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May 13, 2024
Hello friends, good morning, welcome back to my channel, so today we wake up early. I just finished getting ready and I'm taking you all with me buying groceries in


. This has been a highly requested video and I wanted to show you how I do it, so we actually live in central Pennsylvania and in our area we have a lot of




s. I think Pennsylvania is known for that only because of the Amish and Mennonites who live here, which I also have a Mennonite background, so I grew up going to bulk



s and was very used to


ping this way.
bulk food store shop budget meal prep food storage pantry tour canning recipes large family meals
I know a lot of people order from Azure standard, which is an ordering company that you can order food in bulk through um, but I have found this to be a little bit cheaper for me and a lot of these food stores a Bulk are also overstock stores, so they are stores that buy overstocked things and sell them at a discount price, and as they do so very regularly. There are some stores that I really like to visit frequently just to see what they have and what's a good deal, so that's part of the scavenger hunt in the midst of bulk food


ping, so today I'm going with my sister Sarah.
bulk food store shop budget meal prep food storage pantry tour canning recipes large family meals

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bulk food store shop budget meal prep food storage pantry tour canning recipes large family meals...

We hope to hit about three or four different stores and possibly even land at a farmers market. We are not sure, it depends on how the children are and how everything goes because we will take them with us. We've done this before. and I'm also excited to take them with me, we've also been up and on that, I've actually been drinking some green tea, and lately I've been on a kick where I make a court the night before and put ice on it and drink it in the morning next, so let's get in the car and get going.
bulk food store shop budget meal prep food storage pantry tour canning recipes large family meals
Door number one is a really big store, they actually sell a lot of bulk foods compared to some of the other stores we're going to go to and as we were walking in they had some flowers and some gardening stuff since Spring came here in Pennsylvania and then they only had a few other produce. The first area of ​​the store we visited was the Overstock area, where they have many. of discounted foods and groceries, a lot of pre-packaged things and things like that. I don't often shop much in these areas simply because I don't buy a lot of pre-made snacks and things like that, but like you can see they had some pink Himalayan salt and then here they had 50 pound bags of baking flour for 6.99 and that It's a great offer.
bulk food store shop budget meal prep food storage pantry tour canning recipes large family meals
I'm not familiar with using pastry flour so I left it for now, but I may look into it. if they have it for the next while, another thing that a lot of these big box stores have is bulk ice cream, so if you're having a wedding or a big party, you can get big buckets of ice cream at a really good price and then this Store also has a refrigerator area that has many good deals. I also found a lot here last time we were here, so they had butter and croissants, they actually had a few different types of butter, they had yogurt. um and just some cheeses and stuff like that, something that I would have grabbed if I didn't have much in my freezer anymore, was this bacon, it was a very, very good price and even the big packages of bacon by the pound were it's a great deal. , so part of my bulk food shopping is when I find a good deal on something, especially if I can freeze it, I'll buy it in bulk and stock up because you don't know when that price is going to go up.
Again, it's like shopping on sale, but these stores occasionally get different items that are at a discount price. Another thing with the bulk food stores in our area is that they also sell home canned goods, so if you are someone who can't do a lot of


yourself, you can buy it here and this store has a very


selection of bulk noodles. . You'll see in some of the other stores that they have some, but not like this, not in these really big bags. where you can portion it into Ziploc bags or just the serving sizes you want, they also have these bulk noodles already portioned out so if you don't want something that's in such a


bag you can get small bags of different styles. and they have a lot of egg noodles, which is something we use and enjoy a lot.
They also have beans, rice and other grains in bulk bags so this was an area I was really interested in seeing and that is their flowers. and sugars that come in 50 pound bags I was looking for a good bread flour so this is the flower this specific store actually bakes their own breads and I talked to one of the ladies there and she actually recommended making Mi bread with this, so I decided to go ahead and try it. Another thing that bulk food stores in our areas are known for is having bulk gelatin, so this is just for making gelatin salads and they have so many different flavors that this store also carries.
Frozen fruits and vegetables in bulk so you can get big bags of whatever you need to keep in the freezer and just pull things out for different


. Another thing they carry are large


bags with lids and I'm not sure what brand they are. They're not balls, I don't think, but they had some of our balls, um, and they were a pretty good price for the amount that was in the bag, okay, so we ended up at the store where the girls are with Sarah and I. I thought I'd go ahead and tell you that at the end of this video I'll do a little


