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Disney Castle Base | Minecraft Base Invaders Challenge

Jun 03, 2021
- ducks relaxing in a jacuzzi Hey guys, what's up? ldshadowlady here, welcome back to basic betas. You probably already know how this


works, but in case you don't, we each build a


full of puzzles, traps, and secrets, and hide. our own skull somewhere in that


, then we take turns to invade those bases and try to recover each of the skulls inside, but there is a time limit of five minutes and that's why we call it the



. the base, so our base


For now, Stefan Sims, Lauren Seaside and Theo are on sound, but before we invade the base, we need to build some base after I saw a comment on the last video that suggested this , I just had to do it on a Disney themed base, so if you've been a shadow cadet for a while, then you'll probably recognize this build.
disney castle base minecraft base invaders challenge
It's supposed to be a replica of my Disney


from the crazy crafts series, scaled down slightly of course to fit within the confines of a 25 by 25 base and now that we have this crazy base built just We need to fill the inside with traps, puzzles and challenges, so the first thing we need to do with my base is decide where to hide my skull and I think we're going to go for a slightly villainous theme for our Disney. Castle, so I've built a chamber obscura here where my skull will be stored and how it got there.
disney castle base minecraft base invaders challenge

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disney castle base minecraft base invaders challenge...

You ask, well, every Disney movie needs a good villain who does crazy things, like locking random people's skulls behind bars, and our villain today is the evil Mickey. I'll be creating it as an NPC playing with a Mickey skull on top of a withered skeleton, so let's summon evil Mickey, oh what have I created that's horrible? It's perfect, so I guess at this point we should explain to the base invaders how. They are meant to recover my skull from inside, obviously evil Mickey is the keeper and they will have to give him what he wants before he will let them have the skull, but what does Mickey want?
disney castle base minecraft base invaders challenge
He wants the base invaders to each take a trip to Disney. Of the towers in the


