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Bonanza - Trouble Town. || Free Western Series || Cowboys || Full Length || English

Apr 28, 2024
be there next to each other offering all the help. Consolation that they could give to many people. Comfort, I guess you look at Johnny Mule, you were, you're a good shot, uh, Marty, good enough, you know when something's troubling me. I don't like to get rid of it until I can get all the facts straight. why I voted not guilty at the trial there were too many unanswered questions never mind the speeches just tell me where I can find Johnny mule Forge was shot with a rifle Johnny doesn't even have a four questions will be the death of you, okay? people are dead losing the ranch and all that, don't worry about me, I'll do it right, yeah, you were telling you and Verge that you're getting married, until he ran out of you and now it's you and Cleve. but of course you knew Cleve would just be a hitman because Paul died.
bonanza   trouble town free western series cowboys full length english
Oh Marcy, you say you're good with a rifle, how good are you with a knife? You really had it figured out good for you, didn't you, Mr. Loud and Johnny dead, mule, blame it, you had split up and all that ranch, all you know, you realize until you came back, well, it took you long enough . I want to make sure I've heard everything. Yes, yes, enough to make me want to cut my own throat? I was sleeping. Not in the bushes I heard a gunshot, yeah, she wanted me dead, Johnny, well, I think she was asking too many questions, what do you mean?
bonanza   trouble town free western series cowboys full length english

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Well, I mean, Johnny, she wanted a ranch and a husband, she put a knife to an old man who I'm going to let them hang you for being a foreigner. I guess I decided you were guilty the first time I looked at you. We are lying. I have never in my life judged a horse at first glance. I was ready to judge a man that way. I will never do it. I'm going to do that again abroad, how come you come to work for us? Oh, I offered him a job, but he'd better be alone. It's completely the same, sweet.
bonanza   trouble town free western series cowboys full length english
Thank you, go to the mountains please, yes. Doc has birds sitting in the sun. He will be traveling in a month. Well, he's a lucky man considering how bad he was. Hey, you know, he might want to go there a couple days a week and help him while he heals. It is a good idea. Okay, Paul I'm sure he's not good enough for us, yeah, I have a message for you. He's sending a group to bring in 11 men and, uh, the prosecutor can treat you to the biggest dinner in Virginia City. The damned man who wanted for his last video foreign foreigner oh is that it oh Mr.
bonanza   trouble town free western series cowboys full length english
Cartwright I wonder if we could talk a few words together I was certainly trying I don't see any reason why we shouldn't oh? Mrs. Wright suggests we use his study. She wanted to meet us. It has long been a happy circumstance for you that we were both invited to be guests of Mrs. Wright in a house when you and your children were in San Francisco. I have a distinct feeling that she could have fixed it with those invitations. Yes, we will do business, you know? that I own certain parcels of land in Nevada. I know you own half of the northern part of the state of Nevada.
I like Nevada, Mr. Cartwright, it's young and vital growth. I want to help with that growth, which means taking an active part in the politics of the state. I want to ask for your


and active support of an old friend of yours for what governorship and his candidate John Faraday, your friend who is going to unseat a current governor. , has served this state competently and honestly and wishes to remain in office and has my


support Faraday is counting on you I have known John for a long time I admired him until he became your team judge my meek judge didn't you pay all his campaign expenses when he ran for office in Two years ago in Virginia City, John Faraday has been a good judge and the opposite cannot be said, yes, it is true, but until now he has not had to rule on the legality of none of your land transactions, that's when you start making a living, isn't it?
So be careful how you slander me. Cartwright. I do not consider it a slander to say that a man like you wants a governor who will come running every time you whistle and do exactly what you tell Mr. Endicott. You have a reputation for corrupting everything you do. Now you want to control a governor so you can corrupt this state, you're not going to do it either. I promise you it's a declaration of war. She will stay out of Nevada politics. Fighting with me can be a very unhealthy chase. Several men could confirm this, except that they are no longer with us.
Are you threatening me? Do what you want but don't get in my way. Thank you. Excuse me. Oh Ben, you've spoken to Mr. Endicott. I thought he could do it. Do you have something to tell me no, John, yes, I have had nothing to say to you, Mr. Honeycutt possibly has Judge Faraday, yes, Mr. Endicott would like to speak to you immediately. See you in Virginia City, good evening gentlemen, Paul knows. everything about anything Sam Endicott is increasing his investments in Nevada owned by people both Joseph both I thought you said Ben Cartwright was a friend of yours well he's a friend of mine I thought he was, he won't support you Did you say why Ben Cartwright?
