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NO CITY WIN ONLY CHALLENGE - CIV 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced game WITH NO EXPLOITS Except Maori

Jun 04, 2021
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm the cool Brit and today we're playing Cinema Civilization VI and doing one of the stupidest


s I've ever seen. Let's win a


of CIV 6. today, without setting a


, remember sid meier civilization vi is a 4x


where you set cities, take control of other cities and expand your borders, as far as I know, until recently no one had ever managed to win a civilization game. 6 without actually establishing a


, but now everything has changed because thanks to recent updates it has come to our attention that certain victory conditions are much easier than those fought previously and that is why today I am going to demonstrate an incredible strategy that was shared with me.
no city win only challenge   civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits except maori
Through Reddit user Cardo, who guesses that he is also an avid member of the community, we will show off his amazing strategy with, of course, some modifications I made to make it even more optimal. win a civ 6 game without even setting up a city, going to war or doing anything really, turning the game into an idol clicker simulator, but it's absolutely fun the things we're going to do, so sit back, relax, take a cup of tea because This is one of the highest IQ strategies I've come across, which means you'll have to put all your brain thinking capabilities into this one, so we'll basically start a new single player game. of civilization 6.
no city win only challenge   civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits except maori

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no city win only challenge civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits except maori...

In terms of the actual setting, the


changes I'm going to make are selecting my leader as a kupe, which is the leader of the Maori in this game. I'll also make sure to set the game to apocalypse mode. up to the maximum number of city-states and this is completely optional, but for the benefit of kupe we will play on the archipelago map, any map will do, but this will undoubtedly be the fastest and safest way to achieve a diplomatic victory. Now, why did we choose Koopa? I'm sure, as many of you know who have been playing Civilization Six recently, that there are some very powerful nations in Greater Colombia, I mean, my goodness, that nation is absolutely screwed, but Kupe and the Maori are not.
no city win only challenge   civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits except maori
It's right at the top of my tier list in terms of real great nations to play if you want an easy win, but it turns out that in this strategy, Koopae is effectively a god because, unlike all civilizations, he starts the game not on land in a good position to test the city, but instead it's in the middle of the ocean and that of course means they start the game with their settler and the warrior isn't actually settled, but of course the game realizes that not being able to settle your city on the first turn is a big problem. problem and consequently before the coupe establishes its first city, you will receive two signs and two cultures for free now of course what that means for us ladies and gentlemen is that if we played kupe we would not need to establish a city to to gain science and culture, I mean, we would simply be gaining two signs of culture, which is literally nothing, but it is enough, it is enough to destroy and break the game, so we will take kupe not to a


of a city in the one that people We've done a cityless challenge now in terms of who we're up against, it honestly doesn't matter, but anyway, with all that, ladies and gentlemen, we're ready to jump into a whole new game with the legendary coupe without Also, make sure you sit back relaxed and hey, if you're feeling especially fantastic today, you might even have preemptively liked this video and in that case, thank you very much.
no city win only challenge   civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits except maori
Now that we have some civilizational history to write, how do you do it? Do you think spiff will get the cheesy win today? Do you think he will go for a victory without city challenge by conquering all the other ais immediately before they settle? Maybe he will use religion to try to make cheese his way or see. Will he simply use gold and money to try to trick the AI ​​into believing that he is the most diplomatically influential being alive? There's


one way to find out, so let his votes be known now. What we are going to do today, ladies and gentlemen, is. to try and aim for one of these rarer victories, we are actually viable in this game and one of the most overlooked victory conditions.
If you can believe it, we will aim for a diplomatic victory the way diplomatic victory works. very simple is that it is the first to get 20 points, you get points by successfully voting what other people voted at the world congress, but most importantly, thanks to recent updates, you also get diplomatic points by simply giving them to people who have suffered a volcano gold and As long as you have given them the most gold, you will get two diplomatic victory points, so the combination of the world congress and natural disasters will allow the Maori empire to become the most diplomatically influential civilization without establishing a city , then, what are we going to do?
Well, of course, on the first turn we're going to start researching what we're going to start researching, if you can believe it, animal husbandry, it doesn't really matter what we research, because at the end of the day we can't do anything with the things we We have investigated we are not settling a city so it is not that we can build a library and it is not that we can even train a builder to dig a quarry we are not going to receive more resources than these two cultures and these two sciences for the rest of the game.
