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Best Evidence Proving Aliens Exist

May 12, 2024
What you are about to see is a former US intelligence official in July 2023 testifying under oath about the US government's interaction with unidentified alien aircraft and their unusual pilots. Do you think we crashed the ship? I said before? Do we have the bodies of the pilots? who piloted this ship, as I already said publicly in my Nation news interview, the biologics came with some of these recoveries, yes, I assume they were human biologics or non-human, non-human, and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge about the program I spoke to and they are currently still in the program no, your ears are not deceiving you United States Air Force and intelligence officer David Grush, among other government officials, is genuinely stating that they are not We are alone in the universe and that, in fact, the US government has been keeping the world in the dark about some really crazy findings for years.
best evidence proving aliens exist


really been visiting us and even spying on us for decades? Today we will try to get to the bottom of that question from mysterious snapshots of unexplained flying objects to official government reports and a possible interview with an extraterrestrial being here is some of the



we have that proves that extraterrestrials


abroad. This first story has been corroborated by multiple highly reliable military sources and is probably the most surprising


of extraterrestrial life or technology visiting Earth. Why I am going to explain it first and in depth we even have the images to prove it.
best evidence proving aliens exist

More Interesting Facts About,

best evidence proving aliens exist...

It goes like this: A naval strike group led by the US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz was conducting pre-deployment exercises off the northwest coast of Mexico in Late 2004, on November 10, the USS Princeton detected unusual radar signals near the San Clement Island. These signals did not appear like any known aircraft and appeared randomly in groups of 5 to 10 at a time, the main operator of the radar system. had almost two decades of experience working with these systems and was an expert in this scientific system at the time of the incident, so he was baffled as to what was going on, suspecting a malfunction, the newly upgraded spy1 radar was shut down and recalibrated to all.
best evidence proving aliens exist
Surprise, this only made the radar clues even stronger. They observed firsthand as targets performed feats that defied physics, for example, objects moving too fast to be birds, too slow to be conventional airplanes, and in some cases descending from space to sea level in seconds. imagine falling from an altitude of over 20,000 meters in just a few seconds, that is turbulence, then the objects would remain around for hours, these observations were witnessed for several days, each time they occurred, the crew would see these small specks moving irregularly in the distance through its heights. electric binoculars on board and then, on the morning of November 14, something extraordinary unfolded.
best evidence proving aliens exist
Strike Fighter Squadron 41 took off from the aircraft carrier on a regular training operation when suddenly these mysterious radar signatures were detected again. Lieutenant Douglas Kurth was instructed to investigate the approaching unknown target. From the south while heading to the coordinates he saw a large disturbance in the water and claims to have seen something submerged just below the surface. He said that it reminded him of a submarine or ship beneath the ocean's surface. The ships' attack group included the USS Louisville, a nuclear submarine, and was in the vicinity, so it could have been the reason for the turbulence in the water, but what was seen later makes that idea seem implausible.
Kurth was joined by two other fighter planes, both containing two people, each piloted by Commander David Fravor Fraver, who also claimed to have seen the disturbance in the ocean and described it as much larger than a summary while Kurth was returning to the Nimitz Commander Fraver and his companion decided to take a closer look now I will show you the clip of Commander Fraver explaining this encounter in his own words in front of Congress animating the story as it goes we arrived at the location at approximately 20,000 feet in a controller called merge plot which means our radar signal was now in the same resolution cell as the contact.
As we looked around, we noticed that we saw some white water on our right side. It is important to note that the weather on this day was as perfect as possible. off the coast of San Diego clear skies light winds calm seas there were no white caps from the waves so the white water stood out in a big blue ocean the four of us were an F-18f so we had pilots and Wizzo in the back seat. For a small saw-white Tic-Tac object with a longitudinal axis pointing north to south and moving very abruptly over the water like a ping pong ball, there were no rotors or rotor washes or any sign of control surfaces visible as wings as we started clockwise towards the object My wizard and I decided to go down and take a closer look while the other plane stayed in high cover to watch us and the Tic Tac.
We moved around the circle at about 90 degrees from the start of our descent and the target object suddenly moved. its longitudinal axis aligned it with my airplane and it began to climb, we continued to descend another 270 degrees with the nose low where the Tic Tac was or we consumed 270 degrees towards and went with the nose to where the Tic Tac would have been. Our altitude at this point was about 15,000 feet and the Tic Tac was about twelve thousand when we brought the nose to the object about half a mile away, it accelerated rapidly in front of us and disappeared.
