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Breaking The Economy With INFINITE MONEY - Civilization 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With Exploits

Jun 02, 2021
let's raid this barbarian camp and get 150 gold and we can do it again oh oh we can do it again oh dear and if we did it again oh and again and again oh and now we have the most


in the


hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm the fine Brit and today we're playing Sid Meier's Civilization VI, approaching the storm, oh my goodness, it's great to be back and what are we going to do today? Well, we're going to have possibly one of the strangest six-


s ever, we'll see how much


you can really win using fantastic feats and


balancing this game into oblivion, so naturally, ladies and gentlemen, be sure to sit back , relax, you have a nice hot cup of tea in your hand and heck, you feel absolutely amazing, you can even like this video like an amazing human being would, so let's dive into a new solo game player now, when it comes to who we're playing today.
breaking the economy with infinite money   civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game with exploits
I want to play a leader who is capable of generating enormous amounts of cash now if you have a single brain cell and you've read a history book or played the Civil Six game before you say, "Hey, we should play Mansa Musa." ". the man generates gold like no one else, it's really amazing when it comes to the regular generation of gold, this man in the story was so rich, in fact every time he went to a foreign country he practically ruined his entire


just because he had so much gold this man is a walking financial disaster because of how rich bill gates is jeff bezos and elon musk have absolutely nothing to compare to this man and his incredible wealth, however we are not going to play him, we will play the majestic suleiman the magnificent. from the ottoman empire this guy is awesome, you might be looking at him and thinking, wait a second, there are no modifiers here that give you more money, but that's where you're wrong, this bad boy is crazy, we can hit this bad boy's roof and Trust me, you have no idea how much gold can fit inside it, so of course we'll play as the Ottomans and don't worry, I'll show the feat why we did it.
breaking the economy with infinite money   civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game with exploits

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breaking the economy with infinite money civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game with exploits...

We will be playing as them very soon, but of course in this glorious world that we are going to start in, which will be a marathon game that will actually start in the Renaissance era, we have to play against some high-octane rivals that I want to play against . the strongest, deadliest, fighting enemy leaders out there, so who are we going to play against today, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to play against gandhi gandhi, gandy, gandy and jon, believe me, they may not look like much, but these bad guys wow you can pack a punch and everyone loves nukes without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to get into the game this is going to be absolutely amazing so let's figure out where to start I think that we have found our starting position, ladies and gentlemen.
breaking the economy with infinite money   civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game with exploits
Well, since we start in the Renaissance era, we're in a pretty fun situation where we can start with two settlers, two skirmishers, and a crossbowman, uh, and we've spawned on what I can only describe as crab island if we had to. settle down a city right here we could have six crabs all within range of this location oh this is amazing I mean we just have to colonize the crab city I mean screw the banana resource we don't need the banana resource , just worrying about crabs right now let's go out into the world at large and also explore it and try to find a good second position for our next city now starting in the renaissance era, everyone starts with all the previous research on civics and technologies, This is very important to us because it means that we have technically researched the barbarian corsair ladies and gentlemen.
breaking the economy with infinite money   civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game with exploits
One of the unique units of the Ottoman Empire. This is the source of


wealth. It may seem like it's just one kid, but this ship is incredible, unlike normal coastal plundering. Ships, this bad boy does not use any moves or actions when he loots coastal tiles. This may sound very, very powerful, but of course it's limited by the fact that you can only loot a square once per turn, you can't sit back and farm. the same tile over and over again