will house a different Disney character and they will have to collect something from each one and give it to Mickey and he will open the door. I'm going to show the items Mickey wants. above your head here so first of all you want dragon breath and emerald a diamond an oak log and a feather now bonus points if you can guess which Disney characters I have in mind and which ones you are going to collect these items from let's get started with The craziest item first, dragon's breath, it's normally a very rare item in Minecraft that requires you to come face to face with an ender dragon, but our base invaders will come face to face with a Disney dragon.
disney castle base minecraft base invaders challenge
Maleficent to be specific and she's going to hang out in the biggest tower up here, she looks a little pink and cute up here and Maleficent is a little bit evil so it's time to change the image now all we need is a Maleficent tada oh wow, she looks so magnificent now that the challenge area is ready. up, we have to put a challenge here, so the pheasant Miller is evil, he obviously wants people to suffer, so to get the dragon's breath from her, they will have to solve her riddle, which is: if you want my breath, first you must do it. perishing means exactly what you think it means it means you have to die and to help you in your quest to die I'm going to place some lava on either side here when you die you'll wake up here which is identical room from the last one it's just a bullet in the tower, so when they die, they will progress up through the tower until they finally reach the top where she will give them the dragon's breath, but they will have to die several times.
First, this time I'm going to change the sign to say it was delicious, do it again, but this time there's no lava. Instead, I'm going to put a chest here that's full of llama eggs for some peculiar reason and a dip. poison potion now in case it's not obvious, they are meant to be splashed with the poison and as their health decreases they can spawn in some flames because the poison will only reduce them to half a heart which they will have to lose. That other half somehow the best way is to cause a flame and he will use his spit attack, so this time they will respawn in the third and final level where they will once again be greeted by Maleficent once again, as you can see.
I've opened a hole here and out here I'm going to put something I like to call the roller coaster of death yeah you heard me right and this is just going to go down to the bottom and I mean to the bottom of the world well I guess we should try it, so let's jump, let's go down, go to impending death into the void, oh, very good, I was in a flying minecart, perfect and then they will respawn here where Maleficent will be. waiting for them she says I guess that's enough death for today and in the chest here will be the dragon's breath and the exit from here is through the ladder this is just a fire escape so you have to go up but of course this is Disney So, It's a magical fire escape button that takes you to the fire rally point at the castle entrance, this is how they collect one of the items they require.
The next evil item Mickey wants is an emerald and that's what the Disney character is for. Brave Merida and her challenge will take place here but before they start this challenge they will have to be greeted by Merida so here we go girl you looked good oh my god that's really scary so let's put a sign here that says shooting practice complete and I'll give you an emerald and we're going to decorate a little bit here and then we can go and do the archery range below. I have completed the archery range. It has a nice nature theme in the shape of a chicken coop, so all you'll have to do is shoot three of the targets, there's a bow and some arrows here and you'll probably start shooting the targets at first, but Merida whispers no. , that's not and that's not the right goal, well, maybe.
It's the sneaky one in the tree here, let's try to shoot that one. Merida whispers to you Mickey wants us to practice on live targets, don't do it, and you know what that means, we're not going to shoot these chickens, so I'll go for the one in the chicken coop first and then I'll take out the others too and she It gives us the always old ones. We can just discard the murder weapons and get out of here, so that's Merida's next challenge for the Esmeralda. I'm going to make the feather come from none other than a Donald Duck and he'll be here, Donald Duck, like this and he's in a hot tub, where else would Donald Duck be?
So let's breed him in the jacuzzi. it's actually going to spawn in another one because then it could be two ducks relaxing in a hot tub, okay that's actually a little creepy so I'm going to put a sign here, go down the drain and confront, I'll do a challenge under the water, as disgusting as it is. They will have to go down the Jacuzzi drain where they will be transported, so I changed all of this to prison to fit the underwater theme and I will design it first, but then I will fill this place. with water completely, so you're going to have to do this challenge underwater, obviously the goal of the game down here is to find the feather and I'm going to hide it very strategically in a sugar box that I'm disguising to make it look a little bit. of coral reef, so I'll hide it in this box here, but to make it even more difficult I'll add more coral reef structures, but then, since I'm not completely evil, I'll give you a hint of where it looks, in this chest of here it says take a closer look at the blue coral and then I'm going to put some sunken ships here because that would look cool now the last thing I need to do is fill this place with water. but doom, oh my god, that looks so bad, we're only going to fill it partially and now all you need is a weight to get it out of here, so back here I'm going to put a fire escape so that when you press this you'll be teleported away return to the fire meeting point is ready to get the last two items that you can find here, so you will have to go down to see the dwarves and see Pinocchio, so let's start with Pinocchio, who will obviously give us the local pig, I mean. o'clock because it's made of wood, let's spawn it oh oh, look how cute it is, it looks as weird as everything else, let's give it a sign that says I need to practice lying, search my life for a reward, so when They are ready to start the challenge, press the I'm ready button and they will be teleported to the lie room.
