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TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE - Funny Spy Ninjas Comments, Hacks, Tricks, Memes vs Reacting Best Friend

Jun 04, 2024
Hello spy


, today we will find out who the funniest spy ninja is by using your


to do the try not to



. We're going to use all these amazing, crazy props right here and do skits and sing crazy songs whoever


s the least wins the big prize the prize is the punishment watching someone else get punished is


yeah I love it we've been doing some really embarrassing things lately and Scary things, I have nothing to worry about because you can Don't make me laugh. I'm the


at not laughing. Regina will need some practice.
try not to laugh challenge   funny spy ninjas comments hacks tricks memes vs reacting best friend
Hey, because I don't think she's


enough to be on my channel. She is super fun. She should be on your gaming channel. Melvin looks funny. You are related. To me, weird, we look the same, not really, this is just a bad match. I think Daniel and Regina should be on the same channel together. You know, I mean stop exploiting the fandom. No, I'm just going with the fandom. I think it's better. just open the first comment right now danny boy choose from a comment hey no one look what the hell this is supposed to mean.
try not to laugh challenge   funny spy ninjas comments hacks tricks memes vs reacting best friend

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try not to laugh challenge funny spy ninjas comments hacks tricks memes vs reacting best friend...

I won't show you what it is. I'm just going to act, try not to laugh. this everyone go to the seats it's time for my performance daddy is on stage and he's going to try to make the four of us laugh everyone fill your mouths with a little water that water inside you can't spit it out properly i'm going to use an accessory. I'm going to need a volunteer from the audience. Wait, she swallowed, she's fine, everyone ready, turn on the music, it's not a laugh, you're disgusting, oh, Regina laughs. I laughed at them. Sorry, hate. my life oh disgusting glare oh shoot I laugh you laugh damn he told me to do that and scene did you laugh that was super funny guys that was funny stay away that's disgusting there's a fine line between humor and just plain disgusting hey ya you know way i roll oh i touched it someone commented hey throw up on me regina the comment was daniel says regina if i throw up are you okay with it and she says no but if I throw up is it okay for you and daniel says yeah, I like it?
try not to laugh challenge   funny spy ninjas comments hacks tricks memes vs reacting best friend
Those two points, you guys should have a channel together, look how good you throw up together, change your clothes, man, why are you ripping off Cheetah's clothes? And you better clean that up before the next person leaves, everyone carry your water ready Melvin yes, okay three two one hello hello hello where is the billboard where is Melbourne I'm very sad do you know where Melbourne is lady have you seen birth? man I am so this is so sad I was so close but I didn't laugh just you I have a point Melvin that was my Christian Beardy comment where is Melbourne?
try not to laugh challenge   funny spy ninjas comments hacks tricks memes vs reacting best friend
I'm so sad ready to act. Regina no, yes, oh, okay, is this what you threw at me? I hate my life, that was all. I made two people laugh if you did. I didn't hit Melvin in the head. I probably wouldn't laugh, so the comment was mazzamaza. OMG I can't believe they removed Rajuni's change. What made you think about what they're throwing away? You couldn't believe it. I'm done below. oh man, cheers, cheers, fill your mouths, okay boys and girls, it's my turn, this is pretty true, it's actually a fact, okay, spy


at home, you know why we're the spy ninjas, You know why Regina is a spy ninja, she has great teeth, oh.
I think you're a great ninja spy and Daniel, you're amazing too, you know that. Wow, he likes the color blue. That's all I'm trying to say and that's why you're a ninja spy and Melvin is a spy. ninja because you're cool man it's not funny I said you're cool it's not funny dude and chad oh chad you're not like my ninja because you're a dummy good job that's two points well let's see the comment from which the comment comes. Sun Kyo Namal, honestly, Chad is really dumb sometimes. I wish spy ninjas only had Regina Melvin and Daniel.
Come on, I'm not lying. I will make this comment word for word. Hi Chad and V, Justin is not PZ-9. melvin the hacker tested them guys that comment had a response so the comment was the hackers tested them guys the response was yes oh gross they dropped the trippy damn oh having a good time here man our commenters are funny interesting good job chad wow chad you got it. two points congratulations thanks Daniel hey where did he go he's probably already trying to plan his next move or was he spitting out the water because he laughed so hard oh column angel I really want to win because when I win I'm going to convince Daniel and Regina will have a collaboration channel.
I think they would be perfect together and then they will go on dates. Do you know what that means? Get your hands on this, then all the spinages at home can enjoy enhanced sonic hearing, they will go listen to it. Why don't we find out what she's saying? He really fits my ear too. What is he saying? I haven't been to it. a date for so long and I even got this gift here over Christmas for our fun date night and look there's nothing in that, well she's definitely not planning what's next so I'll try to sneak in a comment of you guys talking about daniel. and regina falling in love is going to be perfect chad chad v is trying to plant a comment on ranul's fandom in hopes that regina will join daniel's channel instead of mine all the spinach is home i want to see a daniel channel and regina what are you?
I'm going to kiss every video no, I'd unsubscribe try not to kiss me


understand, we're ready, let's continue the game, where did you go, huh?, where did you go?, I went to the bathroom, it's none of your business, no, no we were not. listening to you we would have heard the plops we heard you talk about that you want me and regina to be lovers or something, just say it, i mean, that's what the fans want, i don't want any