and also tell you how much I spent at each store, but I thought as I go through the day I'd give you two highlights of each store, so the two things that really stood out to me from the first store were I bought a 50 pound bag of bread flour that I wanted to use bread flour because I want to start making. bread probably on Mondays like every week has a certain day and then the second thing is I bought butter and I was thinking about it carefully and I think I haven't bought butter in a year because at one point in one of these stores it might actually be the next where we will go.
I got a really good deal about a year ago and bought at least 50 pounds of butter and put it in the freezer. Plus, I also have a lot of canned butter. I have spoken. I had talked about it before, so they had a really good deal on butter and I've been using a lot of it lately, so I decided you know, I'm going to go ahead and restock some, so I got 10 pounds of butter for 2.99 a pop. pound. which is great because right now our Walmart is about five dollars a pound. You might be able to get it a little closer to four depending, so 299 is a great deal, so let's move on to store number two.
Alright, let's go to the store. number two and it's interesting because if you live in our area you know which stores are known for different things. A great deal they had at this store was these potatoes that were 99 cents a bag and another thing this store is very good at is keeping. There are local products so if there is something they can get that is local they will put it in their store, which I really like, and now they also have big blocks of cheese if you buy this cheese in bulk, the big one. At Big Blocks there is a percentage off which is really great and if you invest in a simple cheese slicer it is a great way to save money if you make a lot of sandwiches and just enjoy cheese or if your


really enjoys cheese so often when It's cold cuts or sausages I will buy their offers because 2.99 a pound is absolutely excellent and we will see at the next store we go to.
I was also able to get ham for 2.99 a pound which is almost unheard of and here is more gelatin and like I said you'll see that probably in almost every store we go to nowadays and this store had a ton of flavorings too, so if you like baking, this is a place to get a variety of flavorings. which you might not find in other stores, so this store has flower bags, they had some 50 pound bags, but they divide the flour into 25 pound bags, which is nice if you don't want to buy a whole 50 pounds. bag of a certain type of flour, thanks, girls, how are you doing?, hang in there.
We've been working for about an hour in each store, so we're doing very well. Actually, we're pretty close on time, so let's get started. on time everything is going very well, so we ended up with store number two, it was so full, so busy it could be because it's getting close to lunch time, and my two favorites from that store were probably I bought a nice big bag of flour comprehensive. I want to start with a bucket of wheat flour in my food


and what was your what was your favorite thing kylia we have a lot of marshmallows a lot we have the big ones and the regular size ones and we have the tiny ones that's my favorite that one too is your favorite since we are entering campfire and roasting marshmallow season and I also want to make some s'mores cookies.
We got a bunch of marshmallows and they were a good price because the bags were mostly like 50 cents a bag which is great, you can't even get that at the dollar store so store number three is kind of the opposite of the number one store. Store number one has a ton of bulk food and this store store number three has a lot of overstocked items compared to bulk food. but I found some things like we needed popcorn so we stocked up on some. I really like white popcorn if you buy popcorn in bulk, or you just like to buy popcorn that you make on the stove, like Let me know what your favorite kind is in the comments below, so here you go bags of 50 pounds of sugar and flour and then different amounts, like you can get a 10 pound bag or a five pound bag instead of the really big ones and again here's the flavored gelatin like I said I think I have a clip of every store with the flavored gelatin and the kids know what this is so they find it very exciting and on top of that they also had some bulk cocoa powder which was great and this is the store that has some of the best prices deli in our area, so it's a place where we like to stock up on cheese and things like that, and this vegetarian farmer's cheese is one of the girls' favorites, right?
Now I've also found great deals on produce at this store in the past. I was able to get boxes of fresh green beans for just a couple of dollars and was able to can them. I keep an eye out for the different things they can get. an overstock item that they have in large quantities and just want to get rid of. Another thing I found at this door was specialty dairy alternatives, like almond milk and oat milk, dairy alternative creamers and things like that. It's very windy and foggy, how are you? are you hungry? You're ready for lunch.
They are very hungry so now we are going to go to a farmers market and this farmers market also has bulk food edition so I am not sure what we will end up buying, this store was also very busy and I have a couple of things, the two most notable for me, probably where I stocked up on popcorn for our long-term