He has his own ambitions he wants to sit in the governor's chair but he has never held an elective office or office he wants to be governor he asked me for support I turned him down he is too arrogant too selfish he is not the right man for I have never thought of him that way, but yes, sir, with Cartwright against you it will be a more difficult race, but you will win going out. Ask Mr. Broom to come in, of course, thank you Mr. Indica, if I win. I will do everything in my power to be the kind of Governor, regardless of the campaign speeches, we have a fight on our hands.
Cartwright is tougher and more informed than I thought he might be, he is a mistake in the courtroom and Faraday is still behind and will do what he is told as long as he can convince himself that it is for the greater good, but that is only half of our problem. Cartwright will look for ammunition to fight us if he digs. Deep enough that he can find out our plans for the development company, if he does, we will buy him without any chance, then Cartwright is a very moral man, well, that guy is a little more expensive, we will make him a partner at that I wouldn't listen. to that for a minute there is only one answer not so fast the nominating committee meets in Carson City in 20 days without the support of Cartwright Faraday could not be nominated for dog catcher but the right supports Faraday contest Faraday wins leaves but they caught him well he's not going to change his mind so we can't win without Cartwright's backing that means we'll get Cartwright's backing one way or another dead or alive like I said there's only one answer you'll get out in the morning to Carson City, the Cattleman's Hotel. rent the biggest suite hello whoever you need start this campaign with the biggest fan possible of Rod.
You've done it many times before you had a man to care for. I'll get one every time you're at the Hastings Hardware market. The best of the West by proof, you remember all the white Wellborn drummers par excellence. I can read your unspoken thoughts, Mr. Broom, you're thinking that I don't look like someone you'd hire to kill a man. You don't look like a man. I contracted to have a horse, one of my greatest assets, sir, just think about it for a minute and you will see that I am right, he knows something. I never go anywhere without these catalogues, they are my passport, take me wherever I want. to go without asking questions look I sell hardware that is my cover the hardware I sell is very real I will sell you a two cent nail 40 horse collars or 100 brutes in axes now I carry another little book but I only show it to special people like yourself , go ahead and open it, a prominent Denver lawyer was found dead, no clues.
I'm going to turn the page, oh, that's a good one. Wyoming mourns the unsolved murder of the state's attorney and you know something. He never went anywhere without a bodyguard as your advance, that's 500. Now, that's perfect plus another payment of two thousand dollars upon delivery, as you could call it, time is of the essence. You mean hit fast and get out of the state fast. I'm not a fool. They, the client, are Ben Cartwright of Ponderosa. pick it big Misty, not too big for you Mr. White House, everyone falls down when they get hit by a 44. and Cartwright, I have to have a whole new chapter just for him, my little book I'll leave on the first stage.
Virginia City, come on, relax, Mr. Broom, I guarantee your satisfaction from now on. Mr. Ben Cartwright is almost dead. I mean, take a few moments, of course, the court won't reconvene for another 10 minutes, part of a judge's obligation to be available to the public. Thank you Mr. John. I would like to talk about his candidacy. Yes, I thought that would be the theme of his visit. Well, Ben. It would help me if I assured you that I did not do or say anything to influence Mr. Endicott's choice of candidate. I didn't come here to judge you, so why did you come?
Ben, certainly not to offer me your congratulations or your endorsement. No, wait, I don't blame you, if I were in your place, I would probably feel the same as you. You must have had your heart set on that nomination and then be turned on by the man who could help you best, believe me, I can understand your disappointment, wait a minute judge, I'm not bothered by your candidacy, it's your endorsement that worries me and my. I think you should be concerned too, John, and let's get a couple of things straight. I never sought the nomination, but if I did, Endicott would be the last man in the world I would turn to for help.
Well, if that's your story, Ben, I'll win. Don't argue if you want to say heads, that's your business, don't expect me to accept it, that's what you want to believe, let's talk about the governorship and you and Endicotta, why is he begging you? Because he is my friend and he knows that I. I'll do everything I can to be a good governor, John, I'll make it clear what's in it for him, oh, I see right through you, Ben, card, wouldn't you, you'd like to get it. Endicott through me. Well, he won. It doesn't work Endicott is an honest man who just happens to want to pay all your campaign expenses now.
