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CHAT PICKS "MUSIC" (while I speedrun Cookie Clicker)

Jun 02, 2021
Husband, I've known about Cookie Clicker speed races for a


, but they seem to be the ultimate meme, so today we're doing a



speed race. There are a few categories. A million


s never click. It's like six minutes to get a million. cookies, but I guess since we're doing the full meme, let's go hard, the world record is just under three hours, but a lot of the


is pretty boring to watch, it's Cookie Clicker, so what I'm going to do en I'm going to have Media Share on all day, we're just going to have a little bit of chaos in Media Share, but yeah, we're going to go hard, the rules are simple, a billion cookies without purchasing any upgrades and, yeah, just I'm going to click, the stopwatch is on the top right, there, you can see it you guys are hanging out here, the updates are there, let's start with the screw, I'm just going to start the race as a kind of bob box, though, eh, focus on a little bit harder when clicking, the start of the game is pretty important, this is the slowest part, the slowest part of the race is the start, but I'll click until 1100.
chat picks music while i speedrun cookie clicker
I want that cookie farm, I love her, let's grind. that cookie farm, we're out here grinding for the cookie farms, we're doing good, almost on that farm, good stuff and like I said, if you ever see a golden cookie, I give you all permission to scream, look at this guy dancing , it's like me, but better. Baby, when you talk right now, look at it, look at it, see, do you know what I'm saying? But the only best part is itself, why don't we put that on Luke for the rest of the day? Sounds good if we run out of shares just play that for Luke yeah that's too loud don't skip it oh I'm working on it oh by the way that's louder for me than it is for you please right, just so you know, oh guys, it's a quiet day. just relaxing welcome to my phone calls come on okay I have to concentrate here I have to concentrate this is one of the good times we have a golden cookie we are going to have to click as fast as we can to keep that in mind we have one minute and 17 seconds Gotta focus, okay, the golden cookie has blessed me look at our cookies going up, take that mind, take that mind, take that mine, oh my gosh, we've got mine, come on, our cookies are going up, we've got a big Yoshi's Lounge, let's go there. another one, okay, a thousand cookies a second, my God, we're rolling between cookies.
chat picks music while i speedrun cookie clicker

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chat picks music while i speedrun cookie clicker...

Now golden cookies are what make this category work. You have to get those golden cookies. Is this a JoJo reference? Okay, almost enough for another mine. There is another mine. good dancing cockroach I live in concert dancing cockroach and The Crowd Goes Wild are these just these Discord things why not what's good wait it gets better it's actually not that bad okay I thought I was about to be disappointed or bother me, but it's actually not bad. Well, who did this? This is actually very catchy. What is this? It's not my birthday, but thank you, it's not, it's not my birthday. more cookies I don't think you understand how hardcore works you can't update anything you don't have permission to update this is Hardcore you can just click and buy buildings we need eurobeat the next zero beat don't worry it's zero beat right it's this eurobeat two one Let's Jam .
chat picks music while i speedrun cookie clicker
I've even seen Cowboy Bebop and it's legendary. This is seeing an automatic


. It is not an automatic clicker. I'm clicking, it's me clicking all the time. Oh, this is like eight levels deep now. I'm wearing the same shirt, I see so many levels deep, it's like five levels, now we're like five levels deep, oh my god, I feel uncomfortable, okay, the pufferfish delights in just eating the carrots, huh, it'll probably be good , so wow. It's a little cursed but not enough to make me uncomfortable now I'll do it. Jam blurry is the best way to say it yeah it's blurry getting quieter I feel like it's getting quieter oh no it's not getting quieter yeah that's right there I'm fine fine why did I talk?
chat picks music while i speedrun cookie clicker
Why did I speak? Why did I say something? It's okay Evangelion, I'm okay with that. Oh, I went too far. Very sorry. We'll have to go to 60 oh Gold Cookie. Yeah, come on, it's Evangelion, it's blessing, that's the only explanation, go old school hardcore, eh, okay, okay, girls shoot each other with a Nerf gun. Big Chungus vs. Thanos. Someone did this. Someone took time out of their day abroad to do this. The thing is that it's not bad, I like it, it's good quality, which scares me a lot, it's cursed, but it's how they put it, you could tell that someone dedicated a lot of time to this, and it's terrifying, foreigner, like someone very talented, clearly dedicated a lot of time to it, and how my pores aren't that bad, stop, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like, little baby, I don't like that, I don't like that, oh millennium, they're so cute, it's perfect to come after of that little baby's things. oh, they're so cute Yeah, I know that one, I know that's a classic 1.84 million, we're finally almost at 1.4 million to buy the Cookie Bank, there's the Cookie Bank, oh my God, dispute for what you achieved this incredible achievement.
I finally saved enough for a bank and was greeted with this, come on, sweep, what would you come back, okay, apparently they'll come back, okay, oh gold cookie, come on, it's any good