Our wingmen about 8,000 feet above us lost contact and we immediately saw each other again. where the white water was and it also disappeared, so we started turning east, the controller came up and said sir, you're not going to believe this, but that thing is at your cat point, about 60 miles away at least. In more than a minute you can calculate the speed. We return to Nimitz. We were taking off our equipment. We were talking to one of my cruisers getting ready to launch. We mentioned it to them and they came out and fortunately they got the video that you see in that 90 second video when the Commander Fravers group returned to the carrier, he informed the next departing flight crew and told them to be on the lookout.
The departing crew was equipped with an advanced forward-facing infrared camera system that was controlled by the weapons system. operator sitting behind the pilot which was Chad Underwood, can we appreciate that name for a second? Ah, Chad Underwood, the frat boy who will rule all the Frat Boys anyway, minutes after leaving Underwood noticed something on his radar a few dozen miles away. Underwood said the part. What caught our attention was how the object was not behaving within the normal laws of physics. Now let's look at the video that the ship supposedly recorded, as you can see the black and white version of the video is infrared and Underwood switches to visible light, revealing the blurry oval object in the distance then switches back to infrared and toggles its Zoom numerous times.
Suddenly, the UFO disappears from the side of the screen. Unfortunately, the target was too far away to be seen with the naked eye and neither Underwood nor his pilot made it visible. Contact after their encounter, the Naval Strike group continued to detect anomalous radar tracks for at least two more days. Skeptics have tried to explain the images as if they were some kind of airplane, but airplanes can't fly through the sky as if gravity were non-


ent and while the eyewitness accounts are so extraordinary that she can assume they are made up, Consider that dozens of high-ranking and highly trusted military personnel have corroborated the stories.
Commander Fraver along with other Witnesses also claimed to have seen an extended version of the video that was in a higher resolution, but it has never been published, all images of the events were supposedly deleted until the afternoon of the day they were recorded. Numerous witnesses on both ships of the strike group also claim to have seen two men arrive by helicopter and collect relevant data. Before wiping out all the tapes and hard drives, witnesses said they had never seen anything like this before. This could potentially be evidence of some kind of cover-up, perhaps the government is aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, but it is not. they want us all to be aware of them for one reason or another, maybe the government assumes there would be a mass hysteria that they would like to avoid or maybe they are just keeping it a secret to keep our adversaries in the dark, it could also be the In the In case these sightings are just top secret military technology, like drones or airplanes, that the government is taking active measures to keep those undercover, we know they are developing incredible technology, but still surely the gravity defying Tic Tacs are a step too far, we can only wonder what The flight the crews saw that day, but my mind doesn't wonder, all we know is that Commander Fraver estimated the craft to be approximately 12 to 15 meters long and looked a Tic Tac, where the opaque appearance of the TIC tac looked a bit like the typical UFOs that were used for Or did the Tic Tacs have cockpits with extraterrestrial pilots who controlled the ship and only moved away after their operation was foiled?
Unfortunately, we will never know, but what we do know is that this was not an isolated incident, as I will explain later. Foreign 51 ah Area 51 the center of virtually all alien conspiracies with almost constant rumors of extraterrestrial research taking place at this secret military development and testing base. You have to wonder if there is any truth in all of them. If you ask Bob Lazar, the answer is a big yes, look Bob. He claimed to have been hired to work at Area 51 in the late '80s for a surprising reason to reverse engineer alien spaceships. Lazar claimed in 1997 that they captured a ship that was reverse engineering an antimatter reactor powered by a stable form of element 115 that would not be officially created by our Earth scientists until 2003 and we are still barely able to stabilize it.
Lazar said that the reactor he studied was topped by a sphere the size of a basketball that emitted a force field capable of repelling human flesh. He explained that the ship was divided into two main levels, the reactor was placed in the center of the upper level with an antenna that extended to the top surrounded by three gravity amplifiers, said that they functioned as a kind of guide for the gravity wave that forms in a heart shape around the entire ship, narrowing at the bottom , these are connected to gravity emitters on the lower level that can rotate 180 degrees to generate an antigravity wave and that the ship would then travel first into this distortion field basically according to Bob's flying saucers fly sideways instead of vertically with opposable engines that allow the ship to move in any direction.
