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Blippi Bakes Cakes And Cookies | Blippi Videos | Food Videos For Kids

May 28, 2024
hammer, right, but this is not a normal hammer, this hammer is only used to break this big bar of chocolate, ready, yes, yes, that was amazing, one more, another, there we are. Now it's in much smaller pieces but still very big, so let's take this to the heater, but first we need to take the lid off the heater.heater and then oh look, they did it for me, thank you, look, look, look, it looks like a tasty chocolate, this heats up the chocolate and then it melts, everything good here we go, okay, let's put the tray back and then we have to take this big bowl, put it down here because when you open it, a lot of melted chocolate will come out ready, wait , it looks so tasty, it's very heavy, okay, let's take the chocolate up here and what we're going to do is prepare it. a rocky road, you know what rocky road is really tasty, so since the chocolate was very hot, we let it cool just for a moment, look, here is a tasty chocolate that is a little bit colder, so we had some chocolate and then we drink. some nuts look pretty good and then we also take some marshmallows let's put the marshmallows in first and mix them all together okay here we go yeah you have to mix the chocolate and the marshmallows really well together so you don't see any white.
blippi bakes cakes and cookies blippi videos food videos for kids
You only see chocolate, we're almost there, it looks pretty well mixed, see, it looks like chocolate covered marshmallows. Now we have to put the nuts in there, so sprinkle them on and stir it up. Okay, here we go, let's stir it up. So far that looks delicious so the next thing we need to do is take it out and put it on the table, it's going to get really dirty so the first thing we need to do is put on these really big gloves, look how big these gloves are . go up my arm so let's put on this other one okay I have two giant gloves on one two and then we're going to put on another pair of these little gloves now that we're ready let's give it one last shake let's mix put one spoon right there and what we're trying to make is really big logs that look like this.
blippi bakes cakes and cookies blippi videos food videos for kids

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blippi bakes cakes and cookies blippi videos food videos for kids...

See this? It looks delicious, so let's take this, put it on the table, make it into a really long mound, voila, it feels so soft and smells so good, here we go, oh, this is so much fun, okay, there's a little more, okay , this is a bowl I sure want to lick, okay, a little more, okay, I think that's it, so put it there and now. I'm going to shape it into a very long mountain that has a mound, oh, does it look good or does everything look good? Now what we do is let it dry and then we enjoy the good work.
blippi bakes cakes and cookies blippi videos food videos for kids
Check it out now, that's what I call Rocky Road, oh, do you see what I'm doing? I'm washing my hands and I'm washing them really well because what I'm about to do requires me to use my hands, okay, let's dry them real quick, oh this. It's going to be fun now my hands are very clean so I'm going to use my hands as thermometers do you know what thermometers are? Thermometers help you check the temperature and the temperature of this chocolate that I'm going to use is really important and that's why I'm not wearing gloves so I can touch the chocolate and make sure the temperature is perfect.
blippi bakes cakes and cookies blippi videos food videos for kids
Do you see this chocolate here? It's very hot, so let's take some and put it on the table. Yes, like that, perfect. I'll put it in there and then you'll spread it like this and what we're doing here is making truffles. Oh, she's really good. Look, that's fascinating. Look, I'm moving my hand around the chocolate to make sure it's perfect. The temperature is okay, it seems pretty perfect to me, so with my left hand I'm going to take a little bit of this peanut butter and I'm going to take a little bit of this white stuff, I'm going to put it in there and I'm going to spread it, oh, I have to keep moving . my right hand is quite complicated, it's like rubbing your belly and stroking your head at the same time, ok let's see, it's so hard and feels so soft, ok, that'll be the closest I can get, it looks like a perfect circular ball okay let's put it in my hand oh wow okay and then it looks like I put it on this tray just like what she's doing make a little swirl that looks pretty good let's make the next one a little bigger , I'm not. very good, but practice makes perfect okay here we go okay throw it in my hand again okay here we go whoa that one has a lot of chocolate here we go oh go see it again okay I'll do one last one, wave it around, put it right there, let's squeeze some chocolate on top that looks like a tasty truffle, now that I'm done, let's wash my hands again, let's go here, okay, okay, like I said, I'm done and those.
The chocolates are going to be so tasty, do you know what other chocolate could be tasty? Yeah, I'm going to lick the chocolate off my hands because I'm done with making the truffles and then I'm going to wash my hands right after that, it was great. tasty, there you go, thanks mmm, I'm really excited to eat this, doesn't it look delicious? Wasn't it so fun learning about all those delicious treats like this, this chocolate dipped ice cream cone, this is going to be so good that we saw the conveyor. belt, we made some truffles, oh hello some friends, let's try how the candy is, the


are doing great, it was so much fun learning what we learned today at Bones Candy Shop, well this is the end of this video, but if you want to see more. from my


all you have to do is search my name could you spell my name with me?
Good job, okay, see you soon, bye, look where we are, we're in the frozen


