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Blippi Visits Tanaka Farm | Healthy Eating Videos For Kids | Educational Videos For Kids

Jun 02, 2021
but then georgia and taylor, two little girls who ride ponies, they will teach you about horses and ponies, come on, horses like


a lot of hate and grass makes them big and strong, they have beautiful manes and fluffy tails with hair, long pretty horses can run faster than you or me, they are like a speeding train, but oh, they can give a powerful kick. with their hind legs so make sure you don't stand behind them if you get a chance to be near one maybe just bring an apple that's their favorite snack in my mind do this is my pony his name is flash my pony's name es dot before you get in the saddle you have to burst the pony do this is a pony's horseshoe and this is a horse's horseshoe the saddle pad protects the pony from the saddle oh this is a horse toss and pick up hoes for horses come on Do you love learning about horses and ponies with Taylor and Georgia?
blippi visits tanaka farm healthy eating videos for kids educational videos for kids
Yes, I did. too and they really know how to ride those ponies very well and maintain good safety, that's very important, they are so cool. Well, let's not stop here, let's continue learning about horses and having fun. This is a horse. Did you know that horses can sleep standing up? and set whoa whoa estimates suggest that there are about 60 million horses on this planet, which is a lot of horses, horses are herbivores, that means they eat plants, delicious, first let's draw a horse, draw the body and the hind leg and the front leg. the head the little ear two ears the eyeball the nose the horse's mane we can't forget that back tail and the other back leg and the other front leg now it really looks like a horse now let's give it some detail like the hooves let's write the word, You know a lot about what a horse is, hey, it's me,


and today we are at the humane society of Pasadena to see what animals need a home.
blippi visits tanaka farm healthy eating videos for kids educational videos for kids

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blippi visits tanaka farm healthy eating videos for kids educational videos for kids...

I'm so excited, come on, okay, now we're at the store where you can buy candy. and toys and food and so many things for all the pets here, okay, what did they look like every day? It's catterday, that's funny, this is where the cats eat their food, oh look here, some toys, this is called a mutton chop and it looks like a little fish, I bet this is for a kitten to play with because kittens love it. love to play with fish, okay, some boxes, look, if you need to transport your pet from the humane society, you will probably carry them inside a box like this, look, then they are nice and safe when they travel.
blippi visits tanaka farm healthy eating videos for kids educational videos for kids
Wow, look at all these colorful straps. This strap is red. This strap is pink. I bet you know this color. I use this color all the time. Yes, it is the color blue. Come from this side. wow look at this color yes it's so bright and vibrant this color is the color pink mmm some more goodies but wait a second it looks like it's because I can't open it anymore. Oh hey, can cat or bull food come here? like dog bowls, come here you have a dog or maybe even a cat, you've probably seen these bags, yes they have a lot of food in them, oh I think this is for chickens or maybe it's just chicken flavored, oh and treats, yeah, look at this, these are treats and dogs love them, maybe we can get them and go give them to a little dog, come on, see this dog?
blippi visits tanaka farm healthy eating videos for kids educational videos for kids
This dog's name is Timmy and do you see right here he has a bow tie like how I have a bow tie but my bow tie is orange and timmy's bow tie do you see the color? Hey Timmy, Timmy's bow tie is red, wow, that's a really cool bow tie, Timmy, hey, remember the treats we got earlier, yeah, Timmy. he loves them hey timmy look what I have for you a gift mmm timmy loves these delicacies this is equivalent to you liking our um a nice and tasty salad or maybe even like a piece of pizza mmm good boy timmy okay the last one here you go okay , now come on, play with pierre and pantera there they are look this here is panther hello mima hmm so cute and so soft hello look oh so cute okay, do you want to go say hello to pierre oh oh oh oh oh hello oh I wonder if they are brothers I No I know, but they look a lot alike hey, there are some toys around here, come on


, oh, let's see if you like these, hey, okay, you want a toy, oh, I guess not, hey, you want a toy, you want a ball tennis ready, okay, here we go. oh, you want this toy, what's wrong with this toy?
They're so cute, look what it is, it's a kitten, this kitten is cute and he's tired, I think he just took a nap, you know, in the middle of the day, when sometimes you take a nap. This kitty just took one of those. I wonder if the kitten had a dream. Yes, he looks at this. This is a cat toy. Hello kitty. Hello kitty. I don't think he wants to play right now, but cats love to play and it's very important. play with your pets I don't like this kitten hey kitty that's funny oh look, there are more cats here oh there are more around here wow a lot of them are sleeping oh hey look oh hello oh what do you have here I have pumpkin pumpkin is one of the cats we have available to find a new home today yes she came to us with no one to care for her we hope someone will come and take her home and make them theirs oh wow can I pet pumpkin? sure pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin is very nice and very sweet hey, isn't she pretty?, she has green eyes, very pretty. okay, bye, bye, bug house, I wonder what kind of bugs are in here, come on, wow, this room is cool, look, hello, he's sleeping, but there's a guinea pig right here oh that's funny okay oh what's here oh hey little bird oh it's a bird look nice little bird oh look that bird was white and look there's a white rabbit wow do you see that rabbit hey I have a gift for you come look here wow, I have a rabbit friend down here eh, it's here Well, oh, where are you going? oh look, hey, robin, oh, there it is, hey, running, rabbits have big ears, okay, rabbit, hey, how are you? oh, he's very soft and his ears are big.
Ok, bye, yes, that was amazing, so many cute animals, see you later, bye, a pet keeps you company, it will be there when you need it, it will cheer you up when you've had a bad day, a pet can be your best playmate. and cats and bunnies and rats these are the pets pets turtles and snakes goldfish in a tank these are the pets pets pets my pet my pet I have to teach them how to behave sick fight or sit some pets you have to walk with them others you can talk to them and some you have to clean the cage spiders and birds and ants and worms these are the pets pets ponies and frogs hamsters and pigs these are the pets pets my pet my pet is my best friend you have to take care of your pets my pet my pet is my best friend come on everyone sing my pet my pet is my best friend you have to take care of your pets my pet my pet is my best friend you have to take care of Your pets have a lot to learn about that will make you

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