If you have a dispute with Endicott that is personal, I have nothing to do with it, do not impugn his honesty or mine. Court meets in two minutes. Is there something else on your mind Mr. Cartwright no, I guess not, the worst part of all this is that you believe everything you said, hey, I have a lot of people listening to us, the problem is what we tell them, they tell them the truth , you are going to cut the thread of stealing the state of Nevada. What do we say when they ask you for proof, just tell them what you think?
Well, I mean, people here have been taking your word for a long time. You are a delegate to the convention. Have a chance to speak then, oh yes, I plan to do that, like you said, indicate that he is a smart man and you will be ready waiting, you will tell the convention exactly what he told the parody judge, I try to get him to back me up and He rejected me, then, since Judge Freddy's nomination, don't you do it two weeks before the convention? So I'll try to talk to as many touchies as I can, hopefully I can convince him to leave by calling the man. foreign wine tastings Hardware Satisfaction Guarantee you are a hardware seller we will have the gentleman come I just wasted a bunch of blocks I must be Mr.
Ben Cartwright that's true I am welburn white on your admin you are a hardware seller yes, It's Hastings the best of the west for proof well I hope you didn't go out of


just to see us well you're the last of four ranches in this area if you had you took a trip for nothing you see we've been buying our hardware at a dealer in Virginia City for a few years and there's really no reason to change. Well, that's the fortune. Awards, you could say, hey, stay for a cup of coffee, I really appreciate it, but I think I'll be back. to the city, you know, a city man like me gets very nervous at night here, in the open spaces, well, it was a pleasure to meet you all, you know, it's not very often that you get the chance to meet someone so important as Ben Cartwright, not good Surrey.
Good evening, sir, young, cheerful cousin, why shouldn't there be another? Hardware, you said something that was on my mind, well, I better get some rest. I'll be talking to you a lot in the coming weeks. right what's up it's crazy he's still alive I don't see anything let's not go in there thanks okay I think I probably saw men that maybe would want me dead I can only think of one right now disabled with that that San Francisco night. The woman writes that she threatened to kill me. I thought he was a bluff, well from what I heard about Endicott, he's capable of anything.
What about cutting down bushes? Let me risk being hanged. All kinds of men you can hire to do some bush cutting for you. So how do we test it? don't get in my way last words he said to me don't get in my way I have a good way I got in the way what won the most Friday's nomination and we can't let him get away with it yeah We can Joe, we can and We will also do it in Bushwacker. He would have no way of knowing if I'm dead or not. Would you oil an old Regency?
We could. I wonder if you will go to Virginia City and announce my death. Ofwhat are you talking about your death? Why is Dr. Wilson a man who will help us in our kind of fight? I think talk to him first. Let's fix Endicott once and for all. I just can't get used to it. even reading my own obituaries and all this makes me feel very respectful, I have no idea what a wonderful person he was, Paul, you know the spells and pillars may be stretching it a bit, I'm sure they were, but I hate playing this kind of team trick on some very good people wow, as soon as they found out why you do it, they will forgive you, I hope so, thanks, I just can't even know about your mail, oh, is it screwed?, oh, okay, he ate a bigger lunch. that a horse there are more complaints than any corpse I've ever been with I wish you thought I'd stop talking about me as if I'd come here I'm sorry there's a lot of excitement in


they found the Bushwacker they had a coffee he thinks he's a man His name is Braves, True, I don't know anyone named Briggs.
That means I hired a gun and brought a cat to kill you. It may be a hired gun, but it's more like a saddle. His horse had a Nick on one of his shoes. Sheriff. Prince's coffee to match was found near the barn and a rifle cartridge was also there. He confessed, yes, but he had 200 in his pocket. He admits to not having worked for three months, but he claims that he won a poker game, it should be. Pretty easy to prove if it's true no, not so easy, it was a game of two-handed poker in a hotel room.
There are no witnesses and the loser left town. The Sheriff's convenient caller is convinced he's got the right man, so the DA's trial starts tomorrow to kick things off. Not well? Mr. Cartwright was a very important man. The city is in a bad mood. They've got a noose and a gallows and they're looking for someone to hang well, but the convention starts in five days anyway, there's no way they can finish that Prowler, but then I wouldn't count on that foreigner, thank you very much, I would. I'm sorry, I have to go, so now we have delegates, some of the delegates have wives and sisters. men have friends who have to be mine, what else have you achieved?
