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Batman v Superman v Captain America: Civil War - Why One Worked and One Didn’t - SCENE FIGHTS!

Jun 04, 2021
Batman v Superman and Captain America's Civil War have very similar stories and characters, although they have different tones and very different goals: one creates a universe and the other destroys it, but there is a moment in each movie that shows us why one is great and the other one is not great Bob, let's consider the similarities that those films build towards a titular fight between a superhuman perfect man who defends truth, American-style justice, in armor, and a billionaire orphan. Each film begins with the perfect man on a mission in Africa that goes wrong, the origins of the superhumans began older conflicts, the Kryptonian


war in World War II and fought against villains who believed in genetic purity, cut the lines of degenerative blood that led us to this stage versus a person injured by the hero detonates a bomb. generating controversy, the billionaire wants to defend the established order by putting the powers of the perfect man in check.
batman v superman v captain america civil war   why one worked and one didn t   scene fights
These billionaires have used their genius to fight crime and feel guilty for the deaths in their past. A powerless human being manipulates the two heroes so that they They fight each other and the loss of a father is key in the final conflict. Now I want to be fair when comparing these movies. Civil War has an inherent advantage in being the 13th film in a franchise, while Warner Brothers wanted Batman vs Superman to be a sequel to Man of Steel. A grudge match between two strangers kills Superman and introduces five members of the Justice League. This is like Marvel making Iron Man and skipping Civil War so they could make the Avengers fit Spider-Man's extremes seems pretty easy in comparison, also Dawn of Justice.
batman v superman v captain america civil war   why one worked and one didn t   scene fights

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batman v superman v captain america civil war why one worked and one didn t scene fights...

I was trying something new. These characters have been portrayed in comics. Radio. Movie series. The center of every hero story is his first step the decision to confront Frank Miller help homeless dwarves become Jedi or put on a costume and fight crime even the marketing of the


war puts the notion of choice to the fore. front and center the film does not make the choice easy for the audience. I still haven't landed on one side or the other. Yes, people with superpowers are dangerous, but governments can be easily corrupted. The Winter Soldier character is an exhibit of what happens when someone with superpowers is taken away from their choice. by a corrupt government, but heroes who act unilaterally also cause a lot of problems.
batman v superman v captain america civil war   why one worked and one didn t   scene fights
I mean, the Ghostbusters just ruined the Statue of Liberty unless they took her back to Liberty Island after defeating Vigo, the Carpathian hashtag. Post credits


s I'd like to see when the Super Soldiers rebel in the flashback, proving Caps' point that the election will always win, but also Tony's point that they need to be controlled. Tony wants the government to take the choice away from him, just as a juvenile delinquent who joins the army must have joined the junior. Camper choice was also a key theme in Man of Steel Krypton was a society that stripped individuals of their choices.
batman v superman v captain america civil war   why one worked and one didn t   scene fights
Everyone was genetically bred to fulfill a particular role in society. Kal-el was the first natural birth in centuries. He will be free to forge his own. destiny because jor-el believes the choice was important and because he wanted to be the first kryptonian in millennia to lose his virginity. Czaja's genocidal plan is created by the absence of choice. He was genetically programmed to protect Krypton, that is the sole purpose for which I was born the absence of choice is the heart of Batman vs Superman with Superman around humans are no longer free to determine their own path some are grateful for this but others they feel small and helpless Superman not only makes Batman feel helpless, it makes him feel afraid, little by little he is becoming like the criminals who have always pursued extreme violence and fear of a man with a cape this fear is almost his downfall tricks the house where Luthor resents Superman for taking away humanity's options Lex should have been an identifiable criminal but The Madness of Jesse Eisenberg is more like a proto-Daffy Duck.
Simo had a clearer motive: he lost his family and wants revenge. Both feel powerless in a world of super humans, but Zimo's reasons are more personal, but where the films differ most is in tone. Batman v Superman is a look at what would happen if superheroes suddenly entered our world, but civil war is what happens when superheroes are subject to the rules of the real world, like when Cap and Bucky are arrested. Now I'm in my little car. What surprises me about Civil. The war is that it can fill the movie with so many characters, but it works because there is one thing at the center of the movie, one thing that each character works for Bucky.
The first


