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15 Weird Tips for Hollow Knight Noobs

May 31, 2021
What's going on, guys? I haven't done a full night holo video in quite some time and that's simply because I don't feel like there are many directions left to go. I've heard from other creators and editors how making videos revolving around the holo night has become kind of stale recently just because there's really nothing else to talk about, but with the release of the long-awaited silk song I'm personally into I predict it will be extremely soon, sooner than we think, this will probably lead to Many people choosing Holo Night for the first time, so I wanted to take the liberty of collecting not only some general


but also some very obscure and specific ones that can really improve your experience with the game.
15 weird tips for hollow knight noobs
I'm rusty and let's go. Go ahead and start looking for them in


nests, you will find hot spring areas located in small coves that usually have benches next to them and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that hot springs actually fill your soul. Gauge whether you stay in them long enough. I don't think many players will get this one because you have to stay in its area of ​​effect for a brief second before its properties start working, but there are plenty of hot spring areas with benches. and holy night and yes, hot springs can actually be used for something when I started playing high, I gave up many opportunities to recharge my soul meter simply because I didn't really know that there was any other purpose for these hot springs other than to give you a indication that you were in a safe room and simply wouldn't be attacked, the musical atmosphere would change to something more peaceful and I just assumed that the hot springs were there to look cool.
15 weird tips for hollow knight noobs

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15 weird tips for hollow knight noobs...

