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Jun 03, 2021
What's up, spy ninjas? We're in the


room right now. We have the


here and steal the blue 78 X from PC seven one five. We're about to pour it into the device right here. Alright, Daniel, pour that 78 blue. X on the device here, let's open this


, the power went out, oh, did it work? Let's see what, let's open a hatch, count you guys, three, two, one, if it weren't an excess of 78, what's the power? device, what else do we have to do? There are more clothes I haven't told you about that could possibly lead to this hatch opening just look behind the Harry Potter poster, okay, reveal yourself to where you see this melon that Chris Hemsworth isn't wearing. put them there Regina, no, ever since I moved here, those guys have been on my wall, why are they so long and stretched out?
going undercover as harry potter 24 hour challenge tricking hacker pz funf to unlock secret hatch
Who has the longest legs I have ever seen? Chris, the guy who plays Thor in the movie. Real name is Chris Daniel, it's hard to understand that everyone is orange. Orange, yeah, maybe we need to put orange crystals in here. That's true because someone 1/5 was a fan of stranger things and had the 7 DX, whoever our Patrick is. Remember he is a Harry Potter fan he must have the orange crystal Who is a Harry Potter fan? Did you know? When it was


, as are the projects. Remember Thoth always told me about the Harry Potter books. Yes, it doesn't make sense.
going undercover as harry potter 24 hour challenge tricking hacker pz funf to unlock secret hatch

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going undercover as harry potter 24 hour challenge tricking hacker pz funf to unlock secret hatch...

Remember that. Images we saw a couple of days ago Regina busy, correct focus, Harry Potter busy, what's


on? We just need to get easy food. Does anyone here have the phone number for PC Foots or anything? I know, yes, but what I'm trying to get. information from him we will call it PC food and tell him to bring us the crystal. Well, that means one of us has to be the leader he will listen to. Leader V has a really amazing British/Australian accent, but he's actually not the best accent ever, why, oh, that was perfect.
going undercover as harry potter 24 hour challenge tricking hacker pz funf to unlock secret hatch
Well, did you put on a mask? Is the idiot on Facetime PC


to tell him to bring us the crystal to the park or something? Nina's mask has a voice modulator, so maybe that combined with your accent will sell. Let's listen attention Product Oracle Leader You are the leader We better be some rules while she does this The design products are Let's go leader Go to the park where we normally meet Bring the orange crystal He bought it completely That you are the leader of the ease boy, so smooth, we'll be in the park soon, you know how we were dressed up as stranger things, oh yeah, kind of good, I think we could make even better costumes, so we have to find out which Harry Potter house. everyone is in hello I'm a Hufflepuff but they're still Ravenclaw Slytherin Gryffindor okay the point of this is we're wasting time we gotta get to the PC boots well we gotta meet Harry Potter to distract the fool from the PC, so determine which house. they're inside I'll ask you questions I bet I know which house pz9 so save us in a hypothetical world if you go to Hogwarts what animal would you bring with you an owl a cat or a toad Wow cat hmm that's who I should bring I would just bring the dog Douglas the dog , the only option left is the toad, whatever you choose, the next question, what superpower would you like the most, the ability to read minds, invisibility, the ability to talk to animals or the power to change. your appearance reads minds at will and I can find out what the leaders are thinking, everyone in the project circle is thinking and then I can remake them.
going undercover as harry potter 24 hour challenge tricking hacker pz funf to unlock secret hatch
I thought you're going to read my mind, okay, I know what you're going to do. I'm thinking about Taco Bell and Dee, that's it, yeah, that's it, that's it, I would choose invisibility because then I can sneak around and get to places I shouldn't be like Daniels' car. I don't have a car, oh yeah, what's your superpower? the ability to talk to animals because then when I meet Douglas I can tell him how much I love him and he can tell me how much he loves me, that's really sweet. I'm not being sarcastic either. I would have the ability to change my appearance at will so I could be any celebrity and then repost it on my vlog.
I should subscribe then I think the Regina channel will beat you to it yeah thanks Chad okay speaking of subscribing they will take your phone make sure you turn it on. like this and then below the video it's not red subscribe link click on it so it turns gray and then you're an official spy ninja next question what's your favorite video game mine is a classic that everyone knows is called my video game favorite is work day is day tracking up to fifteen days we're talking about Chad you're so weird today I spin it okay you know that game called Nintendogs it's like virtual you have your own dog and it's almost like having a real dog.
I don't play anymore. Now I'm a ninja spy with adult responsibilities. That was for a mission, ha ha. I have a sorting hat. I will sort them into their correct houses, they are ready to find out which house they are in, yes. They are in Raven Raven oh yes, you are very smart, there you go, the claw is for smart children. Congratulations, okay, now what not, now your game, take this David, you feel a lot oh yes, oh yes, yes, your turn, so it's my turn yet, yes, please. beat Gryffindor, please, a Gryffindor. After all, I'm Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, so my readings are a little confusing, a little confusing, my face in your answers, what is that, isn't it a Harry Potter house?
Based on your answers, I concluded to Hagrid that that big bread man, he is a giant and he is very nice, he is some kind of beast master, yes, master, yes, I, the master of meat, are you guys waiting to become magicians? I have my wand here B, go ahead and stand here please, I'll show you a magic trick. two three slugga d flippidy flu yeah Liguria magic hole expecto diggity Daniel oh you're a furry wizard okay Piz's food should be in this park somewhere we have to do that job real Harry Potter characters to trick him I don't know, no I don't know a little, but I hope it's in Robin Claw like the house I'm in, it's Raven o'clock, keep an eye out for the busy food, that's weird, okay, I'm feeling really nervous about this mission because you guys obviously don't.
I don't know anything about Harry Potter, you dummy, you're not going to fall for this, you're not that dumb, so I'll give you some headphones. I will talk to you and guide you that way, complete friends, yes, behind a bush behind a bush, what is behind this tree? I'm going to put on my sorting hat for good luck. Oh here, Regina Louf is at the picnic table. What do we do? I have just what I need: ordering food to play Quidditch. Quidditch, yes, it is the sport they play in Harry Potter. You guys have to pretend you're riding brooms and thank goodness I came prepared Chad, check your pocket I love surprising you guys oh my gosh, brooms are so cute.
I'm the only one who fits into this. No way do we need a ball. Regina. I can't, Daniel, a ball, he should know where to look, oh yeah, I was trying to look like Hagrid, so I put this in Avengers, it totally matches the theme and then, oh, these pockets, okay, these pockets, Let's play a little. Quidditch let me get on my broom here and here we go Harry Potter oh my god Harry Potter under wizen stein okay people you found us out but we're big Harry Potter look at my broom look at my broom how I look .
I'm a Slytherin, everyone thinks that way, who really thinks Daniels is the real