of the movie is about Bucky and the final battle takes place. where the Winter Soldier was born and it all adds up in the end to Tony's childhood resentment towards Steve, his bickering and past movies, it all works much better than Tony. I don't know, having a nightmare about an army of super soldiers conquering the planet, but it's not a perfect movie, like why does Ross print out a copy of the agreements so that everyone wouldn't have enough time at the Kinkos? This movie is perfect, the moment where these movies really diverge is the title between the heroes, they both start after the villain. reveals a twist that sets the fight in motion Lex who knows Superman's secret identity what and Zemo that Bucky killed Tony's parents the


have similar motives my mom could die versus you killed my mom dramatically The Civil War wins what What's at stake is immediately personal Steve even confesses that he betrayed Tony and knew the truth about his parents all along and so does the audience because Captain America Winter Soldier totally ruined the ending of this movie.
The final battle occurs in a place where Bucky was ordered to destroy Tony's life. It is the same place where they both had their choice taken away from them. The battle in Batman vs Superman begins on a rooftop near the sky. They gradually fall downward as if they were descending into hell. In both


, they slowly lose the trappings of what makes them super. heroes Batman loses pieces of his armor, his voice modulator, while Superman loses his powers twice in the Civil War, Iron Man loses his jet boots, targeting systems, hand-held laser masks and finally his arc reactor.
Bucky loses his arm and Captain America loses his shield and then his identity. the end of Civil War is a street fight the violence increases reflecting his increasingly intense emotions when Steve abandons the shield it is the climax of both the action and the emotional drama of the film there are many problems with the battle and Batman v Superman first of all nothing nothing is directly personal. I'm sure some of Bruce Wayne's friends and employees died during Zod's invasion, but if I was close to any of these people, I


't see Vicki Vale, Selina Kyle, Robin, or Alfred rebel, or even Lucius Fox would have. made.
It makes more sense than killing Jack, who Jack is, and by the way, this movie does a great job of presenting the civilian victims' point of view. The opening of the metropolis is one of the best scenes in the film, unlike in Man of Steel, when Superman lies among Zod's ashes. victims and makes out with Lois Lane for 14 seconds while Perry White watches, but the final fight in Batman v Superman never had to happen, all Superman had to do was hover over Batman and say: I know we've had our differences, but my mom is in danger lex luthor a soul you also have help in your stomach you should have done it but in a movie where


has 40 lines try to get bruce's attention with less than 20 words bruce please i was wrong you have to listen to me .
I understand that there is no time, he continues to approach Batman to talk to him getting within attack range, at one point there is a pause in the fight and I thought, oh, he is about to explain himself, but then he starts fighting again, in Instead, he's wasting time and his mom is about to die and he throws everything at Superman, but the kitchen sink, no, wait, the sink is what he finally emits. It's a good thing Batman practiced pulling that tire, so what's the climax of this fight? I think you know where I'm going. go with this like Lex Luthor says every special lady boiling the name that launched a thousand memes now I see what they are trying to do with Martha Batman has suddenly become the guy who is killing someone's mother he is the monster now he understand and be It's true, a lot of people have pointed out that no one calls their mother by her name, but maybe Superman was manipulating Bruce by using his mother's name.
The problem is that you are going to kill. Martha doesn't give Batman any context for the moment, even if he knows that's the name of Superman's mother, but let's look past these nitpicks and see in this scene what the heroes' ultimate choice is, Batman. and by extension, humanity must choose whether they will accept a Superman into their lives and I struggled for a long time. time with why this scene doesn't work it doesn't work for the theme it's the action or the parents connection it doesn't foreshadow very well no, it doesn't work because it's dumb, it's really dumb, it takes you out of the moment.
Won't Die Tonight When you hear Martha's name, you suddenly realize you're watching Ben Affleck holding a space crystal and threatening an alien in his pajamas, and they both demand to be taken seriously. The height of humor is when people try. be serious and fail and this is hilarious, whereas Marvel characters don't take themselves seriously, so when something serious happens, it's effective like watching a child deal with the death of one of his parents . The civil war carefully unravels a years-long friendship. There are no unnecessary things. parts and manages to be as emotional as it is fun.
Batman v Superman was shoved down our throats by an impatient studio and a director who specializes in Flixel cinematography, not character development, where civil war is organic. Batman vs. Superman is forced, it's easy to see. Why is one of these films praised by critics and fans and the other fiercely defended by what has to be a guy with a thousand different usernames or a screen crush? I'm Ryan Arry.

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