Bob also claimed to have read briefing documents describing Earth's historical involvement over the past 10,000 years with extraterrestrial beings described as typical gray


. Bob claims he worked or studied vehemently denies having ever been there, however, George Knapp, an American journalist who investigated Bob's claims, said that Bob showed knowledge of the facility that would only be acquired by someone who had been there, of course, some claim that it is all part of a cover-up, many even suggest that he is a somewhat inexperienced technician, but the Guy built a jet car for fun and it's been featured in several newspapers. for his creations, so he is clearly a distinguished engineer.
Bob even claimed that they used a specific biometric hand scanner at the base that measured the length of the hand bones to authorize access to the base, which the government denied at first, but decades later the Department denied. The Department of Defense admitted that they did in fact use it at Area 51 in the '80s for the stealth fighter program, and Bob confirmed that the one they declassified matched what he had used at any time. Any of those organizations could have simply said yes. Bob Lazar worked for them. and they are deeply sorry to hear about his degenerated mental state or something, but no, they still insist that they don't know who he is despite all that, so that doesn't mean we know he's telling the whole truth, butthere are too many dark coincidences. here for anyone to be comfortably skeptical, is there any truth to Bob's claims?
Well, he's kept up the same story for over 30 years at this point and passed lie detector tests on the subject, so maybe it's worth noting that the guy has been convicted several times of crimes since his testimony that His critics have used it to discredit his story, but who knows if Bob was telling the truth. Well, some of the sightings that surfaced might make you think he's telling the truth. Remember I told you that the Tic Tac video was not an isolated incident. A similar encounter was filmed off the southeast coast of the United States in early 2015.
Those who filmed it have yet to come forward, but some crewmates and pilots have provided some of the backstory and it's about 10 years after the events. initial sightings of Tic Tac. In the summer of 2004, a naval strike group led by the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt conducted training exercises somewhere off the coast of Virginia. The meeting was surprisingly similar to the previous one. Upon being detected defying the laws of physics, after reviewing all their equipment, they were sure that what they were seeing had to be real. The first interceptions were initially unsuccessful until one day, two aircraft no more than a few tens of meters apart narrowly avoided a mid-air collision.
When something flew right between them, although the pilots themselves had not approached, fellow F-18 pilot Lt. Ryan Graves spoke to one of the pilots who landed and said the experience had visually scared him. Here's what he said about the encounter at the UAP Congressional hearingDuring a training mission in the morning area of ​​Whiskey 72, 10 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, two F-18 Super Hornets were split up by UAP. The object described as a dark gray or black cube within a transparent sphere came within 50 feet of the leader. aircraft and was estimated to be between 5 and 15 feet in diameter, the mission commander terminated the flight immediately and returned to base.
Our squad submitted a safety report, but there was no official acknowledgment of the incident and no additional mechanism for reporting sightings. Soon these meetings became reality. It was common for the crew to discuss the risk of UAP as part of their regular pre-flight briefings. This time the ship was described as a cube enclosed by a translucent sphere. Obviously, both pilots must have been incredibly surprised, so it's hard to know exactly what they saw. in such a short time, but I created some images of the ship for entertainment purposes and added some additional aliens for fun. They didn't mention seeing them, but I like to think they were there anyway, Lieutenant Ryan.
Graves said this was not an isolated incident and that dozens of pilots had seen similar things over several months and that detected objects could remain in the air for up to 12 hours at a time a few months later in 2015 when the USS Theodore Roosevelt had arrived to the Florida coast during a separate incident. The pilots captured another clip that surprised everyone involved, folks, look at that thing, buddy, that's not our LNS, although yeah, what's interesting about this clip is that the captured ship appeared to be spinning. and flies in a manner somewhat similar to that described by Bob Lazar on its side, the ship even has a heart shape resembling how Lazar claimed the ships he designed in reverse warped gravity around them, however, Some debunkers claim that the rotation seen in the video is an optical illusion caused by the camera's derotation mechanism which said the two pilots were unable to recognize it as a rotation of the image.