I'm just going to cover the walls of this room with facts about Minecraft, but one of them is a lie, so here are the facts. You can tell the health of a wolf by looking at its tail. The creepers are afraid of Assad and will run from them. The cake recipe calls for one egg. Ghosts spawn in the background. Polar Bears spawn in frozen biomes. The Wither is summoned using eight Wither skulls and finally a potato. Crops can produce a poisonous potato, which of these is the lie? Well, if you want a huge newbie, then you know that Wither is summoned with three Wither skulls, not eight, so if they manage to get a like right the first time, they will receive the log in and be teleported outside, but if they don't guess correctly, They will meet a terrible fate: death by magic, so that's four of the five items collected, the last one is the diamond that will come from the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White and Hang out here, okay, really Tommy's bullets add up to the seven dwarves, so let's pretend that the rest died in some kind of mining accident and the sleepy, grumpy doctor will issue the challenge instead of the rest of the dwarves. died in a horrible mining accident, we are all too afraid to venture into the cave so you can take all the diamonds you want, so we have a mining cart that drives deep into the cave and to this shaft that was presumably on site.
From the mining accident in which all the dwarves died, zombie pigmen are born, which seems scary at first until you realize that zombie pigmen are not hostile unless you attack them first, so the final object we will be them waiting in this chest here. a small diamond and once they have it they can leave the cave and return to the castle. Now I'm not exactly sure what order they'll try to collect these items in, but it doesn't matter. They can do it in any order they want, as long as they get them all within five minutes and give them to evil Mickey.
This objective will be unlocked, so now I guess all that's left to do is try it, so let's make sure that when we put the five elements and it will give us the head, yes, my God, the fireworks just blew up the support of the armor, but it looked very good. I'm not sure why my head has a diving thing going right now, but this is a nice look, so I guess the question now is: can the other players complete my base in under five minutes? Be sure to check out their videos if you're curious, but first it's time to raid their bases.
Well, the first is Lauren's base. Let's reveal the next one. my build, are you ready? Oh my gosh, I recognize it, yes, it's a crazy craft. Next, I'm proud to announce Stefan's first Minecraft base. The final build is Ollie's. He faces babies whose faces he surely notices. It's like I'm melting. Well, those are our bases, so it's time to start attacking them, so the first base I'll invade will be Lauren's emoji base. She probably hit her head all over the big poop. I have no idea why she would put her own head on it. there, but our mission is to get it back, so let the timer start and we'll get started.
Well, welcome to the emoji tower. Each emoji has a challenge corresponding to that emotion. The first is the crying and laughing emoji on top of our three water slides made of tears. Choose wisely, so I have to choose a water slide with tears I hear lava this way This is probably the right one I hope this leads me on the right path Where am I? Oh, I'm taking the tear slide Oh Oh No, okay, let's try again. it was a different waterslide than Tears maybe this is the right one after all let's see where it goes fast I don't have time wait where am I in my head Congratulations press the button now I feel silly that was the right one all along oh no I was nauseous for a whole minute.
I'm not going to be able to do this. Hey? You don't look so good. I do not feel so well. This is so difficult that I don't even know where this fence is. Oh my gosh, you guys have no idea how hard this is. I can't believe I'm doing it. I feel really bad, but I'm doing surprisingly well. Oh, okay, we're almost there. I'm so good at this. m sup No, okay, I'm not going to step on the pressure plate this time, this is not promising and I'm not nauseous anymore, but I don't know how to get there, eh, I did it, I did it, okay, come on. look in your heart for more wheat so to my heart medicine for thenausea I don't need it yeah search my heart what does that do well we have this but what can I do wait oh this is the heart emoji there's more here I'm supposed to breathe the sheep maybe there's a lot of wheat but what do I do with it?
I guess we'll try to breed them. This could be totally wrong. Oh, he did something. What, oh my God, hello, hold the door open for me, you damn stupid sheep? Come in just stay there for me, please stay there, I have to go, okay, oh, your heart had a total wheat, I hope you found the other two, oh, I only have three, where's the other one? Oh, there it is good now, oh my God. This sheep followed me, come on, I took the pressure plate. I need to stay there. What a stupid sheep, why are you trying to sabotage me?
Okay, what do I do with these extra wheat cows? Let's do some more playback. Who is a baby? haha let me do ah all you need is love okay turn around reach for the final pill emoji Congratulations now you have to dig with your hands - it's disgusting to slide to find my head it's somewhere on the ground wow, no, my time is up and I have this poop slime all over my hands, well we couldn't get Lauren's back. head, but at least I made it to the top of the tower, so now it's time to try it at the next base.
I'm a little nervous about this because Steph's face looks scary, but hey, it's Minecraft, how bad could it be, let's see. Come on, you have five letter blocks to find, they will spell the location of the key in my head. Okay, so we need a key to unlock his head, but how do we get in? Do I go through the fire? I'll do it anyway. Alright? into the devil's mouth we go Hey guys it's me steve-o simms back with the