Anyway, let the quest for civilization begin now. The advantages of starting as the Maori are that you are effectively invincible at the beginning of the game because no other civilization can reach the sea tiles, sure they can get ships to go to. in coastal mosaics but marine mosaics and that's a real challenge anyway, we're just going to surround ourselves and oh God, we've discovered our first city-state, the city-state of Lahore, now you don't have to do anything. Throughout this entire game, we can play the most relaxed game with civilization imaginable and just sit anywhere and wait for the game to end, but to get the most out of this game, we really want to do it aggressively. explore most of the known world because you will see that by discovering city-states we get a nice healthy bonus if you are the first person to discover a city-state, guess what you get, the first envoy there now, one envoy is not enough to change the whole world, but it's certainly a great start, of course, don't worry about sending your colonist to the rest of the world, normally you'll want to make sure it's defended and protected, but in our case, we don't really need it, on the one hand .
A very simple reason why no one else can access the water yet, which means our settler is nice and safe. Oh, and Vilnius and Jerusalem were also added to our collection, so we're up to six city-states, which also means we're down to six. sent all over the world look that's fantastic and fantastic, in fact we have managed to research our first code of civic law, which means that we can choose our first policies, of course all these policies beyond discipline are useless because we don't have a capital to earn faith and gold or production, which means that basically the entirety of every technology and civic that we discover is useless, although there is one very important thing to rush into and that is the political philosophy that we must achieve.
We are dedicated to creating our first government as quickly as possible because believe me, it will be nice and useful. Oh fantastic, we also discovered Canberra in Australia, that's great, it's a great addition to our collection and Lisbon also discovered that's great too. The more players we meet, the better and the more city-states we meet, the better. There will be a lot of exploration at the beginning of the game and fantastic, we have also discovered yet another player, it is the lovely Scythian empire. So we have Australia and Cipher in this game, which is a good start for us.
Now the interesting thing is that John Curtin wants to send a trade delegation to our territories, which would basically mean that we would reveal the location of our capital to him. The only problem is that we technically don't have a capital to share with Australia because we don't actually own a city. I guess John just sends his delegation to drown in the ocean in the hopes of eventually finding our Settler Now not only are we looking for city-states at the beginning of the game, we are also trying to find other civilizations because the more civilizations we find and the more contact the more aggressively we can help.
Well and from the beginning, here we go, we also managed to find a scoundrel. Oh, and lovely, we also managed to discover Hungary. Ah, fantastic, so now we know that Hungary is more or less on this continent with Australia, that's brilliant, we're actually not. We'll have to deal with them, of course, because we'll never colonize a city ourselves. One thing that is very powerful about this strategy is that the AI ​​will never actually declare war on us simply because there is nothing to declare war on the AI. You need complaints to want to attack another player, but it's actually very difficult to generate complaints against someone who doesn't even own any land you'd like to take, and fantastic on a hut we've managed to put up ourselves. 20 horses now using these horses ourselves is pretty redundant, we can't do anything with these horses but what we can do is sell them to the AI ​​so I just sold two horses here to Siphia oh and we also discovered Cyrus. which is cool, I'm pretty sure that means we've discovered almost every civilization in existence, including ourselves.
We've discovered seven of the eight players in this game, so now we're getting pretty close to the reason we can discover all these city-states and AI is not simply because we have access to a very valuable technology, the ability to navigate literally across any ocean in the world, which means we can meet all the city-states first. meet all the ais first and that makes us a very valuable civilization, especially for a diplomatic game, because it means we have eyes and ears everywhere. Oh, there are so many gift huts I can grab, lovely ones, and then my settler can grab this one.
Here 20 extra horses, brilliant, who am I going to sell this to Syfia? Do you want the horses? You already have 30 horses, brilliant, who wants horses? Australia, take 10 horses for 20 gold, brilliant, fantastic offer, what about you Scotland? I want horses, what are you going to do with the horses? You're going to give me two gold for 30 turns. That sounds brilliant. I'll take that Persia. You're also going to give me 20 gold. Fantastic, so we have indeed sold the horses. We found them in tents and made 100 gold. 100 gold is not much, but considering that our entire economy cannot grow in this game, 100 gold is very useful now, of course, I have other ways around the fact that we can't. growing an economy that simply requires some pretty creative accounting.
Oh, and in a shack here we managed to get 20 Diplomatic Favors, which is actually a very valuable item. Diplomatic favor will basically become our trading points for this entire game. Oh and as you can see right away that Hungary wants to try to take it from us, they want 20 diplomatic favors, but in exchange they will give us 7 gold for the next 30 tons, which is actually a lot of gold which is over 100 gold for us. which of course we're going to take considering we now got diplomatic favor for free in a civilization 6 logic game. Diplomatic favor is how you get a diplomatic victory, you use diplomatic favor to vote on various policies and as long as you win We'll get diplomatic victory points, however, that's not how the system actually works.
