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ACTUALLY doing dumb YouTube comment challenges

Feb 27, 2020
seen the apartment before they just came to hang out. outside and probably play or something Chris says, I wonder if Pablo, so it's a little weird and when they open the door, they open the door, they look into the kitchen and I think there's a pair of shorts in the kitchen, right on the kitchen. counter, then he looks into the bathroom and the bathroom light is on and the door is halfway open, okay, it's weird that the bathroom light is on, so he goes and opens the door. Sarah and Chris look into the bathroom and into the bathtub.
actually doing dumb youtube comment challenges
Pablo is sitting, what is Pablo


? Pablo is sitting in the bathtub with nothing but his underwear holding a knife and a watermelon he looks at Sarah and Chris and Chris is the same What are you


? What are you doing? and Pablo just says: I thought the watermelon was rotten, but that was like his first experience upon arriving at the apartment, arriving at the apartment, clothes on the kitchen counter, someone almost naked in the bathroom tub with a watermelon. and a huge knife. I'm still not having fun just to be clear just to be clear but we're almost done doing the bathtub watermelon murder % naked ah of course yes this is any % of the story percentage this is me trying to distract myself from the pain and the suffering that is this race here smart little grumps after the I don't understand it doesn't make any logical sense with those crimson Chets, that's how I feel Oh, filling up that chat, geez, Super Mario Odyssey, any percentage of speed, I just don't like it at all, I really don't like it, my god, it's over 109 25 we beat Super Mario Odyssey without playing the full game challenge let's go good mission successful we can start having fun again let's go to the next one let's see what we get okay so the next



you were blindfolded I'm fine what we're doing I'm back for a second try at this blindfolded.
actually doing dumb youtube comment challenges

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actually doing dumb youtube comment challenges...

I did it, I already failed on the last one. I did it. Okay, that one did well. Okay, move on to the next challenge. Okay, in this video it specifically says: do the game blindfolded. no sound, okay, I'm doing this today. I'm going to do it. I already did this, yes, that I already did that. Okay, next challenge, next challenge, just doing with those things that you're hearing, that can't be that hard, this was in my challenge where he let me find it let me find it your channel that this was in this video right here cap throat no jump cap throws damage and they want me to do it without seeing or hearing the game first of all first of all no you won't make it fun second of all Thank you there we go we have a challenge finished thank you for helping me complete a challenge for the next one .
actually doing dumb youtube comment challenges
I don't think people on YouTube watch any of my videos. I really don't think YouTube people do that. Look, they like watching a video and they say okay, I'll never watch another one of their videos again. I just did that. I literally beat it without touching a controller. Where is here? I beat him with chopsticks I never touched. the controller I made it you can see the chopsticks I'm not touching them don't watch my videos and that's okay let's move on to the next one uh also just that I saved it for later okay um what about the minimum ? number of catches i literally have the world record for minimum catches how do you know about minimum catches and you don't know it's literally all my videos world record world record the first time it's completed world records how don't you know it's minimum catches? don't get it, move on to the next one, oh see, this one is good, when are you going to speedrun with all the Courics?
actually doing dumb youtube comment challenges
This is related to Breath of the Wild, the top 900 operations. I did a breathalyzer at the current speedrun. I don't understand, you understand. all the poor ox 100% each one took me 69 hours or almost 69 hours these guys guys man okay well what's next? What's next? There has to be something I can do here, there has to be something basically us. I'm going to put the pro controller in place and throw it on the ground today and we'll use my feet to beat Super Mario Odyssey. I already did. I have done all of these


without walking. I'm not even going to go to the video.
I did that one too. It's like one of my most viewed videos. I have many of these. I have many of these. Moonless Run Moonless Run you should do No Moon Run. okay, let's do it, let's do a moonless speedrun, let me explain, let me explain, okay, let's get to the category extensions. Koopa free running RTA, this is a Super Mario Odyssey speedrun in which you have to do all the free runs consecutively. -back to back you don't get a single moon you just make Koopa run free he gives you coins you have the chad waluigi and the cool hat backwards it feels good I feel like a genius spinning people's words I mean what else is supposed what should I do?
Okay, Koopa, freerunning RTA. Okay, I mean, there's no prize. Let's try the disk. It's a spirit. Okay, we just have to do the whole scoop on the freerunning realm. Then we will be ready. no moons right all sprint races go up 17 seconds nice and fast to the next one now he's having so much fun now that race wasn't fun god that was shit this is stupid we're just doing a no moons around just cooperate. with free running it's great before you run, but make those assumptions. We've seen some incredible free running times from Koopa today. This is the last race of the day.
Let's see what Mario can do if he crushes these Koopas. Moyo starts with a clean turn. the city goes to the rolling impulse goes to the triple jump what is it doing going towards the tree it looks like it is climbing this tree goes towards the lower platform plays it safe while rolling over the bunks losing two seconds unfortunate but it is still very far and far away in front of those Koopas and here comes the button, the guessing must stop now, well, the guessing is stopping while Mario is climbing the last pillar to the top, what will be his last time will be twenty-six point five nine seconds a good performance by Mario here as we finish the race 22 minutes 31 seconds Super Mario Odyssey the race without moons is complete okay, so the race is finished, Super Mario Odyssey also ran below us.
I'm sure that was one of the