s aisle of a grocery store, but look what frozen raspberries are, they're so sweet and rich in vitamin C. I wonder how they got here these raspberries. Wow, look at all these raspberry bushes and all these raspberry bushes have raspberries on them and this is the color raspberry red and that's it. very tasty, since we pick them to freeze them, we pick them at the perfect point of ripeness and we don't actually pick them, we shake them with the combine. Wow, we're in front of the combine.
Look, and deep down there it's shaking. these bars are like this and then the really ripe raspberries fall into the harvester, so now we are in the harvester, this is the machine that gives the raspberries softness, Hello guys, I am the driver's seat and the driver operates the harvester and These things are taps, they're plastic bars that go up and down very fast and shake the raspberries off the bush. After the raspberries are shaken from the bushes, they arrive on these conveyor belts. Then what do you do? I look at all the raspberries and pick them. out of the bad ones whoa like oh like this certain perfect okay put that there and say goodbye to this bye there he goes collecting all the bad ones wow look at it on his tray he passes it to the girl and then she stacks them Good teamwork now that the harvester is very full, they have to stop next to the truck and unload all the raspberries.
Now the truck arrives at the facility and then the raspberries are taken off the truck with a forklift. That forklift can carry a lot. of raspberries, okay, so the raspberries came from the farm and they were transported from a truck and then a forklift took them off the truck and loaded them right here, so now all these raspberries are going to go into this cooler, look at this, there go. in the cooler oui oh hi, this is basically a giant refrigerator, so the raspberries cool down very quickly look, wear very warm clothes. Wow, there are a lot of raspberries, so what we're doing here is taking weight. of these raspberries, see well, now that we have them all weighed we bring them here and this is where they are loaded and then they take them to the top look at those machines, we are putting the raspberries on another belt and then the raspberries go up to the top and then this machine flips the trays and the raspberries come out of the trays.
Look at all the raspberries. Watch the trays go. Bye bye. So many conveyor belts. They look so rich. Hello ladies, you are doing very well. Good job now this room is where the raspberries are frozen it's very cold in here look at them now all the raspberries are frozen so we have to put them in perfectly heavy boxes look at that look at all those boxes of raspberries wow the raspberries just finished being packed in these boxes , so what we're doing is loading them into the back of a truck and the truck will deliver them to the supermarket, that's how the frozen raspberries got to the grocery store they grew on the very big, red bushes and then the harvester went around the bush corridors and shook them and then they packed them in these plastic bags and then they came here.
Hey, I think we should go make ice cream. raspberry smoothie together, now it's time to make a raspberry smoothie and a raspberry sandwich mmm, okay, then let's make a sandwich first, okay, wait, before you touch the


, you have to wash your hands, let's wash Hands, here we go. your hands nice and wet, okay, now you have to put soap on your hands and then rub a dub dub, but I'll tell you the right amount of time, okay, you have to say



blippi and then you just keep going faster and faster. until you can't say it anymore, okay, ready, blippi, blippi, blippi, blippi, blippi, flippy, blippy, blippy, okay, now rinse the soap off your hands, okay, dry your hands.
I am very excited about the food we are going to prepare together. Okay, here we go, let's get some bread for our sandwich, ooh, the heel, mmm, I'll save it for someone else, though okay, here we go, one slice of bread, two slices of bread, okay, there it is You have, okay, let's get started. with a little bit of peanut butter, mmm, take a big spoonful, I love peanut butter, okay, leave it around, yeah, look at that, mmm, okay, and on this other side we're going to put some jelly raspberry jam, this sandwich will taste great, okay, take a big spoonful of raspberry jam, leave it there, okay, spread it around, oh, yum, yum, okay, leave it, put the lid back on, here we go, We're going to cut it in half, okay, and we're going to cut it into quarters, yum, look at that, okay, come on. uh, put this on a plate, okay, okay, one, two, three, four, oh, mmm, okay, you know what drink would be so tasty with this raspberry sandwich, yeah, a raspberry milkshake, okay , I'll teach you how to make one first, we have to go get it. our milk holds, okay, so I have almond milk and regular milk, so let's put some almond milk in here, perfect, that looks great and let's put some regular milk in here, okay, perfect, I spilled a little look, it's okay.
I'll clean it up after all okay and let's take a banana, we'll actually cut it in half because it's a lot of banana. I want more raspberries than bananas, but I still like banana bombs. Okay and wait, what are we missing here? Yeah, raspberries, okay? I need to go get them from the freezer, yes, frozen raspberries. I use frozen raspberries because they're really good here because then it makes them nice and cold and then they feel like little pieces of ice. How do we open this? Here we go. okay, the right amount is a handful, no, it's two handfuls, yeah, here we go, yeah, okay, here we go and let's add some extra almond milk.
Perfect, okay, let's put the lid on, shake it a little, yeah, now let's blend it. up wow mmm that looks so tasty okay, I'm going to get a perfect glass mmm okay let's pour our smoothie mmm now it's time for the raspberry song raspberry razz raspberry raspberry razz raspberry a small sweet red fruit called raspberry berry raspberry grows on a plant loved by honey bees, very tender berries in waffles and in yogurt cups, raspberries, I like them a lot and can't get enough. It makes a wonderful jam, juice filling and pie, berries, raspberries, a frozen treat on top of your ice cream and they are full of vitamin series and and anytime you can make a fresh smoothie with frozen raspberries hey can you spell raspberry with me?
Okay, here we go, raspberry, you did it, great job, come on, everyone sing with me one more time. Wow, mmm, this food is very tasty. Well, I had a lot of fun learning from you about how raspberries go from the farm to your belly. If you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name. you know my name, yes, it's blippi, let's spell it together, ready, b-l-i p-p-i blippi, good job, now you know how to say and spell my name, see you again, bye.

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