learned How to get carried away right there Don't do that You don't I don't understand don't play with glass don't play with sharp objects I can't tell you how easy it is for things to go wrong so it's the first year I wanted to do an activity, what I tried to do was parkour and it was supposed to be a quote unquote beginner parkour thing. I hate when things say they're for beginners because they're always as hard as if I took a beginner yoga class and didn't walk for the next 3 days.
I just started using the tone machine. I did a beginner class and it was so intense in terms of going from one exercise to another that it hurt a lot even though I'm pretty strong, it's so much fun, time to get off the second story and do a sweet tuck and roll towards this. a small patch of grass that sounds so scary to a beginner like maybe you should practice that on a mat first and I realized they assumed I knew how to do a tuck and roll. God, something I've never done in my life, I should probably practice before doing it.
From the second floor, Marip Bler, come on, man, and everyone's giving me words of encouragement like you can do it and I was like, "I've got this," so I drop down and I land from the second floor right on my butt, oh My God. I'm sorry his tailbones don't reach the pillow anymore and you know, at the time I never connected the dots with me falling on my butt and possibly breaking something in my spine with this weird thing I was going to the gym and working on. My spine and I would be in horrible agony.
I mean, obviously, it could be anything. I suspect there is some type of hernia protruding from a nerve that is accentuated by flexion or extension or it could be something completely different such as sacroiliac joint pain or hip joint pain. Those are usually not as electrical in nature and there could also be pure performance issues, but that's more like wear and tear and not acute trauma, so I'll explain what happened, so I'm supposed to be leaning over a jumping guy On my back, who is your double? he grabs my back and pulls me back really fast, it's those hyperextension injuries you see, it's like the theme in the video, so they pull me back with 100 pounds of force and then I have to pull forward and pull. forward also emphasizes all of these anterior scale muscles and the Cleo sternal mastoid muscle, so you can like tear something just doing that, it also reminds me of a whiplash injury in a car accident when you get rear-ended, the coordinator of specialists did not teach me how. to prepare properly do it so for some reason that pressure went straight to right between my abs and I felt something pop oh it got an h yeah so I pulled I put my fingers between my abs and there's a little bulge . separation there is a bulge right here yes if you increase intra-abdominal pressure with your abdominal muscles relaxed you can create a hernia and a hernia is essentially your intestines your abdominal contents protrude through the hole when the abdominal contents protrude if you try to push them in .
You can't, that's called non-reducible and it could be dangerous because it could cause incarceration of the intestine where it actually suffocates, it's a surgical emergency or if you can push it back, it's called reducible, that's the most common type. I may opt for an elective procedure due to the risk. The biggest risk of having a bow imprisoned and I didn't know what to do, so I just pushed it back. No, no, yes. Don't say you pushed him back, so I pushed him back. on it it reduced it, it was right above the belly button area here and sometimes if I like to do a certain thing where I stand up like this enough and my skin is tight enough, you can see a little bulge right here on those cases.
We ask the patient to bend over, cough or raise their head to flex the area and sometimes increasing the intra-abdominal pressure can cause the hernia to come out immediately when the doctor looked at me and said, Yes, that's a hernia and I said : Great, so what do I do? How can I fix that? and they say you don't. I was like: what do you mean no? and they say well, so the thing is if we want to fix this, we're going to have to do surgery. Open the skin. Push her back. You could do this laparoscopically and they said they only recommend doing that if you have a full-blown hernia.
My hernia was like a strange thing with a few layers built up. weak and it was like a little bulge happened but it wasn't a full tear with a full ADV so it's not a full hernia. I was told I should never lift weights again. Okay, there's some kind of weird medical advice going on here with like a half-answer, there's a weakness in the abdominal wall called diastasis recti, this actually happens during pregnancy, sometimes when the abdominal muscle splits, where in There is actually a weakness in the wall and you can see a protrusion as you increase abdominal pressure and we say be careful. with abdominal exercises, but we don't say never lift weights, so I feel like we're hearing both sides of the story: it's a hernia, but it's not a hernia, it's probably diastasis recti, which is a condition with weakness. of the abdominal wall like this, I'm protecting Michael Jordan, brother greets me with a nice cross, I can't even lie, boom.
