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Forcing My Friends To Play Hide And Seek With Me!

May 18, 2024
Hello, I'm Shuel and welcome back to my channel this week. Scott challenged me and some of our


to a game of




, so we each build our own Hide and Seek Arena and we will reveal it to each other and we will


in our own constitution, see who can hide the longest and also We can choose our skins if we want to match our constitution a little better. I decided I wanted to use my bush hide to hide just for fun. Now I forgot to record while I was building this, but I'll show you the theme and give you a tour and I wanted to incorporate the mushroom theme, but this time with a pink theme.
forcing my friends to play hide and seek with me
Soft mushroom Cottage core pink something like that and I'll show you all the main hiding places that I made and I still don't know which one I'll choose to hide in, but you'll see later so let's get started. The construction front is still in its box because it is a secret from the other


ers. First on our right we have the tall mushroom and right at the back I put an extra trapdoor and then inside I used many trapdoors. on the floor i did this everywhere upstairs there are a lot more trapdoors upstairs um some of them actually lead to different places some of them are just one spot on the floor there's the rag that takes me to my maze of more trapdoors You come to this place, but if you go down all the way and then another rag you close all the ones that show the evidence and now you're inside this little sign that hangs outside the mushroom, although there are wind windows, so I think you could be.
forcing my friends to play hide and seek with me

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forcing my friends to play hide and seek with me...

It's pretty easy to see, so I don't know if I'll use that one, so in the second Mushroom House I have another sporadic floor of partial trap doors, some lead to some cubicles, others just have a hole in the floor, so there's a little room on the outside of the mushroom and then if you go around the back, I put some Vine. I put Vines everywhere to trick you, but there's also a secret roof access here and also in this little side mushroom, but I felt like these were some of the most obvious places now I also have a secret clubhouse up here in this tree and I don't I allowed kids, so like Scott and Jimmy, good luck, you can see through the leaves, but I hope the green skin of the bushes helps her hide. a little more and that's it, that's all the construction, it's a little small, you'll realize later that I'm the only one who thought of this as a fun little outdoor activity, but it wasn't for everyone else. this was a sick and twisted game hello guys and welcome to mcraft hidden quest the


were the friends along the way are we all ready?
forcing my friends to play hide and seek with me
Yes, I'm ready, Jim, do you want to start first, yes, wait, you have the highest one to write, oh God. should we go we should look let me get out my spyglass yes Zoom yes oh my god, isn't this going to be pretty yes, that's so nice SC, let's see it. I offer you smaller supplications, oh God, it's that many of you are done. There, the Scottish condo, it's got a supposition in the front, on the right, Lizzy, okay, that's cute like fishing, oh, look at this, look at the octopus hanging from it, that's so cute, you caught some fish in your time, haven't you waited until? come in Jimmy Jim is about to take a scheme to his will guys can you still do the oh while I reveal mine yeah wow oh my gosh Jim's Farm wow very cute I feel very insecure about the mine now, it's only getting smaller from here and I Size doesn't matter, we've actually made the size, it does matter, but I peaked.
forcing my friends to play hide and seek with me
Jimmy did it before he had this when he had the previous one and I was like, oh, I'm going to do something like outdoors and not a big building, it's a bit. I didn't lull you into a false sense of security, did I? I have a lot of hiding places in this, I have a good variety of search options, you are in control of the Taste for this, so everyone can handle it. guinea pigs yeah look at that oh yeah come back come back if you're too far ahead let's hide and look see me trying to look for all my friends in their own versions check out their videos on their channels linked below but for now, Watch me try to hide from all of them first, okay, it's my turn, let's see how everyone's doing by searching my small frame.
Hello, oh yeah, you first, yeah, okay, do you want me to turn the R side over here? Okay, I'm going to hide you. hide, we're doing well for Scott. I feel like I need to use one of my harder ones right from the start on him. Here's one of my favorites that I made, where you have to maneuver these guys and then slide here. and then you curl up in a corner, okay, I'm upstairs, I'm going to find her. I'm Shelby and I would come up here. Is he in the other house? I think he's in the other house.
Or maybe he wouldn't. He wouldn't go there, don't do that, do that, please do that first, how did you fit so many small areas into a space that was already so small? I did it. This is the smallest building in the world and I made so many places to hide. Even though it's all small, oh the whole floor is made of trap doors, are you kidding me? I didn't actually make all the trapdoors in the floor, but I thought about it, there are a lot of trapdoors, Jesus, there are a lot to go through. I thought he had pretty good hiding places, nothing if it was a shovel, where would he go?
I hope you're here. I think I'm stuck. uh-oh, that's not supposed to happen. I don't know if that was going to happen. Be a hiding place, it's the Clubhouse, no one is allowed well, I'm here, so you better get out of there. What are you gonna do about it? There are so many little places and you're not in any of them. I think that you are. up here I think I just didn't check properly where the hell you are here is where I think I was and I fell I don't want to go back out there that was a place I don't think it's the right place though hello hello I see you, oh, can you, oh, I can't see you, I can see you, you found me, I should have, maybe you could see me if I was back here, wait, yeah, my shoulder is like because we're not, I can't.
I can't see you I don't know how you get to where you are although it's through no how to get there so if you're on the other end of this oops there's a ladder yeah uh and then up and then there's a trapdoor right above your head where there's this ladder right, no, no, right in front of your face, oh I see the ladder, yeah, I would never have seen that ladder, how funny, this was one of my hardest points and I used it for because I thought you would be very good at the search game and then you just swim this is crazy there is no other way out this is crazy this is a crazy person Behavior that's what my map is small but I made the crazy people hide so It was time to reset the room and hide again for the next