s on my YouTube, last time I have time for this one it'll be a bit longer of a gamble, you can't beat it without armor and food, but that's what we'll do, we'll switch to Breath of the Wild now and they just said beat the game, without food or armor, that's the plan, it's in german because this is my speedrun file and the germans are faster, i'm not sure how the % works because i don't want the day cycle /night really begin. So by making that mistake there, we managed to make the game never go night-time.
The time is


stuck at like five o'clock, so we never have to worry about nighttime enemies. Yes, we are doing it, we will do the speed strategies to To start, I mean, technically, this is also a moonless race, yes, it is possible not to breathe the moon, that is every % of the race, yes, you are trying a bunch all the time, yeah, all the time, everyone, yeah, just doing casual speedrunning strategies no. Do some crazy work, here we go, we bounced that guy that time, let's do the roof without the fire armor? I don't think it's possible to do it without the fire armor, oh, you know what we could do?
Actually, we could get the Master Sword. This you guys want to get the Master Sword, you know what you guys just want cheese so we don't have to do that, a lot of shrines will just get stained completely and as long as they're healthy and I think it's possible to try the sword with cheese. well, well, we'll get the sword, we'll do a sword test, there's no time to go straight to Ganon, let's see, come on, bounce that kid, feed, run, practice, let's do it. Oh baby, that feels good, only I could do that in racing.
Gannon looks to Impa for the next hoax, it's fun, yeah, we'll do it. He had never heard the tube before. We're just going to do it because I'm doing a bunch of really cool fails and this run might as well do one more. We'll take this drop down and look at the flaming torches and we can run with them and we can climb with them. We have that blue fire in the torch. Fortunately, we had a fairy. We are ready to continue. We're going to put in a bathtub and now we've unlocked memories. Your heart failure requires rupees on a memory we have now, it's you, but I did it right because we're moving very slow now I can examine it, so I just press right, we delete and then we pause the game, we keep something, we resume the pause, we hold something, then we look at a memory and we don't play it and we exit and we've done it, then we deposit them again and then we save and we do it all again because we have seven hearts once in a while next time we will have eleven next time we will look at 19 and the next one will have everything how long will this race take how long just 20 more minutes I think because now that we have all the stamina and all the hearts we are ready to go well, now that we have all this we don't need to make any shrines.
I mean, I didn't really plan to do it. them look at this now let's bounce on this guy I don't think I normally fail on this one we bounce that way we're going good I thought this would be a quick way to get to the Lost Woods they're a little faster in at least oh come on let's go to B and now we're going to do the sword test real quick like this, so let's do it, let's skew this, so we'll come out, oh there you go and we'll have to kill them without it. You know what, okay, yeah, we've done it now like they want to see something funny.
Hey, there's no sword here, so you did it. You can not do anything. The chosen hero, that's me. The chosen one. The master sword awakens and now claims to be true. splendor I really don't know what sword they're talking about yeah look down at nothing we can't do anything with it the sword isn't here so you oh the swords down this my bad my mistakes wrong pedestals my bad me I'll put it down again my sword is Down here guys, I didn't mean that at all sorry, wrong sword, here's my sword, the guys found it. We're all good thanks thanks for the help guys now we can skip the next one and it's basically the same thing he loves it he loves it he doesn't even move a normal person would just fall to the floor in pain it's like mmhmm mmhmm most of the action that he has had in years are trapped in this cube for his entire life and now we have the super master sword We enter the castle, we get the Hylian Shield, we will get some bows and some arrows, but really most of it is just getting the shield and leaving from here, aren't you okay?
I think we are ready, we can fly again. and now, what is that, I don't know, I've never seen that exactly, I've never seen that attack, I didn't know what it was, let's get cured, let's get berries, come on. Barry, okay, I think we're good, now here's the challenge, get all the Corks without activating two towers, oh wait, wait, wait, I have an idea, listen very carefully, no, you're not funny, here we go, It's okay, we're all okay, I just wanted to. watch one of my own YouTube videos for no reason, go back to Ganon, all set, she has to go all the way to beat him again without getting hit at all, okay, moving on to the next one might be enough to kill him, okay , in the next phase, do you think? the rest of the pests bully the pest for being apathetic, he is yes, that's why he is so upset.
I need to prove them wrong. I'm going to tear myself up so bad and they'll say they won't make fun of me anymore and then they'll keep making fun of them, go to sleep, take a quick nap, buddy, thank you very much, move the guarantee, big brains, it's okay, you know you're going to attack, this is a box fight. Thunder Blade, it attacked me, it seems they don't clean it up. well because it doesn't have legs but many why that didn't work I don't know why it didn't work but it managed to hit me but I think we killed them we didn't go there we go now it's working fine Jesus okay I guess we'll do that for the first attack and move on to the next phase, which should be easier.
Hello, come on, Emmie. I tried to leave you while I ran away. I didn't have enough time. Well, what we have is that. time, okay, okay, well let's go in, come on mine, one more baby, come on, one, Perry, that's all we need, come on, yeah, oh we did it, okay, now let's go for the trash shot in a reed in the reed sounds good. German Zelda sounds good. I'll do it I'm looking I'm looking let's do it let's do it there you go breathe nature without food without armor it only took four hours 51 minutes one second we have one more we have to do before we go let me see the last challenge I saw oh my god no There, I'm not going to play, you know what we're not going to play?
I will see them tomorrow

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