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Bonanza - The Prime of Life | Episode 147 | WILD WEST | Best Western Series | Full Length

Jun 08, 2021
Delivery schedules get messed up. Well, accidents will happen. I guess he pulls the chair closer. Sit down now. What was that about some more


teams? I want the teams to return to the Bondurosa tomorrow morning or you. I'll do what a young man sends a sheriff and he chases after him. I have a legal right to that equipment. I'm not interested in your rights. I'm more interested in your reason tomorrow I start logging in from my own booth for the humboldt canyon trestle whose decision was the railroads or their own mr.


er I told his paw that if the railroad got into trouble and the teamsters started to dragging their feet could call me and it seems that the carters are starting to drag their feet. feet, my father made an agreement to deliver ponderosa wood to that trestle, now you are not using that equipment, so what are your terms for releasing them?
bonanza   the prime of life episode 147 wild west best western series full length
There are no terms and I just talked to the boss, well now you're talking to us. sugarganta talking to you boys, you go bald with your big powerful daddy, maybe he has better manners than you, begging Mr. Fuller to bail him out, hold on well, it's quite a show you put on and that's all , it was just a show. You'll find that it takes more than a fistfight to get along in the business your father and I are in, and when you get home tell your father the next time he wants to talk to Mr. Fuller not to send a child to do a man's job. work adam the duck tells me your dad's leg is healed why he sent you instead of coming himself it's none of your business bonnie invented this old trick well sir you'll have to be careful with him he's always there crying .
bonanza   the prime of life episode 147 wild west best western series full length

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bonanza the prime of life episode 147 wild west best western series full length...

What do you want us to do about Fuller? Do what you want, you don't care, yeah, I think I've worried too much my whole


about the wrong things, I couldn't see the bars on the trees, uh, maybe it's not. too late to change Paul, it's a waste, you're writing the




and just to throw it away, not throw it away, I just want to change my life before it's too late, this ranch has always planned for you three, anyway , good moment. for you to take over, paul, that's not what I meant, what did you mean by motorized rider?
bonanza   the prime of life episode 147 wild west best western series full length
It's just that we need you with us, paul, well, I think you're going to have to start seeing things my way, well, we can't see it. 'cause this ain't your way, it's about wasting time with a lot of small talk, that's Gabe's way, leave him out of this or Ben Cartwright is just coming for you, Mr. Cartwright, she returned it and said why not, no. I had to say hello, little friend. What you have here is Fort Fletcher, a new cavalry post for the protection of the settlers, yes, well, I think we can use another ford around here.
bonanza   the prime of life episode 147 wild west best western series full length
Joey, hey mister, you know my name, what's yours? house, house, cartwright, it's your mom, she's inside, mom, what is she? Oh man, I'd like to talk to you for a minute if I could uh, go with Jody, sure mom, well, what did you mean, Mr. Cartwright? Well, now it's about our Paul, well, he's been blaming himself for forgetting the death of his, well, his father. You shouldn't do that, it was an accident, okay Paul, don't believe it, we started hoping that maybe if you went out and talked to him, you'd be into Gabe's daughter and all that, maybe he would do it, maybe I would.
Be more important that way and give more help, well I'll think about it Mr. Cartwright, thank you ma'am, anything you can do will be appreciated, little buddy, did your paw of him get the horse? Tell your paw that if he likes it I will make him another one so he has a pair just like it. Well, I'll say thank you, little friend, find this in the woodshed, Mr. Cartwright, for you for doing nice things that are no good, sit here. all the time you're ready to eat mister carlite oh no thanks when you're hungry you just scream oh I didn't mean to get you out of bed ben do you mind if I come in hmm how are you feeling ben oh you feel great bonnie sit down You know, Ben, I've been worried about you eh, I'm serious.
We've had some battles over the years, but there's never been anything personal. You know yes. I know your guys were in town to see me yesterday. I guess you know that. Yes. Did they tell you what I told them? Yes, they told me that what I especially told him was to tell you not to send children to do a man's work. Now, Bonnie, don't underestimate those kids. They are better than me. yeah, sorry, I can't say the same for you, I didn't think you would pull that kind of trick, I cut my fabric to fit the size of the people I'm dealing with, you're making a mistake, Barney, that's right, that's right .
Unless you've given them the benefit of your advice, well, they're handling things their own way, why does Big Ben Cartwright get tired of abdicating. I find it hard to believe even if you say so, but I don't care what you believe and I'm not going to jump when you throw that club of yours at the wheel, so I'm starting to see that clears things up for me, you know, Ben, I've always admired this house, maybe one day I will see my path clear. to buy it you know i have no respect for a man who isn't up to par i can't afford to waste my time on him if he just stands there stepping over him the ben cartwright i know wouldn't stand still for that, but you don't act like it takes all the fun out of this business when you ain't got no one to stand up to you, go back to bed man, what are you doing with those horses taking them to camp? the saddle horse is what you know


