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5 Different Houses for 5 Types of Minecraft Player

Jun 04, 2021
Hey guys, what's up ldshadowlady? Today I'm building five



for five



of Minecraft


s. Let me know in the comments what type of


you identify with and which house you liked best. In the end, the first type of player. What I'm building our house for is what I like to call the dangerous player. This player doesn't care about life-threatening situations, so his house is probably very unsafe. The first thing I did was choose an extreme location to build this house on top of a cliff, you can notice that the entrance of the house is just a block from the edge of said cliff.
5 different houses for 5 types of minecraft player
I used a lot of blocky prisoners for this build because this player is definitely not afraid to go to a sea temple and this house. It has a lot of tall towers and overhangs to make it look a little unstable, so let's take a look inside the house of a dangerous player who enters the house, we see one of the most dangerous objects in Minecraft, a chimney. I have had many


. burned in chimneys, so I can confirm how dangerous these things are, look how close this is to a stream, this could catch fire at any second and to make matters worse, there is no chimney in this chimney, which means the room is filling up with smoking and probably poisoning you with carbon monoxide if that existed in Minecraft I would be dead by now there are a lot of health and safety problems in this house which is just the first let's keep going up the ladder oh my god mom I can see the danger It only gets worse.
5 different houses for 5 types of minecraft player

More Interesting Facts About,

5 different houses for 5 types of minecraft player...

There is a caged skeleton relaxing in this person's house. Maybe they're trying to do some experiments on them or maybe they just love the thrill of taking damage. There is also a huge column of lava running through the entire house. Fire pits in every corner of the room, probably one of the scariest things in this house are these TNT blocks where the levers are. Here we have a beautiful balcony to enjoy the view, which is actually quite beautiful, except that there is nothing to stop someone from falling off. from here they will almost certainly die, not only do we have cactus plants, people, how many times have you seen a cactus and had the urge to touch it only to realize that it is pointy, since it looks good, now you will have that impulse without resistance? every time you go out on your own balcony, okay, I put someone here so you can go back in and then claim the next bladder, which is very dangerous because you could slide off the side and fall to your death or this could happen, but it seems that we reached the top almost alive to find our bedroom.
5 different houses for 5 types of minecraft player
He, oh my god, oh yeah, I should have mentioned that there's an attic up here with a zombie spawner and some unfixed holes in the ceiling, but if you can. Ignore that and focus on the bunk for a moment. We all know how dangerous bunk beds are. You could fall from the top bunk to the floor and hit your head. Oh, maybe you go to sleep one night and wake up and there's a zombie, actually, you know what, in an unexpected turn of events, the book is the safest place to be in this house, so let me know what.
5 different houses for 5 types of minecraft player
What do you think of this house? Are you a danger seeker? Or did this house simply provoke him to the next step? the cute player, this is the type of person who loves flowers, animals and bright colors, so for this house I decided to build it in the middle of a flower forest and I tried to build a quite realistic looking family house in light blue concrete . I added these cute flower details and I'm very happy with the result, so let's take a look at the details, but first we're missing something. If we are a nice player, we need a nice texture pack, this will make the build look. oh oh no, what happened to the horse, oh my gosh, okay, that's so cute, this isn't cute, it went wrong, okay, let's ignore what happened to my adorable horse and move on here, we have a cute, oh yeah, that's putting fish for you here we have. a cute little pond full of tropical fish and a turtle because cute players love to collect pets, all kinds of pets, so let's go inside the house and I can show you the other features, so first of all we have a wall of banners, This is a staple of any cute gamer's house here we have the lovely area that is adorned with these book looking Minecraft heads because taco gamers love the extra decoration.
Now we have the kitchen area here, which probably looks very ugly and vanilla, actually, but in this one. The texture pack is adorable, so we have a little music box here that of course just plays at being a cat and we have some more adorable decorative heads to spruce up the countertops above. We have more cats because you never get tired of them. this is one of those Instax Polaroid cameras that everyone has seen before, we have a nice pile of towels and here is the closet with all my original outfits and finally here we have a canopy bed with this adorable stuffed Santa Claus because Santa is for everyone life, not just for Christmas, so what do you think of the nice house?
Would you describe yourselves as a cute gamer or is this all too sweet and vomitous for you? This next player is the Redstone genius. These are the type of player who will invent a complicated redstone solution to accomplish the simplest of tasks. The inspiration for this house comes from Belle's house from Beauty and the Beast. Bella's father Maurice is an inventor so his house is full of random gadgets and inventions which is perfect for the Redstone genius so I started by building a pretty normal looking Tudor house and then added some features unusual things like chimneys, a weather vane and even a waterwheel, so let's take a little look inside the house of a Redstone genie.
The first feature of this house is of course the unnecessary pressure plates on the door because the geniuses at Redstone don't make door handles so the first thing you'll notice here is that it's very dark and that's because we haven't turned on the door. lights, of course, now the lights are operated by this switch up here that instantly illuminates the entire house. This is actually a fun feature, although it means that mobs will appear in your house when you have the lights off, so let's leave them on for Now, now, the next Redstone feature is of course this closed door, how the hell is it supposed to What should I enter here?
Well this is kind of a puzzle unless you press the switches in the exact correct order the door will not open the correct combination is like this. Now we can access the secret room. This seems pretty pointless. There is nothing interesting here except this button. I wonder what will happen when we push it. Oh no, a vacuum hole, why would you build that in your house? So yeah, this room is almost completely useless. Except for a vacuum hole, it could be used to trap intruders or simply dispose of trash. The next feature of this house requires you to pull this lever and this time, luckily, nothing bad will happen, but now a secret staircase will open up.
The feature of this house is by far my favorite and it is in this area that there is a hidden chest in this area and the only way to access it is by feeding the furnace with charcoal and this hole will open revealing my stash of diamonds. and then to hide it you just turned off the oven, so that's Redstone's house, a genius, what do you think? Is it super cool or completely unnecessary? The next player on my list is the bad builder, no matter how hard these players try. They just can't do it right so for this house I selected a very ugly place to build and started using blocks I wouldn't normally use as these colors definitely clash with each other, the door is off center and none of the windows match, it was physically painful for me to build it, but it gets even worse inside, of course, the ceilings are only two blocks high, which makes this place look really cramped, the carpet is off-center, the workbench is down here, but the oven is on the second floor which is very poorly thought out and makes construction much more difficult and despite it being a fairly small house there is a lot of empty space which looks a bit ugly if they are bad builders, please.
Let me know in the comments why you do this and the final type of player is the crazy random player. You never know what these players are going to do next. I went for a very colorful theme with this one and built a rainbow bouncy castle. Of course, we also need the signature water slide next to the house and what house would be complete without a huge statue of you, so now let's take a look inside the crazy mess of this house, let's turn our attention first to the giant fish tank and it's full of dolphins now, like I said, this is a bouncy castle, by that I mean you can actually bounce on it, so if you get on this cloud up here and jump off the ledge, you'll find yourself bouncing to certain death.
Now let's take a look. In here we have a room where the floor is completely covered in cake at random and in this room the floor is literally lava, which makes making and using the oven a much more intense experience and, finally, a wall of players' heads because nothing screams crazier than decapitating. your friends, so what do you think of the crazy gambler's house? Personally, I love the idea of ​​having a statue of me outside the front of my house, so maybe I'm a little crazy, thanks everyone for looking, don't forget to leave. I like it and see you next time

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