You see, with creative exploitation, we are going to use gold to achieve a diplomatic victory. Great, we have discovered that the final player is England or Eleanor of. Aquitaine and that is actually going to be quite beneficial for us because it will be a civilization focused on diplomacy. Now you might think that winning a diplomatic victory with another diplomacy-focused civilization will make it harder, but it actually makes it easier because it means they will always vote for themselves and as long as you have an AI that will always vote for themselves, that in These are actually votes not spent trying to ruin you, which is actually what you want with all this exploring, I think it's probably time we really start heading home and by home I mean we're going to settle down on this continent here. because we have Jerusalem in Gaza Gamut and Antonova and considering them free city-states probably shouldn't attract the attention of the AI ​​and us.
We'll just be able to sit there and hopefully avoid any natural disasters throughout the game. Oh, and there we go in 1760 BC. C., we have completed the first circumnavigation of the world, that is more2000 years ago, oh God, what have we done? Oh, and here we go, we've just entered the classical era and we're about to enter our first and only golden age. Look at that, ah, golden age, we really deserve it, now, naturally, there are some shiny golden age bonuses in civilization. that you want to pick up on, we can't do anything with any of these, I mean the plastic movement for all the builders, I mean, we don't have builders, we don't have specialty districts, we don't have malls. and we don't have a religion so we basically can't do anything with this golden age beyond making it look fancy now, of course the fact that we get two cultural patterns means we actually do it slowly. research things in the cultural tree, it will take us a long time to make any progress, but in two turns we will gain access to one of our limited abilities to earn money.
I researched the early empire and this will allow us to elect the only important governor, Armani, who we can assign to almost anywhere. You know what I think, we might as well assign them to Jerusalem, since we found them. It also allows us to start trading open borders so we can go to Scotland here and say, "Hey, I have open borders and Scotland is going to give me 13 gold for open borders." What Scotland will get from this deal is what open borders will get from this deal. I have a land border, it's not like I have a city you can walk through now, but that doesn't stop Robert Bruce of Scotland from giving me 13 gold and saying I'm sure there's probably a city of yours. out there somewhere and we would like to tour it.
The same strategy works with all other AIS and of course some will like open borders more than others. Hungary wants 14 gold for it. Other civilizations won't give you as much Persia. here he wants to give me 60 gold for open borders, which is fantastic, so thanks Persia, that's two more gold for 30 turns, Australia, would you like to pay for open borders? Yes, 14 gold for my open borders. Who wouldn't like to have access to this land? apparently encryption because they only want to pay a gold a gold encryption, my God, don't you know how valuable my open borders are?
And, of course, Eleanor of Aquitaine also won gold. Fantastic, so in the end we are now winning nine gold. per turn and also now we have 456 gold in the bank anyway, now we head to the only place we will be for the entire game, the gate of Jerusalem, and the fantastic thing we have collected. Jerusalem and they will allow us to be their ruler, but more importantly, having access to the kingship of a city-state means we get one additional diplomatic favor per turn. This diplomatic favor can be spent on things, but the most important thing is a diplomatic favor. turns to gold and turning diplomatic favor into gold is very important anyway, all I have to do now is sit back, relax and wait for the AI ​​to just progress with the game because we can't do anything oh what Is that what Syfia wants to give me?
Open borders and 33 gold for my free diplomatic power. I don't care if I do. Thank you very much Syffie, that looks brilliant. I mean, the other important thing I'm going to do with technology is make sure I start immediately with b-. line iron and eventually we'll also want to try to target Knighter, although in reality the game will probably be over before we get there because we're going to win the game in the next 150 turns or so and considering that would be it. take us 60 turns to research iron working, yes we can't get any late game technology, but in the free turns we can run operation real economy, which will be a very strange strategy that basically makes no sense, but it will allow us to go. to milk endless amounts of money from AI in a way that does not involve diplomatic power.