Oh, El goes up and hits me with a cruel elbow to the chin that was unintentional, though Jesser fou di I. I'm mad at this point because I'm dripping blood and there's a foul against me for getting elbowed in the face, well, Yes, it depends on where you are on the court, if you get in the way of the shooter's arm, I have to be substituted. I go directly to the bathroom. The nurses on our team rush to the bathroom to help. Do you have a chin? There is a missing laceration on the chin that will require stitches.
Probably a close-up shot of the chin. It is a solid opening that requires closure and the reason why is the chin. and the skull has these really severe lacerations like that is because every time you have a hard surface like someone's elbow, the skin gets caught between the hard elbow and the hard chin and that essentially acts as the force that cuts it, so if this were like padding, let's say a buttock laceration is less likely to occur, a bruise is more likely to occur, so let's go over it from head to toe, total damage. I've had no shortage of concussions and I thought my brain was pretty messed up, so I went.
I went to this brain scan place and they said it looked pretty good. The brain scanning site is doing what is known as beam mapping of brain electrical activity which doesn't actually tell you anything about the anatomy of the brain. I didn't see almost that kind of thing. I was hoping to see something cool in your brain. I see what could be some sort of stress response from long years of heavy drinking. This is correlational, not causal, so I would be careful drawing conclusions from an EEG if you're really looking. harm looking at anatomy through a brain scan like a ct or mri will show you more information and even then judging someone clinically is much more valuable than anatomically unless you are in an acute setting my vision is getting worse every time more and I think it might be because all the lemon juice and hot sauce I poured in my eyes, yeah, um, why don't we talk about this on the podcast?
I have another situationquite serious in my esophagus which is called Barett's esophagus, this is precancerous. condition that we talk about this on the podcast, what happens is basically that the cell types due to prolonged exposure to acid, usually from stomach leaks, change the cell type within the esophagus, which is a cancerous change Obviously, it can be lethal if you let it. Don't uncheck it. I have to check it with endoscopies every year or so. This really depends on person to person and how long we have established stability. Sometimes you can spread that out if I got a dollar for every time someone asked me if they could have done it. kids with all the kicks in my balls I tell them I would have a lot of dollars so I went to the fertility clinic to get a sperm count before my vasectomy it all depends on the damage look at that guy I am I'm leaving I'm going to the operating room and I'll leave you with this the body is not a temple it's an amusement park ride it until the wheels fall off oh no no steo don't say you're encouraging bad behavior and the truth is that I'm surprised he doesn't have testicular damage from all the kicks and things you're taking because a sensitive area, what's up?
My name is Scott. Oh, and I'm going to tell you how my .50 caliber blew up and I almost died about two weeks ago. Where those staples are is incredibly scary to me, the minstrel streak, the karate, there's so much anatomy there it's like instant doom, oh my God, oh my God, what's happening? I do not know anything about this. This taxi hit me right there, but I had my safety glasses on, thank God, but. He hit me in the face, broke my orbital bone in three places here, here and here, he also broke my nose and that is very dangerous given the fact that you have orbital inflammation, damage to the muscles that attach to the orbit, therefore, you have difficulties with vision. and ability to move my eye, the other ear hit me right here in the throat, proceeded to lacerate my jugular vein and then blew a hole in my right lung, how did it survive?
I took my left thumb, wrapped it in my shirt and pushed it. As far into my neck as possible, the doctors told me that if it weren't for this thumb, I would have died. This thumb saved my life and my wife came up with a Sint and she said, "Just put a thumb on it, wow, so what." it happened why the gun did those complicated gun mechanics things, but he's probably taking care of them, so 50 Cals, a really very complicated piece of equipment, this is what's legally allowed in your food. This list will surprise you. Click here.
Check it out and as always. stay happy and healthy

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