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Bonanza - Hoss and the Leprechauns | Episode 146 | WESTERN CLASSIC | Wild West | English

Apr 11, 2024
It's a pity, you know, it's a terrible pity for me to go away and leave poor Mr. Haas here when, after all, that's how it was. I'm the instigator of this hunt. No, I think I'd better stay here with him because if not, my conscience will never give me a moment's rest. Well, do what you want, but I better come back. Surely you can find. your way, oh, of course, of course, look, we McCarthys were born with a strange sense of direction, I'll see in the city, then, to be sure, be sure, okay, now, the legend, Come out, well, come out, I know you're here, come out.
bonanza   hoss and the leprechauns episode 146 western classic wild west english
Boys, you've led me on a merry chase so far, your old friend, but it's all over, so come on, good job, man, Michael, you and Bobby go get the wagon and meet us at camp. Be, find a nice tall tree and stay. a watchful otter, help me tie him up, it's the first time I knew how to miss a meal, yeah, he should have been home by now, you want me to go out and look for him, that's a good idea, this Professor McCarthy, what? Is teacher? Adam. I don't know anything about him, but I have a strong suspicion that he is involved in all of this somehow.
bonanza   hoss and the leprechauns episode 146 western classic wild west english

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bonanza hoss and the leprechauns episode 146 western classic wild west english...

