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Whose Beard Am I Petting? (GAME)

May 31, 2021
(fire roaring) Thank you for being here. We find our self-esteem in the click of it. Now, there are three things I could never live without: my family, my


, and of course my best friend, Steve Dumpernickle, but today it's not about my family or my friend Steve. It's about


s, specifically the beards of our crew members. Who is Steve Du? - Don't ask, man. - Forget it. I don't want to know. You don't know him. Alright, today we'll see if we can determine who on our team we are sensing in the beard region when we sense the beard region. - Yes. - Can we identify them? - Blindfolded. - Well.
whose beard am i petting game
I am blindfolded. - It's yours? - Yes. As you can see, we can't. Okay, then a crew member will come stick his face through the beard hole. We feel the beard. We determine who he is. -He who gets the least right, he loses... -Of course. and I actually had to eat some of the red beard trimmings from Jeremiah's beard. Alright, let's bring in our first crew member. Woman: First beard, please. (music plays) Oh, feeling the lower lip. Now, Rhett, you can only touch the beard. You've already touched the lip. My hand... no, I'm touching the bottom edge of the hole. - Oh. - And then the beard is right on top. - Ooh, that's a-- - That's a hand.
whose beard am i petting game

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whose beard am i petting game...

That's my hand. No, that's my hand. That's my hand. Me... touching my hand. Let go of my hand. Here we are. Here we are. Oh oh oh oh. - Oh. - Oh. Now, that's... It's thick, wiry. It's a thick, wiry mess. Now everything stops there. I can feel where it stops. Someone is trying not to laugh. Stop holding my hand. Take it out in the hole. Go out to the bottom of the hole. It's like... It's very... It's like a vel... One side of the velcro. I didn't know we had someone with such a thick beard.
whose beard am i petting game
This is not anyone who works for us. - Nobody has this beard. - It is hot here. - It's very hot right there. - I like it. It's so elastic. I... Who... This is a big beard? Did you know? I think Micah's beard might be like this... I've never touched Micah's face. You know what I'm talking? It's like Mike's beard isn't so wiry, right? Micah? - It's not that... - Mike. Oh, Mike. Christmas gong? Don't you feel like...? Don't you feel like Mike...Christmas Gonga...his beard wouldn't be like that? It is not so difficult. This beard doesn't feel moody enough to be in Mike's face. - Okay, uh... - You know what?
whose beard am i petting game
Woman: Okay guys, I'm going to need an answer. - I have Micah. - Must be. It must be sad being in Mike's face. Yes, I have Micah. - Three, two, one... - I don't know. - Micah. - Miguel. - Woman: Okay. - Sad Mike. Take off the blindfolds. (bell rings) Yes! Oh! Damn, I never knew yours was so thick, Micah. He's very, very pretty, man. Have you been using my beard oil? - Look at it... Here's the thing. - Yes. That is the correct answer. The thing is, I never looked at it and realized there was so much hair there.
It's very thick. - I thought you had... - Congratulations, man. Micah: Thank you very much. You have the thickest beard, you know, besides me. - It's deceptively thick. - It's actually thicker than mine. Alright, let's go down and get another beard. Woman: Okay, can I have the next beard please? (music plays) (mumbles) - Is it there? - Above the box. I have another hand. I have one foot. - Well. - Just... Just do your side of the beard. He wears his beard all the way down. Until the end. Take it out of the hole. That? That?
That? Oh, wow. This part is really smooth. The side parts are long. I have a really soft neck. There is a length on the sides. - And then the-- - This is also thicker than I expected. Let me have... Oh, the chin is so long. This... What are you doing here? I'm touching this side of me... this side of the beard. This is what you are doing. You're everything... everything... Like you're completely blocking me from my side of the beard, man. Just... It's long and wispy. Who has a thin and long beard? - Uh... - Um... - Woman: Okay, guys, I think it's time. - I sit here, like the end... there's a... there's a pronounced end of the mustache right here.
That is the signature of something. - Oh, there's a lot here. - Woman: Okay, I think you've... you've petted enough. - Well. - And now... three, two, one... - Sad Mike. - Miguel. Yes. This is a taciturn beard. - Here we go. - Take off the blindfolds. - Yeah! - Look, he smiled for a second! You have a good beard too, man. - I've been letting it go. - Bring it here. "I've been letting it go, man." This here is a really good part for you, - like the ending... you could have... - Thank you. Yes, you could post something about that.