Surely if someone could detect the rotation of the image, they would be the ones who would know what it looks like. Both pilots believe that the ship really turned, even Jeremy Corbel, an electro-optical engineer and expert in the ATF fire chamber system, explained that it is not an optical illusion. Furthermore, if it were an optical illusion, that does not explain what the pilots commented in the following clip oh my god, they're all going against the wind the wind is 120 miles to the west it seems like nothing has yet explained how an entire fleet could travel crosswind at that speed with all that said it's interesting to know about the man responsible for making Luis Elizondo was the head of a secret government-funded effort to investigate UFO sightings known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
In late 2017, he became so disillusioned with the government's efforts that he decided to resign. He stated that certain people within the government are strongly opposed to UFO research and that the government is not concerned about something that could affect National Security; In fact, many military members claim that these sightings are common but go unreported, as people fear for their careers if they speak out and risk looking like someone who wears a tinfoil hat at the expense of another promotion certainly there. There is a stigma around the UFO topic, which is precisely why the government now uses UAP instead of UFOs to avoid unwanted association with alien spacecraft and human butt probing.
Lt. Ryan Graves perfectly sums up the sentiment surrounding UFO sightings among the US government during his speech to Congress, My name is Ryan Fob's Graves and I am a former F-18 pilot with a decade of service in the U.S. Navy, including two deployments in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve. I have experienced advanced UAP firsthand and am here to express the concerns of more than 30 commercial airline crew members and military veterans who have confided in me today about similar encounters. I would like to highlight three critical issues that demand our action as we gather here.
UAPs are in our airspace, but they are not very well reported. the sightings are not rare or isolated they are routine military aircrew and commercial pilots trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification are frequent witnesses to these phenomena the stigma associated with UAP is real and powerful and challenges national security silences pilots Businesses fearing professional repercussions discourage Eyewitnesses, this is only compounded by recent government claims questioning the credibility of eyewitness testimonies. Parts of our government know more about UAPs than they let on through excessive classification practices. They keep crucial information hidden since 2021. All UAP videos are classified as secret or above this level. of secrecy not only impedes our understanding, but also fuels speculation and mistrust.
In fact, in 2021, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a preliminary report on UAPs and the official conclusions will chill you to the core. The report analyzed evidence collected in the last 20 years of US Navy reports and concluded that they basically had no idea what UAPs were. UAPs could break the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom motion with no discernible means of propulsion and travel with such speed and maneuverability that they would normally destroy any ship. The report accepted that the UAP recordings were likely physical objects and are a potential security issue that could pose a security threat.
Ultimately, these individuals are some of the most reliable Witnesses you could hope for and their stories match up. They joined another complainant. In the Congressional hearing, whose story is perhaps even more disturbing, this is that of former intelligence official David, who dropped some bombs, not only claimed that the US government had had contact with alien species but that had also recovered downed spaceships and the remains of non-human pilots, to make things even crazier, Grush also claimed that the US has encountered actively malevolent alien races, meaning we could be in serious trouble. danger, but if all this is really true, why the hell haven't we heard about it until now?
Well, as you've probably guessed, Grush blamed the government for orchestrating an elaborate cover-up and wasn't content with simply misleading us. He claimed that US agents have actively targeted and come after people who threatened to reveal these secrets in the past. Man, so if Grush ever goes away, I think we all know where the finger will be pointed, of course the US government responded exactly as you would expect by denying everything in July 2023 during the Congressional hearing mentioned already, while under oath he reiterated that there was a massive cover-up and that the US government had in fact recovered non-human remains if you believe that we have crashed the ship, as I said before, do we have the bodies of the pilots that Did they pilot this ship as I already said publicly? in my News Nation interview, the biologics came with some of these recoveries, yes, I guess they were human biologics or non-human, non-human, and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge of the program that I spoke to who They are currently still in the program. and you even specified more about your claims that alien races pose a threat, so at one point you said it's them, has there been harmful activity or progressive activity, has any of the activity been aggressive, has it been hostile in its reports? uh I know several colleagues of mine who suffered physical injuries and the activity and I have to buy, buy uaps or buy them by people within the federal government, both are fine, unfortunately Grush couldn't answer many questions publicly for legal reasons, but he mentioned that I was.
I am willing to speak to the congressman privately and reveal more information, who knows what secrets he has to share. What do you think is this the most credible evidence of extraterrestrial life yet or just another candidate seeking his 15 minutes of fame? Let me know now in the comments. Before we continue, there is one part of Mr. Grush's testimony that is particularly surprising, let's hear it at the time because of extensive executive-level intelligence support duties. I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme confidence in both my military and civilian capabilities.
