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Achmed The Dead Terrorist | Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map

Jun 07, 2024
(electric guitar music) - Did you know that the first x-ray was taken here in Birmingham, England, in 1896? - Ha! You call it x-ray. I call it selfie. (laughs) - So, what did you do today? - I saw where they keep all those useless wax figures. - Ah, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. - No, no, Parliament. (laughter and applause) (pipe music) - We've been talking a little about Scotland. - Oh yeah? - Mmmm. I read the other day that Scotland is, in fact, I've kept this fact for you, the murder capital of Europe. - (gasps) (laughs) I didn't do it.
achmed the dead terrorist jeff dunham all over the map
I had nothing to do with this (bleep). (laughs) - Did you know that the bagpipes have existed in Scotland since the 14th century? - (gasps) That's probably when the homicide rate increased. (laughs) (imitating bagpipes) Waaah da da da-da ra-da Boom! (bomb noise) (laughs) - (laughs) (applause and laughter) Did you know that I think my mother was part Scottish? - Why do you say that? - Sometimes I wanted to dress in Scottish clothes. - Actually? - Oh, of course, she would say, I killed you! (laughs) (laughs) Kilt, kilt, kilt, I'll take you away. (laughs) (Israeli music) - So, Achmed, we've been going all over the place. - Have. - Do you know where we are? - Well, we go to so many places that I've lost count, and we, uh, uh, what's up with all the Jews? (laughs) - We are in Israel. - (laughs) That's really funny.
achmed the dead terrorist jeff dunham all over the map

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achmed the dead terrorist jeff dunham all over the map...

Yes, okay, Israel. (laughs) Yeah, that's really funny, we're what? (laughs) - We are in Tel Aviv. - (weak laughter) (laughs) Like in the Israeli army? (laughs) Shit! (laughs) Well, I'm already


. What the hell. (laughter, applause and cheers) (upbeat music) - Bonjour. (speaks French) (laughs) - So you're French? - Oui oui, c'est francais. - Aha, and your name is Jacques? - Yes. Je m'appelle Jacques. (laughs) - And what is your last name? - Merde. (laughs) What are you laughing at zay? (laughs) My name is Jacques Merde. (laughter) (applause and cheers) I don't understand what they're laughing at. (laughs) - I think merde translates to uh (whispers) (laughs) - Am I Jack Shit? (laughs) - Well, despite your name, you seem like a good guy. - You don't know Jack Shit! (laughs) Wait, that's not funny. (laughs) - They're laughing. - I kill you! (laughter) (applause and applause) - Ho ho ho. - So you're happy to be here? - Not because? - Where are we exactly? - (laughs) - Don't spit in my face, you ugly American. (laughs) Where are we exactly? - Kuala Lumpur. - Ah yes, Kuala Lumpur. (laughs) Malaysia, the weather here sucks! (laughs) Where I'm from, the weather is hot.
achmed the dead terrorist jeff dunham all over the map
The morning is hot. The afternoon and night are hot. - I don't think it's always hot in France. - Ah ah ah ah ah! Don't question Jacques. (laughs) Isn't it always hot in France? - No. - Damn, it's okay. (Laughter and applause) Let's say that, to keep joking, Francais is always hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, like a hot desert. (laughs) Yes, you've been there before. Yes, there are pyramids, sand. (laughs) Silence! Je t'a mar. (laughs) - What was that? - I know French. (laughs) - So explain what you do. - I am a French


. - A French


? - Yes Yes. (laughs) - Then you totally agree. - No, I have to pee. (laughs) It's not funny! (laughs) Silence!
achmed the dead terrorist jeff dunham all over the map
Je t'a mar! (laughs) - I thought French was known as the language of love. - Oui oui, I love flying (beep). (laughter, cheers and applause) (strong slide)

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