You see what we are going to do. We are going to promote Armani here and giving him the benefit of affluence and affluence means we will receive an additional strategic resource. per turn for each resource we have revealed on paper, what this really means is that Armani will now give us one horse per turn to trade and as soon as we discover iron, we will also gain one iron per turn. big deal anyway, now we're researching political philosophy, which will take us 30 turns, but as soon as we learn it, we'll be able to get some things going, but as you'll notice, we're now gaining one horse per turn and of course we can take this horse to someone like, say, Eleanor of Aquitaine and sell her two horses for seven gold simply because she doesn't exactly have access to horses and is willing to pay a good premium for them, but for the moment most of the time we will sit around waiting for the game to progress and of course most importantly waiting for the political philosophy to progress but our economy already looks pretty good with 570 gold in the bank which of course we are not going to spend . at all because we don't have to, the only thing we have to be careful of is losing our settler because all it takes is for a tornado to pass and our settlers to die, so make sure to keep them in relatively safe squares and stay watch out for any natural disasters, bam, I jump to the midpoint of the video when you least expect me to tell you that I just had a conversation with the legendary coupe of the Maori empire and he told me for the first 7,000 people who like this video will be granted citizenship of the Maori Empire.
Citizenship involves access to all the vast slave lands of the empire from nowhere to nowhere, you will even be directed to the same place in the ocean. where all foreign dignitaries have been addressed in the past, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to join the largest empire that only exists on a technicality, so register for citizenship today, it's worth it, and our research on the The bronze work is complete, which means that "I have discovered iron and that is another resource that we can sell on the broader market. I mean, as of this moment the research is basically finished, we cannot research anything that will give us some profit, so that's it, our science plus two has reached its final conclusion, but Matthias from Hungary is going to give us 6 gold for 30 tons, which is fantastic, so thank you very much Mathias The most important thing is.
We are one of the first civilizations to discover iron, which means we can sell it at incredible prices, so I have once again cleared all my own resources in a fantastic trade with the AI ​​that is seeing a nice steady amount of income piling up. slowly for us oh no the classic ends in 10 turns I'm definitely going to go to the dark ages of this oh that's guaranteed I mean okay we'll have dark ages for the rest of the game but it doesn't really make any difference to We, anyway, managed to discover political philosophy, in fact, we were the first leaders. civilization discovers political philosophy which means we can now choose our government, of course all of this provides bonuses that we don't care about at all, we can't get any returns and we can't have districts or services, so we're going to have to opting for oligarch simply because it gives us an extra bonus for combat strength, meaning that hopefully our warriors will be a little stronger.
Now, this is the interesting thing: deciding policies, surely there are great opportunities here that we are going to put, let's say, diplomatic. league and charismatic leader and oh yes we are going to gain envoys, well you don't actually see it, to gain an envoy you need to have a city on the map, although I have a card in which it means that We should gain two influence points per turn to get our next envoy. In reality, we will never get that next envoy and from this point on, our culture has completely dried up. If you're going to play a very, very long game, you'll probably want to choose something like a merchant confederation to earn gold for each envoy you have in a city state, but we're over 400 turns away from that, which means it's impossible to We get that, so instead we just have to get our victories when and where we can and for that we have to try to collect free envoys of mysticism and then spend those envoys on city states that we can't even get bonuses from, ah and of course I have once again realized that we are now at our fantastic opportunity to exchange open borders once again, so Scotland will give me 11 gold for open borders.
Believe, of course, it will give me some gold for open borders and the cycle continues and perfect, there we go, the trade has been sent and we have earned some additional gold in our accounts now, hopefully, as soon as the era ends classic, we will see the formation of the first world congress, which is where we will begin to obtain our first diplomatic victory points, it is with the formation of the world congress oh there we go we start making changes and we can start earning points which is perfect here we go anyway we won in a dark age uh what are we going to learn?
Well, we can't actually do any of this, so I'll pick up the monumentality. I mean, this is just a fantastic slip on some of these policy cards, like I don't know anymore five combat forces of attack units, but we can't heal. I mean, that'll make my individual warrior units a bit. stronger temporarily plus 75 sides in cities with a sacred place, yes there is definitely no way we can capture that, oh this is great isolationism, plus two food and plus two production for national trade routes, but we can't anymore trade with settlers. That will be a very important policy because it's not like we had any services to trade in the first place.
No cities means no cities. Anyway, it's time for the world congress. This is important so that at each world congress you can effectively spend your diplomatic points, which, of course. we have 29 votes now in the world congress we are going to vote for melee unity to win we are also going to vote for the classical republic governing ideology simply for the fact that I can look at the ais and see that most of them are classical republics which means everyone will vote for that and I can also see that wasa would normally vote for eleanor of aquitaine in this situation, instead I will vote for tamirs which is another AI that is open to diplomatic victory types and has more diplomacy . favor the English empire, which means they're probably going to win this vote and well, there we go, we managed to successfully vote on all of these things, which means that when we get back into the game and we actually go here to see our world ranking, we have three . diplomatic points because we successfully voted three times for the winning horse, which puts us right behind Tamaris with four diplomatic points, which is fantastic, this is the perfect place we want to be now, of course, in another 30 turns we will be able to do all that again.