video diary you've entered my mind did you know we know less about the human mind in space?
You need an IQ of 200 to get in, well I guess I can't. go in there's a chest there's a lever just put it there I guess we're inside the devil's mind now there's his head but obviously we can't get to it right now you're entering hell Steph Oh sin welcomes you it's okay, so anything out here that we might need maybe down there ah there's something here oh wait this doesn't feel right am I supposed to be here? I'm a little lost look at it come on let's try this side instead is there something we need?
You are looking for a letter. Steph's brain is hell, but he doesn't have to be like that. Find everything you need in the maze to help Steph make a mental change. Okay, this is a map. Oh my god, what the hell am I looking at? get under me, oh wait, maybe I need a fire resistance potion and I actually have to go to the lava, so is there a chest? Yes, there is a chest that must be around here somewhere. I'm going to look under the lava. Maybe I have to do it. Get down there, well there's only one way to find out.
Is there a chest here? Oh, they are wise. I didn't see what was inside. Okay, so it's a fire resistance potion and that's how we do it, but how do I reach it? without dying, okay, let's be very, very fast, oh no, it's a fire resistance potion, but it's a letter, the letter O, okay, looking at this map, it looks like there's another chest around here somewhere, I just don't know where, oh. It was down there, okay, we have the fire, innocence, that means now we can go get the letter, oh thank God, I have the letter.
Oh, is there something else, maybe, a lever to get out of here? Oh, there it is, now let's get out of here. I'm. Still on fire, but it's okay, let's go up. I wasted a lot of time there. Oh no, let's try all the paints and all the weavers real quick. I hope I don't set this place on fire. That would be a disaster. I think this is where I'm going to die. I don't know where to go, where the hell, wait, there's a bear on the chest, but how do I get to it? Maybe that's where we'll go.
I can't believe I got so confused with a couple of trap doors, let's get out. More slime here, are you serious? Click this, not clickbait. Oh, it was no use. Get ready to slay some handmade slime. Oh no, I was ready to cut handmade slime. We only got one of the five letters to help us find the key. I have no idea what I just experienced in this place. This was the strangest base I have ever invaded, so now it's time to face the final base. Ali's face base, particularly Lauren's, Steph's and mine. I'm terrified but intrigued, so let's do it.
Not that, I'm going to read this sign. Face the invaders, it's time we meet. Explore the heads of others. Climb higher and find that you succeed and maybe even get to know me a little better or lose. That's possible. Good luck. Okay, so this sign says, "Put levers on gold things." Defective Matic 5000 coquette. A heavy repair could probably use a screwdriver or something. Okay, so we need a screwdriver. Produce a store of milk to strengthen your bones, but there is no milk. Where is the milkman? stop by here Lauren's brain is big, it will take a big jump to get to her frontal cortex, better start looking for something useful here, okay, wait, there are a lot of things that instantly damage night vision watch to reserve it, that's not really useful maybe a jump boost potion Joel's wooden leg Ollie's button nose that might be useful Lizzy's very pretty shovel okay, there's nothing that's super useful regen jump boost like that that I'm going to try the jump drive and then I'm going to get up and get out of here, I already do that to be successful you'll need to get Lauren inside her brain, she's probably cute and cuddly or I could just wait.
I need a ladder to put the gold. Yeah, that's going to go to Lauren's brain, so she turns out to learn. The brain is a great horror game. I bet I find all eight pages before it's too late. The eight pages are that thin. Oh my god, I don't think I can make out Lauren's brain. Well, there is a page. I can put one. There's one in the back. How can I reach her? at least there's nothing creepy here no monsters or anything dangerous in deep water ah that means there's probably something at the bottom, right or wrong, we have three of the pages.
I don't do television roles, it's kind of okay, we have four pages. we still need to know so far here's another one, oh there's one right next to the entrance guys okay we've got six of the eight pages here's another one we're just looking for the last one there's a little bit of Cavey here there must be one page, yes. okay, we have the eight pages, I think we're supposed to put them here, insert your notes here and there, dispenser, uh-huh, oh, he took them, oh my god, it opened, this is like a horror game, haha, silly, now.
I'm stuck in my mind unless I paint it, why would I watch it? Let's go out. What the hell why am I back here? I will literally never escape Lauren's head. A roll. The chest is there. There is a staircase. Finally. You can get off Lauren and get into things. I hope this one goes faster. My time is almost up. You did it now in Steph's head. I don't know what she thinks. Welcome to Steph's OHS Brain. Here you must complete classic The Sims tasks. Steph, oh, don't forget to grab the mouse from the chest, okay, what the hell are we supposed to do?
Oh my god, is this villager fishing? What the hell is this? It's so fun that it seems like The Sims always puts them in the holes, yeah. he's fine next up next Bruce wants to be warm well here he is a little warm Gertrude wants a sandwich Is Gertrude dead? Gertrude is gone, there is no Gertrude, oh my God, I've fallen now. I'm Gertrude, well, this is it. my life now I'm a sim I added a couple of villagers to be able to complete this so let's hope we can get them in the hole very quickly enter the hole this is so complicated get out of the jacuzzi enter the hole enter the damn hole yeah congratulations to escape Steph's brain, but it's okay, I already did it, Coco, ha, it's my brain, finally Lizzie's brain, what mysteries are in store, oh my god, that's so pink, welcome to Lacey's brain.
Hey, you gotta take the famous cuteness. the test succeeds and comes out ahead No, well I'm pretty sure I'll pass the cuteness test anyway, but unfortunately I didn't receive the paperwork to complete the test because I couldn't take it, so I guess it turns out I'm a complete failure and this time I didn't manage to recover any of the heads from any of the bases. Let me know in the comments below if you think you could have done better than me. Don't forget to go check it out. everyone else's videos to see if my friends succeeded where I failed and see you next time

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