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$1 vs $1,000,000 Plane Ticket!

May 06, 2024
Behind me is a $300 million custom private jet, there are literally only two of these in the world and we spent a million dollars just to fly on this one, we also spent fifty thousand dollars on the best first class


, 150,000 on a private jet, look This is so nice and so much more, starting with a one-dollar



and working up until we're out of the worst-rated airport and about to fly on our cheapest, worst-rated airline. Here now, the reason the tickets only cost a dollar is because he's a bear. The standby ticket where you only pay for the seat that is at the back of the


, anything additional like water backpacks, hand luggage and agent assistance, costs much more, that's because there was no agent assistance when We walked in, no one could help us print our tickets after the kiosk broke down.
1 vs 1 000 000 plane ticket
Can we friends print our tickets here? Everyone else and to make matters worse when it was time to cross a new flight they made. we paid 99 for a small carry on 99 for a suitcase which we had to pay again so for a dollar we had seats in the back with no windows. Oh, I can't see out of the windows upstairs because there are no windows there. There was also trash on our seats and to make matters worse, the air conditioning didn't work. The seats were made of plywood and had no legroom. Look at our knees. These are not regulation seats.
1 vs 1 000 000 plane ticket

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1 vs 1 000 000 plane ticket...

Oh, and did I mention our seats didn't? I didn't lean back either, unfortunately the worst was yet to come once we took off we had the bumpiest and scariest flight you can imagine oh yeah it turns out you get what you pay for you fly with the Spirit you will meet the holy spirit so It was a one dollar flight and for our next flight we have a scene of five thousand dollars in business class and 100 seats in economy class and we all randomly choose from a briefcase to determine which seat we have, oh my God, these are tickets plane we will buy.
1 vs 1 000 000 plane ticket
You'll keep flying and you'll want to keep watching because it just keeps getting crazier, so since Kat and Sean had business class tickets, they got a free bag check, were able to avoid the long lines, and had access to a private waiting room. Meanwhile we were stuck waiting in our line for hours and had to run everywhere to make sure we didn't miss our flight. We were actually supposed to have eight people on this flight but so many of our friends dropped out after that one dollar flight we were the first so the craziest part is we pay for your tickets and we're the ones making lives , yeah, I made a joke saying it was Jake Paul, it's actually Jake Paul, for five thousand dollars they had seats that completely converted into beds and a TV. screen twice the size of ours and expensive coconut oil services.
1 vs 1 000 000 plane ticket
I'm going to use it for my hand finally finally about 30 minutes after we got back there two windowless flights in a row and even though Cat and Sean had some of the best seats money could buy, we still wanted to make the most of our experience. I'll show you a travel hack on how to mount your phone on your seat. They take your barf bag and put it inside your phone case. Then they put your phone back in the phone case and finally you hang the vomit inside your tray. Wow, look you can go into bed mode, relaxation mode, there's even a seat heater and a massage chair and Jake Paul is sitting next to me, what do you think?
Alan and Alex are doing it, so we brought these cup noodles on the plane and if you ask a flight attendant for some hot water, you can have ramen on your flight. The funny thing is, this is the best food I've ever had on the plane. While we were eating noodles, the cat and Sean were eating their five-course meal. I bet Alex wishes he were here right now eating all this food and after the cat and Sean finished their dessert and went to sleep in their bed, our sleep was constantly interrupted by a crying baby. It turns out that two uncomfortable flights in a row are not a good fit for your body.
Honest thoughts on the last flight. Awful. That is the second flight in a row. It didn't have a window. Well, our flight was amazing. First time we flew on business. Well, do you think you? The business class seats are too easy for the first class seats Alan and I are about to take. Now we are about to board our first class flight and we are going to show you why this ticket costs fifty thousand dollars. In fact, I have to climb the stairs to get to their seats and see how delicious the sweets are. Oh my gosh, wow, that was the first time we were up on a plane and now that we're inside our suites, it's time to give you a little tour, so we have two private suites that combine into a double suite and inside this double suite we have a queen size bed that we will sleep in later.
We also have two sofas that can fully recline and swivel with this touch screen TV on top. Both of us touch screen TVs have an additional wall mounted TV, our own iPads, mirrors and a desk. Hey, look, we finally have a window and if you walk a few feet down the hall, we have the bathroom and if you remember our previous one. On the flight, space was very limited and you had to share it with hundreds of people. Well, on this flight we have our own private bathroom and as you can see, it is very spacious and clean.
On the other side there is a shower that we are going to use. At the end of this flight, the two things people want most on a flight are space and privacy, and in this double suite there are many boats, in a regular economy seat you only have 18 inches of legroom, but only on this one recliner chair. we have 38 inches in our entire double suite it's a spacious 7 by 13 feet there's so much room I could literally work out that's all I can do hey wait I wasn't recording yeah stop yeah I know you're kidding this is the Which is why our plane ticket costs so much that we literally have a queen size bed.