Oh, I love the world congress, but anyway, now that the world congress has been formed, an even more important opportunity opens up every time a natural disaster occurs within an AI civilization, like let's say, I don't know, the Mount Kilimanjaro here explodes and bursts into flames. Every time that happens, there will be a big world event where I can say, "Oh yes, we Maori nobles will donate all our resources to Hungary, and as long as we donate the most, we will get two diplomatic victory points and a metric ton of diplomatic favor because at the end of the day this game just works and I'm going to sell a little more of my diplomatic favor to England and Aquitaine here because I know they'll be willing to do it and it's fantastic Now that I've looked into mysticism, in.
I can actually place an envoy somewhere and then about 80 turns I'll even be able to get another point somewhere and we might as well win a city state like this, oh my god It would be crazy now what I'm going to do is invest this envoy. in engazigamux, it's a neighboring city-state, as long as we can earn it, that would be fantastic and would actually allow us to earn another diplomatic favor per turn, now we are doing two per turn because we get one from our government type and another. of Caesar's reign of Jerusalem, which is a great place to be and fantastic, there is a mega colossal eruption somewhere in the world and it is attacked.
For these players, what that really means for us is that there will be a world congress meeting next turn and that world congress will allow us to start stealing diplomatic power and, fantastically, we have been subject to a natural disaster and can help. to recover now because he believes he's not exactly the most liked on the world stage, we're actually going to have to invest a little diplomatic favor to make sure this happens normally. This isn't necessarily a great idea, but it really is. It is very important for us becausewe need this to pass, if it passes we can gain two diplomatic victory points, but the most important thing is that 150 diplomatic favors will also be ours, so naturally we will get this passed in a fantastic way and everyone who voted no , which are all but.
Libramaker and I are going to be in this, oh my god okay, because everyone voted no because they hate cree, we're going to win this no matter what we have to do to earn the two diplomatic victory points and the 150 diplomatic favors is to make sure. we have the highest score how do we get the highest score when we are the only person competing well? It's very simple we make a deal and we go with it we don't give him a hundred gold ladies and gentlemen we give him one gold coin Well that's it, a single gold coin for the creed and we can press Enter and in 30 turns, ladies and gentlemen, we will gain two diplomatic victory points and 150 diplomatic favors.
All it cost us was 30 diplomatic favors, oh God, this is extremely. silly, I love this game, I really do, oh it's fantastic, it really is now. The thing is, if you ever make a request for help and another AI has decided to join the request for help, this is what I recommend you do, say Eleanor of Aquitaine. She decides to join the request for help and give him kupe gold in exchange for potentially gaining diplomatic victory points. Well, what you want to do is sell her your diplomatic favor in exchange for gold because she can't use diplomatic favor to win the real competition and you can.
She uses the objective of her to win the competition as long as you never spend more. diplomatic favor than you will get by winning is basically a win-win situation, you get more gold and also slow down your AI competition. Oh, and it's time for the world congress, ladies and gentlemen, perfect, so who's voting on this? Well, people want the The cost of purchasing military units decreased. I know the AI ​​will usually choose this as gold. The chosen diplomatic player gains two victory points. I'm going to have to guess and say that this time, given her rise in diplomatic favor, it will probably be Eleanor of Aquitaine and 20 fastest growing in cities I'm also going to guess that it might be Eleanor of Aquitaine, right, let's see who wins, and it's fantastic, we did well, ellen vachertain wins all those votes, remember we don't win anything from any of this because what votes can we win, we don't get any bonuses, we can't buy units anyway, so it makes sense for us to just backing the people who are going to win by backing those people, now we are six diplomats. victory points which ties us with England we haven't even won the vote for diplomatic victory points yet because you don't need to win that vote anyway if you were in a multiplayer game people would probably notice that you're getting close to winning now unfortunately , the AI ​​intervened and kicked me out of Jerusalem sinking two additional envoys there.
