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Doctor Reacts to The Most Dangerous MrBeast Stunts

May 18, 2024
Mr Beast literally risks his life with many of his challenges and we are going to talk about that in addition to the C team hashtag. A marathon is 26 miles and today, without prior training, we will try it with the best in the world. bigger pair of shoes I'm already nervous because two problems arise here: one running a marathon without prior training incredibly bad for your body now I'm not just talking about your joints your muscles your tendons I'm talking about your kidneys when you have rapid tissue degradation muscle tissue that occurs during a marathon due to the tremendous stress your body is put under, you actually break down that muscle tissue releasing myoglobin, which is actually toxic to your kidneys.
doctor reacts to the most dangerous mrbeast stunts
No joke, I've seen people who weren't trained run a marathon and then pee blood after wow and then run in the shoes obviously that's ridiculous dude everything is going to hurt, anything you put in your shoe the amount of foam there is, the flexibility of your soul that will affect your ankle, then your knee, then your hip and then your lower back. Each of these shoes weighs five pounds, or 10 pounds in total. You know, your knees will probably hurt the


, by far, your tibialis anterior muscle too, because that's the muscle that has to lift the shoe so you can take a step without tripping and it's going to be even worse with this giant shoe.
doctor reacts to the most dangerous mrbeast stunts

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doctor reacts to the most dangerous mrbeast stunts...

The shoe was constantly scraping the side of my feet and it was becoming extremely painful, so we had to make some modifications to get them to wear one shoe over the other, see how? The important thing about proper footwear is that the human body works through a biomechanical movement that has evolved over millions of years and everything is very well thought out, it is a beautiful process, actually, the distribution of weight, the way that your foot hits the ground, the way your muscles support the weight of that impact and how your arch is supposed to absorb some of that force, you negate all of that by tying this giant shoe to the bottom of your foot and this is chewing chestnuts, oh joey, joey chestnut crushes it in the hot dog eating contest, what is he doing?
doctor reacts to the most dangerous mrbeast stunts
This is the fastest I can eat. Competitive eaters scare the hell out of me because I have no idea how they consume an absurd amount of calories and don't gain weight or break their stomachs. It's like a magnificent. feeding is al


like magic think how much salt is there how much sodium is there that is a huge burden on your kidneys what their bodies go through there is no way he can do this now he does it so fast too one last bite oh god god, before To begin with, we weighed him and he weighed 229. Let's see what he weighs now, that was one of the most difficult challenges of my life.
doctor reacts to the most dangerous mrbeast stunts
Get on the scale, let's see how much weight you gave it. No way he weighs 250. Well, he drank a lot. of water too God, I can't imagine going to the bathroom after that must be like I'm not going to lie, although I would probably do pretty well on this, we're going to spend 24 hours in this madhouse, first of all, we don't call them crazy. asylums we don't have asylums like this, we actually stopped using restraints on patients too, we prefer to use someone to watch them, maybe medication options to help them calm down, but this is really barbaric, this is what used to happen 200 years ago , we let Chandler poop and I tore my labrum and my shoulder popped out of its socket and it hurt a lot, how did he tear his labrum?
The fact that his shoulder was dislocated is a really big problem, the most common form of shoulder. dislocations are anterior dislocations of the shoulder, you have to put them back because otherwise it's really a lot of pain. The