ly to get infinite gold, that would be just silly, there is no way the developers would include that in the game, no no, it would surely be a mistake if they ever did, oh god, I would they have done, right?
Now, because we are playing at a slow game speed, it actually takes us a long time to build any unit, so there are a couple of things we want to do and first, we want to appoint Ibrahim as grand vizier. This fantastic guy is going to allow. so that we train the barbarian privateer even faster, we are still going to want to elect a government like a monarchy here, this way we will be able to elect maritime industries that should allow us to build ships faster right now, these are the government policies that we're following are heavily focused on building a nice early army, oh my gosh, we just made Gandhi, oh no, look at him, he's ready for war, he's in his fighting stance, he's got his palms crossed, he's ready to hit. us on the ground, but we're going to play with them anyway, hopefully they're not going to fight to the death with us right away, but here we go, we've discovered their only harasser, I think this will probably be our second place for cities, it will allow us to get the monopoly on the turtles and it is also very well spaced, we can probably get a third city here later, we go to a new city, well now we have two absolutely fantastic cities, ladies and gentlemen, money printer. 1 our capital and britain ii electric boogaloo these two cities are going to form a glorious backbone that will allow us to generate infinite amounts of wealth oh now immediately gandhi is trying to make some kind of power play here he is trying to buy all my resources night and diplomatic power just for gold, he's trying to bribe me now, bribes never work on a British person, they would never accept any kind of gold, I mean he's offering me just under 300, God I would never accept that, oh talk, Oh God, Gandy.
What have you forced me to do? I'm so hungry for money. I'll do anything sweet for a little gold. Oh my gosh, there's a whole new land down here. I didn't realize there was so much room for us to grow. We have found Delhi, the capital of this Gandy player, somewhere here on the south coast, which is nice and exciting for us. We may have to try to figure it out to keep it from approaching our borders, but in the meantime, we should be fine. We have discovered the city-state of Zanzibar, which is absolutely fantastic because we can immediately bribe them and become their ruler.
Oh no, Gandhi is telling us something. There is no shame in deterrence. Owning a gun is very different from using it. We have nuclear Gandhi. in this timeline this man is going to cause the apocalypse oh could you look at that after a change in the final voice? someone took control of gin. I wonder who it could have been. oh, it was gandhi, right, give me back gin. I want additional science. The shameless Geneva sausage is mine, oh now Gandhi is trying to set us up with the city of Srinagar, but don't worry we can probably get around him and try to block his access to Zanzibar, oh and this is fantastic, we found exactly what we are looking for ladies and gentlemen, this is a barbarian camp, but it is a rather special barbarian camp because it is on the coast, ladies and gentlemen, which means that this mosaic here can be classified as coastal, however, it is a little more complicated than that because it turns There's a lot more you can do with this now, in fact, we're going to try to change our government here because I realize we've made a mistake and instead of looking for a big trader, we're going to make more. two grand admiral points per turn the reasoning is simple, if we can get this grand admiral here we will be able to get a privateer instantly and for free who will level up, this will save us a lot of time when it comes to the exploit, we have fought for control from that spike camp, which is fantastic news for us as we have now secured ourselves a source of infinite money ahead and Hercules is now going to put an end to this. sacred site in one fell swoop there we go bam let's have a religion now with Hercules' main job now completely finished now we can send him to protect this barbarian camp for the rest of the game he can sit on it and pretty much everything that comes in his direction, so we don't have to worry too much and, great, now we're ready to choose a pantheon.
Now we don't have anything really amazing left, so let's just go. To collect the amazing bonus from the sea god so that all these amazing crabs can work well, using a builder, I cut down the rainforest and that got us our first unit of barbarian corsairs. Now the thing is that right now it actually is. useless, we need to level up before we can use it, which is usually why I was sitting around waiting for the Grand Admiral to spring into existence, but that's going to take too long, so instead, we're just going to Sail the barbarian privateer here, to the barbarian camp, and try to beat some levels out of nowhere.
We've now met most of the Gandhis in the game and they all basically tell us that they worship some kind of nuclear deterrent. Of course, it's terrifying for us mere mortals, but I sure hope Gandhi decides not to destroy me for a few more turns. Now that we have almost reached the barbarian camp and here we are, look at this perfect, we are now in a prime position. "We have to start fighting the barbarian camp so what we are going to do is attack this outpost and next turn I should summon a barbarian unit so we can upgrade the levels using the privateer and there it is, it's a crossbowman , so "Let's start attacking him and gaining some experience after a couple of skirmishes.
We should have money. There we go, we can attack them again. We will gain five experiences. Great stuff, but it looks like there's another unit hidden in the bush around here, so. We're just going to attack that guy too to get even more experience and we're just one fight away from leveling up now perfect and as soon as we level up that's the whole game and the point where this guy is going so why what are you going? Towards my other friend, my other friend can kill you, but I don't want him to. I want to kill you with my loot.