This is not the worst case scenario, but what it basically means is that I need to reassign my governor to a different city-state that we can convert to C-section and I think the easiest one for us would be Singapore, so let's do it, like this that we are reassigning Amani here to Singapore and usually we don't get much benefit beyond the fact that she will give us an extra. diplomatic favor per turn and that diplomatic favor could be worth between five and 15 gold depending on who you are trading with and fantastic, we have taken control of Singapore, that has given us some era score, but most importantly it is a point of extra diplomatic favor and the medieval era is also about to come to an end, fantastic things, it's another dark era, ladies and gentlemen, and good news, next turn we are going to win our competition, we managed to get the first place and get the gold level rewards, which means we'll get two Diplomatic Victory Points next turn, as well as 150 Diplomatic Favors, so let's press Enter and claim our rewards.
Oh dear, could you look at those 100 diplomatic points for ours? Apparently we won't be able to steal the bronze rank either, but that's fine for two golds. I'm pretty happy with 100 diplomatic favors and also two additional diplomatic victory points, which means we're now in the lead in diplomatic victories. All we have to do now is sit back and wait for the next natural disaster. to shake up an AI civilization and don't worry it will come nice and fast because this is apocalypse mode and also thanks to the way the world weather is done you now have basically a 39 chance every turn of a volcano exploding and Basically, the more pollution is created, the more events we will have where we will have opportunities to give gold to the AI ​​in exchange for diplomatic victory points.
What is that colossal mega eruption right in the middle of the Persian empire? Come on, Persia, let's get you some help money. I have so much help money to give you to Persia, please let me give you some help money. Oh no, a catastrophic eruption in Hungary too. Oh come on, we need to really support the world. They need our financing. Yes, the world congress is about to meet. I wonder who we are going to give support funds to to help Matthias from Hungary. Yes, once again I'm going to spend 30 diplomatic favors on this because I really want this to be approved and we can start helping Matteus.
Wow, actually everyone has decided to go along with this today, which means we're going to be in a bit of a competition as people try to fight over who can give Matthias the most money in a short period of time, no matter what. However, the game was rigged. from the beginning because I'm always going to win at the end of the day, I have 1500 gold to offer and that's more than any other AI is going to give to Matthias, so I just gave him 500 gold which is double . everyone else has hit, so all I'll have to do now is keep an eye on that for the next 30 turns and I'll probably win the game anyway.
I'm also going to get some extra gold from Matthias in exchange for some strategic resources and then I'll give him back the same gold he gave me because I can, here we go, I have another 300 gold, Matthias, and we have so much gold lying around that we don't have nothing to spend. So, of course, remember that this is an interesting time when it makes more sense to sell my diplomatic favor than to have it, so I could, for example, give four diplomatic favors to Eleanor of Aquitaine, who is here. to give me 32 gold for it thank you very much Elena of Aquitaine that's just please diplomatic I understand that in two turns here we go another three diplomatic points are ready to be earned and double points for this great person oh well, it's probably going to be a great scientist knowing 100 ai production to build in the city center that's always an ai choice and finally who is going to vote to try to score diplomatic points well I think or it's probably the scoundrel they have so many diplomatic points there.
Come on, now you have my vote. Logically, we have enough diplomatic favor to vote for ourselves here, but there's really no point in us doing so, so we'd just gain an extra diplomatic point and what's the benefit of that? when we just gained three more diplomatic points and are now in the lead with 10 diplomatic points, we are halfway to a diplomatic victory, isn't that just fantastic? We haven't colonized a city and we're halfway to victory. He hasn't even reached the halfway point of the game, he's turned 183 out of 500. Oh God, what a messed up world we live in now, of course, in a world where we're surrounded by megacities like for example Edinburgh, Dumarton and Sterling, with looks similar to that 12. pop seven pop four pop these are cities of real people who live there no no no in our empire we like to keep things simple there are no humans alive anymore beyond the four individuals you see standing over here wait no, these are free individuals and a donkey, I don't know how these big, free guys riding a donkey are able to keep the population alive for the 2000 years needed to get there at this point and honestly, I don't want to ask that question.
Oh, and of course, this special session has just begun. I guess. John Curtin from Australia now needs help so let's spend a bit of diplomatic favor and make sure John gets the support he so badly needs and of course everyone agrees to help John which is lovely so We're going to send John. the classic


care package hello john oh you don't have that much money let me give you some iron horses and you'll give me some gold for that fantastic so you know the gold you gave me well I'm I'll give it back to you I will give 500 gold John and that will be enough to win this vote.