I know many other HoloNet creators have already ordered it. I've banged this home video and other videos quite a bit, but seriously, you'll probably die a lot in the boss fights when you first start the game and don't worry because this is completely normal and literally everyone goes through it if they have to. . You feel better the first time I played this game, it was just abysmal, like I don't even think I made it to a dirty mouth before something happened and I panicked and clumsily dove to the pointy ground below. I don't know I was stupid anyway, don't feel bad, a lot of the boss fights have these hunched animations that they usually revert to if they've taken a lot of damage if you're in a boss fight and the boss shows this sign.
15 weird tips for hollow knight noobs
From being weakened or out of breath from fighting you, taking damage again usually puts them back on the offensive, so it's probably best for you not to go 100% into the wall and just continue attacking them because you're not doing anything. additional damage when attacking them in this state, so instead, I would take that opportunity to look at the state of your night and perhaps take some time to heal you if necessary. I like to start charging up a nail art attack here when the boss is in this breathless state because I know my next attack is going to hit, so I might as well get some big damage out of it.
15 weird tips for hollow knight noobs
This one is a little trickier for newer players, but it's an invaluable skill to learn when exploring how to cut honestly. on enemy spikes and all that can give you a little extra jump and this maneuver can sometimes reveal secret locations or help you reach other items out of reach. The best early game example I can think of is the food at the forgotten intersection spot behind a trio. of platforms that are completely covered in spikes, a lot of new players fool themselves into believing that I'll come back, that there's probably a power-up or a charm or something later that will allow me to avoid this, but in reality it's as simple as pressing the button The spikes if you've gone far enough to unlock the double jump ability, slashing enemies also resets that second jump, which can be especially useful for tricky platforming, plus the ability to quadruple jump which makes you feel like A tough exercise, patience pays.
Pay attention to your timing and victory will be yours, but don't try to Pogo over the thorns because that will kill you. Slashing upwards in certain areas with thin floors will also mean you can probably hit enemies through the ceiling above you. This is especially effective. If you got the pride amulet mark because in certain spaces you can just jump to the height of the ceiling and start chopping down the enemies that are above you and will probably get hit, you can also do the same strategy with a certain spell you get. much later in the game and his hitbox can completely pass through walls while hitting whatever is on the other side for massive damage and you can do all this while, under the safety of cover, some spouses can also pass through walls. walls entirely, making it a great method for dealing with dangerous enemies in Crampton's enclosed spaces.
You can use the walls and just the geometry of the level design to provide cover while you cast spells on enemies from a much safer area. Geography is not okay, it is important, but it is not. So important, you can be fooled into thinking that geo is going to be a very valuable commodity throughout the kingdom, and for the first few hours of play it seems like many of the biggest and most important items you're going to want can simply be purchased. from a vendor, but there are plenty of other ways to farm geo that don't involve repeating areas over and over again just for extra money, you can release larvae, you have the gathering swarm amulet if you need it, and most importantly, you'll find tons of relics which you can sell to another vendor that you probably haven't met yet, but if you have you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that geo isn't a big deal in Hollow Knight, especially once you get into the late game areas because in By that point there's a good chance you'll have bought them all, as many of the merchants in Hollow 9 have surprisingly limited inventory, secrets abound in the Halo Nest, and most of them are just like any other.
There are good secrets hidden behind these breakable walls. They're easy enough to see on their own here, but once you go a little deeper underground and the biomes start to get darker, it can be difficult to tell exactly where the breakable walls are if you find a room that looks deceptively empty or just a little cryptic. start hitting the perimeters of the room 90% of the time there is a breakable wall or an additional area that you can discover by simply hitting things the audio response of hitting a solid wall versus a breakable one is very different and you will be able to tell almost immediately if you are either hitting a breakable surface or not and this tip also goes a bit beyond breaking walls if you feel like you can interact with an object in any way. just hit it and see what happens.
It took me over a year to realize that the platforms in Crystal Peak, for example, could be rotated manually by hitting them. Someone in the comments pointed this out to me in a previous video and honestly, it worked. I feel like a huge idiot, so I'm telling you this so you don't have to suffer the same shame. It takes some practice, but you can dream of nailing almost any living organism in the game and that includes enemies. Dreaming about nailing enemies gives you a big soul bonus and also pushes the smaller ones back quite a bit, giving you a window of time that you can use to get out of the way.
I like to practice this on slower enemies like the bugs in the soul shrine or even enemies that are a bit fast but have really predictable linear movement patterns like the woodlice, other good enemies to practice this on are any type of enemy creeping that usually never leaves the ground, such as crawling, shadow vines in the Bazin or pill. Flip in the canals, this is a trick that will save you tons of trouble much later in a certain area of ​​the Colosseum and, without giving too much away, you also get an amulet from another mid-game NPC that makes the nails animation of the dreams much faster and easier.
You can also sometimes read the thoughts of enemies you dream of nailing, but many of the infected enemies don't really have much on their minds, although hopefully if you have a collection of these strange items called Rancid Eggs you don't have much. Any idea what to do with then, well you're not alone, rancid eggs may not be coveted by most of the kingdom and for a while I thought it was just another collectible that you could trade for geo or something, but actually There is a land merchant. mouth named confessor Gigi who finds them quite delicious and according to her they make really good meals, okay, sure, Gigi, you'll need a simple key to access her shelter, but if you have some rancid eggs, you're willing to let them go.
From Gigi she will summon our shadow from a place you died previously and bring her to the room with you where you can defeat her. She listens and remembers all the Gio you lost when you died. The benefits this NPC gives you are particularly useful if say you end up dying in a strange place that is very far from safety or maybe you have lost your shadow in a really awkward and hard to reach place where you could die in the process of getting it back. If you want to maximize your DPS try combining spike attacks and spells when you catch an enemy off guard if a boss appears injured, for example, and your health is full.
My personal favorite to go to combo is a big cut nail art and then follow up with a vengeful spirit if you press B immediately. After executing the slash, the spell should fire fairly quickly. Hallow Nest has a lot of faster enemies and bosses that don't leave themselves open to attack as often as others, so when they are open you really have to get in as much as possible. as much damage as you can fit in that small window and a great impractical way to do it is by chaining together melee and spell attacks for a lot of instant damage if you have the soul for it, a slash and a spell are almost always faster and effective than two consecutive slashes, and of course, there are charms that accentuate these combos as well, so be sure to pay attention to them when you get to them.
Using blood cocoons can be tricky because any health you accumulate from them is restored after you sit on a bench to recharge. Your blood cocoons are really valuable in certain places and in some cases they are very close to other boss battles and places where you might need them more. In general, I think it's good to go after blood cocoons as part of a boss preparation phase. you're about to fight because two or three extra health masks that take the worry out of healing for some time can be an extremely powerful advantage; that soul you would have used to heal yourself when you lose health can be used offensively for high damage spells.
There's just a lot more useful against faster bosses with really short periods of time to heal because at least until your extra health runs out, that's simply less attention you have to devote to healing and more attention you can devote to dealing damage and defeat. The boss, if a merchant still has items in his inventory, moves to the right or behind him and the message will usually change from store to listener. This is an extremely small thing and is intended less to get the most out of your game and a little more for history buffs who like to be in love with the world they're exploring.
I skipped a lot of dialogue the first time just because I thought the only way to interact with vendors was to buy from them first and that's good, that's just not true, yeah, yeah, I know, go ahead, I'm an idiot, I didn't know, It's okay if you go deep enough into the fungal debris and defeat the area's boss without upgrading your nail or realizing such a thing as possible. At this point, you may be tempted to head to the next area without upgrades. I'm going to go ahead and say this as clearly as I can, yeah, no, don't do this, don't do this, you'll die and You're going to die with a very false sense of how hard the game is because you're basically continuing on one of the