I was briefed in the course of my official duties on a multi-decade UAP crash recovery and reverse engineering program, if any. true, this would support the statements made by Bob Lazar as well as the other whistleblowers in the hearing along with thousands of various incidents recorded over decades now let's delve into some of the more credible sightings that often go unnoticed Foo Fighters November 1944 a plane American combat broke through the night skies over the Rhine Valley on the Franco-German border. In the darkness, a lieutenant noticed a series of ominous bright lights went out in the distance, believing them to be German aerial weapons, they turned to fight, but the lights They suddenly disappeared and this was just the beginning of a long list of unexplained sightings.
Other wartime pilots reported strange luminous orbs flashing lights and even an unknown object. flying near them they came to call these mysterious objects Foo Fighters after a line from a popular comic at the time called Smoky Stover and yes there is also a band with the same name but I don't think Dave Grohl was hanging around the En the 1940s, what were those Foo Fighters? Well, some believe that the soldiers saw nothing at all and were actually suffering from combat fatigue; In other words, the stress and trauma of the war affected them so much that they began to hallucinate, but people then.
I knew them and they said they seemed very sensible hmm others proposed the idea that the Foo Fighters were actually experimental enemy ships, but wouldn't we now know if that was the answer? In fact, many people think that they really were extraterrestrial visitors who came to observe and learn about human planes, if that's the case, why don't we see UFOs following us every time we go on vacation? Think about it, World War II was the most destructive conflict in human history, maybe aliens heard all the commotion from a galaxy far away. and I came to find out what all the fuss was about and then after seeing how stupid we can be, they fell asleep again and the sightings dried up.
I can't say I really blame them, but don't worry, just like and subscribe to bmas to get all the knowledge injections. You need to impress the aliens the next time they return, all sorted. Wicked, let's go back to recess to remember that children are not exactly the most reliable sources. I mean, they say a lot of stupid things, but what happens when a whole class of kids? has exactly thesame story and what if everyone insists the story is the truth for almost 30 years later? Good, now you have my interest. Back in 1994, a group of children attending Ariel School on the outskirts of Rua Zimbabwe had the most hectic day imaginable and no.
During morning recess, no less than 62 students saw a strange disk-shaped ship land near the school yard, curious, many of them approached to investigate, suddenly the craft stores opened and some humanoid creatures dressed in black came out before the now Terrified children then the being approached slowly, but it seems that they came in peace instead of attacking, they waited for them to telepathically transmit messages about the importance of environmentalism in the minds of the children before leaving abruptly, while While not all of the students saw the ship that fateful day, many of the children who did have been adamant about the events that took place since then, looking at them from a skeptical mind, it's possible that it was all just a case of mass hysteria, it's That is, when a group of people suffers from a collective deception of which we are not entirely sure.
Why does this happen, but anxiety is believed to be one of the causes. Just two days before the incident there were several UFO sightings in southern Africa, creating an atmosphere of anxiety that could have turned into hysteria, which the children manifested in an extraterrestrial encounter of their I am not convinced that some of them, Not even Drew's drawings have surprising similarities between them, and would children really think of including environmentalism in their story? I'm not saying this is aliens, but there's definitely something more than hysteria at play here, let me. know your opinion in the comments the wave of Belgian UFOs in Belgium 1989 a series of UFO sightings took place that would mark the beginning of a tremendous wave of encounters that shocked the world on a fateful night in November, more than 30 different groups of people They recorded watching something.
Strange in the sky above them, a strange triangular object with three distinct bright lights beneath it. Spooky over the next five months or so, over 2,000 sightings were reported across the country. Gosh, that's a lot of alien children the Belgian government actually fed! I heard these reports and assumed that the US was testing some nearby aircraft and contacted it to find out, but the Americans told them that no such tests were taking place and that the Belgian government only saw a way to get to the background. of the situation by closely approaching one of the supposed ships, so when reports of a sighting came in one night in March, jets were sent to rendezvous with the enigmatic visitor, frustratingly the fighter pilots were unable to see the object itself , but yes they did.
About to pick it up on radar, the radar signal began to move erratically and jump great distances before accelerating far beyond the capability of a man-made ship and simply disappearing hmm after the encounters calmed down, while the Belgian government was quick to dismiss the whole matter. If we don't provide any compelling alternative explanation, it's possible that the sheer seriousness of the initial sightings inspired paranoia among citizens, making them more susceptible to the idea of ​​seeing triangular shapes in the sky, but that doesn't explain the mysterious radar signal. I think the answer is obvious. These were aliens who had just arrived.