I've spent a lot of your money where I had to. I promised help to the House of Representatives and wherever I could. Yes, I bought the books, we almost have enough votes. and the Cartwright two thousand five hundred dollars. I also had to buy a counterfeit from you that cost another 750. I didn't know they were that expensive. I always find it wiser to pay what they ask, otherwise they might sign your name on a check. Won't you invite me in, sir? What are you doing here? Per our agreement, I was supposed to leave the state and stay out until I found out who he was working for, not unless his name was Samuel Carter. andica it's okay Broome maybe this gentleman would like to discuss the matter further with me well if you're sad you'll cut it off point it out I'll take care of this room you took a risk coming here there's no moon tonight I left my horse three. down the streets I went up the back staircase no one saw me very commendable Mr.
White Wellborn White I suppose we are indebted to you for all the evidence that led to the arrest of the Cowhand Briggs oh well, you take it well, sir. I stole this horse from the delivery. stable and use it directly from Ponderosa and you know something I played two-handed poker with it in my hotel room and lost two hundred dollars on a stroke of Genio and now you feel you are entitled to more than the stipulated sum. I agree. Mr. White, Mr. Broom, is inclined to keep a close eye on the purse strings. How much more would you believe he is righteous?
One thousand and two, well, the way I see it, sir, this should be Ancient Wars, say ten thousand a year, minimum, you said? Are you saying you expect an annual fee? Well, man, it's as important as you have a lot of people on your payroll, but I can't imagine you have anyone with my particular touch of talent, Mr. White. I admire your business acumen, you obviously have it. I've studied the pros and cons, I've weighed them carefully and you've decided that I can't afford to turn you down, well that's about the size, yeah, so no wonder you've come here unseen to make sure. that I don't Don't talk and it would be rude of me to disappoint you, you will find his horse and get rid of him, since our friend will fit very well in the steamer trunk that you will send to San Francisco and load on board one of our ships bound for the East fortunately those poor double bricks will pay for Mr.
White's crime. I have never seen a man convicted so quickly with circumstantial evidence before this city is in a bad mood. You saw they were looking at the jury. They would have found a medicine. They probably would have tired it out and feathered it or worse, I just can't imagine hanging it up so quickly tomorrow. I've never seen it so fast. Well, I'm no authority on hangings, but I don't know what else to judge. Just what they could What I would have done if I had kept that man in jail any longer, they would have burned down the jail in a minute and the convention starts tomorrow and I'm going to go back to the ranch and give my father the nose, right?
I will see you later. I sure didn't think they had rushed that judgment so quickly, all we needed was one more day, one day, and what do we do now? The governor, he can stop the hanging. Yeah, look what I have to show him and they cut me off. one minus a whole day before I want it all I have going for me is a surprise of appearing at the right time. The convention starts tomorrow morning at what time is 10 o'clock. What time is the hanging scheduled for 10 in the morning? Well We're going to tour the city tonight after the darkness of the execution, he's in the cut, what other choice do we have?
I thought you were a ghost when you came in. I thank God you're alive, so do I, but the rest, Ben, your accusations are crazy. Totally Foundationless, well I'll say it again. Sam Manda could hire an assassin to kill me. I think there was a killer, but I don't think Sandman hired him right. Who else do I want to see my father? I think your father will admit it. He might have other enemies besides Endicott, but who else would want to see me dead now at this particular time, right before the convention? It's a guess, let's say Ben, can you prove any of these things in court?
It's time then your accusations are pure slander. Mr. Endicott can sue you. For everything you own and earn, I know, but in time I think I can force Mr. Endicott to expose himself. I'll never believe Endicott had anything to do with this, well, if Paul didn't believe it when he assumed he pretended to be dead. to get back at Endicott so we are endorsing me as a candidate instead of him. I told you before. I am not a candidate now and I never have been. Endicott said you came and asked for his support. You know my father, a long time judge, Faraday, have you ever seen him lie?
Okay, Endicott exaggerated John, you've been friends, didn't you wonder why I refused to back you? You made it pretty clear that you thought it would be bad for the state, no. No, no, Endicott, if you are elected you will be indebted to him and then one day he will ask you for a small favor for one of his friends or nothing important, it is just a matter of executive prerogative, the next favor will be for him. Only it will be bigger and one later it will be bigger again and then you won't be able to stop it or yourself.
