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Reading Hollow Knight's Negative Reviews (So You Don't Have To)

Mar 16, 2024


of foreign nights are treated the same as any other game. People say there isn't enough sex. They name things they die for a lot. People leave. He refuses to say literally anything of value to anyone who is on the fence about buying the game. Stupid fake



that are actually positive and most importantly say very stupid things that don't make any sense. The deeper you go, the stronger your enemies become, they appear to be as strong as the bosses from previous levels, however, you do not become stronger. proportionally, so it's pretty annoying to lose every five minutes or B.
reading hollow knight s negative reviews so you don t have to
I can't even read, so it's pretty annoying to lose every five minutes or beat 100 500 mini bosses. Try it, Jesus, it was hard to read. This is simply not true. The resources used to update. Your nails are relatively well spaced throughout the game's progression, not to mention the spells and spells that aid you greatly in combat. I can't think of any area of ​​the game where Spike's difficulty is this close to this great and there are more than enough ways to make yourself stronger to fight stronger enemies with ease, maybe there's a slight problem with not really using everything that you


at your disposal, you know, maybe you don't realize that there are elements that you can understand, but other than that, this is kind of wrong, the


criticism that I


resonated with the most is clearly this, can we take it please thank you yes the entire game is not wheelchair accessible as the entirety of Hallownest is not wheelchair accessible there are no ramps there are barely any elevators and frankly this is disgusting.
reading hollow knight s negative reviews so you don t have to

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reading hollow knight s negative reviews so you don t have to...