in our cellar and then I also found Some Quest Brand Peanut Butter Cups, which I really like, and they were only 59 cents each one, which is really great for a package and I'll put them in my freezer when I get home, so that was my two and us.
We're going to head to the farmers market and have some lunch so now we're going to stop at the farmers market and I've taken you all with me to the farmers market before here on my channel but for the girls and I this is one of our favorite outings, it's so much fun and there is so much delicious food we are just starting to get some of the produce vendors who are really stocking a lot as it is just starting the growing season in our area so once we get into full swing Boom in mid-summer, you can get a lot of local produce here and there is also a small bulk food store at the market, but obviously the food and baked goods are one of the highlights.
Working in this market was one of my first jobs and one of the things that we always loved to do and that I did as a child was watch people make pretzels. One stop that is super fun for me and all these smells that come from this is there is a local coffee roaster. in our area and you can get the ground coffee you want and also get the roast you want and it smells so good when you walk by that vendor. The girls' favorite part of the market is the large candy store there. there and they often somehow convince me to buy them some candy.
Okay, let's go to store number four and this store is a little closer to a normal grocery store, in my opinion they often sell a lot of the same things that I can. count on being able to get specific products here, you know, things like tomatoes and lettuce, and they often have the same breads,They don't fluctuate much and they just opened their greenhouse with all the spring flowers and garden plants like Well, it's a place where you can get tomato plants and things like that for your garden, but their flower selection is absolutely beautiful this time of year. year and even with their dairy products, they usually carry the same dairy products all the time, so if I'm there specifically for certain things.
I know I can count on getting in there. This is also a place where we like to get our meats. They have great steaks and I can get them. I think they are large 25 pound bags. ground meat we can get large cuts of meat for barbecues and things like that. Another thing you can find at these bulk food stores is usually bulk cereal. I don't buy a lot of cereal just because we make granola, but it's an option. Foreign place excluding the bag of flour I bought. Cory will have to get it out of the trunk for me.
It's just a big heavy bag so I thought I got 10 pounds of butter I guess. I only grabbed eight unless I'm missing another two pounds somewhere, but I'm pretty happy with it and need to see how much is left in my freezer . I may end up going back and getting some more, if you listen to me. something is running in the background, my dryer is running and then I got some jelly. I got some orange, some strawberry, and some peach because I want to start making some jello salads with some of my canned fruits that I have downstairs.
This was a great deal. 199 and this goes hand in hand with the idea of ​​jello salad. My mom always put mini marshmallows on top of the jello salad. She shouldn't say always, but she did at different times. This was another great deal. I bought three bags of these, they're a 29 dollar one and they're like blocks of cheddar cheese so it worked well and then after I bought this I wish I had bought a bigger bag or a couple of these because I realized how good they are. It was the price. So this one is 229 and I use it in Granola and other things like that and then it was a special purchase.
It's not something I normally buy but I have a daughter who loves these and they were 229 and I think there are four or five cans in here which is a great deal for those I forgot to mention too. I grabbed this jar of hot sauce because I know their sauce will be very good, and since I ran out of hot sauce, I only have a non-hot sauce. sauce I made for the girls and Corey and I like hot sauce so I bought this. I've been buying jars here and there until tomato season comes around, well this is what I bought at the second store so this is a A large bag of whole wheat flour weighs about 25 pounds and I wanted to convert a two bucket gallons in a bucket of whole wheat flour just because I want to start using whole wheat a little more in my baking and learn how to work with it.
I also bought some corn flour which was another thing that I don't really have right now to make like corn bread and stuff like that and then this is unsweetened coconut and it's something that I use in Granola, you'll hear me say about granola alone because we usually don't buy cereal anymore and I make my own granola with different things, so I bought two different types of potatoes here. I think I showed you this whole sign: They were 99 cents a bag, which of course is an incredible deal for russet potatoes and they are a little smaller and look like they need to sell out very soon, so I'll probably mash them up and turn them into hash browns, whether you freeze them or whatever you want. do with them, I'm sure I'll share it with you or maybe show it on Instagram if you don't follow me there.
I've been posting there again a little bit here and there and then I also bought two bags of regular white potatoes for mashed potatoes and baked potatoes and stuff like that and then I bought some zucchini for some zucchini noodles this week. This was the turkey breast that was 2.99 a pound so I bought a little of what we needed. some cream cheese, their cream cheese is a really good price there and then here's more marshmallow madness, so this was a dollar sixty one. I really want to make some s'mores inspired cookies and I thought they would be fun for that and So, just because we really like to have a campfire during the warmer months, I like to have marshmallows on hand to make s'mores, so we got two bags of the regular ones, these cost 50 cents a bag and then a bag of the giant one too.
I had those, this is all from the third store we went to, so here's the popcorn I bought to stock up on and I'm going to transfer them into mylar bags just because it helps make sure they're really sealed. I know they're probably sealed pretty well here, but it's not an airtight system, so just having some or maybe even Ziploc bags could really fit into something that's sealed and then I got some powdered coffee creamer, no I know if I have purchased this before, however, I have a recipe I want to use that contains this and that is why I purchased it.
It was a great deal for some ricotta cheese. It costs 1.99. I can also use this in a recipe and Corey loves the blue. cheese and he loves it when I have it on hand, he just eats it out of the container or puts it on a burger, that kind of thing and then these were the peanut butter cups I was talking about, they're kind of a nice little bit of protein, they have 11 grams of protein and I really like them and this is where I got a lot of my cold cuts, we were totally sold out and the cheeses will last me a good month so I like to stock up.
I actually bought a little more cheese at the fourth place I went to, but I only bought some horseradish cheese, some hot pepper cheese and then this is something called vegetable farmer's cheese which is a pound whole and then this was 2.99 a pound and it was an Applewood smoked ham and then this is a bologna that we really like to buy and these are just the places to buy cold cuts because now I know I once went to a regular grocery store to use their Deli and I think it was almost ten dollars a pound for the turkey I wanted so it's crazy how much I can save by doing that so this is the fourth place we went to and this stuff is actually for a box of chicken quarters Which I'm going to pick tomorrow to make chicken broth and shredded chicken.
Both of those things will be canned, but I just needed the fresh produce to be able to do it, so this is just some parsley that I love to put in my broth and then some celery and some onions. I needed that and then I got some fun flavors for our popcorn, this is like a seasoning so this is an onion sour cream powder and this is a smoked cheddar cheese powder that will make delicious popcorn and then I bought some of these Chow Mein. noodles just to make on top of the salad that kind of thing and then something that this store sells that we really like is cheese with dill, thank you

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