Where are you? I'm here, yeah, don't run. away, oh, I won't stop to take you home to someone, god, you're all over me, hide, little brother, I'll take my hint, hey, joe, you see it, don't you see it, no, joe, yeah, we let him see it . I can't wait to see it spicy on his face we got it we got it hey wait wait wait a minute you don't have it yet it's on those little branches out there they ain't gonna hold our kind of weight yeah yeah as. let's put it down hey, I'll shake it, drink, no, don't do that, you're going to kill it, look at Lily, hey, hey, up there, you, uh, English connoisseur, I don't think I'll do it.
bonanza   hoss and the leprechauns episode 146 western classic wild west english
I don't understand everything. that leprechaun or how we're going to take him down I don't know listen uh I'm going to go find paul and add him and I'll bring him here stay tuned, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hey now, keep an eye on no Don't let him leave your side, yes, yes, he thinks you look at him. I told you and then I told you. I think I have a systematic schedule here that will allow us to replace the entire 56 miles of fence in the next few years without having to We're okay, what's up?
bonanza   hoss and the leprechauns episode 146 western classic wild west english
Look, go saddle up a couple of horses and I'll throw some flashlights and feel better going out and looking for those two, my non-horse, I think you're right, hey paul. adam adam where are you? hey paul adam oh oh we have one we have one we have one I'm intrigued one of those little men that was a bit matte now I know what you think but I saw him with my own eyes outside of my Song Horse has come back here and is staying with us now let's go bye uh ah uh it's in a tree in its clearing well, this better be good, okay Adam, see for yourself, look what I'm telling you, those little men coming. at me from all directions it comes out of the trees, from the bushes, above, from the ground, I never fall, this place is full of those little green men, it comes towards me from above, down, from the side, everywhere, paul, never You've seen nothing like it.
Hey, I saw one of them, where's Professor McCarthy? Oh, he came back to town, Roy Coffee, well, he couldn't have done it. We just saw his horse tied up there. Hey, there's something really funny going on here. He knew it would occur to him sooner or later. Later you just have to give it time, you two go see if you can find the professor, hey, professor, mccarthy, professor, professor, hey, joe, dad, boss, come here, I have something, hey, isn't it that one? the professor's hat and cane and couldn't. It won't be our horses, we left it tied up, it sounds like it came from that draw over there, maybe we can surprise whoever is there, lock them in, well I tell you, Paul, look at the little green man, just like I told you, Adam, you're smart, what are you doing?
You say see it I saw what I'm doing Now we know where the gold dust came from Just in time It's time to break camp Let's stop spreading out and wait until I get my signal We have to hurry, leave the rest of the tools and let's get the target, okay guys, let's get them, hey, okay, we give up, don't trust him, Paul, let's tie him up tight. I don't think it's necessary, gentlemen. I'll take over from here. ah timothy how are you hello mccarthy oh you can't explain what this is about why I would be delighted gentlemen let me introduce you to mccarthy's elves they sing they dance and as you have seen there are daring and accomplished acrobats they have performed before all the heads of the crown of europe are the toast of two continents your artists you at a show oh and i uh must apologize for the behavior of the boys a few minutes ago they were okay a little upset because they thought that uh you were going to steal their gold again now just a damn minute I just sent it for a minute now what was the point of filling everyone's heads with all those crazy stories about goblins and buried treasure I was just trying to help the guys after all I didn't know they had reached the finish line legally.
The last time I saw them was in Kansas, where our program was dissolved due to financial difficulties, yes, and you scammed us out of all our savings, the money that we were going to receive. We bought the farm and our families are still back east waiting for us to ship them that's why we started panicking about the gold we were broke oh no come on timothy after all everything turned out okay right? and with the gold of our little your little company here we can create the most magnificent spectacle this world has ever seen and think about it guys, just think about it, you're going to be the stars hello rhonda mccarthy there's something I think you should know you're in ponderosa land , I don't think I understand well, let me explain to you, you see the gold that your little friends have been panning, they banned it in our land, so the gold is not theirs, it's all yours, we didn't know, honestly, right?
I thought it was open land hmm, I know, uh, it's a different complexion of things all together, yeah, so we'll have to attack this problem from another angle. I can see gentlemen, boys, since we have the gold, let's go. no mccarthy, we will steal for you the gold belongs to these people, not us, come on timothy, after all, you only have one of two options, a simple theft or bloodshed, and I imagine you will choose the former, huh. Well, I thought you'd see it my way, gentlemen, could you uh, thank you for your hospitality, gentlemen, thank you.
Now it is with great sadness that I defeated them. Sorry, McCarthy, don't be too hard on him, sir. Mr. McCarthy, you can thank the Cartwrights here for not pressing charges here again and once you're on that stagecoach, I want it to be the last time the city of Virginia sees you, the older boys, uh, Mr. Ass, I understand that congratulations are in order. Hey, all the gold is for you, I'm told, because the old saying goes: "those who recover", I'm afraid I can't stand it, Mr. McCarthy, we thought about giving the gold back to these guys, what what?
I have more right to it than we do, but I'd like to know how you decided, well, Roy, where did that gold come from in the first place, in the high mountains? Right now, I imagine they're not on the ponderosa. If these guys hadn't mined that gold, it would have gone straight into the sea and no one would have benefited from it, but they were standing on your land while I was doing the panning, that doesn't make any difference, that goal never first of all belonged to the ponderosa. I figured I was just passing through. Hmm, what a lovely idea was lost for all the legal rights.
Roy. I think what Horse is trying to say is that regardless of who has the right to the goal, he feels. that the goal should go to where there is the most need and this way that gold will help five new families start a new life oh, I don't know what to say, the only thing I wanted to do in the first place was just prove that I didn't dream, guys, um, uh, I don't suppose you gentlemen would like to come with me, uh, no, professor, I'm sorry, we just don't want to be artists, I don't suppose we don't like to be laughed at all the time, now listen to me.
Guys, listen, none of us on the show laughed at you, but those people, those people out there, they're laughing at you. Oh, it's a very beautiful dream. He has settled down with his loved ones, farming his own land and living a normal life. The only question is whether they will allow the stagecoach to be here, Mr. McCarthy. Let's go there. They are, what are they? They are the funniest bugs ever. I have never seen in my life, perhaps. the professor is right maybe we shouldn't try to live among other people maybe we just don't belong no, wait a minute just hold your horse mat, don't go selling the garden to those people over there, can't you see you are? making the same mistake they're making, you're judging them before you know it, come on, you're going to go out and meet these people right now, come on guys, I wish you all would move here.
I have something I want to tell you, it concerns each of you, I want you to hear it, wait, friends, I know this because you all turned out to be making such a fuss about our newcomers that you are just biting the bullet to meet them, aren't you? Pigs, be careful not to step on one of those little guys, you might crush them. charlie charlie be careful not to get stepped on even a little bit now friends, i know none of you would. On purpose or with the intention of hurting someone's feelings, but Timothy here and the others feel like they're not welcome here, they think you're making fun of them because you don't want them around, uh, of course, you've noticed that they're different.
Of you, they are much smaller, well, there is something curious, you see. I noticed the same thing about you now. These guys are here for the same reason most of us are, that is, to help settle our city, grow it, raise their families. they are planning to build their houses here working their crops being good neighbors now in the past we have always welcomed people like that and I see no reason why we should treat these guys any differently you mister lucas you are the banker You should be happy to see new investors in town, their money is as big as mine and, Daryl Gillespie, it should tickle you to find potential buyers for that bottom lane you've been trying to sell and that isn't all they're going to need They are tools to work that land and build their houses.
We have five new families here in Virginia City, they will raise their children, they will buy clothes, they will buy food, they will get their hair cut and their teeth pulled. We have arranged the purchase of seeds and support for the church. I imagine each of us will benefit from your presence here. I think we should give them a big, enthusiastic welcome to Virginia City. We weren't making fun of them any more than we were making fun of you. for the right horse with such a large dorsal, I think they are as welcome here as any of us, probably more welcome than any of that there must be something in the air, yes, something really nice, now listen, let's go to the golden lily and Let's toast our little friend, wait, don't forget our friend,


, hey, hey, guys, wait, no, wait a minute, guys, there's not enough of this house, come on your own, so

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