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Are We Fitter Than a Fifth Grader?

Jun 06, 2021
Wow, well, two, nice, three, four, yes, five, six, for years you guys have been asking us so many questions and finally today we are going to answer how strong we are and that is why we are doing the presidential aptitude test . Basically, to determine how strong sixth


s are, it's usually who gets this test, but we're pretty much in the same range, so we'll do a couple categories of the test, not all of it because some of it involves run and I don't think any of us can do that. I can rock. We could run here.
are we fitter than a fifth grader
Olivia. If I could escape from you. It would be very far away. The tests we are doing. We have the stretch test involving this metal box. see how much it tests your hamstrings and back flexibility, then we have push ups and finally the pull up ball oh I hate that, do we want to get into this? Yeah, yeah, I'm going to be really strong, okay? The first test is to sit down and reach the goal of measuring the flexibility of your lower back and hamstrings, so whoever wants to go first, let's demonstrate how you are supposed to do this.
are we fitter than a fifth grader

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are we fitter than a fifth grader...

Sit on your little butt, oh my god, the legs must stay. Olivia can hold on. your foot and just wrap it around so that the legs stay straight, the soles of the feet against the box and the fingertips of both hands and reach evenly along the measurement line, practice a little, yes, okay , great, okay, you passed, so at the end of this we're taking everyone's scores and at the end we'll see who's


than a



. Okay, are you ready? Yes, okay, so start and go slow. I do this so oh your hands are okay oh my gosh. you're moving it no I'm not going to move anything very good job wow 18 inches wow shane how are you feeling back there no I think you're flying I think I'll go I'll be next well guys I'm sorry I'm not As young as I used to be Ser, you might want to take off your shoes.
are we fitter than a fifth grader
I think those bathrooms are actually ruining you. Well, that's not fair, it's nice if one of us beats your score. You can take it again. Okay guys, please stretch at home. You deserve it. don't do this to your body okay okay and reach out oh hey you're doing it that's not real that's not real that's all I have a good job 12 inches you're so good it's that good oh that hurts guys shane uh Courtney should be the next one of course, no, no, your writing is messy, who writes well?, yes, good, good writing, they are roasting it, they are harassing me, I'm sorry, you can't stretch and you're right, it's okay, it's okay, You are, you are very flexible, come.
are we fitter than a fifth grader
I'm really curious about this, okay, there you go, yeah, that's the next level. I also have the last but not least, friend, what if you are 45 like me? I'm going to get worse. My hamstrings are bad. No, I feel my hamstrings. They are honey baked hams, why don't you like it? Keep it up, keep it up, just to see how you know, just fold it, just move it, yeah, oh, there it goes, oh man, I did it, it's about 13 inches, oh, wait. Wait, there it is, yeah, oh, oh, here real close, let's go a little further, come on, it's a 17-year-old boy, oh, wow, you're as elastic as a 16-year-old boy, yes, Courtney, you're so elastic like a 13 year old boy. girl, yeah I know, that's crazy, you're off the charts, you know what it is, it's time to do pushups, the goal of pushups is to measure upper body strength and reduce resistance through numbers maximum push-ups completed the score record only those push-ups done with proper form in rhythm so that your arms have to reach a 90 degree angle oh my god don't go first I just want to go first okay let's get that out of the way , OK? you're going to count right, you have these 90 degrees, okay, wow, well, two, nice, three, four, yeah, five, six, seven, you have this, keith, eight, nine, come on, you have this, come on, four, fourteen, make it with pork chop, when was the last time you pushed? meetings like two months ago they are going to see this forever on the Internet friend 12 year olds are very strong you are over 18 okay, I really believe it, you understood this yes, okay one two three four five five six seven eight eight nine ten keep going cut you have this 12 13. come on 21 yes these records are from the 50's when it was illegal to push women.
In fact, I'd like to see you do it. I'm like a friend, I just jumped in. the roof, okay, wait, how many can you normally do? I rarely try to make as many as I can. When I exercise, I do a set of 15 and then I go do something else. I will go. Go back and do 15. Oh wow, I'm not trying to like intervals, yeah, I think you can go over 30, although if you can go over 30, give me over 30. Okay, here we go, done, here we go one, two three four five six. seven eight eight nine ten 11 let's go 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. oh 31 32 83 34 35 36 37 38 39 40. oh 41 42 43 44 5 48 49 It's 51 or 50.
I don't know 51. I'm just giving it to him I'm giving it to him because he killed that's really funny that's some strength for little kids right oh okay I actually fully believe that little kids do they could do the same. way, you could do like a million pushups, okay, liv, whenever you're ready, okay, I'll probably do five, five, by the way, um, I just want you to know that when it comes to pushing, it's about quality, no quantity. -oops okay, okay, yeah, that's pretty wide, yeah, that's pretty wide, I don't know about that, okay, one all the way down, two, further down, three, you're, you're, just, just humps, I just want to say that my arms hurt a lot, yesterday I did arms in my platoon, oh, so I guess I have like three times of pull-ups.
The goal is to measure upper body strength and endurance through the maximum number of pull-ups completed. There are two versions of this pull-up. above, although there are pull-ups, just count how many or there's the flex position to see how long you can hold it, so if you don't think you can do a squat, do a pull-up, then do the flex position, right? I think you can go for a fucking reverse chin-up and then do the fucking chin-ups, okay, I'll do the hold, okay Keith, do you want to take it off? Do you want us to remove the apple blocks from under her or do you know what I am?
I'm just going to just going to do my thing I'm just going to do my thing I'm just going to do my thing okay okay yeah do your thing okay are you ready for this yeah three two one I can't do it it's too hard For me, I think your hands They should be a little wider. I can not do this. I am very afraid. One second, please, don't give me a second. Shane, this is our first time going to the gym together, bro. yeah, oh this is so nice in 2020, we made it to the gym, you got that three, three, two, one, one, I'll never let go, my arms feel like they're going to fall off, where am I on the scale?, okay, court, oh This makes you so nervous you want to count down, yeah, oh my god I'm so nervous, wow, I'm shaking, keep going, keep going, you'll shake more as it goes.
I wish I had to stop watching, oh my god, I love it. shaking good job good job cut cut 35 ew oh good lord 17 year old boy watch out I just need a second okay my high school experience okay three two one one two three four five six seven seven eight nine ten eleven wow we got this you I can do it yeah, oh legs, wait, wait, yeah, it doesn't count, stop, stop, stop, I can't stop if I'm still holding on, damn 17 18 19. wow, you're so strong, oh if only there was a test. for being a very good friend you would be off the charts you know what's weird about flexing on the flexible arm hang uh 15 year olds do it for 30 seconds 16 year olds do it for 28 seconds and then 17 year olds do it for 30 seconds oh I need a protein shake after this I'm starving yeah if you guys remember your fitness test tell us your stories below in fact please like if you agree comment how many push ups can you do do it right now and then comment how many people don't.
Don't lie, don't lie, we have no way to verify you. You know I like to work out at night with some videos or something on TV, so if you want that while you work out, we have two videos right here. just so you can choose between good things to wear while you're running around your apartment or listening or running or doing those damn things, yeah, I'd rather the gods curse me than move a rock a mountain for all eternity what

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