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Captain America: Civil War vs. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Marvel vs. DC At the Movies

Jun 06, 2021
This is the most obvious comparison you can make other than possibly The Avengers in Justice League, which I put off for a long time largely because I had done a lot of research on these


when I made previous videos on them and didn't want to delve into them. into them again, but also because I really didn't want to see Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice again, sir, get down, sir, I said get down, come back here, hey, don't do it, hey, the suspect has been identified as Wallace burning Tyler. Green, charged with vandalism for resisting arrest and the felony charge of making terroristic threats to even things out, Civil War's heroes will be Chris Evans as Captain America and Robert Downey Jr. like Ironman, even though they are on opposite sides throughout the movie, they have reasons why they are honorable and well-intentioned.
captain america civil war vs batman v superman dawn of justice   marvel vs dc at the movies
Ironman always gets some meat for his character whenever he plays an important role. The


war is no exception. He feels guilty for creating Ultron. that no one else is responsible for creating the biggest Bill and the Avengers have ever faced at that point and it makes sense how a guy who was all uppity about the government in Iron Man 2 is working, we're safe, America is safe, you want my property. I can't have it, but I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace. Now he would be the guy who lined up quickly.
captain america civil war vs batman v superman dawn of justice   marvel vs dc at the movies

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captain america civil war vs batman v superman dawn of justice marvel vs dc at the movies...

Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way, he's a great kid. Bachelor's degree in computer engineering. 3.6 GPA that he decided to spend. his summer building sustainable housing for the poor nest with sokovia he wants to make a difference i guess i mean we won't know because we dropped the building while we were kicking ass there is no decision making process here we need to be brought under control, whatever form it takes, I'm game, he's seen what happens when you are given too much power and the result killed many people. One of my problems with Captain America throughout his films is the lack of personal change from him, granted, that's largely the framework.
captain america civil war vs batman v superman dawn of justice   marvel vs dc at the movies
Of the character, he is the larger than life symbol of what America should be, but he is never a man who does what he believes is right. The good news is that he is so humble and well-intentioned that he usually does what he thinks. he's right he's really right for the first time caps good intentions blow up in his face in the winter soldier we learned along with cap that hydra killed howard stark one human failing is that we often don't do things unless it's convenient or inevitable We learned that Cap is also a victim of this.
captain america civil war vs batman v superman dawn of justice   marvel vs dc at the movies
He never reveals this to Tony. It's not something that gets dropped into everyday conversation, but it's something Tony deserves to know anyway, and it turns out to be a mass of air. A live omission. Tony never had the chance to know. process this information and then add to it the revelation that his parents were killed by Bucky, ranting about him being under the control of the hydra, but Tony is being hit with all this information at once. Tony was with his friends and now, suddenly, with the man who killed his parents and the man who lied to him about it and spent two