Please come back, come back next turn. I'll even move the boat further away so you won't even see it. he just back off please no oh he just ran into my boy why would you do that? Oh, AI is obscene sometimes. I can't immediately find something we can kill with our boat. We'll just have to sit and wait for it to arrive. The next AR unit that will appear in our fantastic, a new unit has appeared and the game is already over, so this is what is going to happen. We are going to attack this unit here immediately and do a lot of damage, but the most important thing is to get a promotion. our barbarian privateer when I move finish the fantastic job next turn we will now have infinite money we no longer need to start spending money building units instead we can just, I don't know, immediately start focusing on the wonders and the reason why What you're doing this will become very clear as we know it's basically completely and completely over and here's why you see that with the addition of the new barbarian camps in the game, the barbarian camp raid mechanics have changed normally if you enter . a barbarian camp and you were the only unit in it, you immediately lifted that guy to the ground and got some money now, however you have a choice, you can attack the clan and gain some gold, but just shake him and he will spawn a unit . the next turn or you can destroy it completely now of course attacking gives you money and money is good but you can only attack it once every 10 turns this is where the game is really bad you can attack it more than once every 10 turns because if you have a barbarian corsair, you can attack this bad boy as many times as you want, there is just one small problem that the developers were aware of that, so if you try to rage using a barbarian corsair, you will not get money, that's right, This is a type of non-coastal attack.
Because what happens when you upgrade your barbarian privateer with loot is a simple bonus plus 50 gold for each coastal raid at standard speed, since we're in marathon, that's plus 100 gold. Now we just have to quickly kill this crossbowman, but next time. you're going to find out why this is now going to be completely destroyed because you're going to see that with that upgrade our barbarian corsair here can now make money from raids, we're going to raid this barbarian camp and get 150of gold and we can we do it again oh oh we can we can do that again oh gosh and if we did it again oh and again and again oh and now we have the most money in the game that's right, everyone else in the game now they are very poor because relatively money has no real value, it is just the value that we give it and if someone has infinite money then the money no longer has any value and guess what, ladies and gentlemen, we just got infinite money because this privateer barbarian can raid this spike camp as many as he wants. times as you want per turn because the privateer's special ability is that it doesn't lose any moves or attacks for raiding, but if you have a token that can be scored an infinite number of times per turn, well, then they just got infinite money checkers and gentlemen this is an urgent appeal from the spifco charity we have too much money every minute at spifco headquarters millions and millions of gold suddenly appear out of nowhere we can't use this gold we don't know where to put it and it's honestly too much you can do your part by liking it to this video and taking some of that gold that we have left each of the likes on this video is worth ten thousand gold, do your part and save us from drowning in our own unimaginable world, please help us now immediately, we reach 3 000 gold, which is a good position to be in. because it means we can buy all these buildings.
Do we want a temple? It sure is gold. Do you want a workshop? Oh, we're going to need 300 gold for that now. 300 gold, is that a few turns of gold production or is it just a A couple of clicks on this lovely little spike camp, here we go and now we can build a workshop to boost our production. That doesn't seem very fair, but the interesting thing is that this exploit can get even worse because we are on turn 666. and you know what that means, it means that we are going to summon the devil himself by creating so much wealth, how are we going to do it right in a simple and easy step?
Let me introduce you to a macro program. Say hello to the macro recorder. standard, a nice little piece of software that is quite interesting. The way this software works is that I can basically record the mouse movement on my computer and then repeat it as many times as I want, and you know, that's exactly what we're going to do. we're going to record the motion of pressing the coastal raid button and then clicking on the spike camp, repeat it as many times as we want and then I'll leave my computer on to see how much money I can actually get the recording to start, what we want to do is move these two objects as close as possible so that the click speed is as fast as possible, then we'll press record and it will start, we'll just click. here click here click here click here click here click here and then repeat there we go now that's all we're going to need we can just stop and now we have a perfect macro what does this look like in practice?
Well, it's going to look a little scary because what we do is select our barbarian corsair, press my defined hotkey, and watch everything loop continuously. Now, every time we do this, you'll notice that the money increases in the top left and I'm not even touching it. I no longer have a keyboard, the only problem is that it is a little slow, it is not perfect and it can be improved. So what are we going to do right? What we are going to do is alter the playback speed so that it runs at 1000 times the original intended speed. and we are also going to repeat this recording a thousand times welcome to my hell, well, as soon as I press the key on the numeric keypad, chaos will happen, the movement of the money transfer is fast, it is fast and it is perfect, look at it.
In just a few moments, you will notice that we are generating thousands and thousands of gold, a process that would normally take turns and turns. We can do this without a turn ending, even just by clicking on this camp over and over again. And behold, ladies and gentlemen, this is infinite wealth and I think it's time to make a good money-making setup. Would you look at that, ladies and gentlemen? 1.4 million gold, this is more gold than we would need. It's absolutely crazy if they had it. a game with as many players as possible in civ 6 and you all sat down, there is a very good chance that you will never win 1.5 million gold, this money is so extreme, this is about my average annual spending on tea bags , but what if we could go even higher? in which it only took us about half an hour to get here, how about 5 million, it will take a few hours, but you know, ladies and gentlemen, we need to raise more gold, more game


