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Extreme Would You Rather Challenge #2

Jun 08, 2021
Would you floss your teeth? Let's talk now about that mythical good day.


you prefer? It's just a frivolous exercise in hypotheticals unless you're willing to put your money where your favorites are. We've done this before what we're going to do. again putting your




options into action, it's time for you to choose, we lose


, would you



, here's how this will work, we asked the mythical beasts a bunch of would you rather questions and over 30,000 of you responded now we're Me I'll take turns guessing what most of you said you'd prefer to do in a given situation.
extreme would you rather challenge 2
If they are wrong, when it is their turn, they will have to do what the mythical beast said they didn't want to do if they are right. They have to do that thing they didn't want to do correctly anyway, each round someone will have to do the least popular option and sometimes they get pretty gross with the mama bird thing from the last time block and another one from Of course , things that once happened to me or to you, I think that in the program maybe it wasn't bad, it was rich. I hope it wasn't good, it wasn't good for me, okay, it was indifferent.
extreme would you rather challenge 2

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extreme would you rather challenge 2...

You're taller, so I'm going to Ask the first person who asks you, mythical beasts, would you rather do jumping jacks in wet jeans or poor Applejack wet in your jeans? So, Rhett, what do you think they'd rather do right? No. I would like to thank you. Jackson with the mythical beast as an active group, you know they were given the option to exercise, they would accept it and also your jeans will get wet either way, but in one scenario you have food there and in the other scenario they are just wet, like this Which I think they provide you with cereal, which is great, but you can't eat it in your pants.
extreme would you rather challenge 2
I mean, you came. I know I shouldn't. I must do where it says I will eat it. I think they'd rather do jumping jacks. wet pants now I will say I don't know this answer, we will find out together right now, so what is the answer? Okay, so yes, most people wanted to do jumping jacks and wet jeans. You're right, which means I have to do it. pour wet Applejack into my pan and you just acted like this is a big deal so do it, that's good, cinnamon enos are always a surprise and nice, well put the cinnamon and s in your Vance, okay , then tell me how it is.
extreme would you rather challenge 2
You're going to do this, your keys are so tight there's no room for precise Apple Jacks in there. I mean, if I were to shoot, do you need help, man? These jeans are tight, you don't have to go through with this, the jeans you just did. I don't have to front, I mean, but the Spurs are coming in, just put it, oh God, hey man, you're mine, oh, okay, you seem to be enjoying that weirdly, okay, move it, no, I don't want to that you move it. to a question for you like in round 2, we asked the mango beasts which was refreshing.
Would you rather French kiss a mannequin with a sardine's tongue or have a Frenchman with kissing makeup slap you with a cow's tongue? Would you rather kiss a mannequin with a sardine tongue? sardine tongue or being slapped with a cow's tongue by a Frenchman with kissing makeup. I mean, I've been slapped several nasty things on this show, including your hand, but I slapped you back, you did it, and then you slapped me with no pleasure. I don't like the idea of ​​having an intimate relationship with a sardine, yeah, what makes intimate people violent? You know, but I prefer to be slapped, but by mythical beasts.
I think you would agree with me so my answer is a slap with Cal's tongue. French in kissing makeup okay who cares who slapped me let's find out you were right yeah 82% said they had liked that dagger and clear winner, which means I'm going to have to make out with a mannequin with a sardine and you can watch. in my wet crotch while you're doing it, I just put my whole tongue in my mouth, well, I think he's right, he's going to stab me at some point, I just want there, there you're going to talk, it's um, you've got Han, baby. your tongue so long you can you can you are okay maybe I'm going to fold your tongue back on itself that experience just dried my pants no, I thought I might No, okay, here's the next question we asked you, mythical beasts, would you prefer floss with used dental floss? floss or blow your nose with a used tissue.
Me, what did the mythical beast prefer? First of all, they are both repulsive to me. You know, I'm not much of a germaphobe, but you know how to do things like that when you haven't flossed. in a while and you start flossing and then you smell it and it stinks yeah, yeah, that's what happens man, there's stuff stuck in there that's nasty, nasty stuff. I don't think you'll mail it by mail. I smell it in the mirror you use. a wire you don't floss with, why are you strung? Well, you know, but the thing is, that's taking something out of someone else's face and putting it in your mouth while you blow into your own, but you're taking something that's already out of someone else's face that I'm saying no, no.