That sweet foreign Belgian chocolate. Most fake alien encounters involve ugly, grainy photos of distant spaceships. That's because it would take a long time. of cash, time and skill to convincingly spoof an alien up close, which is exactly what makes Skinny Bobs such an enigma. No, it's not my estranged nephew's name, he is an alleged alien. Let me explain you. In 2011, a Reddit user named Ivan posted a surprising video clip. to the website that claims it was recorded by the KGB. This is Skinny Bob crying. I don't know about you, but it scares me a lot. What exactly are we seeing?
It is real. It certainly looks good according to Ivan, the alien he was on. a diplomatic mission from the Zeta reticuli star system and had been sent to discuss matters of mutual interest, what exactly those matters were were not revealed, but supposedly what you are seeing is an excerpt from an interview with visual effects expert Randy Sharp, who He worked on movies like I Am Legend and Watchmen looked at the footage and gave a surprising testimony, according to him if it was fake it would have really tested the technology available in 2011 and would have required someone with an incredible level of skill and knowledge to pull it out.
On top of that, it would have cost an arm and a leg, around 250,000, so given that no one has claimed ownership of the video or attempted to profit from it, such an expensive prank seems illogical, so is it real then who ? You know, I guess we should keep an eye out for skinny Bob appearing in more movies, although it's been over a decade, so maybe he's more of a fat Bob these days outside of Phoenix Lights. Well, so far we have covered some very observed UFOs. sightings, but nothing can match the large number of people who reported seeing what became known as the Phoenix Lights.
The Phoenix Lights were two events that occurred on the evening of March 13, 1997 in the skies over Nevada and Arizona. The first event started around 7:30. PM, when a witness in Henderson Nevada reported seeing a series of glowing orbs in the sky, from there they slowly crossed state lines to Phoenix, Arizona, a journey of nearly 300 miles that was seen by thousands and thousands of people, including the actor Kurt Russell, lights. It took the shape of a V and some observers claimed they could faintly see the craft through the clouds, then it passed over the city and disappeared without a trace, uh, what and it gets stranger around 10pm. m., many people in Phoenix also reported seeing a separate row of bright lights floating in the sky according to author and renowned UFO skeptic Robert Shafer, these lights actually originated from two separate Air Force training exercises of the US with A-10 aircraft, one exercise consisted of planes flying in a triangular formation and another in them firing flares what a fuss, but it makes sense case closed very badly in 2007 former Arizona governor and witness John Fife Simington III came out to speak in the lights as a pilot, he claimed to know every plane imaginable and everything he saw that night was not something he recognized, not content with simply debunking the official explanation, he also expressed support for the government to investigate further.
To this day, however, we still don't have a solid answer, so I guess the whole thing is up in the air for now. Hmm, sorry, don't hate on uninvited guests, back in 2017, our solar system received one of the most mysterious uninvited guests imaginable. A mysterious red object about 303,000 feet long was observed moving beyond the Sun. Scientists named the visitor omuamua. a Hawaiian word meaning a messenger from afar who arrives first, because it certainly came from afar and was the first object of its kind that we have seen naturally. So its sudden appearance was very exciting for astronomers, but also disconcerting.
What was this? Well, it was shaped like a cigar and traveled at astonishing speeds of up to 55 miles per second, a whopping 20 miles per second faster than the average speed of a comet, but unlike comets, it had no visible tail of space dust. Behind him, the strange object passed through him. our solar system for 11 days and then left again never to return More and more curious, as you may have guessed, many were quick to cry out alien and understandably, so it seems to defy explanation, that being said, people have tried to explain it , some believe that omuamua was a block. of solid hydrogen While others are sure it was a comet, after all just one with strange and mysterious properties, scientists say it was a little of both: a comet filled with hydrogen ice, remember how fast it was than ordinary comets, well, the clever clogs at NASA calculate that when it passed by our sun, the heat released the comet's hydrogen causing a burst of additional velocity.