to five million, let's go to six and a half.
Hours later, ladies and gentlemen, five million gold more than anyone could reasonably spend. It's great to use this money. We could do whatever we wanted. We could fill the entire map with units. Each tile could have its own crossbowman sitting there. lazing around doing nothing, if you go to the player cards, you'll notice that we're starting to completely and completely break the display value. Gandhi only has 665 gold, but it's turn 666 and that means we're


the game, look how. He looks glorious, but ladies and gentlemen, we're only halfway there. What happens when you reach 10 million? Well, I'm going to go into the macro generator and set it to go to exactly 10 million from this point. and I'm going to leave my computer on overnight while we figure this bad boy out so we're going to make some money on day two well ladies and gentlemen we come back with less than 10 million gold as you can see we have 8 million three hundred. eighty-eight thousand six hundred and eight gold, this is actually the maximum amount of gold you can have in the game, as you can see, we can click on the privateer, click to attack the coast and the money does not increase, this is Because this is the maximum amount of gold that the game can display if we were to spend some of this gold, let's say 980 at this merchant, you will notice that it drops to 8387 and then from this point we can increase it again. but there you have it, this is the maximum limit, the maximum amount of money you can have in civ 6.
I don't think anyone has reached this number before and yet here it is, we have done it today, ladies and gentlemen, using just a simple floating boy who would ultimately win an entire world