It is, I'm not going to put their snot back in my nose, I'm blowing on something that has their snot in it now, it's different than taking something out of their mouth and putting it in mine, but which is maybe I'm overthinking it, Well, which one is more contagious? I think it's a fact there or they're both pretty bad. I think I think then I think the blow and the loss are more serious, but I think it's more mythical. The beast would have chosen to blow its nose. I'm going to say they would rather blow their nose on their used tissue, but you would have chosen the opposite, yeah, but I'm just saying okay, let's find out what most of the mythical beasts are, yeah. 70% would rather waste their knowledge, so you're right again.
We know you already did, so now I'm going to floss and then I'll share it with you. I have lost in weeks. Can I choose which slot you are in? floss, I mean, look, I'm not going to pick one, I'm going to pick several. I'm going to run through all the spaces, not all of them, come on, stop, stop, stop, friend, hey, hey, hey, stop, what's your?, what's your problem?, what are you?, you're going to be bleeding now Listen, you have to use the same place, so I'll hold it for you. It also smells like sardines.
I know you think it's sardine tongue. Yes, I will do it like this. Alright. I need you to floss my teeth, but no. I want it to be the exact same place they're going to my team it's always worse for me it seems like you like sardines you twisted fool oh man my breath smells horrible okay let me give it to you I can't I don't I don't be Hey, like you're the dentist. Oh, you're doing it to expose your eyes, open your mouth, yeah, okay, are you going with the button? Come on, we're at the bottom, why are those above you closer to you? eyes or something, what is it so they can see that you're really doing good, here we go, I thought about it, so God, you put your fist, my gag reflex, man, why do you have teeth in the front of my face, yeah let me go? for wisdom, my way to the fourth round, okay, here is your next question link.
Would you rather lick peach jam from your friend's armpit? I'm your friend or sucking on a peach pit covered in your friend's toe jam. I am your friend. My toe gets stuck but I can't but the mythical beast friends aren't yours so your friend's toe gets stuck or I'm Pitt and if you do it right then I have to do the thing and then it becomes your armpit where your toe gets stuck, oh. Yeah, or put the whole pit in your mouth and just hold it there like it's a jawbreaker or just lick a hairy armpit mm-hmm, this is hard.
I've been using natural deodorant lately, which means I haven't really been using deodorant. but the toe jam is like it's on your foot like you put powder there because there's something you're trying to kill no I killed it I killed it five years ago it's dead so yesterday I went to a public gym and I haven't bathed my feet since you wore flip flops no, oh, I forgot I probably feel sorry for my feet right now I don't think, I think this one is going to be okay, so we'll just do it for a while, I guess.
I'm trying to access the brain of the mythical beast, the hive, the hive mind. I'm going to follow my own instincts. That sounds good. I think I'd rather lick the armpit, okay? So you think it's good. I think that's my answer right, lick his armpit, look what they said oh, you're absolutely right, yes, 92%, he's 50, that means I have to get him, you take a peach pit, put jam on it the toe, I have the ass, okay, and this is for Eat my feet, my feet are clean, man, you haven't been in a public gym with me recently, except for the cum running down my leg and now covering my foot, I mean, but feet in general, I mean, look at you, tell me. wash your feet every time you shower I just let all the things wash my feet everything I wash goes over my feet it feels redundant washing I'm flossing and I'm tall so it's a lot of speed when the Water getting to my feet is basically like pressure washing my feet, the flesh is showering and all the speed with which people gush that water gets oh man, you're really cleaning aren't you?
It actually feels good, okay, slimy. Are you ready for it, your toes are so clean, push it in like it's now, now present it to me on your tongue like I think I need to work, look at my wet crotch, okay, have some French cheese, mythical beast, oh, we know you and I don't know if we like you anymore, keep it as a memory where it's nice for all of you to participate and answer those questions and put us through this misery. Below we show you a great invention that will help you have peace. so keep looking you will get a book of mythology that we have both touched will prove it if you buy one at the mythical shop dot will sign the book with our names we promise

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