defending the man who killed his parents.
I didn't know what he was. It's easy to see why he loses it. It is impossible to know if Cap told Tony about Hydra's involvement in her parents' death. would have avoided this fight but it certainly would have put them in a better position Tony would be processing a lot less there is not a single case in all of history in which the world has become better thanks to a lie that people need to learn to be better and if your facts they're lies so you're learning the wrong lessons cap learn that the hard way in this movie I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was forgiving you, but now I can see I was really forgiving myself and I'm sorry, in Batman V Superman we have Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, they have arcs, they are just strange and make no sense within the narrative, let's start with the clearest arc.
Batman seeing the destruction of Metropolis Batman decides that Superman must be stopped and then proceed to do nothing for 18 months his reasoning is simple, he has the power to wipe out the entire human race and if we believe there is even a 1% chance that he is our enemy, we must take it as an absolute certainty. what he said was simple, it's not logical anyway, he features an Iron Man style Batman suit clearly inspired by The Dark Knight Returns and steals kryptonite from Lex Luthor, which is apparently part of Luthor's plan, which we'll get to more Go ahead anyway, he does some exercise which just baffles me, do you honestly believe that any amount of exercise will help you beat Superman and in what universe can Batman beat Superman in a purely physical confrontation?
Might as well pit Bambi against Godzilla anyway, make kryptonite gas bombs like in Dark Knight Returns, except in The Dark Knight Returns Batman wants to beat Superman, not kill him here, he wants to kill him, so why not make bullets of kryptonite and shoot Superman with them? Anyway, he also makes a spear because God forbid we miss the Jesus metaphor, we have to get a spear in destiny. There Batman is literally ready to murder Superman in cold blood when suddenly the scene that the world made fun of happens so many things wrong why would Superman suddenly, in a moment of crisis, refer to his mother by the his first name?
Why the revelation that Superman's mother's name is? Martha means anything to Batman, he knows Superman has parents so that's not the reveal, just that his mother sharing Batman's mother's name means something. I guess if one of his mothers had a different name, Superman would be dead anyway, since they have the same mother. Name, they are now best friends and Batman learns that with the power of friendship anything is possible, including saving Martha and more murders. Superman is a little more iffy because he's so damn nebulous as if he weren't the Man of Steel, so at least they have continuity. although they lose a lot when Superman talks about him being Superman because his father is clearly referring to Jonathan living my life the same way my parents are marriage mistakes because of a ghost.
Superman was never real, just a Kansas farmer's dream, Jonathan was. literally the voice telling him to hide from humanity, even if it meant people might die, what was he supposed to do? just let him die, maybe Jor-el was the voice that encouraged him to be Superman, now that you are a son of Earth, as you are. Outside of Krypton you can embody the best of both worlds, but that's beside the point. Superman doesn't like Batman because he is a vigilante. You could argue that Superman doesn't like all the killing Batman is doing, but Superman kills too, there's no really clear morality for these characters.
Why Superman has a problem with Batman murdering is not entirely clear, as for his problem with Batman being a vigilante, it just comes off as pure hypocrisy. We also see that Superman seems to not enjoy the attention that has been shown to him, but is supposed to have an arc where he declares Earth as his home and dies killing because they say in the most pointless way possible, meaning that this movie wastes elements of both The Dark Knight Returns and the death of Superman in a safe way to combine elements in a way that makes sense when you can combine whatever you want and let the narrative be damned.
I've been at this long enough. Superman and Batman are just a hypocrite and a murderer, respectively. Iron Man and Captain America have clear arcs and motivations for Marvel. Is this part of a plan well, my plan was to go easy on it, you want to change it, shit, a lot of these MCU movies have such a large supporting cast that adding them becomes a huge task. We have Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, Anthony Mackie as Falcon, Sebastian Stan is Bucky Chadwick. Boseman as Black Panther Don Cheadle as Rhodey Paul Bettany as Vision Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye Tom Holland as Spider-Man Paul Rudd as Ant-Man Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter William Hurt as Thunderbolt Ross Martin Freeman as Everett Ross Frank Grillo as Crossbones Patrick Swayze as Dalton Marissa Tomei as Aunt May Sly John as King T'chaka John Slattery as Howard Stark and Hope Davis as Maria Stark Damn Marvel movies and their ability to despise characters and probably most importantly still leave that the film works despite it.
When, honestly, it should just be Every character has their moment Every character has a reason to be there Every character is memorable No character feels forced or unnecessary There are movies with a much smaller cast that feel much more overloaded in some way War