nights. in the areas of the game and I bet you're doing it without any nail or soul upgrades of any kind going back. and revisiting an area you can't progress in is always an option, but the game rarely tells you that beforehand, so one of the things I would prioritize is finding Nail Smith in the City of Tears first and ask him to repair it and give him soup. pick up that rusty iron pencil you've been carrying with you your vengeful spirit the initial spell the


gets after defeating the false Knight makes three times the base as a standard swipe with your fingernail this is what makes Soul Catcher great starting charm in my opinion and you shouldn't think about it, many new players tend to hesitate to use spells simply because they feel that they will need to heal more often thanthat they really need, so if that is something you are worried about, then the benefits of soul hunters can be of great help to you.
You won't find any nail upgrades for quite some time, so I recommend trying Vengeful Spirit in combat and just getting familiar with it. how to use it, it can 2-shot most standard enemies at the forgotten crossroads and even a couple of areas later when it comes to the early game, honestly its potential is pretty hard to argue against your death, you'll be sent back to a bench with a broken soul meter on the top left and this took me longer than I probably should have realized, so I thought I'd make the information public to another player who's just getting their feet wet, that the broken soul meter is not just a cosmetic effect in the UI it actually prevents you from completely filling your soul meter and while it is active you will only be able to replenish 2/3 of your normal amount, which may not sound like very much , but that extra skin you'll have to give up when healing honestly makes a big difference in the early parts of the game, assuming you haven't found any soul upgrades, you'll only be able to heal twice. a while before you need to refuel again and the only way to repair your soul meter is to find and kill your shadow, but don't worry because the soul meter only cracks once, so if you die trying to get your shadow back, just you will be giving up. one third of your normal soul capacity and Rusty's 15th and final tip, possibly the most important to your gapless experience, guys, don't brag, there are no heroes or sacred nest, just sit on the bench, there's no reason so you can avoid it. refills your health refreshes your map gives you a chance to change terms if you need just sit down okay I'm just sitting on the damn bench we're like sitting on the eve of a big new release here real soon and I feel like Halle Knight is getting a massive wave of new players once that happens, so if there's a specific tip that helped you a lot in a certain section, feel free to comment some of your own


for newcomers in the comments I only gave 15 but honestly, there's so much more thanks for tuning into the forge.
I'm rusty and if you're new to Hollow Knight, please stick with it because it hits the kits pretty hard. I'll see you in the next video peace

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