Whenever you get rid of your beard, I want to see that mustache for at least a few days, because that works, man. You could lift that thing. - Wow. - Thank you so much. - Wow. - You have a lot of potential. Woman: Well, guys, put your bandages back on. I'm bringing the next beard. I'm two by two, in case you haven't noticed. - I am one for two. - Can I have the next beard please? Okay, now most people are being shy. Get it out. There is. What-what-what... Oh my God. Alright, they really brought it up now.
That? - That's... - This is a wig. This is like Santa Claus. This is a woman wearing a fake beard. But not just any fake beard. Come on... Come on... Let's guess what kind of wig this is. Do you think you can feel the color? Who is that? Okay, I'm hearing some air. Don't leave any hint of the sound of the lips. - Okay, okay... - Okay. Alright, I have my guess. Woman: Okay. Three, two, one. -Ellie! - Santa Claus. Okay, take off the blindfolds. - (mumbles) - We were both right! I assumed Santa Claus. - Now wait! - Ho Ho Ho.
What was that? Does that really count? Woman: I-I-I-- Okay, we'll give it to you. Yes, it's both Santa and Ellie. If I decided to become Santa, this is what it would be like. I would give it to you. - Yes, I also heard your voice a little when you were laughing. - Thank you, Ellie. - Cheating. - That? - That's where I got my clue. - I'm sorry. Woman: Okay, let's go again. - Three by three. - Very well, the next beard, please. (music plays) Is he in? Hey. That's my pinky. There is. Oh, short beard.
Short beard. - Short beard. - Short beard. - Short beard. - On the side. Turning to the front, chin. Pointed chin. No... You're taking facial cues again. Don't take clues so much from the face. Just there. Ooh, there's not much space between the mustache space. Oh, it gets a little thin right there. - Just there. Underneath... - Okay. Well. I have a couple of people in mind. Okay, I think I know this one. A couple of people in mind. - I know who is. - Woman: Okay, here we go. Three, two, one... (together) Chase. Take off the blindfolds. - Oh!
It was Chase or Alex! - Alex! - I knew Chase or Alex. - You... Cunning devil. Damn. Damn. Almost-- I-- - Gah-- - You're still touching it. You know, you have a very... You have a very good form here. It's like... It's like... Are you commenting on his face now? The way you... You know, you have... - Okay. - You have a really good connection that swoops down and looks like a pipe. Yes, people say that. This looks like a Gandalf pipe. - People say... a lot of things about my beard. Like... Like the lines were really good.
I'm... I'm very proud to have you on the team... - Wow, thank you. - Thank you so much. - ...with your pipi lines. You are doing good things. You're doing good things, Alex. I appreciate it. You two too. Woman: Okay, guys, let's go again. - Well. - Wow, damn it. It was Chase or Alex. He made the wrong decision. - There is nothing clean for you. - Let's have the next beard. There is no one there. (music plays) I don't want to poke anyone. Oh! There is. What... what was that? - Oh. - What was that?
Something in the beard. Ah! Oh, is this something like from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies? Ah! Oh. Okay, I know what's going on here. - Yuck. - Yes yes yes yes yes yes. - Well. - Woman: Are you ready? - Yes. - Yes. Three, two, one... - Jeremías. - Jeremiah back in the mix. (laughing) Yeah. "Pirates of the Caribbean"... That was... That was good. Were you thinking about the... - Barnacles or something like that. - Barnacle man. Uh, welcome... back. - I-I thought-- - Thanks for having me back. I was like, "Well, there's a sink there.
You know, you can wash yourself." And then I saw you go the other direction. I was like, “Okay, whatever.” I feel like this show has become "Hee Haw." You know what I'm talking? It's like we got "Hee Haw" back. Take it out completely. Okay, Link, you have to do more than touch that beard. In fact, you have to eat something because, you fool, you lost. That's how it is. Get a good bite. Oh yeah! How is that? - Nice? Do you like what? - (crackling) Your beard is very crunchy, Jeremiah. Alright, this is not the only competition we have today.
Click the video below to watch us face off in an epic rap battle. But that's "wrapping" with a "w." Don't get too excited. Your beard deserves the best, so get my beard oil to give your hair what it deserves, available at

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