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BEST MAGIC TRICKS EVER! Spy Ninjas Reveal Surprising Magic You Can Do like Top Zach King Funny Vines

Jun 06, 2024
Hello spy


, I know the perfect trick that will impress the


ian hacker zorkini zucchini zorgini exactly here is this stick ready yes, yes, concentrate on it, focusing on the two, you will love it so much that it will show you how to disappear. I want to be the zordini wizard no I want the zucchini okay guys we have to decide who is the


ninja spy wizard. Yo, okay, let's do a challenge, who


is the


, he will be the one to show zorghini the


trick, okay, chad. It better be good, let's attack, come on Chad, oh are you ready for a chat show?
best magic tricks ever spy ninjas reveal surprising magic you can do like top zach king funny vines
Can someone give me a dollar bill please? There is an entrance fee. They haven't even done a trick yet. pay you, okay, you're going to regret it a lot, I have a dollar bill, let me fold it in half, let me fold it again, let me fold it one more time and wait until you see what I'm doing here, look at this. Let me unfold this dollar bill, let me unfold this dollar bill one more time, let me unfold it one more time and I'll get a 20 bill, a dollar bill turned into a 20 bill, this could have been yours, ladies Oh, we could be. millionaires thanks to this guy it was a magic trick daniel is doing something with tom foliory but i can't understand it guys comment below if you know what he did tal


about money does anyone have a penny on him? maybe no one has pennies nowadays chad oh I'm not a penny hoarder chad a penny what an order oh okay okay I need a volunteer extend your hand daniel look it's a penny what are you going to do you know how I turn money into more money right wait that hand over there daniel boom turned into a dip you guys could have ten times your money here now someone has a penny for me i think someone has a penny for me we're supposed to act like it's really cool um yeah regina you should act like if it was really cool.
best magic tricks ever spy ninjas reveal surprising magic you can do like top zach king funny vines

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best magic tricks ever spy ninjas reveal surprising magic you can do like top zach king funny vines...

You think you know what he did. I think I have my suspicions. I think so, guys. If you saw what happened or have suspicions, comment below. Yes, I'll show you what happened. Regina, you have a very flat hand. This is going to be really perfect if you explain to them what they are going to have. I'm doing a little dance with my magic wand. Okay, speak quietly and pay attention to what this magician wants to say. I'm ma


money here. He is a boy. My God! OMG, congratulations to me, this is a bad investment, but it's so cute, it's time to eat.
best magic tricks ever spy ninjas reveal surprising magic you can do like top zach king funny vines
Someone took a spoon from the kitchen for me. Why do you want a spoon? Here you go, give me that, come here,


yone, stay there, stay here. Why do you get nervous? I am nervous. Did you know that I can do things with my mind? Why don't you stand up? Oh my gosh, do you see the spells? Oh my god, I bent it, check it, did you make me fart? look how i made the spoon bend like this now look what i can make spy


spy ninjas at home grab your phone turn it this way below the video if the subscribe link is red click on it and make it turn green and now you are an awesome spy ninja, wow, it worked, it worked, our subscriber number will increase soon.
best magic tricks ever spy ninjas reveal surprising magic you can do like top zach king funny vines
I will be at 9 million subscribers. I have one last trick for the grand finale. I have my robe. I need two beautiful assistants with me. here, oh daniel, you will be the cameraman, which one of you has the strongest stomach muscles?, oh oh, I think he really does, she only goes twice a week, where did she go to the buffet?, to the bathroom , that means his muscles are strong, okay, stay? Here, hold on to these ropes, please, each of us has two ropes, we will tie a knot, we have v tied to the ropes, count to three, what is happening, we are going to pull as hard as we can, no, I don't will. yes we are I don't want to hurt myself you're going to hurt her look at that and we're just going to pull her and the rope will travel through her body no way yeah I think I did it right now what if this comes out evil?
I did this when I was in fourth grade, so I'm pretty sure I still remember how to do it right in three, okay, one, two, did you feel it go through you? Yes, it was actually tied up very badly if any of you were to spy and just know. how i did it comment below and i'll let you know if you're okay now that was the best trick you ever did chad the chad but now i disappear you were supposed to scream im sorry do you think his performance was enough good enough to make those organi say welcome to my disappearing class, let's see what the judges say.
I say eight 8.51 9.97. I feel like one of the three of us. I can do a much better job than Chad. I have some


to show you. Come on, Regina, oh Regina. Go that? Are you ready for some magic? Okay, we'll need a lovely assistant. Well, that's me. Sorry, I said "Lovely." Oh, I will. I need the red stick. Put it on a tray. Perfect. I am now. we're going to make the safe disappear we need this we need this regina what is it that's a pillowcase that's not right, i've seen them before oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, there's the save, okay, I still see the safe, okay, it's there I need the audience members to say reggie razzle dazzle reggie razzle dazzle oh my god and I'm going to make it go away.
How did you do it? That bee is laughing. I think she figured it out. Do all that. What happened? It's so bad. Huh?, she's crying. because he thought it was so bad he found out how your assistant did it he reeks of regina oh, I ruined it you're alone next door I have this box here come here nearby magic yes, look, it's an ordinary box open the box it seems to be empty there's nothing in it nothing to see here I'm going to make something appear here not just something a chicken monkey what is this a virginia trick and one of you lucky scoundrels does it even to eat the chicken, wow, now we are talking, okay, I saw you close the box, close the box, okay, I need the magic word, aren't you dazzling, reggie?
It's frozen. I wanted to cook chicken nuggets, don't worry, return the chicken nugget. Okay razzle, it's spicy and crunchy, how can I order one of these Regina? Can I put some honey mustard sauce on it? No, can you make it appear out of the box? No, and for my ending I will use this rope, it is only one. rope he's not dating anyone right now he's a single pringle give me that rope I'm going to cut the rope oh my god now it's going to be two so he has a partner you have a partner oh I'll do it I need an assistant for this an assistant I also cut them so there are two ropes now he has a friend I'm going to reconnect the rope impossible I cut those babies in half I felt it myself it can't be done it can't be ready no it's impossible oh wait a second what wait wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a second spiders, I bet who knows what happened , leave a comment below if you saw what he did.
I rate you a6 danielle, I rate you 8.9, look, that's not high enough, his