, but your beard is falling off, boy, pull up your beard, yeah, that's the real hanger, yeah, I'm the real Hagrid, por of course yeah I look like him so I must know the real hybrid he's been fasting on and off so he looks a little different oh of course just put the book grid on there you go yeah we're playing Quidditch right now. Do you want to join us? I think, oh yes, yes, play with us, the teacher might be angry. oh he doesn't need to know we can just play and he never there are no cameras around here in the park right we'll have a good time the leader will never find out no no ok pz9 he's there oh yeah that was the orange crystal he's putting it in bring it in next to the tree wow it's like it's completely disappeared oh you're going to get it now oh I think this would be easy uh are you ready brother okay okay four teams how about me and B versa mmm okay you?
I know I'm up for anything, okay, very kinky food, are you slurring your words as part of the projects or see, I'm fine, I guess that makes sense, you can be the cameraman, yeah, we have to make it fair versus putting the balls there, which a look that wants to know which ball is the quaffle and which is the bludger the quaffle is the largest ball and is used to score points the bludger is the smallest ball and is used to throw at people to get it out from the game ah yeah Yeah, I mean, this is the Quaffle and that's this big boy's bludger.
Here you have to go through the hoop. I've gone ahead and set up a hoop here, boom, you get some points, look at this, ha, you want this. You do not eat? I'm supposed to throw this away. Oh, what are you going to do? Poop, he didn't score, you broke it. I never knew, oh, sorry, damn, you go to the glass. Regina, what did we do? You see? You're both going to like the glass. send Daniel, I have an idea, go to Regina, wait as long as you can hey, Gert has a special surprise for you, he knows you're a big Harry Potter fan and he wanted to give you something, no, yes, yes, so you spend weight. don't stay here with your orange thing there oh yeah here she comes oh there she goes now what's going on in your perch Hey look at me I'm the golden snitch if you catch me you're in the game oh that sound thank you guys guys I gave up he's taking a break oh hey your wizard Hagar oh you ripped off KERS's beard how could you how did I do it the first time you let me down no my plans were ruined , I have to think of something else, damn, I mean, it was kind of obvious.
I still love Harry Potter just like these find sperm oh come on guys hey we all love Harry Potter we're all Harry Potter fans here not very magical of you but I'm a wizard but you never listen that pz4 is living, what do we do? I need something else I have an idea chat but it involves spells and magic I don't know a spell spells don't work spell magic is real I'm going to ask you to do a spell it's called stupefied stupefied I'm just saying stupefied trust me Chad it's going to work the magic is fine busy boom boom oh no no no no no don't go away Foofa I've got a special magic trick okay keep an eye on the bottle everyone I've got my magic wand right here dumbfounded dumbfounded stupid Yo guys my work plan we got magic buddy imagine I don't understand, this is working, you're a wizard, Chad, yeah, look, I told you, dummy, I'm a real Harry Potter fan.
I know witchcraft, here you go, take the magic. one, I have the perfect spell for UV rays, it's a simple snap and move, it's called Wingardium Leviosa, oh okay, I have one for you, wash the bottles ready when Guardium Leviosa, oh no, no, wait, wait, You know, it worked. What I'm saying, no, Vee you. You're saying it's wrong, it's Leviosa, not Leviosa, it's okay, Wingardium Leviosa, oh my God, oh, it's okay, Regina, you fool, flexible test. He was very happy with us, but he won't leave us. Oh well, how do we get the crystal? Oh, I have a plan, right? familiar with dementors, Melvin just said Dementors, those are things that look creepy and have the power to consume all the happiness and hope of the human race, what is he going to do?
The dementors. I'm going to do one in real life that should be scary. food using Daniels drone or mine now you've been using my drone non stop Melvin, don't forget it's mine. I'm going to try to emulate Adam Ant or I have a plastic bag under me and that will totally drive the smart Dementors crazy. to fly, okay, they totally work, boobarella. Wow, can I have it? No, come on, let's get out of here Virginia, yes, let's open the hatch. Okay, last time we almost opened the hatch, we poured 78 X into this device, the power went out, but then everything. potentially maybe if we combine a crystal and a 78 Are you ready, baby?

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