just works when it really shouldn't and while we're on the topic of overloaded movies this seems like a good time to talk about Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice just the title feels overloaded the supporting cast here is Amy Adams is Lois Lane Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman Holly Hunter as Senator Finch Diane Lane as Martha Kent Laurence Fishburne as Perry White Jeremy Irons as Alfred Harry Lennix as Swanwick Teo Okamoto as Mercy Graves Patrick Swayze as Dalton Scoot McNairy as Wallace Keith The Corpse of Michael Shannon Assad Silence Mulvey as the cautious beast Ezra Miller adds the flash Tom Hardy as Venom Joe Morton as Silas Stone Ray Fisher as strange-looking CGI background body parts TJ Miller as well-known emoji Michael Kasi as Jimmy Olsen and Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo It's amazing how useless which is almost all of these characters, so write it down and the movie would be much better because sure Gal Gadot is good and one of the best aspects of this movie, well if you remove her you avoid the obvious problem of why not just make her use the spear against the end of the world at the end.
I'd also miss that email that's just the audience staring at her as she watches three post credits in a row to get a sense of how completely and utterly wasted these characters are. Let's look at the story of Lois Lane. I guess they want to give them to Amy. something to do because a smaller role like Sharon Carter in the Civil War would be more appropriate here. Lois has seen out of the country meeting with a terrorist once she is out of sight, everyone around her dies. Superman is then blamed for these deaths because Superman I need a gun to kill people now I know in the definitive edition they expand on this by showing the burned bodies to look more like Superman's heat vision but then we see her looking at using a bullet on the site trying to clear Superman's name covered in The desert shootout scene is not sold commercially anywhere in the world, not even on the black market.
Now, if I burned them to death, the bullet would be meaningless, but if they were shot, then the bullet means something, since the bullet means something. I guess Superman is shooting people to death. around the world but somehow it gets stupider instead of using generic bullets the bullets used are specifically manufactured by Lex Corp. Nuttall was developed by a private company. What company looks like Luthor? He also had private security contractors at the desert complex. Lex Luthor could also have his name on each and every bullet. The levels of stupidity with this story thread are simply mind-blowing.
The entire supporting cast in Batman V Superman is best represented by Jimmy Olsen's treatment in this film. Here he is an iconic Superman character and what does he do? They do it with it, they waste it for no good reason. The photographer could have been anyone. He could have been written out of the movie, but instead they throw a character in there just to waste him. Point per marble. You are hitting. These two films have very similar stories. A major tragic event from a previous film has left the government wondering if these super-powered beings have a place here, while an outside force is doing everything in its power to make the heroes fight each other.
At a government meeting the situation worsens after a fight the heroes realize they have a bigger bag to fight a team for a final fight. I've described both films with the biggest deviation being that the Alliance in a civil war is quickly torn apart by the omission of capitalization of Tony and Batman V Superman, the Alliance is held up to the point where Batman cost Superman and his friend simply fails. after trying to kill him. I thought that the Cloak, if given just one more minute of screen time for two, would surely be exchanging best friends. bracelets is a bracelet for my best friend The Civil War is mainly about choice and responsibility in many ways those ideas coexist as people we all make decisions and we have to take responsibility for those decisions if you did something why and the opposite if you didn't something why look when you can do the things that I can but youno and then the bad things happen to you that happen to you all the characters have to choose in this movie the two most respected superheroes have very different opinions on a topic that will separate them Tony believes that government oversight is the best way for them the Avengers continue Steve just saw that Hydra invaded a government agency and thinks the best hands for something like The Avengers are his Tony, someone dies under your watch, you don't I don't give up, who said we would give up, we offer not to assume responsibility for our actions, this document simply changes the blanks.
Sam Hall disagrees with the limit, while Rhodey is quick to back up Tony Vision, looks at him logically, and ends up backing up Tony. I'd say that as a logic it's flawed, since it's based on the assumption that world-threatening events would stop the heroes from being distressed, but I can see where Scarlet Witch's blame for the explosion in Lagos, but ends up back in the cap. Black Widow backs up Tony. because she hopes that by getting on board early they can maintain some control of the situation. Black Panther supports Tony because he blames Bucky for the death of his father, which brings us to the next topic of the film.
The engines of revenge consumed you, it is consuming them. Black Panther searches. revenge against Bucky Zemo seeks revenge against the Avengers Iron Man seeks revenge against Bucky it is this desire for revenge that does the most damage to the heroes of the film the Russo brothers refer to this as a movie about divorce this is a movie about divorce , is a family getting divorced, it makes sense when seen from that perspective from the beginning, the parties are trying to talk about things they don't want to break up, but they have hit a wall in figuring out how to move forward on this issue.
Steve is sure he's right, while Tony is sure he's right, they have irreconcilable differences, which is without a doubt the most common reason given for a divorce, they can't just walk away, like one should do in a breakup, as far as Where they disagree is in the very nature of how they behave. should continue if steve continues on his path you will become a criminal