Now imagine what the 150,000 and one million dollar plane tickets will be like. A few hours after we slept we heard some applause, so we thought the plane had already landed. I think there's too much privacy on this plane, so we're only going to show you every third meal they serve and now we're both going to try this caviar 300 for the first time put in your mouth. I'm afraid. It tastes a lot like Boba, except fishy, ​​very fishy, ​​yes, I'm not going to try it and it has a terrible application to carry now to the main course.
I have fried rice with egg and shrimp, hmm, that's good, so we're about to land. soon and finally we will show you the shower. The funny thing is that I can press this every minute so they don't think I'm wasting water. Well, that was the first time I took a shower and it was quite an experience. Such honest thoughts on that flight, was it worth the price of a small house in Texas? They could have a little house in the sky for a few hours before we show them what the million-dollar plane ticket looks like. We will show you a private jet experience for 150,000 for 150,000.
We had a luxury private jet that was very spacious and could comfortably seat 20 passengers. Look at this, they're going to kick us off the plane and put us on this six-hour flight. I had unlimited food prepared for us, you know what the back menu got me? I went for that, so what do you guys think? This is the best plane I have ever been on and now we are finally arriving at the extremely private airport for the million dollar plane ticket apparently only the biggest celebrities are allowed here, are you ready to see the plane, open the doors eyes on three, two, one, yes, that's a plane, oh God, behind this curtain is the reason this plane ticket costs a million dollars and before I show you what's behind the store, We literally have no sponsor for this video so all the money we spend comes from our own bank account so you and our friends can experience all of this so please subscribe we are literally broke that really helped.
Please, okay guys, ready, yeah, okay, all this for this, so before we show you the rest of the plane, let's take off our shoes because this carpet alone costs 3.5 million dollars, so here Below we have a 100 foot walkway. Behind these doors are three private lounges and inside each lounge is a bedroom and a shower, so this bedroom is the master bedroom, oh my god, this is literally a seven star hotel, This house is so naughty and this is just one of them. Of the six bathrooms in this damn airplane toilet, I know we have some activities planned where later we will have to shower, you know what I mean, Sean in a pilot, okay, so let's move on to the next private room. literally your own private movie theater, yeah oh my god Shaw acts like he doesn't want this to be the guest room but all these couches here can convert into a double bed.
You save like 16 people just here, no way, yeah, come here. Sean, what's wrong? I almost forgot to mention that we actually have a subscriber on board that we brought with us. Okay, let's see the rest of the plane, oh my goodness, it's the main TV lounge. I'll stay here, so this is actually it. the flattest tv screen in the world damn that tv is bigger than me no it's not hey wow that's strike one three strikes are off the plane so now let's check the last room, the conference room, oh damn, this is like a spaceship, this plane is. literally, so play hide and seek, the last one of you found gets the master bedroom.
I'll give you 10 seconds to come up ten nine eight seven six five four three two one, ready, ready or not, here I come to see if If I were to hide, I would hide in a master bedroom. Does anyone else need to take a photo when they get excited? This would be a good place, whoever Sean is, oh my god, pillows, yeah, the first one he found. Okay, we have to find three more, oh my gosh, wait, there's a. bridge why didn't i know about this? I wonder what that little pink thing is. I only had 10 seconds inside.
Wait. There's someone inside. Anyone there. Where is that noise coming from? No, brother, oh my God, what are you doing? I don't even want to be, it's not allowed, it's the cabin, yeah you guys see how blue the water is, almost literally light blue water, wow, I've never seen just plain blue water before, look at it, oh I've been waiting to drink a shower. I've been dripping diarrhea, the shower is ready for you, oh awesome, and hey, I have to do a good job on the plane if you want to hear it. Why did they send the plane to your road?
Because I had bad altitude, that was really bad. I guess you could say that joke didn't work I'm ready for my shower Sean you don't have to film buddy get out buddy get out Sean I'm not leaving yeah get out of here oh yeah buddy go be with Tanner . or something before we see what kind of food comes with a million dollar plane ticket, we all want to relax and see how comfortable the bats were, so I think I'll take a little power nap still with some jet lag or Should I say private jet lag? So we're about to eat our five star meal in our five star flying hotel and let me show you what kind of food you get for a million dollar plane ticket, so here we have 24 Carat Gold Steak, that one not It's the only golden food we have, we also have Golden Flake brownies, oh my gosh.
I'm starting to see why this plane ticket costs a million dollars. The gold actually increases the flavor. I know everyone else says it. You don't go for the flavor, but you do go for the gold, so long story short, we flew on a dollar plane ticket, a life in business class, the last scene, a sweet double dip in first class, a private jet, and finally , this, which one was your favorite, it's not even a question, this one is for sure, oh yeah, this one because it comes with a subscription. Well, my favorite outside of cost was definitely this one.
My favorite flight was probably the one dollar plane ticket because of our dad's reactions. I thought it would be this. For all the food, excuse me ma'am, one more fat joke, we're going to have to make an emergency landing and escort you off the plane. Wow, click here to watch me lose weight so the cat will stop calling me.

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