or a floating boy with a bunch of angry torches and an empty barbarian stick hut, of course the floating boy is going to destroy any world economy, so you know, Ladies and gentlemen, what we are. We've got all this gold lying around, we might as well do something fun with it and you know, we've got a couple of Gandhi's here, so I don't see why we shouldn't do a bit of early border expansion first. let's buy a university using all this gold, we can also buy another merchant and we also have a lot of great people here, great people cost gold quite a bit of gold, in fact, this great person here 11,000 gold. this bad boy instantly creates a bombard with a promotion level, so we buy it and if we use it we instantly get a bombard, but of course we're going to need more military units than that, so we should probably buy a knight too.
We can get this crossbowman out of the capital and also buy a barbarian corsair to attack the coast here. We could also buy this great admiral to get an improved privateer. You know, we should probably also create a religion and because we are able to use gold, we will be able to get a religion before everyone else in the game, this is pretty powerful because religions can provide big bonuses anyway, that's all. Turn 666 is finally over, let's get these trade routes going, our great general here, who's going. to turn us into a bombard going to wander south will turn into a bombard, which is pretty useful considering I don't think anyone else in the game knows what a bombard is right away, which has taken our military strength to equally incredible levels .
It's time for us to sail the great fleet south, so Francis Drake, in fact, we're going to be able to use him and turn him into a barbarian privateer right now, it's time for us to make a religion, of course, we're massively ahead now . of everyone else when it comes to creating religion, which is absolutely perfect, so let's create ourselves the religion of hyperinflation that we will naturally pick up, feed the world to increase food and shelter in our cities and now to make ourselves even more powerful, we are going to do something absolutely crazy, we are going to get the crusade bonus, which is generally a religious belief that is almost never used in the game, the reasoning is simple, it gives combat units plus 10 combat strength when within the borders of foreign cities that follow this religion, basically if you are next to a city that is owned by someone else who also follows your belief, then your crossbowmen will somehow drop their crossbow and they will pick up an m16, it is completely and absolutely Perfectly


, the reason most people don't use this card is simple, almost every other faction will have a religion and if they start to notice you converting their city they will start to fall apart of your religion, however, remember, look how far away, everyone else comes from a great prophet, they are hundreds of turns away, consequently, we can do something absolutely crazy and start buying ourselves some missionaries.
You know what, ladies and gentlemen, it's time we spread our hyperinflation religion in two? of gandhi's cities is very upset because we denounced him and you know what I think it's time for us to go to war so gandhi I'm afraid it's time for us to declare a formal war that's true, it's going to be striking, it's going to be majestic, all the other gandhis get angry immediately, they don't like being taken away like this, but don't worry, we are going to use our amazing



