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Cheese Pictionary

Jun 29, 2024
(fire roaring) Welcome back. Now, you want to make sure you have a full GMM experience every day. It wants you to start from the beginning of each program by clicking on the thumbnail with the green border. Yes, now, as the old saying goes, "Everyone loves


and everyone loves Pictionary", so why the heck don't we play Pictionary using


blocks right now? - Can. - Can. And we are. We have Sara. She is our best friend, a professional cheese sculptor. She just did that... well, and then we did that to her. - Yes. - Previous segment.
cheese pictionary
That and that. And now we're going to make some Pictionary cheese. Do you want to go first since you're the professional? Well, it makes sense to me. Then your clue is in the string cheese. - In that? Oh. - And you take the block of cheese from there and do the worst. - Sara: Okay. - Link: Mm-kay. Break it or bite it? - Link: I don't know. - Rhett: Oh-- oh-- But I don't know if it's paper or-- - You're the cheese lady. - Oh! Ah hello. Ah hello. Rhett: That's very... Sailing? - Mm, then I won't tell you.
cheese pictionary

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cheese pictionary...

Yes, you tell us with cheese. - Very good, ready? - That's pretty important. - Yes. Are you ready? - Set... - Link: Did you read it? - Go. Cheese! (Sarah humming) Link: Cheese with music coming out of your mouth. - (humming) - Okay. Is the music part of the track? Link: Because that is illegal. It looks like a bottle of Patrón right now. - Link: Pattern Bottle. - Rhett: Is that all? Is it a Patrón bottle? Y'all, it's a Parton bottle. Wow, you're good. Whatever it is, I know it's supposed to be something. Yes. (laughs) That's supposed to be something.
cheese pictionary
It looks like a perfume bottle. - It really has some character. - Oh, it has a hole... - Oh, it's a guitar! - (bell rings) - Tada! You understood it. - Me, me, period. - Me period. - Me, me, points. It looks like that. - Rhett: Wow, look at that. - Who is the next one? - I will go. - Alright. I'll take my clue and my cheese. And I have to leave the mess. There you go. Yes, you can take your guitar. I'll eat some of your cheese. - Well. - I want you to look at that. - Rhett: You are a professional. - That looks good.
cheese pictionary
And listen, Sarah, I don't want to scare you, but I spent a lot of time with cheese, so I'll probably be pretty good at this. Well. Are you ready? Ready, man. Do it. (groans) What difference did that make? It's a block. You turned it around for no reason. I do not know, man! This seemed like the bottom. Is it a boat? Uh, a block of cheese that's missing a little bit of cheese. - I have to really be... - Sarah: Are they monkey bars? - How... are you so... - Is he lazy? - You are so fluid. - I'm going to let you do all the guesswork.
It'll take me a second to really get going. Is it animal? Gol-lee, the cheese is harder than I thought. What do you do when that happens? - Sara: Eat it. - Link: There you have it. What else do you think it is, Sarah? Sarah: Uh... - Rhett: Okay. - It has a stripe. - Rhett: Well... - Sarah: A robot. Caterpillar. Oh yeah. Is it the striped caterpillar? Is it... is it a man... Do you stink? You're slow too. - Sarah: A zipper. - You have to choose. You need to suck or be slow, but don't do both. - Hey, snowman. - Yeah! - Yeah! - What the hell? - Snowman. - What the hell? - You are so good. - Snowman.
See? Cheese minds think alike. She knows where she was going with that. I was... this was the bottom, the middle and the top. Hurrah! And it's the right color. And I was going to do... What? And on top of that I was going to make a hat. Oh, it is. Hurrah. What's wrong, Sara? You know the deal. Snowman! Okay, I'll do it. I have the last one. - I really can't... - This is pure art. Oh, you're good. Okay, I'm ready. I have my block of cheese. And I have my thing here with my track. It's going to cut and bleed.
Just so you know. Hmm. Well. - Hmm. That's a good cheese. - It's good. Well, you know, it's standard food... Pasta filata. Oh, look what I found? (laughs) I'm not going to do that to myself. Yes, you should leave that. I can't even get it back in the-- - J-J-J-Just-- - Ouch! Just don't handle it. No! No! No! Well. I'm going to do this, y'all. Turn it over first. - Well? - There you go. Go three, two... - Rhett: That's what professionals do. - One. Skipper! Uh, what is... Oh, my God... - It's... - Tic tac toe.
Is it the letter H? A snowflake. Is it the letter N? Is a letter? Did you say snowflake? Snowflake. Yes, that's what I started thinking. Link: Is that what you started thinking? ♪ I'm cutting my cheese ♪ ♪ Making it happen ♪ ♪ Just separating it ♪ ♪ And leaving things behind ♪ Accordion. ♪ It's not an additive exercise ♪ - ♪ It's like sculpting ♪ - Christmas tree. ♪ You take a big block ♪ ♪ And then you remove things you don't need ♪ This is a really uncatchy song. ♪ That's what I'm doing ♪ And then you do a party trick. ♪ Anyone can do it ♪ ♪ Some people are better ♪ - Tree. Palm! - It's like... - Oh, you guessed it. - (bell rings) Listen, you can't do two things at once.
You can't carve and listen to guesses. Sara: Let's finish. Let's finish. I really want... You didn't even let me... I don't know what kind... - How did you get the palm out of this? - Could it be... Wait... Wait. Is it the hat? Is it the hat? Because you have a special connection with that cheese. It's because I can draw. I can't do math or spell, but I can draw pictures. I wasn't... I wasn't even listening to you because I knew you didn't have a chance. - But the thing is... - You said it was a snowman. - It's... - I mean, my God.
I think today we know who the winner is and it's Sarah, the cheese professional. Do you see what you gain? - The only thing... - How about that? You carved the only thing that really resembles what you were trying to carve. Congratulations. Click to see how we debunk urban legends. Or maybe leave them in a bunk bed. Get your GMM Logo Pen and Mythical Logo Pen at so you can be #pinning.

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