Get out, get out and leave me alone. You will force me to show my hand now, stranger. Do you really think I would use my own assassination attempt out of self-interest? Do you really think I could pull this kind of trick on all my friends if I'm wrong if Sam Indica is innocent tomorrow night I'll be the one laughing? Nevada stock and you'll be governor, but suppose I'm right, I suppose I'm right. I came here tonight to show myself to you to prevent the breaks from hanging themselves, but if Elliott finds out about this, he will announce to the world that I am alive and I am guilty of the worst, the dirtiest political hoax ever carried out in this state.
If you issue that stay of execution now without giving any reason, it will give me time to prove to everyone that the label is everything I said. he is that if I'm wrong you win if I'm right you lose but you will have done a great service this is the most important decision of your life John thank you gentlemen hey Bob don't worry, he's a little boy I'm glad to see you, I'm glad to see you new. Jack Van Buren, Tonopah delegate. I used to work for him, according to him. Joe, everything is out of the vote.
The vote will be for Melody only, so the man says that's what I heard. maybe there's something you haven't heard your name during the trolley and the broom is talking to key delegates in a hotel I'm going to make a decision yes, I heard that too oh hello, how are you? How's new doctor Jim's wife? oh yeah, I'm starting to like talking to you now well, Jim Porter owns the M Ranch bar, his wife's name is Mary, his daughter Penelope, oh Mr. Porter, Jim, how's the wife? No, no, don't tell me. I'll remember Mary, which wins me over.
Do it, we just had a chance to say Hello and that was six seven months ago. Well, the man likes to remember his friends yesterday. He was talking about you with our next governor, John Faraday. Oh well, thanks. Yes. He likes you a lot. What's happening? It's a pleasure, not whatever, it just has a short one. I congratulate myself for choosing me. I had to choose someone I could trust, Senator. I wish I could have even more help. I believe everything he tells me, but not all the delegates know him too. As I do and I cannot prove a word, you know that the man who controls the key delegates is going to win this battle, gentlemen, delegates, his friend and mine.
The Honorable Samuel Endicott would like to say a few words, thank you, gentlemen, in a In a few minutes the convention will meet and begin the serious task of nominating our next Governor before that happens. I want to read you a very important letter from a very important man, the late Ben Cartwright, he was my friend, the Senator. I think it's about time Down there, thank you, you're right, Kyle, good luck. I know I speak for Ben Cartwright. I read you a letter that he wrote to me the day before an assassin's bullet ended his life.
I can't think of any man better suited to govern Nevada than our mutual one. friend Judge John Faraday gentlemen Ben Cartwright never wrote any letter like that thank you yes I am alive and very much alive Mr. Endicott I never wrote a letter to Sam Endicott I never put any recommendation in writing I fear Mr. Endicott lied to you. He's not my friend, he's not your friend, he's certainly not the friend of the state of Nevada. I told him I would not support Judge Faraday and when I further told him that I would not support any of his nominations, he hired that assassin to kill me.
I would like to see that letter, of course, this is not even a good forgery, this is not my signature, gentlemen, Ben Cartwright may or may not have hired the unfortunate man who was hanged in Virginia City this morning to play the role of the murderer, but the blame. because the death of that poor unfortunate must be forever on Ben Cartwright's conscience a human sacrifice for political benefit gentlemen there was no hanging in Virginia City this morning that man in jail is alive the stay of execution was ordered by the judge himself Faraday now gentlemen the moment of decision, on the one hand, a governor who has served honorably and well and who deserves our continued support, on the other hand, controlled by Mr.
Endicott and Mr. Broom, two scoundrels who have corrupted everything they have touched and will stop at nothing. not even murder to get what they want the future course of our state the future course of the state of Nevada will be decided today in this room, gentlemen, you can let Endicott and Broom loot and destroy our state or you can stop them in their tracks. your vote is the only weapon you need. I'll be proud to walk through the convention with you. Come on, well, Ben, how does it feel to win on the first vote? I'm glad the governor was renominated. the convention she helped a lot How do I feel?
I'm glad it's all over. There's already a lot more integrity than I gave him credit for. For shame. It took a man like any cat to bring it to light. Well, friend Endicott finally gave up the ghost. thanks to the hardware seller, get the foreign alien sheriff

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