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$5,000 Food Storage 2 Years Supply PREPPERS PANTRY Survivalist Drinking Water Freeze Dried Ready EAT

Jun 05, 2021
What's wrong with everyone? This is my recently put together




for five thousand dollars. Has a mix of


supplies. Regular household supplies. Medical supplies. Toiletries. I'm going to show how I built the closet real quick and then do a full review. tour where I go shelf by shelf in each unit and show what I have. The first thing I did was remove all the shelves, patch the holes and did a nice fresh coat of paint. These are the shelves I decided on. Here's a look inside the box. everything is super thick and sturdy so here's the first shelf and on the outside edge of the mat there's a tech strip that adds a little bit of height so I cut these little risers and I'm going to put them under the legs. in the middle of the floor so I bought some of these hardboard sheets, they are two feet by four feet, they are very smooth on one side and then have a rough texture on the other and the sheets almost fit together perfectly. to have to cut out a bit, I'm building some custom shelving so I installed this shelf against the wall and this shelving fits into this small custom made space.
5 000 food storage 2 years supply preppers pantry survivalist drinking water freeze dried ready eat
I take a marker and mark the expiration date somewhere that's easy to read and these dates are actually a best buy date and I've had tuna that was eight


past the date on the can and it tasted perfectly fine and this is a kind of insurance policy, it is better to have this and not need it than to have it. I need it and I don't have it with the madness of the pandemic I can see the end of civil civilization if the virus had a death rate of 20 or something where grocery stores weren't open at all it would be total chaos in chaos, so this would keep me alive and I would be one of the few people to survive.
5 000 food storage 2 years supply preppers pantry survivalist drinking water freeze dried ready eat

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5 000 food storage 2 years supply preppers pantry survivalist drinking water freeze dried ready eat...

I'll start the tour right here. I have a safe bolted to the floor, this is for things like home protection and defense and then I have some small shelves. unit bolted to the wall I have flavored teas I have spices cinnamon garlic salt Lowry's seasoning salt I have black pepper and then isopropyl alcohol I have some honey plus isopropyl alcohol hydrogen peroxide I have some ziploc bags I have more tea regular black tea and this is tea with more flavor, constant comment on Earl Gray and now I will make the first sturdy shelf. One thing I discovered, if you put a lot of weight on these things, you have to install the first shelf right at the bottom because before I had the first shelf up here and it was wobbly a little bit, having it at the bottom really makes everything structurally super rigid and resistant.
5 000 food storage 2 years supply preppers pantry survivalist drinking water freeze dried ready eat
Well, upstairs I have little boxes of facial tissues and then I have toilet paper and it's just a bunch of and then I drink instant coffee, a lot of the things I bought don't need to be cooked or heated, so I drink a lot of instant coffee, I have soup chicken, I have oatmeal and you don't need to cook this if you just soak it in a little


and it's


to eat, then I have nuts, this is very calorie dense and is healthy fat and protein, I have peanuts, mixed nuts, then I have nut butter, I have almond butter and natural peanut butter, this is the healthy stuff that is just nuts and salt, there is no sugar or anything like that, now I have spaghetti sauce and spaghetti and technically you don't even need to cook this if you just You soak the noodles in


for an hour or two, just add a little sauce. and it's


to eat down here I have soap this is dish soap I have a bunch of Hormel chili here I'm going to take this out I'm going to take out these two things and I'm going to show you what's inside here in this tub this is all toasted almonds a bunch of that which is healthy and then in this tub I have bar soap and also lotion because one thing that would really make life suck is if I didn't have any lotion to keep the skin on my hands hydrated, so I have a ton of that, a couple of


in the bottom row, I have olive oil, a lot of olive oil, I have a lot of macadamia nut oil, avocado oil and then I have vinegar that I usually have for cleaning things and this is also good for mixing 50 50 with isopropyl alcohol for an ear infection, then I basically have a bunch of apple cider vinegar in gallon jugs of Bragg for salad dressing mixed with oil, now move on to this shelf, I have more toilet paper, here's more toilet paper and then I have electrical appliances kind of backed up and I'm going to buy a small solar power generator with a solar panel so I can run small things that use less than a thousand watts.
5 000 food storage 2 years supply preppers pantry survivalist drinking water freeze dried ready eat
This is a Panasonic inverter microwave, you can set it up. to use less than a thousand watts, I have a small hot pot, it can run at about 900 watts, you can use it to boil water for coffee, tea and cook things like spaghetti noodles, I have an electric hot plate burner, this uses about 970 watts or so to cook eggs and a pancake and I have a blender where I chop vegetables for soups and these are glass jars with dehydrated and vacuum sealed vegetables from my garden, ground with hot pepper spices, now move on to this row. to pull things out and show them section by section here I have bags of rice flour and this is for making small batches of chocolate chip cookies and this is healthy gluten free flour and then I have this quick and this is for the pancakes they have three boxes, then there are two rows of chunky soup, the next is two rows of progress soup, the variety of flavors and then there is moore beef stew and these bags of tuna and at the other end we have cans of tuna and canned chicken breast and in the next row we have some hats, then some spaghetti and then there is chicken noodle soup, six boxes of cans of sweet peas and then on the back edge we have sweet corn, 12 cans per box in this bottom row.
I have juice, but the main reason I buy it is because of the plastic jugs. Once I drink the juice, I fill them with water and now I will have


water and a large



. We'll move on to this custom shelving unit. I specifically made it tall enough to fit two stacks of paper towels. Now I'm going to pull out all these Tupperware containers and show you what's inside these and this packets of raisins,


cranberries, I mixed it with a pancake and also. cookies have milk chocolate chips this is for cookies and pancakes and then this is mashed potatoes I really like this it's very easy to make you make a tablespoon of this and a tablespoon of water you instantly make delicious mashed potatoes here's more mashed potatoes I have mortons, iodized salt and then some spices, ground nutmeg, this is for cookies and pumpkin spice, which is for pancakes and cookies.
There are three containers full of beef jerky, beef jerky, beef jerky, individually wrapped, and in this container are things like acetaminophen, extra strength Tylenol. ibuprofen, multivitamins, other types of vitamins with zinc, aspirin, allergy medicine. Here I have cotton, something like a cotton ball. Things I like: Clean wounds with isopropyl alcohol. I have a lot of toothpaste. I have a ziploc bag full of lipstick. I have a band. AIDS has a whole bag full of neosporin and in the last row I have


whole egg powder. There are 10 cans and you can buy all the different types of things that come in these cans and I think this is the only thing that isn't a gimmick.
These cans last over 10 years so I'll be able to eat eggs every morning and on the bottom shelf I have garbage bags, hundreds and hundreds of kitchen garbage bags, I also have other supplies. Various parts of the house have a lot of cat food and whey protein powder maple syrup cat treats more cat food I have cat deworming pills more cat treats more cat food I also have a stash of bleach I have six gallons right here this is to sterilize water in this other closet I have more


water and reused juice jugs and when I finish the vinegar bottles I fill them with water and leave them here in the garage to have even more supplies of drinking water and coming from a downspout a gutter on the roof, I have rain barrels and these things will fill up every time it rains.
My house is about a five-minute walk away and there is a freshwater stream. This is called a Berkey water filter. You can put it in the stream water. Rain water. and the filters inside will purify the water, make it drinkable and it is gravity fed, no electricity needed.

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