about raniel and the hats, i don't want I want to act with anything that's disgusting, right, okay, I'll play nice and straight.
The next one won't be about random daniels, although you will pick a comment out of the hat. Okay, here you go. great, you're ready, okay, I just picked the first one, I see a good one, okay, why does this come here? Roses are red, violet, blue, I see daniel nerdina kiss hahaha and this is a joke bro haha, by the way, I'm a guy rate, you put this here, right?, you did, we heard you in the bathroom saying oh, I'm going to put something in the hat and you did, this is right here, I'm going to make a different one, okay, make another one.
Comment well, first I'm going to say this out loud. Remember when Regina didn't want to show you her secret room. The closet is her secret. Oh, why didn't she go into the secret room? It is a good idea. What's going on? there I haven't even done anything yet and they laugh I'm funny sometimes when you're not funny but like if someone else laughs at your joke that means they like you uh regina she's spitting it you're Let's move on to the next I couldn't make my joke. He had an incredible plan. That comment was totally correct.
We should look in the closet. We need to look in the closet in her room. Anyway, she pretends to laugh and she doesn't want to. us to see what's in her closet you can swallow the water now we have to respect the commentator and we have to get in there you know what Regina is right everyone gives her some space what if it's supposed to be a surprise like the What did Daniel give you? me, the laptop, maybe Regina is trying to keep a surprise for me, like a gaming computer, gaming computer, daniel, I already bought Melvin a computer, you can use it to play, she doesn't have a gaming computer there, He doesn't even like to play in the mirror.
It's like shaking, get out of here you're going to ruin the surprise oh my god what's wrong? Hey, wait, you're not supposed to be doing that. I was going to be on your side, but not now, are you in danger? Silence, I need. to check this out get out of here what are you doing there she's crazy she's talking to someone there she's crazy in the membrane yeah get out of here you're weird I mean the commenter is right there are tons of times where the ones Regina says don't come in, don't come in, yeah we're supposed to be spy ninjas, we're like brothers and sisters, we don't keep secrets from each other, yeah we're



s, we don't do that, maybe she should. the dumbbell oh i hear you oh she's back a little bit of dancing i have a next challenge it's something daniel will love oh it's a song that's a broom the next challenge we'll use your guys' comments and make this a lot of fun yeah, I love the music, okay, the song, what are you all crazy?
Can I get one? I'm ready, okay, uh, oh, I think I could have laughed, but I was too disturbed while you sat on a baby, Alexandrius comments, great adventures, cha, cha, cha. cha, call me with with with with with so uh yeah that's my gig thanks for watching you made Melvin laugh I'm just having a great time I like to sprinkle some water peasy white you're so crazy and you smell like my baby and you're always so crazy when your ninja backbone were always the easiest limbs would you take your knives? Could you? Would you be good?
The actual comment was from shimon jenkins pz1. You're so crazy and you smell like my baby and you always are. How crazy when you say you're a ninja spy, we're actually the members of pz. Would you agree to be in the spine and the jazz club again? You understood me very well. Did you laugh, Regina? I laughed, I forgot to put water. my mouth but I laughed out loud three points so good job who's next this is my big moment I'm going to perform a song as you know Melvin I've been working on my vocal cords so I really hope you don't laugh slices brother okay that's it my comment, this is perfect, let's say that one more time, meow, regina time, dude, okay, this is ruining me, daniel, that was it, stop laughing at me, look guys, look at this comment right here, It's r with a million e that I want. just be re whatever about the vocal cords you guys might like to make music together yeah let's try to harmonize the same note sorry comment what is this chad?
Will you help me? Do you know my comment? No, oh man, let's see it. released oh oh no chad chad still good oh she did it good job b you made everyone laugh wow three point soup was part of the comment stephanie hoskinson's comments melvin let's go have lunch ninja spy and then okay what should I carry out? a holy mackerel I'm going to recite this comment word for word oh yeah oh are you ready for this, are you ready to go down, go down with the spy ninjas? I was freely designing that part that wasn't part of the combat yet, okay, Regina's hair, that's supposed to be blue, it's supposed to be yellow because Daniel V's blue is pink, Melvin's green is oh my god, a chance. red i'm going to unsubscribe at the end of the mic i think i leaked like three times that counts yeah yeah the comment was from jj blue regina's hair is supposed to be yellow, not blue, daniel blue, chad red v pink, regina yellow, melvin green, I'm going to eliminate regina, I'm sorry I didn't want you, scrooge, yellow hair, I'm sorry I like blue, please don't do it. unsubscribe from this channel guys just because I have blue hair and someone unsubscribed can someone else resubscribe so they know I don't feel so bad?
Don't turn on your phone like this and click on it to make up for all those people I unsubscribed because of the original hair guys please subscribe because of my blue hair. Sorry, that was a complete triple threat from Chad. I don't think we laughed even once this entire round. Who laughed the most? That's the loser of this game. Do we even have? Long story short I lost but I had a great time today everyone was so funny in their own way and I couldn't control myself mentally I won and then they will punish you oh no you have to go outside in front of strangers driving down the road dressed up as whatever give them, oh my god, you see Melvin's spy ninjas, you have to see this, look at this, it's so funny they want to see you dance, oh my god, there are so many cars.
I love this joke. We have to do this prank again, maybe for a future challenge. A big shout out to all the notification ninjas. Thank you very much for being here for the first 60 minutes. I'm showing a lot of your comments right here. In fact, we need you to vote. Next, which channel should Regina join Melvin's channel and they will make an awesome gaming channel to get together or will she join Daniel's channel and do what asmr is cool ninja spies? We have an amazing video for you tomorrow, so see you tomorrow, let's kick it. beat you up

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