, yes I know


, but when you have nothing else, you settle for what you have, which should never be allowed to get away with taking our teams away.
Watts got his way because, look, I made it pretty clear that you don't care if that easel gets finished or not, you don't care about that or anything else, okay, it took us a little while to get used to that, but now we are. and we will continue. to take care of everything ourselves, give you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do now, we don't ask you any questions, dad, I think it would be fair if you didn't ask us any questions. Oh, just Fletcher, how are you, Mr. Cartwright? I was passing through and I'm very happy.
Please come in. I'll make hop sing. Make us some tea. Oh no, thanks. I can't stay long. I left Jody with a neighbor. please sit down, she wasn't just passing by mr cartwright, i came to see him deliberately, do you know why? Well, I hope it's because he changed his mind about money, uh, no, I haven't changed my mind about that. It was not my intention. offend you, bite if I did, I'm sorry I can say oh, I wasn't offended well, why did you return it? We don't need that kind of help. So how will you and your son get along?
Not our livelihood. It depends on my father. I have a small business as a dressmaker in Virginia City. Did you know. Well, yes, yes, I knew you sent me that money to ease your conscience. I didn't do that, it was an accident, oh no, it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been pushing so hard. Your father tried to tell me that he wouldn't listen to you. You are a builder, Mr. Cartwright, a doer. Oh, my father, he was a. Dreamer, you built the ponderosa, he built castles and sand. Miss Fletcher isn't making it any easier for you to try to find excuses for me.
Men die on the job every day, even on their own land, like my husband. Nobody's fault. The fact still remains. I am responsible for your father's death no more than I was the one who made him work there. Does that make me responsible? My husband died breaking in a horse to support me and my son. Are we guilty of his death? We can not. Cry forever for our dead, Mr. Cartwright, or for our mistakes. We have to continue living. Me for Jody and you for your children. You have to connect them three at a time before they can do a real transport.
I'm not sure they can do it. Even then we have a choice, okay, take them down the logging road, her equipment, they want their pay, I mean, she can't quit, not after we brought the extra equipment here, well, I guess this is another one of the little ones. Barney Fuller tricks, well, me. I've tried chasing him, Adam, try it, you know there's some kind of unwritten law in the logging business. No one quits in the middle of cutting season without good cause. Now, what's the reason, Mike? It's matter, conditions, what conditions, your legs are boiling. The forest at this camp when we first arrived now looks like it's not coming back and probably won't need us again after the cutting is over, if so maybe there's something I didn't think needed to tell you.
This is the bull in the woods and it doesn't really matter if my father comes back or not, whatever you think was his job is now mine, are any of you man enough to prove me wrong? Any of you no, no, it will be interesting, Joe, come on. sit down, look, no, no, no, me, he, he is the star of the forest, understand it, understand it, answer your question, man, all of you who work here, you can keep working if you want to quit, you can quit, but if they resign. keep working I just want you to know that the ponderosa will continue to operate no matter who tries to stop it okay guys let's get back to work let's see if yeah what's your next move?
Adam, get the teams back, oh, would you do me a favor? paper, would you mind if I had done it alone? I would have warned you Ben, I told you, I would have gone up myself, but I had this egg on my back, you see, and I couldn't do it, oh, come on, Ben. cut here without code because I told you I sent you a message to come see me about this. Well, I'm here so we can get the equipment right now, but I can't get it together. Well, we'll get as many as possible. We can and will get the rest later, but Ben, now listen to me, what you did was no better than feeling the horse, stealing or stealing horses, but they are my own animals, well, I'm destroying them.
Get them, so what are you? doing out of bed and without a cane, well, won't you come down from under that geranium pot and I'll tell you no, I don't want to see you standing here, come inside, sit down, come down here, this is what I do? I want to tell you that we still have the Tesla contract. I will pay any penalty we have for the delay I caused, but remember this, it will be a ponderosa trestle and if these wolves of spectators get in the way, but we will have to cut them down the same way we cut down our trees.
Put that aside, jesse. You know, I guess I was wrong. I was pretty sure you had lost your nerve. What happened? Did someone teach me an angle? What angle can a man have? It doesn't really go against his true nature, it's a pretty good angle, yeah, I left that to a friend, oh, oh, yeah, ben, I like to dig for the present, move over, boy, I said, move over aside, boy, thanks, what a welcome home, ben, well, there it is. beautiful easel in the world and there was a day when I thought we would never see it there is a time when I didn't care if I ever got an eye we knew better than that paul hey paul what about that little break you promised us ? oh yeah, well that depends, you know what he said in the bowl of the forest, yeah, you

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