mega death ships strategy. You see, these ships have a force range of 50 unless you put them at the limits, in which case they have a force range of 60. oh, it really is that easy anyway, let's jump in and, oh, look, it's a skirmisher, but they are going to attack him, oh, is that a crossbow boy, oh, this is going to be a lot of fun, all we have to do is enter the borders of these cities and then we can start the fun mega attack, let's do it one ranged attack and one ranged attack and then let's send the baby battleship right battleship you can stay here perfect bomb kill this unit go to the crossbowmen kill this unit go oh we can coastal grade this scientific place, here we go, that has given us 477 perfect science, oh, I love a good scientific foray using that.
We have managed to take the lead in terms of science and we are also breaking down the walls of this perfect city and can we attack it again? Oh, we attacked her for the second time that turn. Can we attack her again? I just rated it one more time, okay, so we can attack the same tile three times apparently in this game mode and we can still attack the coast perfectly and you know, let's buy some more units to throw into battle, I think a pikeman more would be a good idea and then we will also send another ship from this city.
This boat can sail around the south coast. Now we are destroying this city while our knight wanders around looting all the places we are going to send. this ship down the coast to the city we're going to loot this place of logs we're going to attack this crossbowman I think we're going to be able to take this city this turn and oh yeah, there we go We're going to tear down their walls and then we'll just march at night towards them and bam, that's ours, oh, perfectly balanced, we're going to hold this city, yeah, we might as well hold this city, why not now is the time to bomb their city?
This is originally their second city, but with a bombardment there will basically be nothing left of it. Look, they very politely decided to get out of their campers, which means I can now grow it for science. He said that science is going to give us. the ability to build janissaries, these are actually very powerful units, as long as you build them in cities that you have not placed yourself and which will soon become all of our cities, so we can buy as many janissaries as we want and trust me. They are powerful boys right now, we are going to send the fleet and we are going to start a siege on the last capital of Delhi, once again we will bombard the city walls, the walls are gone, we fire on the boats, the boat boys They do their Damage we sent on the battleship and the city is ours.
The perfect thing, we are going to preserve the city. Yes, we could also keep the city, but the most important thing is that we are going to buy another janissary. It's time for the bombing brigade to start marching. Go ahead as we have another city to take, although this one is going to be a bit more difficult as they decided to successfully build their city in a rather awkward position. Our military force now is one thousand and the Gandhi we have. Our fight has been reduced to zero. uh we can justsail with our fleet and bombard the remaining cities as much as we want without any retaliation from the enemy.
Now, let us march with the Janissaries and the horsemen perfect another city. fall to the might of my empire now to make this attack even faster we are simply going to buy as many barbarian corsairs as we can get and sell them to the capital for maximum damage oh wow now all of the ais in the game are getting very upset and grumpy right now, we're just removing this military camp here, not that they actually have military units generated from this camp, but mostly because I enjoy doing a little damage. here we go and also allowing us to accumulate some experience while the walls of Delhi are collapsing before our majestic giant bombing unit and the great looting of the culture and science of the capital of Delhi will begin.
Overall this war has been very profitable because there are a lot of resources that we are not very good at getting because we haven't built any campuses, we have literally only built a single boat boy, but that one boat boy has held back our entire economy in this moment, let's Destroy this camp once again and first we should be able to loot some gold here and I guess it's about time. for us to start attacking this main city, I want some culture, here we go, we can complete humanism. I want to bomb the main city, send the Janissaries and also give me some science, here we go.
I love it when a good plan comes together. Well, this will be, ladies and gentlemen, the last fortress of Delhi, we have surrounded it with more navigator boys than anyone should logically have access to at this time and we can siege everything to the ground with one shot of this bombard and a couple of janissaries the city will now fall and there you have it gandhi has been eliminated well one of gandhi there are many gandhis in fact and he will now take control of this city and with that I would say it is more or less It is safe to assume that we have completely and absolutely destroyed Civ 6, the entire game is now ours, we still have 8 million gold in the bank and we have this barbarian camp where we apparently still have this sign for the rest of the time, we still have this barbarian camp where we can farm infinite gold for For the rest of the game, no one can stop us from farming that gold and if our city were to expand and take it to its borders, then don't worry, we can just move up. here or find another one there are millions to find it it really is that easy to get complete and utter power in civ six and look all these other ais absolutely hate us they have so many complaints against us but what if we just gave it to them ? a gift of let's say 10 grand, look, that's not so nice.
Gandhi likes that and this Gandhi here is a bit hostile towards us, but hey, what if we set up a residential embassy? He'll take that and then if we give him a bunch. suddenly he's going to be a good friend to us, isn't he so charming? You know, before I go, we might as well do something absolutely fun and for every great person possible, let's go more and more great people, let's just spawn them all in the capitol, come on, we have infinite money, it'll be nothing, okay, I have all the remaining great generals in the game and I'm pretty sure this is now going to completely break everything, look at all these great generals and what can they all do well?
Everyone can do crazy things. This guy makes an envoy. This guy gives us a cavalry unit. This guy gives us a warrior monk. This lovely man is going to give us an entire special ops unit, which is pretty interesting because. We can parachute it into 1614 AD. even though airplanes, I'm pretty sure, haven't been invented. This lovely guy here will give us a modern anti-tank that has 80 combat hits because he's technically an anti-cavalry unit. that means that this amazing guy here, for some reason, with his really long rpg, will be able to vaporize horses like never before tomorrow and douglas macarthur will fold and give us a straight tank, this is just a regular old tank, ladies and gentlemen, It's incredibly powerful and has a huge amount of damage and we have it in 1614 AD.
What have I done to you six? I'm so sorry, oh God, I'm so sorry, but there you have it ladies and gentlemen, this is how to break


six generating infinite money, there has been no


game like this and hey, if you enjoyed it, Make sure to like the video and hit the comments section and do your part to break the YouTube algorithm. By participating in this video, as always, a huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing channel followers who pledge money every month to make all of these videos as possible.
Seriously, thank you very much, your majestic people, and hey, did you sit there. If you're wondering which video you'd like to watch next because you're ready to enjoy an amazing YouTube binge with a nice hot cup of tea in hand, then look no further than this one on your screen, now hand-picked by me to be exactly what you want. We're looking anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now.

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