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11 Foods To STOCKPILE That NEVER Expire!

Apr 09, 2024


having to throw out


d food again, that is every preparer's dream. Well, guess what is possible in this video. I'm going to review 11





. This doesn't mean it will last 350 years, but a Many of these


can outlast you in times of uncertainty or emergency situations. Having a survival food


can give you peace of mind knowing that you and your family, your loved ones, are taken care of. Certain pantry foods, like boxed meals and dried fruit, those things you need. The ones you get in the store are known for their easy storage, however, there are some specific types of foods that can outperform others in terms of shelf life.
11 foods to stockpile that never expire
These endurance champions are essential for any prepper looking to increase their long-term food storage in this video. To review some foods that, when stored properly, will last indefinitely, can be stored without you having to worry about whether they will expire in a year or so or if you just completely forget about them and you no longer have them. throw them away, so the first one on the list here and this is actually one, two and three and this is salt, sugar and honey. The reason I wanted to do this all three together is because they are probably something that is the most well-known salt.
11 foods to stockpile that never expire

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11 foods to stockpile that never expire...

Sugar and honey are three common kitchen staples known for their long shelf life. Unlike many other foods that have expiration dates, these three ingredients seem to last indefinitely. Why do salt, sugar and honey never expire? Let's start with salt. Salt is a mineral compound. of sodium chloride and has been used for centuries as a preservative. The way it works is by dehydrating food and creating an inhospitable environment for bacteria and microorganisms. That is why salted meats and fish last long periods of time without spoiling now like on the table. The salt goes through a refining process that removes impurities and additives, making it even more stable and resistant to deterioration than regular salt.
11 foods to stockpile that never expire
Now keep in mind this is as long as they are stored in myar bags, as long as they are stored in a cool dry place these will remain safe to consume indefinitely, just like salt we have sugar, sugar attracts and It retains more moisture, which inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold, sugar also has a low level of water activity, which further prevents microbial growth, while sugar can harden over time. because it absorbs moisture, it does not spoil or become unsafe to consume properly stored sugar, it can last indefinitely without loss of quality and finally we come to honey, and honey is a natural sweetener produced from bees, honey is highly concentrated and has a really low water content, which makes it inhospitable for the survival of bacteria and other microorganisms.
11 foods to stockpile that never expire
Additionally, honey has a low pH level which also inhibits the growth of bacteria, so when it comes to salt, sugar and honey, they all have properties that make them resistant to spoilage and allow them to last indefinitely, the ability to salt to dehydrate and preserve the low sugar water activity of foods and the antimicrobial properties of honey contribute to its long shelf life, so let's go to number four here and this is canned meat, a powerhouse of protein when These are survival foods. Canned Meat is the Top Contender not only provides a good source of protein, but it also has an impressive canned shelf life.
Meats like chicken, beef, and pork can last much longer than the Best Buy date or the expiration date printed on the can. The key is to ensure that the cans are in good condition, without dents, bulges or anything that indicates that the food inside may be spoiled. Also, when you open them, make sure to do a visual inspection to smell them, that's the best. The tool is probably your nose, the main reason canned meat never expires is the canning process itself. Canning involves sealing the meat in an airtight container and subjecting it to high temperatures, which effectively kills back Bia and microorganisms that could cause spoilage.
The absence of oxygen and the high temperatures used during the canning process create an environment that is inhospitable to bacteria and this prevents their growth and ensures that the meat remains safe to consume for years and years. Now it's important to note that while canned meat may not technically expire on its expiration date. the quality and flavor may deteriorate over time, so the texture and flavor may change and the nutritional value of the meat may decrease, it will still be safe to eat, so number five, here we have white rice, long grain rice , white rice is one of these. survival foods that should not be overlooked researchers have found that when stored properly, such as myar bags with oxygen absorbers and at room temperature, white rice can maintain its nutrient content and flavor for up to 30 years, which makes it an excellent option for long-term feeding.
Stored rice has been a staple for centuries due to its incredible longevity, so it's no wonder it has become such a popular choice among preppers or those looking for long-term food storage options. Now, unlike brown rice, white rice has a longer shelf life due to the absence of natural oils, the absence of these oils prevents spoilage and ensures that the rice will remain edible for long periods of time, as well Keep in mind that brown rice only has a few years left and white rice has a lot. Longer than number six here on the list is pasta, and pasta is not only a versatile ingredient in the kitchen, but it's also a reliable survival food.
With proper storage, pasta can last 20 or 30 years in the kitchen in the packaging it comes in. You're looking at stores for a couple of years, but if stored correctly it's a great addition to your long-term food storage. Stock up now to ensure the longevity of your pasta, be sure to store it in airtight containers, such as 5-gallon buckets inside myar bags. with oxygen absorbers in a cool, dry place, this will help prevent moisture and pests from compromising its quality. With pasta in your long-term food storage, you can prepare a comforting meal even in the toughest of times, whether you're talking about spaghetti noodles. or macaroni, there are many different types of pasta to choose from.