There we have it fantastic. We are in the lead. We are also in the lead for Matthias. So we have four victory points, as well as around 200 diplomatic favors that will be directed our way simply by completing these requests for help. Remember there is no city on the board, but the production on our side is still two and also our cultural production, oh God, oh God, what's happening? this crypto is trying to outdo us by giving money to Matteus, we can't possibly have that, but hey, you see, Matthias is a lot of gold and produces a lot of gold, so what you want to do is try to sell him. diplomatic favor in exchange for gold and then we can take the gold we just made and sell it directly to Hungary right now, fortunately we will win the competition and get the gold points, which is a glorious success for our empire. two points of diplomatic victory, as well as more diplomatic power to reinvest in other things, so here we go, that brings us one step closer to the diplomatic victory we need and, oh, we have a special session of the world congress, both for Robert and for Cyrus.
I need diplomatic help, oh this is perfect, so yes, we are going to vote for both and hopefully both should be approved and perfected. They both passed very well, so it's two more ais for me to give them money and, as long as we give them enough money. We're going to get six diplomatic victory points from this collection and that means we would win the game basically because all we need to do is get two points in this next world congress, which will be very easy. and with the additional gold income we are getting, which is around 58 gold per turn, we are going to invest this in winning our lovely help competitions and of course in the next session of the world congress.
Well, it makes sense for me to vote. For what comes next, I'll have to guess and say that the pound maker will win the diplomatic victory points for the sole reason that there are 323 of them out there, so he's practically guaranteed to win this vote when it comes to cutting and cleaning. normally people go for something silly like the rainforest because that's artificial intelligence and then in terms of religion I'm pretty sure it's Shintoism that's going to win because that's very aggressively owned by Hungary, let's see how works and there we go fantastic we pass with flying colors and Hopefully we should get three more diplomatic victory points from this yeah so we go up to 15 which means if we win these three options here we've basically won the fantasy game and the best thing is that there is nothing the AI ​​can do to stop us because they can't vote to reduce our diplomatic victory points for another 30 turns, so all we have to do is win the game in 25 turns, which It's actually surprisingly simple.
Anyway, we have to give a little more gold to John Curtin, but luckily we have about 800 blank rounds, there we go, we have 200 gold. Australia perfect fantastic. We're getting pretty close to winning the game. We are now about 300 ahead of England in terms of our support for Australia. We have given almost 2,000 gold. to Australia just to win this and considering that it is 2000 gold that we have managed to accumulate without doing anything, we have not established a city, we do not have a functioning market, we have managed to achieve this. 2000 gold for just selling diplomatic favors to the AI ​​along with resources we're pulling out of thin air thanks to one of our lovely advisors.
You know, we're going to try to take over Cyrus next, so let's give him a bunch. of gold cyrus has our 325 gold my friend i would like to win this vote please ok siffy just tried to attack australia from underneath me so naturally i have to try to take all the gold from them so that goes. it will cost us 30 diplomatic favors to get 300 gold from them thanks siphia and then I need to sink these 300 gold into Australia right here Australia takes 300 gold and hopefully that should be enough for us to guarantee victory in this Oh, we are.
I'm going to need more than 400 gold, okay, fight in Australia, take all the money I have left, 123, go ahead, come on, Australia, give us the victory. Yes, we got first place by 142 points, which means we get twodiplomatic victory points and one hundred diplomatic favors. which actually equates to around a thousand gold because of course we can convert it to at least a thousand gold with the AI. That's off to a good start, we just need to win the next two and then we will have secured our place in this game. and here we go, thank god, we managed to win the john curtin agreement with australia, we have invested 2,397 gold in it, but we got two diplomatic victory points in 100 diplomatic favor, those 100 diplomatic favor we are going to have to convert them again into gold and of course, sinking into beating these Cyrus, we are practically halfway there.
Our biggest problem, of course, is that the Scythian Empire simply has too much money to spend, so we basically need to continually empty their banks every turn with very creative trade deals. We have come to the conclusion that it is actually impossible for us to earn any of these figures. The economic base is simply too powerful for us to win any of these larger aid requests, so technically that means we've unfortunately thrown 1,700 gold down the drain, which could have been spent on the next two aid requests. which are much more viable the requests for help for the scythian empire and korea are now certainly much easier because for the syphilian empire the figure cannot weigh on this and for the pound Well, basically it's just three of us trying to influence the yours, which will make it nice and easy for me to win now, what matters is simply saving our diplomatic favor for a very important moment and for us that time is going to end.
It will be the world congress that will be held at some point and it should be nice and important. Oh, and of course, a beautiful world congress. Bright. Now this is a great opportunity for us because, hopefully, we will get some diplomatic victory points or at least not lose them. Look, what's going to happen now is that the AI ​​will always vote against so we lose diplomatic victory points. There is nothing we can do to stop this. It's actually seven against one, so we can't win that debate, but the debates that they can win are the public works program and the mercenary companies.