They also say there was no tail because hydrogen doesn't have the momentum to drag space dust behind it, but what do you think was omuamua actually just a big old Space Rock or is that all just smoke and mirrors. I mean, if an alien spacecraft came to our solar system to monitor us, wouldn't our governments want to cover it up to stop mass panic? Hmm, I'd love to hear your theories in the comments below Bristol sure, let's be real UFO photos almost always look like they were taken with a toaster, or they're very blurry, or they don't look anything like UFOs.
With that in mind, I would like to present to you something absolutely Incredible, a UFO photo that actually appears to have been taken with a working camera. Jokes aside, this is the photo of Calvin widely known as the clearest UFO snapshot ever taken in Scotland by two young chefs in 1990. The incredible image shows a strange diamond. Shaped object flying in front of a conventional aircraft, the two axes sent it to a newspaper, but instead of publishing it, the newspaper passed the image to the British Ministry of Defense, where it quickly disappeared for 30 long years and then, in 2020, finally the British academic journalist David Clark.
He tracked it down after first hearing about the story in 2009, but without the photographic evidence itself it had captivated him since he finally tracked down a former Royal Air Force officer who had kept a copy of it, apparently the retired officer. Had been waiting. For someone to call him for years, he was more than willing to share the photo and unlike many other UFO sightings, this one can't be easily debunked. Andrew Robinson, senior lecturer in photography at Sheffield Hallam University, analyzed the photo and concluded that whatever it is. The object is definitely there in front of the camera, so there is no editing trick.
The RAF officer who held him also said that when the photo was sent, the witnesses claimed that the ship did not make any strange noises as to who the witnesses really are. Although we don't know if the names of the original photos should have been published in 2021, British authorities have refused to do so until 2076 citing Prime privacy concerns. Hmmm, it's suspicious, what do you think? Let me know in the comments about the Battle of Los Angeles. Remember the Foo Fighters I told you about earlier? You know those strange lights that followed pilots during World War II?
Well, that wasn't the only time aliens supposedly came to investigate us during times of war. Oh no, it was the Battle of Los Angeles. Shortly after joining the war, the United States was still recovering from the Japanese attack on its naval base at Pearl Harbor, the country was on high alert preparing for the possibility of another attack on American soil, so when the attack sirens airs sounded in Los Angeles County one February night in 1942 the troops desperately ran towards the anti-aircraft guns and began firing soon the sky was filled with shrapnel smoke and fire in a defensive bombardment that lasted more than an hour and then silence but when the sun rose the soldiers realized something very peculiar: it seemed that there had been no enemy at all, absolutely nothing had been shot down, so what happened?
Well, some witnesses claimed to have seen a single balloon-like craft in the sky that night, something that ufologists are adamant about as evidence of extraterrestrial activity. A now iconic photo showing countless searchlights focusing on an unknown object. The object served as fuel for the fire. Could there be something strange amidst all the bright lights? Well, possibly, but it turns out that the original image was heavily edited before being published in newspapers, so it would be clearer to see it printed in black and white, plus the US Air Force concluded that they were released a series of weather balloons over Los Angeles at the time, which probably started the scare, so there will be no aliens this time, although there is always the possibility that it was a cover-up of the Turkish UFO incident.
Many UFO sightings are highly publicized. There are cases that have inspired heated debates over the years, then there are much lesser known cases like the Turkish UFO incident between 2007 and 2009. 12 different witnesses came forward claiming they had seen a strange metallic craft in the skies off the coast from northwestern Turkey, but we don't have to take their word for it, a lot of them filmed it, it's very unstable, yes, but if we get really close in a separate sighting of the thing, you can definitely see two figuresmoving inside. Authorities were quick to try to dismiss the sightings as some kind of elaborate hoax, but that proved very difficult to do after some of the shocking images were received by two separate state-sponsored boards, they found nothing NOTHING, in fact, they were forced to conclude that it was genuine now.
That's not to say they believed they were aliens, but they did conclude that the clip was not edited and that the vehicle did not conform to any known human craftsmanship. Honestly, I'm surprised this one hasn't gotten more exposure. You can practically see the two pilots inside arguing about whether they should ask for directions laughing and kidnapped It was a simple night in October 1957. In an effort to avoid the hot daytime sun, Brazilian Antonio Venus Boas, 23, had decided to work In the fields of his farm at night, he was suddenly distracted from his work by an ominous red star that appeared in the dark sky and grew larger and larger until uh-oh he realized that it was heading straight for him. .