er, so for Lizzy I want to use my second heart, no, no, I told Li Lizzie that I wouldn't make it harder for everyone in the world. to find me so maybe let's do this because I don't know if she'll find me here so fast let's try this place I like this place oh it's my time my time I'll find you wherever you are but I'm not even going to open any trap doors I'm just going to sniff you out , that's what I'm going to do, I might have to open all the trap doors, what the hell are you waiting for, don't enter this house first. anywhere, go to a different one, you are not here, you can implement it, but are you here?
Well, okay, well, I'm the best. I said I wanted to. I didn't want to make it too difficult, but I didn't think. You'd find me that quickly, it was record time, it was a really cool place because I almost didn't check it, but I thought, "Oh, that's going somewhere, so I'll take a look." I thought maybe you'd go for the other one. build first, but no, yeah, don't worry, Jimmy will take a long time I'm sure, so I'll hide real tight for him and then okay, I went overboard making things easier for Lizzy, yeah, I thought it would take a minute .
I thought it would take a minute or two so you come up here, Bo's not allowed, but what you might not know is that if you come up here and turn this around a couple of times you end up here and then we go here, right? OK? I hope they don't see me through the leaves swimming though my concern is just going to have a snack while I wait ooh that wasn't too long okay maybe that's a clue. Is she in the tree? Hello, you have to be. okay, wrong tree, wrong tree, you gotta be kidding me in this tree, no, no, in that tree, really, this is beautiful, there's a lot to take in, really, there are so many trap doors, Shelby, I was a demon with the trapdoors, wait, there are even more.
It's such a good hiding place, why aren't you there if it's the one Lizzy just found me in and I'm afraid it might be again? oh uh, you're not in the barrel, oh, I bet you're back there, how? I can move uh no God, that would be a good place although what is this? what is this? how did I get here? oh god, I keep falling uh ah that's good, I feel like I wasn't meant to do that oh, you totally were, it's a fun experience this time, oh my god, how do you do it, how do you not fall, there are a lot of trap doors , what the hell, psycho?, behavior, hey, where are you?, oh, wait, I see you, wait, where are you?, I see.
You, you're up here, can you figure out how to get in? Your guys, let you be there, there you go, hey, oh my God, I was swimming up here. I should have made an escape place to land, I don't think I did. See ya, yeah, you came up so fast and then you left and I thought she hadn't even seen the sign. I will do that. I thought well, the leaves show through, but yeah, I'm green. I should have hidden here for one of the guys because they. are not allowed and then they would not have appeared, then it would have been illegal, so inclined, okay, let's reset everyone, okay, okay, so what we do, the doers, we go in, we turn it around, we turn it around come back, okay? we're looking come on, come on, come on, let's look at this place healthy is healthy you're you're in you're finished oh my on God's side here oh come on God that was actually so close you go behind oh you can better not You're not a little brain, little hiding places, but okay, okay, big psycho, even more trapdoors, no, oh, there's a banner, oh, nothing, I just realized, I'm on uh, creative, by the way, give me a second, oh, I don't like that there are also a lot of banners I don't like this wait a second wait where am I?
What the hell? What the hell? There are things going on here. What the hell is elaborate? It's a labyrinth. It's true. I don't think you're up there. Psychopath. Clubhouse No Boys out loud I better go I better go right now I feel stupid sure about that oh you're kidding me now you hit me with that are you sure about that uh they call you you're on that stupid mushroom Aren't you on that stupid mushroom? Wait, you're not there, wait, wait a second. C oh, you're in the fungus. I know, but you're here. I know. I know you are here.
I think so. I want a clue yes please you have to look outside oh you're laughing how come I missed this? oh no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, stop, get out of here, I can't really, oh, oh, stay there. I had a lot of very elaborate ones, that's how it was, you know what my worst kind of construction is when, uh, it's so confined with so many little pieces, just keep it up, that was my worst nightmare, you made it happen, oh God, well. I think everyone did a great job of searching and I think I did a good job of hiding, check out everyone else's videos on their builds and see how it hides in there, their links are down in the description, don't forget to subscribe. and see you in the next video goodbye

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