were so good that he deserves a much higher score than that. 8.91 much higher, much higher Okay, Daniel, even if you think you can do better, if we have to show the hacker zorgini a magic trick, he'll want to see one of mine. I saw you as an assistant, although you deserve the best magic trick in all of Las Vegas coming from your son. your boy, golden elvis, as you can see, I have a little piece of red fabric here, hey, look at this, okay, okay, I'm ready in the palm of my hand, keep your eyes on it, ready, here we go, it's well, yeah, what do you think, oh?
It's great, it's incredible, how did you do that osmosis? it's Moses because Moses, for my next trick, the gismosis, we're going to put this bottle cap through this bottle, oh yeah guys, oh no, you're not going to do that, it's a solid bottle, it's okay. that glass wow one two three no, there are no holes, there are no trapdoors nothing, this is a real bottle for my grand finale in front of me I have four cups and a little friend a bunny a cactus very sharp don't touch I'm touching from below it's not sharp down there but up here that just don't touch it I won't I won't don't try this at home guys I'm a trained professional I'm going to put the cactus in this cup bye bye cactus bye I'm going to keep an eye on that one I'm keeping an eye on you I need a volunteer to rearrange the cups v rearrange the cups I'm not going to look you look at me make sure I'm not looking right I'll wash Daniel's vote down Is it number one, two, three or four?
Now I will take my hand and crush each cup. No, Daniel, besides the cactus, it's too dangerous. The cactus Daniel hurts so much, yeah, one, two, two, three, two, one, do you see that, oh God? God, that's what I wanted to do a little bit, Daniel, does anyone have a band-aid? Yeah, I'm going to have to give you a double l because, oh, just kidding, seven point seven I'm also going to have to give you a l oh oh oh. I steal your joke, oh wait, it's a seven. I'll give you a 9.11 because that's the number they'll call you.
If you do that, I understand. Call the doctor. That's a pretty good rate. What is it costing you? long come on girl come on b let's go baby okay okay okay hit it like hit it oh wow what the hell what's going on who's your assistant what do you mean i have my wings i come bringing candy for the column ninjas pulling out an ordinary oreo chad, don't smile, i'm so happy , I love oreos so much, I can't wait to eat them, especially when you dip them in milk, I only eat them raw guys, because I'm lactose intolerant, oh wow, yeah, okay, yeah. like this isn't that amazing I just followed it so fast it starts it was delicious without swallowing eating that yeah I'm watching you eat have you ever been in bed like eating oreos and you're like oh I'm out?
I wish I could make him respawn again because you don't want to go down the stairs, yeah. I'm going to make this reappear like this, wait, I saw you take a bite of that, it's a real oreo though, it's a real oreo, you touch it, yeah, you can touch it, let me, uh, it's back, look at that, it didn't come back , boom boom b, it better be this way and for my next trick I'm going to need an assistant other than mcgruff, chad, blow this up, it's just a normal balloon I gotta work well I will do it I will I can't do everything around here alone keep blowing blow boy come on, have you ever seen humber's dirty clothes? no, it's okay, just a little bigger, that's okay, yeah. it's just a regular balloon it's a balloon what is this you guys big old needle okay it's a big old needle it's a sharp sensation stay back don't try this at home you guys can get dangerous violet , strange, is she going to puncture all this? way through the balloon it's going to be no, I don't like loud noises, balloons always burst, yes, for normal people, not for violet, strange, I don't like balloons bursting, you're going to burst, it's going to be loud, it's going to be strong, okay, okay, ready, how?
Doesn't it explode? It's going to come out the other side. What the hell is crazy? You can touch it and everything waits. How is it still inflated? How do you do that? It's very sharp. Oh, for my finale I'll do this. I can take a card and have it travel through solid glass. I'll be impressed with that solid glass. Chat, see it when you create it, so now I need a card. Does anyone have letters? Look around, look over there, huh, oh, wow, okay, there's this behind the glass. okay, ready, ready, yeah, I'm going to knock three times, okay, and it will come out, okay, is there a hole in the glass?
Go through there. What the hell are you a wizard? Oh no, I'm violent. Oh my god, violet, stranger, I think you're the one who should go to the magic hacker zorghini. I agree, you really are the best magician there, yes that was amazing, so let's go to the park, okay, it will be daytime when we get there, okay, we did it. Magician over here anywhere I do that guy over there the red coat Are you ready? All up to you. Okay, I'm a little nervous. Move your wings. You are the best magician here. I have this girl.
Remember that we must all be confident. a hair flick, I'll be listening to you with the spine ninja noise enhancer in case anything goes wrong, but we have to make sure she doesn't recognize us as spy ninjas. I don't think he really knows the spy. Ninjas very good, okay, you can come to the class, we can learn to disappear violet, strange, here, excuse me.

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