We know that the AI ​​will always vote for buying gold to make it cheaper and when it comes to projects, they will actually vote for exoplanet expedition because for some reason the AI ​​is very dumb and although I'm pretty sure no one has the research to do an expedition to exoplanets, I mean, I don't know because I'm not really involved in the modern world, but yeah, that was the one they would vote for, they always vote for the science he wants, but there we go, we lost. two diplomatic victory points, but because we voted for ourselves to lose diplomatic victory points, we only lose one point and because we successfully voted on the other options we are still sitting on 17 diplomatic victory points oh what a beautiful place to be in this moment.
I need to stop winning some of these eight challenges, the easiest one and the one we are guaranteed to win is Libra Maker, so let's give all our wealth to Libra Maker. Now what I'm going to do is leave. exchange all my diplomatic points with syphia once again and hopefully that should leave me sitting with around 549 gold which would get me closer to trying to beat the donation goal for the pound maker and once we take the first After all, they will be two more diplomatic victories. points for us, which will take us to 19 victory points, which means we will be one step away from obtaining our diplomatic victory.
Fortunately, I'm pretty sure we managed to surpass the pound maker's donation goal and beat Hungary. number one spot, which is perfect news for us, it basically took all of our fantastic persuasion to get to this point, but it's actually been enough, here we go, that's two points of diplomatic victory for us and that will put us within a diplomatic victory point of winning 19. out of 20. There we go, we're almost there ladies and gentlemen, and we're only halfway through the game and here we go, it's time for the world congress. Oh, this will be very important, right?
And then, for this world congress, I will vote. for writing the classical republic and for me losing points at the world's fair and I hope these are all the right votes and as long as that's the case we won't lose oh my god it really worked oh my god they were all the right votes, Oh my God. God, we won the game, that was it, I didn't realize, oh, I guess we had 19 points, we had 19 points, ladies and gentlemen, so we won, oh God, this is what happened, ladies and gentlemen, what happened was that we voted correctly for enough policies. at the world's fair we gained one diplomatic victory point each, we also lost two diplomatic victory points because everyone voted for us to lose one diplomatic victory point but of course we gained one diplomatic victory point for voting for ourselves, since that is the correct answer, which pushed us over the threshold of 19 diplomatic victory points to give us a victory, a Maori diplomatic victory, let's look at these graphs, okay, the most important thing is, of course, cities founded where you can see pretty clearly that all the other AI players are up there and then zero. that's where we are actually we never count we founded a city we can see the total gold of the players and we can see that for quite some time we had the most gold in the whole world we can see wonders built we built no units lost We did nothing, units killed, we didn't kill anything either, that was technically a pacifist race, we only had one governor for the entire era score of the game, oh yeah, we were brilliant for era score in the first era and then we just didn't win any player. science, however, we peaked on turn one, same for our culture, my goodness, but there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, we just won a civ game six in less than 300 turns, that's right, but On turn 272 we end the game with a diplomatic victory.
My goodness, we did it, we somehow managed to convince the world that we, a civilization that was never established in a city that never grew in population, should lead the world in the diplomatic stage. I have no idea what we've done to do this, it doesn't make sense. all we have done is sit in one corner of the entire world and then everyone has unanimously agreed, every person on the planet, that the Maori and the Coupes with an overall score of 76 and a military strength of 20 should lead the entire world towards the future, oh it's Fantastic, it's like you and your pub mate Dave suddenly decided to become a political faction and then everyone is fine.
He doesn't actually control any lands, but you know what I like, his ideals, my God, anyway. new here and you have enjoyed today's video then feel free to consider subscribing after all I have new civilization videos regularly and also a new civilization update was recently released which adds a new civilization to the players as well as a game of secret society. The mode I'm going to have to guess is probably completely broken, so if you want to see me break the new DLC update, be sure to hit the comments section and tell me and I'll know what your choice will be.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to see another Civilization 6 video after this one? Do you want to see another Skyrim video? I finally managed to refine my ultimate mage build and it will be a very tasty feat build, so the choice is yours. Hit the comments section and vote, and as always, a big thank you to each and every one of my majestic sponsors who make these videos even more possible. Seriously, without your continued support, we wouldn't be able to make these strange videos. So thank you very much and if you were sitting there wondering what video you would like to see next, maybe this was your first brick video, guess which one, I have the best video for you, it's already on the screen and if you enjoyed it.
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