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BEST OF Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights | Comedy Compilation

May 23, 2024
Come be on me, you, be on me later, later, I'm the man that put the gang on Bang, you better believe me, come on, come on, you gotta believe me, come on, come on, better tonight. singing live is meat L I'm telling you PTY you have eyes in the back of your neck posters scream the fires are in the valley tonight a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye and a sword shining oh so bright Thunder in the sky and a murderer on the bloodshot streets on the T where the mortal AR no Squar saw a young man on the G who was starting to look into the ladies and gentlemen Mr.
best of peter kay s phoenix nights comedy compilation
Elen Jung I can't hide all the right romantic lines those romantic lines look at me once once you see the way I feel like you see the way right Shut your mouth, oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know something that wasn't? Prostitutes are tough in Amsterdam. The first one I went with made me wash, you old sink maniac. You took your dad. Me on my stairs, look at this, how far? We're in high society enough get back on the bus you won't come hey I'm getting married next week no I don't care you won't come okay come on let him in he's stuck right? money, the only one because we have, we don't want your money, we don't want your money, just keep going, hey, what can't you read?
best of peter kay s phoenix nights comedy compilation

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best of peter kay s phoenix nights comedy compilation...

Tattoo boy, stay away from there. Who do you call tattooing the longest? B in the National Lottery bonus on June 10, the third ball tonight is number 25 nine times, now it has been the midweek lottery, the midweek lottery, come on, number 41 for the second, come on, here we go, it's number 10, who's next, keep going. what Thor heard him do, oh help, has anyone seen Brian? come on, come on, box, come on, box, come on, you, this is that, this is that, yeah, that's it, that's it, it came to daddy slowly, jeny Jen is that you R is that I'm tra man I'm trapped I'm stuck on the stairs kick the door in what we're on the bike no, you put your tool Kick it in the door you brought me the door you should be, big cock oh come on, you brought me the door you brought me to the door, I brought me to you, Shut up, your girl, put me down, oh, what's that smell?
best of peter kay s phoenix nights comedy compilation
It doesn't matter what that smell is, just put me down, what happened, that power outage, that's what happened. I've been here all night. Me down, where's your fuse box? under the stairs below, still below, it just went off, jry, what are you doing down there? Can you back up please, can you back up please? 15 tickets, why can't we be around? Because it's for VIP. just for that oh everything is wrong this we are waiting here like cows in the face that's right we just like to get under the tape 10 n eight seven 6 5 4 3 2 1 look at the lights look at the lights oh love look at the lights ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Phoenix Club if you want if you want to go somewhere pen9 canapes will be served along with the eyeball I think I have a convoy here 10 four rubber cocks hey L is the rubber cock baly pck can you hear me?
best of peter kay s phoenix nights comedy compilation
Yeah, wait, can you hear me now? Hey, yeah, I can see your dick. Can you hear me now? Yes, you like to go beyond that. These you know, can you hear? me now can you hear me know bdy can you hear me now yeah where are you? I'm here look I'm on the bus I'm on the bus look I'm here hey look I'm on the bus hey hey look I'm on the bus tonight having Robot Wars, robot wars in the club, yeah, very nice, sweet, okay, It must be in his butt. Potter made us a robot that me and The Hills Have Eyes, who built it, have it, you can't even change it.
A plug tells you it's a total assault vehicle you want to get a good look at it tell it it's nonsense how many gears does it have enough I say where is she in the boots fools I have to see this right away there she is you've built that nonsense oh no, we live in L with this, I built that, wait, take your hands off, it'll take your hands off, welcome to Robot Wars, tonight it's all about survival of the fittest, where the last robot standing will be. Crowned tonight's winner and receiving a grand prize of £63 robot ears, are you ready, yeah, ready?
I'll tell you that it was necessary to go to the dentist, okay, and here it is, everyone needs to get this spinning ball rolling, please welcome our own d. ross Mr. Brian Potter, come on, welcome to Robot Wars. I thought you said there were going to be 30. This is team chaos and this is the cleanest there is. Are they actually automaton terms? Cleaning is multidirectional. It is equipped with a cufflink. Wier blade mechanism at the back and also has a trip hammer device at the front. Have you ever kissed a girl? Hey, what did you have?
Why are we going, surely we will be next? What robot faces death with chocolate? Oh, that's Team Voodoo. with his robot dead for chocolate and now the robot is double trouble for his opponents team and his robot kicks ass, oh come on, that's all you can store, it's your kicker, come on, that's it for Robot Wars um, thank you and good night. hello well I'm speaking to Mr. B please speaking Mr. bter from the Phoenix Club yes who is this at three in the morning it's mixu why the Folton caretaker's office I'm afraid your club has burned down what oh God no oh no not again I'm afraid we found a body Mr.
Potter a body oh God no Jerry oh Jerry the coer they asked you to lock up oh Jerry Jerry Jerry 19 years old Jerry 19 years old goodbye, well, all we need to know Mr. Potter, what? did he have false teeth? He what false teeth pissing Al I knew you had false teeth who is this hey and who are you B sick animals laughing at death at three thirty in the morning damn world gone man who is this oh Mr. Potter who is this this is Sergeant Patterson I'm calling regarding a break in your oh break now, is it uh who broke the damn fiber again, it burned a minute ago, you sick bastards?
I beg your pardon, dear, we cut for this good evening, thank you again for coming, Sergeant Patterson, I appreciate it, no. Not at all Mr. Potter, like I said, I can't understand anyone stealing cases of beer, yeah, you'll be smelling crack, look, stick it up your nose and be an idiot, you fucking filth, see ya, hey, GC bread, hey, It's the future, guys, are you in that bungalow? Yes, now he wants a new rug.

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