that comes along, it's a gold cookie. come on oh hello thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of trash the same even though we have gnomes she's back she's back I mean they weren't lying what she said I'll be back what are you coming in? Cookie Clicker speed running what kind of garbage is that oops my anarchy symbol crab Rave video but you get gnomes at least I know what to expect ow I wasn't expecting the raccoon to eat grapes with his hands that was adorable that was adorable oh he's a guy from refrigerator yes, it's this man oh no, no, I close, my eyes start to scream if there is a golden cookie, golden cookie, oh my God, let's go, how did he do it?
I wanted it to exist. It's the only explanation. There is another bank for anyone who doesn't know that the goal of this Speed ​​Run is to love. refrigerators thank you thank him he loves refrigerators she's back she's back again this isn't so bad you keep going like you cut the video right before the good part happened no, no, leave me, I can't sing, don't listen to this Don't listen to him, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars, you can't play, that's not fair, okay, yes, I'm up for this, thanks for the good I should have expected it, honestly.
I don't know what that is I don't care if he plays the note if he plays the note I'll give it to him I'm going to wait wait wait for it to be cut before before hahaha golden cookie come on let's get the temple guys let's get the temple I don't think I don't think he'll make it come on the 17th that won't make it he didn't make it he didn't make it we only have three or two and a half million left it's not going to take that long oh oh why are you still going I mean I should say it's still coming it doesn't stop just doesn't stop the


to find golden cookies too yeah, nice and quiet, it's Fly Me to the Moon, why are they so obsessed with Fly Me to the Moon?
I try to sing once in my life and you never stop, you can't, you can't forget it, yes, come. when you hit it, hit the note, all my respect to him, you know, not many people are confident enough to try it, i will never try it, he did it, he has my respect, they are like golden cookies, please go, okay, that's how it is. Well, yeah, it was too healthy, the golden cookie had to show up, come on, let's get another Temple boys, oh, okay, yeah, I think it fits well with the golden cookie, no contacts, Ludwig, nice, God, He has strange movements, how long could he keep that? up, look at her face, she's trying not to laugh, in the old days, you could tell she says: don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh space she's back Honestly, I'd rather die to this Who keeps requesting this?
I don't know what happens if my roommate comes into this once I started sharpening pencils on the stream. I think his expectations of me were just gone. I walked into the apartment with a bunch of pencils and sharpeners in my arms and my roommate just looks at me, he's in the kitchen, he says I'm not even going to ask right now and I told him anyway and he said, you know why work well no I'd sing on the stream if it sounded like that oh another one let's listen to this one before solid you've got to be kidding you cut it before it fell no I just can't express how disappointed I am it's a shoe painter collaboration it's in this it's shoe Right there, look at those shoes on this one with my mods, if you don't know what the shoes look like legitimately, it's like a ton of the art community.
I think just on Twitch, his shoes are shown oh, it sounds so good they are. so cute, they're so cute, even though they're just videos of kittens and puppies, they're the best, they're so cute, oh that baby Jack, that's what it's like when I go to the gym for the first time. what will it be like if people do that or him this is the vibe okay oh my god ah it hurts it hurts that's so cute actually oh my god that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in the updates of the mouse. I don't think you understand how this race works, you can't buy upgrades in hardcore mode, it wouldn't count, we wouldn't get the hardcore achievement, temple, temple, temple, temple, there it is, it's scary, how accurate it is.
I said it before. but this video was so well done, it's so well done that it includes all the details for the


flawlessly, okay, so when you hear this, can you call me back? I love you, it sounds so forced, it sounds so forced, okay? I like this kid, but not that much, guys, you have to calm down. I like this kid, but I can only listen. I have played this note so many times. This feels like golden cookie energy. Where is the golden cookie? Where is? We have a little more. We have another 30 seconds but a golden cookie will appear here it's a little late the golden cookie is a little late you know um okay person there it is there it's okay it was just a little late what did I say what did I do?
I mean, here we go, I love his Screech, it's the funniest fact. God and Anime are subscribed to me right now. God and Anime are both subscribed, so I have their power on my side, this feels like I have a golden cookie. energy what is this this is uh the Bop crab channel please tell me we reached 3 30. I want the wizard's tower and I want the golden cookie during this video make it happen Cookie Clicker less than three hours 43 minutes I become the best clicker of cookies in Canada that is the goal this video is not bad this is good we can reach it in this video if we get a golden cookie there is still a second chance it doesn't matter it's the end of the video golden cookie there it is, come on let's go, the golden cookie is delayed a little here we go there's the tower and we're making a million a second oh my god I need 17 more grandmas I'll try to get 17 more grandmas that sound good we'll do it 69 are grams and grandma the routine starts six more stop grinding grips we have to grind them we have to get to 69. please never say grind again grandmas too late one two one more 1.3 milligrams perfect nice nice we have 60 million left it's nothing like us' You're getting so close you know what you have to do there you can write fast beautiful beautiful 35 million five plus five plus five plus eight one million more after this the achievement come on where is it there?
I think that's the unconditional achievement three hours 32 minutes flat look at this look at this let's see, let's look at the leaderboards now, where am I? Let's look at 332 hardcore leaderboards, which is fourth in the world. I'll see you guys tomorrow, thanks for watching, bye, that was fun. It was a really fun day

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