s have said they're pretty sure I've burst one or both eardrums because my eardrums are full of pus and stuff. like this and I have an infection, this is a difficult explanation here, he may or may not have burst his eardrum, which you could see if you just do an otoscope exam there, if that is the case due to an infection that would be treatable with antibiotics, so I'm not sure if there is a Eustachian tube dysfunction that also occurs simultaneously, which is the tube that connects the sinuses to the ears, which can cause popping sensations, the pressure differentials become quite painful , the idea that he has a random nighttime earache warrants More research or at least a better explanation for me in this video we will eat a 70,000 pizza which is an expensive pizza we have an ounce of gold covering the crust Meat of 10 year old Japanese beef béchamel and parmesan has been marinated overnight in a ten thousand dollar bottle this is so ridiculous this is only in the United States gold is an inert substance so it will pass through your digestive system and you will expel it , not something I recommend eating regularly, don't eat metal, oh my goodness.
I feel like it's pretty standard medical advice, oh my god, honestly, I really like it, no way, so let's act like my channel was hacked and the only way to get my channel back is to raise a million. dollars by selling body parts and organs, you will see that your body parts are actually worth a lot, but it is not legal to sell them, especially here in the United States, there is actually a country where you can sell your organs and it is legal. country in the whole world Iran kidneys cost two thousand two hundred thousand.
I can get two hundred thousand dollars for a kidney. You can live with a child, but you must be very careful in that case because you must take care of the kidney of your soul. You have to take care of it. look for medications you can take that can negatively affect your kidneys advil motrin aleve things you won't even realize could pose a serious risk to your kidneys skeletons three to five thousand dollars who sells skeletons is definitely reading like a board game nothing since this has nothing to do with reality, livers are fine, so according to this article, obviously you can't live without your liver, but if your liver is damaged, it regenerates and if you cut off pieces, we actually see it regenerate.
Technically, if I donate half of my liver, the other half will grow back, so I will definitely sell half of my liver, so we'll add that to the list. You have a Microsoft Word file open to sell your organs. According to this article, people can even survive. If I have an entire lung removed, I actually had a friend when I was a kid, his father was unfortunately attacked in New York City when he was a taxi driver and he was left with only one lung. You can live with a burden. One gram of bone marrow is worth 23,000. on the black market bone marrow donations can be made even now for people who are fighting cancer, for example my mother needed bone marrow donations from individuals, so don't expect to receive 23g, although I will try to sit under water for 24 hours straight it's painful to watch because there's a lot going on here, but I have this tube right here and this tube will constantly feed me oxygen.
There are as many variables and stresses that your body will have to deal with as yours. the skin will show that he is not moving well, muscle cramps, obviously he will also be sleep deprived because he will be awake for 24 hours, there are many things that can go wrong and it is very easy for him to feel bad and need to abandon the challenge and my hands are very soaked also i think this is a chlorinated pool prolonged exposure to chlorine can actually cause skier skin irritation damage rashes when you see people spend a lot of time submerged in water their skin actually starts to break down and then they start get fungal and bacterial infections, the skin pruning thing is probably the most interesting part of this video because a lot of people assume that skin pruning has something to do with electrolytes or things like that, that's what I used to think , this is an autonomic nervous system. answer that helps us navigate wet surfaces and wet objects better and the way we really discovered this is because we discovered that those who had nerve damage in those areas were not able to do so in water, so it's crazy that our bodies have evolved to help us. survive when we get wet giving us extra traction like we have tires on our feet how cool is that I need some air wish it had an oxygen sensor in there so you know how much oxygen you are getting there may have been periods of time where there was a lot of CO2 there, there was not enough oxygen.
He could have easily started to develop hypoxia from lack of oxygen there, in fact he started to freeze a little here, the water is not body temperature, even if it's 70 degrees you know it can feel good. It could actually cause you to develop hypothermia within a few hours because the water is very cold and your body is not acclimated to this because your natural body temperature is around 98 degrees. You may start to develop hypothermia because you cannot maintain your body. The temperature went up but randomly I started to feel extremely bad while sitting under the water and had to get out as if I had a strong urge to vomit.
I think it's because the water was constantly moving. I was getting really dizzy underneath. Hypothermic dizziness. Hypoxic pruning. There's not enough oxygen. There are so many variables here that make him feel sick. It's no wonder he had to leave. I'm going to spend the next 50 hours buried alive in this coffin, probably the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life. It scares me because he's going to be stuck there for a while. Oh, stop, my God, imagine he fell and just fell on his body. He broke a rib. Oh, I tried to turn around. It was very narrow at the other end.
I love it. He has food and hydration, that is very important. I really hope he stays mobile in this by not moving for long periods of time. Blood actually pools in your body, especially in your lower extremities. In fact, clots can form and then break loose. your lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism you have officially been underground for 24 hours yes really so how do you feel after being underground for 24 hours? My back hurts, starting to feel claustrophobic. Claustrophobia is a legitimate phobia. Many people suffer from this. One of the main phobias in the United States. When you're not moving, you're putting pressure on certain areas.
In fact, you can develop sores in patients who are paralyzed. We have to constantly reposition them, otherwise we will decrease skin circulation in that area. At first it starts to turn red and then it opens like a sore, it can turn black and like a full hole in the body, I have to defecate a lot, but I have decided to go without defecating for 48 hours, now is not the time. At the end of the world, you know that patients can go a week without defecating and obviously that's like a diagnosis of constipation, but it's not something lethal or fatal, this is probably the most


part of this video because if any of that fireworks smoke will actually go into your coffin, you can actually get very sick from carbon monoxide poisoning very quickly and they might think you fell asleep, but you actually developed carbon monoxide poisoning, that's one of the symptoms.
Do not allow smoke to occur in an enclosed space, that is literally deadly. The reason I actually reacted to all of these Mr Beast videos is because I have partnered with him and creators around the world to promote Team Seas and the international efforts to raise 30 million dollars to remove 30 million dollars of trash from our oceans, rivers and waterways. All you have to do is head over to to learn more and donate as little as a dollar to remove a piece of trash or simply share this video with the hashtag teamc's to help ensure our oceans are happy and healthy if you want. you want. to see me kick ass and box literally box because I'm a boxing


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