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Are We Smarter Than High Schoolers?

Jun 09, 2021
name the largest island in the world olivia hawaii not ok hello welcome to


school bepperdy


school trivia uh the rules are very simple we have four contestants who graduated high school at one point for sure yeah yeah it I did and now we're off to see how much they've retained over the years, we've got our board here with a bunch of high school topics, we've got random English government science academic questions and Disney princesses, watch out, watch out, there's Different points for different difficulties, so if I feel confident you can go for the big points.
are we smarter than high schoolers
I don't know how to feel because Kimmy almost won, she's not here, and Keith was super quick to ring the bell. It's always easier when you're at home watching a trivia game, but you're like, oh, I already knew that, oh, I knew that too, so I'm curious if this is going to be a lot harder because high school stuff. They get complicated, this is going to be a lot harder, high school is no joke, so I learned. things during the ages of 14 to 18. but it wasn't in a high school building, there were actors and there were people who were expelled from all the high schools, well if we are ready to go in, we can start, who feels?
are we smarter than high schoolers

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are we smarter than high schoolers...

I'm sure they had the lowest GPA. What was your live GPA? Oh, it was like a three point. I was a 2.1. Oh wow, yes, easy. 2.1, that was the essential minimum that you must achieve to be able to be in the plays. Wait for ours. It was like I had to take economics twice, okay, but don't call yourself smart unless you're smart. I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart. I think you are not and not all people who are. that I met those who said they're street smart, they're not street kids, I'm both and that's thank God anyway, let's get started, it's me, uh, Courtney, why not?
are we smarter than high schoolers
Why not? Why don't you choose a question I want? go to science for a hundred wow the first question is what does c mean in e is equal to m c squared damian is the speed of light correct damien now you can choose thank you I'm going to go to science to hyundai wow friend oh no, when the a woman's body releases an egg, it's called ovulation, damn, damien is right, I'm just leaving, I just want the clip on Twitter just him saying ovulation, irreducible ovulation, damn damien, so damien has 300 points, everyone else They have zero, uh, Damien, please choose another one.
are we smarter than high schoolers
Question I'm going to do Disney princesses for 50. What is God's name of Sleeping Beauty? I'm sorry, I should relax. What is aurora? that's right I'm sorry I'm going to just you're zooming extremely fast you're killing it no I feel attacked right now my eardrum is shot uh damien pick a question english for 150. what is a bibliophile wow uh someone who likes to read uh That's right. Are you a person who collects or has great things? love of books hey you're in the game cool now you're trying to avoid it um I'm going for uh I'm going for 200 for the government wow okay what percentage of Congress does it take for a supermajority in order to overturn a presidency? veto is 66, that's right, um, I'll do it random for 100, alex's name, the largest island in the world, olivia hawaii, no, you have to do it, he has to say it first, yeah, sorry, that's it incorrect, ian madagascar, damien, australia, that's also what Courtney.
No, Puerto Rico is empty, yes, what is Antarctica, if it is the United Kingdom and not Australia, it is the South Pole, it is Greenland, eh, yes, look, Greenland, it is difficult to know if Greenland is big because in the top of the map and stretches everything olivia why don't you choose another question? Why just because everyone is wrong? Yes, I will do English for 200. What is the term for a comma used after the second to last element in that ian Oxford comma that is correct? I only know that because on dating apps all the quirky girls think it's really quirky to be a fan of the Oxford comma.
Choose another question. Oh, certainly, I'd go random for 150. How many teeth are in the mouth of a typical adult Courtney 26? incorrect 32 that's right, okay, Damian gets 150 points. Let's look at the leaderboard. We currently have Olivia with zero points. Yes, Ian with 350 points. Courtney with 200 points. Okay and Damien with 500 points. Wow, Ian pick a question, wait, no, I already have that one. oh sorry sorry it's a game ian damn ian um let me get that science down by 150. what's the hottest planet in the solar system damian i didn't even press that's mercury that's wrong whoa ian venus that's right mars is cold, that's right, um, ian pick a question, certainly shane, I'd like to go, I'm not going to get the Disney princess, but come on, Disney princess for 100, her first movie came out in 1950 and it was called the princess of Disney Damian, that would be uh, Snow White, Olivia wrong.