One of the main reasons pasta lasts so long is because it is made from Durham wheat and Durham wheat is a hard variety of wheat that is high in protein. This high protein content makes the pasta less susceptible. Additionally, the pasta's low moisture content inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold, further contributing to its long shelf life, just like rice. The simplicity of pasta makes it an ideal choice for long-term food storage because it requires minimal preparation and can be cooked with a variety of different ingredients, making it suitable for a wide variety of meals, whether Use for bay sauces, soups, stews or simply making spaghetti on its own, pasta provides a filling option for long-term foods. storage okay so number seven here on the list is beans and this is the preppers favorite.
Beans and rice, uh, dried beans are a nutritional powerhouse and also an essential component of any survival food pantry or anyone's long-term food storage, they're tasty. in protein, fiber, essential minerals, making them an excellent source of sustenance during emergencies or long-term situations, while the overall quality of beans may decline after 30 years or so, they are still considered acceptable for consumption, Like everything else, to store beans for the long term, you need to make sure they are properly dry and free of moisture before sealing them in airtight containers with myar bags and oxygen absorbers. All of this helps prevent mold and insect infestation when the time comes that you have to rely on beans or any other food.
Of these on this list as a survival food, you'll appreciate having a supply of these nutrient-dense beans at your disposal. Number eight here on the list is canned fruits and vegetables. In times of crisis or when fresh fruits and vegetables are not available, it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, and it is important to include them in your food storage to long term. Canned fruits and vegetables are a great option for this because they retain their nutrients and flavor for long periods. of time and just because the Best Buy date on the can says it will last a couple of years, canned foods very similar to meat last well beyond what the manufacturer indicated as the expiration date or Best Buy date, it is the main reason why these manufacturers put those dates.
The can is a recommendation for when the food will taste the best, when the consistency will be the best, but that doesn't mean that's when the food starts to spoil. The canning process itself ensures that the food inside it. The can, as long as it is not damaged, will last for years after the quote-unquote expiration date or expiration date number nine. What I have listed here is alcohol and this may not seem like long term food storage. Certain types of alcohol such as vodka have an indefinite shelf life, although other flavors may change over time due to oxidation, as long as the bottle is sealed properly the alcohol will remain safe to consume as well as providing a source of relaxation.
Comfort or an escape depending on how much you drink during difficult times alcohol can also be used for medical purposes, it can serve as an antiseptic, disinfectant and even a pain reliever, just remember to consume in a situation like that, you may want to escape, you know the reality. in the world, but consume alcohol responsibly and in moderation, for me alcohol is very versatile and has so many different uses, even if you don't save it for consumption, it's still a nice thing to have around you, put it on the shelf and don't You don't have to worry about it going bad, you don't have to worry about turnover and inventory, nothing like that number 10 here on the list is rolled oats, good old fashioned oats, just right when it comes to food storage to Long term, rolled oats are a breakfast staple and should not be overlooked, not only are they hearty and nutritious, but they also have an impressive shelf life when stored properly in a cool, dry place inside myar bags. .
Rolled oats can last 20 or 30 years, while rolled oats are quite versatile. They're not as versatile as rice or pasta, but they can be used in a number of recipes, like I said, oatmeal, you've got granola bars, you've got cookies, so many different things you can do with those rolled oats, so their versatility and Super long shelf life really make them a great addition to any long term food storage plan. Number 11 here on the list is milk powder and in the absence of fresh milk, milk powder is a reliable and long-lasting dairy alternative, it is not. It will taste just as good as regular milk, but it is an alternative.
It is a popular choice as a survival food due to its long shelf life and ease of storage. Storing milk powder in myar bags is a great way to ensure its long shelf life and durability. its quality over time, the shelf life of milk powder stored in myar bags really depends on several factors such as the quality of the milk, storage conditions and the specific brand, when stored properly, although in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight, milk powder can generally have a shelf life of around 20 years or more, so like I said, this extended shelf life really makes it an ideal choice for storage. of emergency.
It's good if you have kids who eat cereal for breakfast or even for yourself. It's good for baking and different recipes that call for milk in them. It's just a great option to have in your long-term food storage, so when it comes to survival foods in your long-term food storage, stock up on some. of these durable options is essential, whether you're a prepper or prepper. If you're simply someone looking to be prepared for an emergency, having a long-lasting, nutritious food supply will really give you peace of mind, from canned meats to rice and powdered milk. There is a wide range of options to choose from and incorporate these survival foods. in your pantry, it will be ready toface any situation that comes your way and another great advantage of all these foods is that they really are a fairly economical option to increase your food storage;
It requires a little work. them in myar bags with oxygen absorbers and inside a 5 gallon bucket or storage container, but it will really save you a lot of money and really boost your food storage plan and you will be glad you have them when the time comes too if you have something that I didn't add to this list, be sure to leave a comment below or if you have your preferred storage solution, be sure to leave a comment below, but until the next video stay safe and get ready everyone, we'll talk to all of you. later

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