. Tony's job is to stop him. Part of the reason a comic arc resonates so well is because it showed superheroes suffering from the same political divisions the country was going through at the time.
The George W Bush years, the political divide has only gotten worse since that arc, the film again shows the heels divided by what they believe is right and not wrong per se, but their perspectives are clear, making their division even more understandable and heartbreaking. V Superman is good, that's actually a good question, hypocrisy is my best guess. The Daily Planet criticizes those who think they are above the laws. Hypocrite, what you're saying considering that every time your hero saves the cat from a tree, you're ready to publish an editorial. Batman wants to kill Superman because Superman saved the planet by fighting Zod and inadvertently killed law enforcement.
Superman had to stop Batman because he is a vigilante who kills a lot of people. Lex Luthor wants to kill Superman because he is divine, he acts like he is stronger than everyone else. and makes big decisions an average human would make Batman kill to save people Superman kills to save people and Lex Luthor plays God whenever he can everyone is hypocrites it's not a very strong theme but it's the best we have here Batman Superman can put aside his hypocrisy and save the day when Lex Luthor can't and is imprisoned. It's the closest thing this movie has to a theme, so it's what we have to follow, while Civil War weaves its themes into a cohesive narrative that allows all the characters a part of the story Batman v Superman stumbles upon without a real idea of ​​what he is really doing, what really shows the difference between these two movies is a civil war, the heroes make mistakes and show regret for the lives lost due to their mistakes, never once does Superman show any regret for what reckless he was in Man of Steel, think about how Batman killed people and his first attempt to take Kryptonite from Lex.
Have you considered who he is killing? They're probably paying cards that Lex hired, maybe they're ex-cons. They are ex-cops, our veterans at this very moment the only crime that we know they are committing and they may not know that they are committing a customs violation is really a crime that deserves a punishment of disintegrating Batman. your body in a hail of bullets and Batman never shows any remorse for the lives he takes in Civil War, the heroes want to do better and simply have a disagreement about the best way to do it in Batman V Superman, they just don't care and he will kill anyone without a moment's hesitation who stands in his way to Marvel.
Okay, the little one is big now, he is big. Civil War has some very solid effects, but it honestly just has a flat lighting scheme that most MCU movies have and it's pretty boring. It's nice that everything is clear and visible and that they aren't trying to hide any negative effects, so overall it's good, but it would still be nice to be a little more creative visually on the outside. Batman V Superman is the worst of SAC's ciders, all ascetics. Not the darkness, the visuals attractive, all the CGI looks good, but when it's dark it's easier to make it look good.
The cool CGI during the day, which is where we see a lot of it in Civil War, is much more difficult, the colors on Superman's suit. getting a little brighter, that's the best I can say about the visuals here, sadly even if they diminish with the movie being so dark, the color enhancement and Superman's suit is negligible outside of the CGI, the visuals are nothing amazing in Civil War, but they are still better than in Batman V Superman. which is an ugly point for Marvel Batman V Superman has surprisingly little action, there is so little that they literally inject a dream sequence with an action scene in the middle of the movie, everything we get is solid, if a little disconcerting, It's similar to Man of Steel.
I'm sure the action looks great, but it betrays the characters. Batman is just a gun-wielding psychopath, which begs the question of why the Joker is still alive. Superman is fine killing terrorists if Lois is in danger, even though technically she isn't, because Superman could disarm this guy. Before you pull the trigger, let's just say he just kills them when we get to the titular battle. Batman has installed tons of weapons to weaken Superman, such as high-tech sonic devices, traps and kryptonite gas sinks, however, he only has one weapon that can kill him and that is a spear, the lethal weapon he makes to kill the man who it wants to kill and it is one of the most primitive weapons that has ever existed.
I've already explained why this is so, but it's still stupid. Civil War doesn't have the best action in the MCU, which is saying something since the MCU has some great action, the opening fight at the CDC, the fight in Bucky's apartment that continues outside, the battle between Cap and Iron Man in the end are fantastic and they all pale in comparison to the fight at the airport. is one of the best superhero fights in movie history, this is a pretty easy point for Marvel, you'll help me with a look, you want to milk and go to high school, you want to make up, move on, the sound design and the civil war are fine, Rodie's vision.
Scarlet Witch has some cool sounds for her powers, but for the most part everything is exactly as you'd expect in terms of sound design. The music, on the other hand, is incredible. It's a music by Henry Jackman who is doing a fantastic job that continues to go unnoticed. II. did this, the winter soldier and x-men first class, it's consistently great and no one talks about how good it is. Batman V Superman's sound design is also good. In terms of sound design, the mobis are evenly matched, meaning it all comes down to the scores again. The soundtrack for Batman V Superman was done by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL.
You followed my videos. You know, I'm a sucker for a good super dramatic Zimmer score when it comes to Junkie XL. I love his work on Mad Max Fury Road. Sounds like Ozzie musically. They fit well together and unfortunately should make something really special, instead of two greats working together to make something much better than they could do on their own, we have two greats working together to make something that has some good moments. but overall it's less notable than his usual work alone. Henry Jackman's score is really solid and maybe even better than his work on The Winter Soldier.
Lady nas is top notch, but definitely better than