Pocahontas oh wrong cinderella that's right i would have said snow white too courtney pick a question government for 100 shania how many total electoral college votes are there 61 100 348 or 538. go with damien uh 348 wrong it's 500 the one that's right I should have left you go first ian picked a question hello uh hello saying yes english for hundred who is the author of the famous novel pride and prejudice jane austen that's right shane you knew it so obviously but we were even so it feels the most obvious question i have only seen the mormon movie from that story i would like to go into science for 50 alex complete this reaction oxygen plus hydrogen oh well h2o that's right water okay, I was going to say hydrogen peroxide and that's not even called olivia, okay, let's do it randomly for 200. oh she's going big baby what flower is vanilla flavor derived from what's the question what flower is vanilla flavor derived from oh wait I really know this if no one else can answer I will I'll give you a chance, Olivia, is it the cocoa bean?
No, that's a bean. You have all abandoned him. This is really interesting. Okay, check we have Olivia with 50. Next to her we have Ian with 700. Next to her, uh, he is Courtney. with 300 and we have Damien who is still with 500. yeah, no, I haven't moved. Can I choose English for 50. English for 50. uh what word is a gerund walked walks or walks damien walking that's right you don't know what jared is he's the guy from Witcher 3. uh give me those Disney princesses two hundred oh, he's trying to come back, yes, he's going to take it right now, listen carefully blank as snow, sleepy, happy, sneeze, grumpy, dumb, doctor, who's missing, shy, that's right. the cutest, that's right, I don't think I've ever seen Snow Damien, uh, I'll do a, I mean, I'm in the Disney mood, let's do it, no, let's do that random thing from 50.
Take him home, Damien , get all of these. on a standard traffic light where is the green light Courtney the green light is at the bottom that's right now it's here oh start at the bottom now Courtney let's make government by 50 alexander poe what does FDA mean to damien food and drug administration that's it correct ok damien um, i mean disney princess 150. two disney princesses are left handed, name one of them uh mulan my boy, that's correct wow, i will give 150 points if someone else can name the other one ian pocahontas no, no , oh, I'm wrong super wrong Courtney Rapunzel no oh oh it's Merida, isn't it?
Yeah, okay, well, they said it, no, no, they haven't, what was she going to say as Snow White? No, points check, we have olivia with 50. We have ian with 700. We have Courtney with 350 and we have Damien with 950 points. Jesus Christ, it's okay to give Ian a chance, since Damien is so far in the race. Let's make the next one double it. it's the government for 150. who was bill clinton's vice president oh my god ian i don't even know al gore that's right what's the point now in fourth place we have olivia with 50 points we have courtney with 350 points courtney showed a very uh great understanding of the government, which is very good right now, man, that majority thing I had, yeah, it's the weird percentages in third place, we have damien, give me back my tiana points with 950 points and whoever He assured in the last question it is Ian with a thousand. points wow there you go you know I definitely learned that I wouldn't make it through high school oh I wouldn't because I'm so glad I'm here and not there half of my points came from Disney princess stuff I'm pretty sure that are high. school would be difficult for everyone right, what level of education should we do next?
What do you mean? There is some? I think it would be fun. We could do many different versions. We could do all the things we are. experts in but having them all here I think we should do I think we should all have to do a doctoral thesis or we could all do we could just make it the entrance exam to become a citizen of the United States, yeah and let's see if it really does. We pass because I don't know, that's difficult, they make it very difficult and the person with the worst score is deported.
Yes, we will simply send you to Greenland. Alright. Thank you very much to all. There have been many. fun, uh, let us know how you felt to look and see how you would have passed or failed to stay in school, and tell us what grade level or topics we should do next, if you want us to do bepperdy too. driver dmv test oh my mail oh that would work great very good we have other videos for you to watch they are below so check them out please you can subscribe which I highly recommend you subscribe and go smash. com and we have amazingly cool clothes oh my god like they're really good they're really good right now have a nice day bye have a nice day I know it's hard in the year 2020.1 gpa and I knew it .
You did it very well. I'm surprised you remembered your GPA. I don't know what my GPA was. Failure is not cool. How difficult is it to remember? Bye bye.

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