Antonio watched in horror as the star was revealed. It seemed to be some kind of alien spaceship preparing to land, so he didn't get out of there or at least he tried to stop his tractor from starting, so he was forced to flee on foot through the fields, but something was chasing him and whatever it was . It was too fast Antonio screamed as he was tackled by several humanoid creatures who subdued him and dragged him towards the ship while on board they stripped him naked and covered him with a strange gel, then the creatures took a blood sample from his chin and left him alone in a locked room filled with noxious gas that made him feel seriously ill as he sat there, naked, sticky and sick on an alien spaceship, he probably thought this Gentleman couldn't get any weirder, he was wrong, suddenly a naked female alien He entered the room and uh seduced. he, yeah, one thing led to another and Antonio ended up doing nasty things to the alien baby and then after completing his task he was given a quick tour of the ship before returning home, okay so that wasn't it a fever dream I had.
Last night is supposed to be a true story told by Antonio himself. I'm sure you're pretty suspicious of his story, as most were when he first told it, but wait. Antonio was examined by medical professionals shortly after the alleged incident and it was discovered that he was suffering from radiation sickness. I'm not saying that means his wild tail is true, but I'm having trouble figuring out how else he could have contracted radiation poisoning. Either way, our space farmer stuck to the story for the rest. of his life until he passed away in 1991. Was Antonio really a victim of an alien abduction or was it all just a ploy to get attention now that he's gone?
It seems we will never know for sure. Foreigner: This Russian body of water is the oldest. and the deepest lake in the world with a colossal maximum depth of about 5,400 feet, meaning that two scale replicas of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, could fit there stacked on top of each other, naturally, so the lake has inspired countless legends and has been the site of a great deal of extraterrestrial activity, many people over the years have reported seeing strange lights, ships and even mysterious figures lurking around its shore in 2009. Sergey Konitzkik and his son went out to watch the sun set over the waters, and they were surprised.
Two strange glowing orbs emerge from the lake and begin to float above it. Luckily, Sergey managed to snap a photo of these ominous lights before they disappeared beneath the murky depths, so everything they saw was definitely real, but the sightings don't just happen around the world. In 1982, a squadron of Russian military divers reportedly encountered a group of abnormally tall humanoid creatures swimming 160 feet below the surface of Baikal. The group attempted to subdue and capture one of the strange beings only to be forcefully ejected. The water for them now, if you surface too quickly while diving, you will suffer from decompression sickness or bends, a potentially fatal condition caused by the rapid change in pressure.
Several of the divers died shortly after surfacing, God, those aliens don't sound. Too friendly, I'm sure this story could have just been made up, but when combined with Sergey's photo and the countless other stories surrounding the lake, you can't help but think something must be happening there, thanks MIB. I'm sure you have. The least I've heard about the Men in Black movies, other than that terrible spin-off, is that they're a lot of fun, but did you know that they're based on a real-life phenomenon that's downright terrifying? When people report extraterrestrial activity, they sometimes get a visit. from the real life MIB, only they don't have Will Smith knocking on their door, creepy men dressed all in black.
They have supposedly tracked down witnesses and intimidated them into silence or in some stories made them disappear completely , maybe making this video wasn't such a good idea. One particularly strange story occurred in 2009 and was caught on camera. Here you can see two insidious intruders in At a hotel in Ontario, Canada, two strange men dressed in black entered the lobby. They had no eyebrows or eyelashes. They appeared to be wearing wigs under their hats and were identical in appearance. Then, according to witnesses, the duo began questioning the bellboy to allow them to see the manager. Shane Sovar, when the bellboy told them that Shane was not working, they did not believe him and began to rummage as if they owned the place, whatever they were looking for, it seems that they did not find it in the end.
The strangers disappeared without a trace and were never heard from again. of them, but why were they there in the first place? Well, Shane had reported seeing a large triangular UFO over Niagara Falls the previous year. He had almost completely forgotten the incident, but it seems that not everyone suffered grisly damage. Most ufologists believe that men. in Black they are government agents tasked with suppressing information about extraterrestrial sightings, but what if it's more than that? no hair of any kind identical appearances what if these guys are aliens? Wouldn't it behoove them to keep their existence a secret so they can continue doing well, whatever they do, no man.
I can see two men in black suits approaching my door right now. I think that's enough extraterrestrial evidence for him to have had an extraterrestrial encounter one day. Let me know in the comments below and uh hope to see you in the next video thanks for watching the foreigner

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