. Point for Marvel. Daniel Brawl since Hamlet Zemo is a classic. comic villain here he is given a conceptualization of tree as a sokovia and an intelligence officer who ran a death squad. His family was killed when the Avengers defeated Ultron in Sokovia during the Age of Ultron. He knew that he couldn't defeat them, so his plan was to have them. defeat themselves, their plan requires a lot of luck if you look at it too closely, but it works well within the themes of revenge in this film, their motivation is solid and they prove to be a threat to the team, not as a brute force but as an intelligent mind. enough to manipulate the entire team as you may have guessed.
I've saved the best or worst for last. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. He had never before seen such a good actor do such a bad job. His stuff is even bad in the part here where The first time he equipped Knight as silver bullets is actually a great way to phrase the situation: you don't have to use a silver bullet, but if you forge one well, then we don't have to. relying on sentient monsters sure isn't accurate since Superman. he's not a werewolf but it works because it fits with Luthor's narrative. He sees Superman as a monster, so he also helps put his motivations into perspective.
However, the delivery is terrible. This is not a character anyone can take seriously. Why would the senator listen to this clear madman? man, he presents himself as a seriously mentally disturbed man who doesn't take his medication, a man who force feeds another man, a jolly rancher clearly has problems, why would anyone trust him with what they now call a nuclear deterrent? He would be remiss if he didn't. I don't point out that one of the most important scenes in the movie revolves around a jar of Lex Luthor's urine. I have problems with Simos' plan, it seems like it requires a lot of luck, but compared to Lex Luthor, it's the simplest plan ever created.
Lex Luthor spends time sending bait material to Superman and Batman to chase each other and in the end he just decides to kidnap Martha Kent and threaten her life unless Superman fights Batman, what's the point of all the bullying Are you going to do that anyway? The movie goes out of its way to explain to anyone that this is not Lex Luthor but Lex Luthor Jr. Don't believe it, my father named the company after him. He was Lex in front of the court. How are you? Why do they want to introduce another real Lex Luthor later?
Do they want to call the company Lex Corp and not just change the name? When Lionel dies, they want to make him a trust fund baby in many ways. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor represents everything bad about him in the movie. A clearly very talented man who does everything that seems wrong. Eisenberg was almost certainly told to play the character this way. by Snyder, who probably had something similar to Mark Zuckerberg's version of the character on the social network, except that he still doesn't understand why the character works on the social network. Do I need to say it?
Point for the marble, there's a little bit of green in the blue of your eyes how nice to find a flaw this wasn't even close in many ways the civil war is how you get superheroes fighting each other right while




is how you do it you're doing wrong Zack Snyder is in nygma as a filmmaker if you give them a pre-written story with firm visuals already implemented like 300 or Watchmen he can usually knock it out of the park but if you give him something more nebulous like a decent story idea like in Man of Steel , does not know. what to do with it, knows how to make it look great visually, but not how to use those visual elements to help tell its story, never seems to care about fashion images, they mean what they look like, it's a terrible movie, sucker punch It best sums up who Zack is.
Snyder is a director with tons of visual talent, but he doesn't know how to use his tremendous gifts to tell a story. Batman V Superman feels like a Snyder story unfolding through something he thought would be great without an image in his head to the end goal. Let's make Lex Luthor like that Facebook guy. He talks about how Nolan made Batman cool and how he would make Batman dark. He says the idea of ​​being raped in prison. I'm sure Snyder would have no problem doing this, but he wouldn't once think about it. Why this happens, he would just do it becauseIt was dark and he likes it dark.
It's a den of abundant leaks in which Snyder doesn't understand the themes, while it's also clear with Civil War, The Winter Soldier, and Infinity War, that the Russo brothers understand the themes. Okay, their images don't look as cool as Snyder's, but at least they don't overuse them and make things because they look cool. The story is okay, so what's your name? This is a policy analyst and where are you? I learned to speak English at school. My father was from America, you know? He was a Yankee. I used to be very grateful for the cinema to learn what guys like Humphrey Bogart are like, the economy that can with the dog.
I talk about always knowing one thing and coming here, the United States. Hey, if you like this video, make sure to hit the like button, go ahead and subscribe, that helps me a lot and if you really love this video, consider checking out my Patreon page.

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