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Can This Chef Make Lunchables Fancy? • Tasty

Mar 27, 2020
Hello, I'm RIA. I am a


producer, as always. I have been challenged to take a common food and


it elegant. Today it's bagels. You must completely use the food, as you can only add it to the food. You can buy any ingredient. you want, okay, let's see what we have today, of course, my Lunchables drum roll. I've heard of it, but never knew what it is. Andrew told me there is a branch called Abel, come with me. Motors, I'm not sure if it's true or not just based on the package, it looked like record ham and cheese, it's


can this chef make lunchables fancy tasty
I always forget that kids had smaller stomachs so I've never had


before so let's try this. I thought it was a block of cheese but it's sliced ​​and crackers so it's almost like kids cheese board it's confusing ok that's good it can be a challenge because I have to use three components but I think I have a great idea, as always, I'm excited to




, this is what I have asparagus and onion powder let's get started, make it


, okay, I'll start with my potatoes, I already washed the potatoes, your fingerlings, it's one of my favorites.
can this chef make lunchables fancy tasty

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can this chef make lunchables fancy tasty...

The types usually come with purple and red skin, three different colors, so I think it looks very cute. I'm going to cut it in half. Yes, it's my lady. They came back from the spa super sharp. You meet someone on Instagram. He talks to me. He took his car to the car wash and said he took my lady to the spa so everyone has their own lady what are your lady's details with olive oil when you are quoting something you usually have to stop ? It's perverse if you season the weights to the spice forest everything gets kind of wash usually it's my hand, it's the best tool to branch all the rosemary thyme and if you like salt, a pinch too big, you're a new thought, something that you have to resolve super high, so sprinkle, even if you're too close, you're just like point one, so I transfer everything to baking.
can this chef make lunchables fancy tasty
She cut the side down to make it crispy. I baked this in the oven at 425 Fahrenheit for 20 to 30 minutes so the potatoes are in the oven and I'm going to move on to the chicken. I have plastic. and aneisa and I cover with another plastic over the chicken and I have a secret weapon the Foehammer. Do you know the name of the food? Hammer me Anya I have Miller and I'm going to pound the chicken so this one has two sides this is one for like tenderizing me but this part is like flat tuna. I don't want to leave any marks so I'm using this flat part so I'm going to sprinkle a teaspoon of garlic powder and a teaspoon of onion powder for each chicken breast and soul, a big pinch and I'm going to add half how can I place this?
can this chef make lunchables fancy tasty
Fits perfectly. Wow cheese, same thing. An amazing lunch from the whole metaphor of it. This fits perfectly. Roll this up and twist the end like candy. I want to make a cylindrical shape and you're going to roll it against the surface so it's super tight and I'm going to type and the chicken rolls are ready and I'm going to leave this in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. I'm going to make sauce in the meantime. It means garlic. I'm using this knife called a PT knife. It's easy to cut small things like garlic. This is one of my ladies. 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of butter.
So far it smells butter. 1 and 1/2 cup of milk. 1/8 cup mustard for the butter to melt. I'm going to the garlic, I'm going to add the flour and I'm going to beat for a minute also slowly, so they are very similar cells called béchamel. It's one of the mother sauces in French cuisine, so what you do is keep whisking until it thickens. We're going to use 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese, it's nice and thick so I'll add some cheese and Dijon mustard. Remove it from the heat, but the sauce is ready. I'm going to set this aside for my next step.
I have flour and beaten egg that I used for I'm going for an internal temperature of 165 Fahrenheit, if it doesn't get there I'm going to end up in the oven. Good sound okay the color looks great here so I'm going to take it off because I don't want to learn and I'm going to check the temperature this is 153 this is 114 so I'm going to finish in the oven for about 10 minutes and we'll check the temperature again next we're going to make asparagus 12 a the stem has a little fiber, remove that kind of hard part there too, you have to do it one, eat it when you're breaking it and naturally stop it / it's okay or you can just cut the end and use the peeler, so I'm I'm going to use 3 to 4 tablespoons of water, so what will stop bubbling in the asparagus and the leader will be back on top to spin?
Then you'll want to wait until all the water evaporates, flame with olive oil and it looks shiny and a little. light green almost seasoned with salt and pepper as far as you're looking down, so I'm going to transfer to the tray and move on to the next step, the chicken at that temperature reached 165, so I'm going to start plating all the cheese, it's losing this. the spiral looks great the data looks good - I'm so happy how you turned it into your lunch it's not for lunch lunch Evita four chicken cordon bleu it's so good welcome Andrew thank you yes, somewhere in here something is hiding which would normally be described as unsophisticated exactly they want to try it, you sure were doing it, man, I'm opening the champagne like III way I'll open it like it tastes great, there's the ham component, there's usually some cheese in there, oh, they're Lunchables restorations, remember?
He told me it's a branch of offal, come with me, mother, you, oh, I said, I said someone should make brunch or bowls. Oh, use it if anyone should. I said that already exists, no, yes, see, it is a branch of the three. Wow, it makes you elegant. Okay, Adam, welcome to make it fancy, yeah, I'm going to get the leftovers from Andrews. I have everything I make, it's fresh too. You made the leftovers elegant. That's what you did with the pants. Oh, that's good, the ham is sweet. Holly, it's one of the ingredients. Yes, there is no foot. right there I made it elegant if I say you didn't make it more elegant don't I have to do the elegant dance Eva or do you have to play the bass like I do this you did it three two won't it make you? fancy, make it fancy, but I did it, right, yeah, yeah, thank you so much for watching.
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