Hallownest Town Council should have addressed this sort of thing years ago, but of course they didn't know that corrupt politicians were lining their doors? pockets while the citizens fight, it's the classic, you really know, The Pale King, you know he's a rich man, have you seen the palace he lives in? Look how many swords Buzz buys, but you can't even make wheelchair ramps disgusting, so there's This guy who left this really long comment that said a bunch of things, but I literally took no screenshots of anything except this part. It focuses too much on combat when the combat is too simplistic and not very good.
reading hollow knight s negative reviews so you don t have to
What are you talking about? About Paulo Knight has one of the most elegant combat systems I've encountered in any video game. Damn, this man is talking about Hollow Knight! Hollow Knight's combat is very simple, literally two buttons, one button moves your fingernail and one button fires a Spell This Simplicity is very intentional and very clever because the depth of combat often comes from enemies rather than player skills. Some basic enemies will just walk slowly across the ground and are very easy to kill, but most enemies will force you to do so. choose your moments to attack and the boss fights are of course exactly the same when you attack and how well you dodge is all the combat should be completely captivating for the entire runtime of the game because the skill cap for the combat is clearly very very high just because the combat is simple does not mean that it does not have a lot of depth because there is, but that depth does not come from the options that the player has, but from the decisions you make in the fight and how you execute your movement in combat. in Hollow Knight is masterfully designed because its simplicity makes it very easy for someone new to understand, but the enemy design allows for almost infinite amounts of complexity to be added to that combat, as long as the enemy and boss design is creative enough.
reading hollow knight s negative reviews so you don t have to
For that. Although having said all that it brings me to a small detail that I would like to do damage to the contact, this review is clearly a joke, as I understand it, but interestingly it is something I want to talk about, you'll see if you have it. In a boss fight, we're only touching the boss, it makes you take damage, so boss attacks have to be designed with that in mind and sometimes Hollow Knight doesn't do that very well. The best example of this, in my opinion, is NOS norsk. It's a particularly difficult boss fight, at least not in my opinion, but he can be a bit of a bastard at times because he constantly runs from one side of the room to the other, but occasionally stops abruptly in the middle of the fight. . space so it can shoot a bunch of goo everywhere, but simply touching the nose anywhere will take damage, so stopping dead like this is basically an attack in itself if you're trying to be aggressive and Chasing him to becomes harmful if he just stops dead, you are guaranteed to hit you and he stops so he has no Telegraph at all, usually if a boss is going to attack there will be a little animation called Telegraph.
Telegraph animations are these little ropes that the boss must hand over just before they are about to attack, this is done so that the player actually has time to react to the boss's movement and the short telegraph animations make the fights against The boss is more difficult because you have less time to react to the boss's attacks. Nosq's attacks have Telegraph animations like anything else, but stopping like that isn't considered an attack at all, so he doesn't have a Telegraph animation, but if you're chasing him for damage and he stops dead, you're guaranteed . taking damage from him even though the game doesn't really consider that moving an attack forces you to play very safe in a way the developers probably didn't foresee and this also happens in other boss fights P5 Markov, yeah me too , friend.
Also, Marcos is a difficult boss to fight, Markoth is a bit, you may not realize it in the base game because you can face him like a tank until he dies, but when you face him in the Hall of Gods and the pantheons, It suddenly becomes more obvious. that this boss is very, very difficult and Markov also has a bad habit of stopping instantly in the middle of the room and that's not the reason why he's so difficult, but you know he doesn't help, right? I really enjoyed Celeste, for example, and was expecting something similar. Both games are similar, but Celeste and Hollow Knight aren't even in the same genre.
Celeste is a 2D platformer where the central focus is movement and pole platforming. Knight is a metroidvania, the combat and exploration and the upgrade systems take center stage rather than the movement itself, there are a couple of platforming sections in Hollow Knight, but they are not the focus of the game. The reality is that the only similarity between Celeste and Hollow Knight is that they are both 2D, you know what? The funny thing is I made a video a while back in 2021 where I read the negative reviews of Celeste and someone in there said they wish Celeste was more like Hollow Knight so if these two guys could communicate with each other maybe they'd both understand each other . games that people liked they just don't know what genres they are, I guess they just see 2D games all next to each other and say oh well they all look the same so they must look the same, biggest complaint ever These negative reviews by a very, very large margin is the setback.
People clearly hate backtracking so much that they love everything about the game except playing it. People think that checkpoints are too far from bosses or other dangerous areas. They believe that enemies come back. It's tedious to pass when you go back, they think getting lost is frustrating because the game doesn't tell you where to go, and they think the map is terrible. Well, well, the map is pretty terrible. I'll give you that one, but all of them. These other things I'm not so sure about is that the game has recoil and I guess whether it's excessive or not is completely subjective, but it's a metroidvania, the entire premise of the game is based on recoil, like one gig said, get Some upgrade that allows you to access an area you couldn't access before is essential to how the genre works, and I think this is a good thing.
I think it's satisfying to get an update in the future and then remember, oh, there's something I saw in this place and I bet I could go there now that I have wings or whatever, but the problem ends up being that you can't remember so realistic every area in the entire game and the map is too complicated to reliably help people remember where these newly accessible areas are. because you may remember one or two inaccessible paths, but you won't remember even close to all of them. The map has these little markers that you can buy in a Zelda, but you can't label your markers, so you may not remember why.
First of all, you left a marker somewhere because I personally don't think the backtracking is excessive at all, but the lack of a good map can sometimes make it difficult to remember what your new update allows you to access and even if I remember finding where exactly it was can be difficult on a first playthrough, what I don't understand is what happens with Ventures: any notable area where there's a boss or something will have a bench relatively close by, it's not right next to the boss. room but it is relatively close. I can't think of any areas of the game where this isn't true, maybe there are but I don't remember them, but these reviews seem to think that each checkpoint is only a million miles away from each Personally, I never found this one to be the case and the fast travel points you can access usually take you to a wide enough range of places that you can realistically get anywhere you want to go in not too long, actually the problem is No.
Knowing where to go on the first playthrough, these clues take a lot longer because you don't know where you're going, but as you learn the map more and more, this time spent walking around places becomes dramatically safer and people understandably get frustrated with it. just walking lost sometimes, but once you've found your way forward once, finding your way again is a lot easier if you're not a fan of the genre then maybe you don't care enough to find your way even once, but I think this game actually has less of a sense of getting lost than many other games in the genre I've played.
There's a difference between making a game difficult and making it so frustrating that it's no longer fun. There's a difference between having very difficult bosses that a player wants to keep coming back to try and having the player spend 10 minutes just to travel back to the boss fight every time he dies. I don't know why this type of game design is considered good, listen Paulo Knight. It's a difficult game, sure, but you can't be serious, but come on, you don't have to spend 10 minutes backtracking to the boss you just died on, you just don't have to do that unless you missed the bank.
We are supposed to sit, that is incredibly close, this is not the case at all. The boss fights are difficult, but they are also fair. They have the same design philosophy that a game like Dark Souls would have with its bosses. It's challenging. and he doesn't throw punches, but he's never unfair, he never pulls pranks to get cheap hits, well at least rarely and when you finally beat him it's incredibly rewarding because it was actually a challenge, it wasn't incredibly easy and it's just there for show . and it was challenging in a satisfying way where the boss attacks were actually difficult to dodge, it wasn't just a difficulty modifier that makes the enemy deal three times more damage for no reason, the game is rewarding because of its level of difficulty and if we subtract the part about going back for 10 minutes, which is so over the top it's basically a lie, then your comment basically says I was so bad at Hollow Knight that I left a negative review which is bold.
I'll tell you, you got some nonsense. but I'm not sure that's the best argument in the world, okay, last one, last one, this game didn't cost enough money. I should have had to pay more. Jesus' Silk Song will also be a blast for Team Jerry.

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