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Jun 09, 2024
Well happy Friday and welcome back to the channel, today we are going to do 15 fun


, tricks and


you didn't know existed on the California Corvette, one behind me, let's get into it if you've been a long time viewer . I apreciate it. The garage probably looks a little different to you guys and I'm a little excited to get back to the car stuff. I'm kind of doing a garage renovation, so I hope you guys appreciate it, like I said, today we're going to do 15


. tricks and


on the


ca behind me and these are in no particular order, some of these I knew before buying the car, some I assumed we would have in the car and a couple of these I discovered from the manual of the owner. and I'm pretty sure that at least one of these you've never heard of before will stop blabbering and we'll go to the car and do something real quick now that I have the garage set up like I did.
15 tips and secrets of the c8 corvette i was only aware of 9 of them
I like it with the hood off. I feel like I'm always in a showroom with the car. It's really great. It is difficult to explain. You have to be here, but it's a really great feeling. I think I'll lose it once I get it. c5z above here, but for now I'm really enjoying it, it's great, okay, number one, let's go to the front here, so for a lot of people, a Corvette is usually a second or third car that doesn't get driven much. uh a lot of times people are worried about the battery dying, it's understandable that you have to look for the battery that's hidden under all this cladding, but GM was smart, a lot of cars do this now, but you can actually plug in a charger slow. right to your little accessory right there, that's all I have to do and you can lower the front a little bit and that's it, your car will be taken care of, loading easily, day, okay, number two, hopefully it doesn't make too much noise, how to start. the car for this one, so I personally like the sport mode.
15 tips and secrets of the c8 corvette i was only aware of 9 of them

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15 tips and secrets of the c8 corvette i was only aware of 9 of them...

I like the look of the sports car, but let's say you like track driving or touring or whatever, or your Z mode or your mental mode, but you want it to look exactly the same. It drove me crazy the first week. I discovered. Just use your little keys down there. We'll scroll down to where it says Screen Layout. I'm going to press enter by just pressing this and then Show sport and then Show. design, you can scroll through all 21, this is linked to the driver mode which will put it in all the modes you have it in.
15 tips and secrets of the c8 corvette i was only aware of 9 of them
I like to keep it in sport mode and you can scroll back to where you were on the easy day, okay, number three. I discovered by accident that this little guy down here controls the brightness of your screen. Now this


works at night. It will be dark outside. Put this all the way to the left and then boom. Everything is in stealth mode. Everything is in the stealth node. The


thing you get. It's your miles per hour, your fuel and your temperature, that's pretty cool news. I thought it was pretty interesting, so I threw it in here.
15 tips and secrets of the c8 corvette i was only aware of 9 of them
Number four may seem a little silly to some of you and something might give me a hard time with this but I didn't know it for about two months so obviously no one taught me and you can't see the damn thing it's probably this little one blade right here, your handle is right there, just a little touch panel right there. What I didn't know for a long time is that there is a patented place for your finger to fit up here and it feels much better in the hand. Let me show you it's hard to see, but there's a little indentation right there for your index finger it's exactly where you need to do it it feels a lot meatier right there for a long time I was down here open the door do it up there where it's posted it feels a lot better and much easier to open again silly but someone else might find value in that, okay, number five, uh, this is the way I clean the glass both here and up here.
I know a lot of people complain that it's hard to get to class at co-ops, and it is hard if you don't. I have long legs or arms, it can be a chore, so what I do, I mean I have the convertible mode, but I use a small bucket, if you are able, just stand on it, you can climb into the bathtub. I swear I do that. The neighbors look at me I go up here that way I can clean everything and I bend down, you can get to that super easy and super easy, it's a little dirty back here, but um, yeah, every time I finish my details, my washing job, I come back here. and I detail everything sitting here is much easier, you can make it fun if you want, but just sitting in the tub it's very easy to reach everything back here and you can crawl there too and climb up there and it's much easier.
I promise if you are able and want to try it, try it, let me know. Number six, this is something I didn't know for a while until the owner's manual, which is your glove box and your center console whenever possible. you close the door with both locks too so you have to worry oh man it's locked it automatically locks for you if the car is locked okay number seven squeaky Target up my C6 and C7 none of those cars, my roofs. Creek Always this car is new it had no miles when I bought it obviously new but after about two months of ownership the low humidity conditions and 55-70 degree crunch drives me crazy so I bought some white lithium grease and I covered it all. on the contact surfaces between this and the roof and I haven't had a stream since, highly, highly, highly recommended.
I would show


what he uses. It comes in a slightly tiny size. um, it's tiny. It's the size of a half-dollar container. More or less, this high. find it in the plumbing section of Lowe's, put some grease in there that's safe for rubber or weatherstripping and it will solve a lot of your problems, number eight, accessing the rear trunk lid here or the engine compartment, which I'm I'm going to call it, there are a few ways to do it. You can do it from the driver's door right down there. You can do it from your keychain with two presses of this type or a keychain under the E right here.
Remember e for entry there is a button right there and it opens very conveniently the number nine is really a tip or trick it's more of a secret now that this car was revealed and it had this Great Wall right here which was very controversial even I I thought it was. It's weird because you have a mid-engine deck and usually they leave all this space open, why would you need this like in some kind of tunnel? They then reveal the electronic beam, so it made sense that all the battery packs would be stacked here. down here there will be battery packs, even on purpose to keep your weight right in the center of the car, right in the middle, it's very clever once I figured it out, I was totally fine with this wall, it made sense, so good job, good forecast. the Corvette team, I like it, okay, the number 10 comes back to the front here, this one drove me crazy.
I thought I was crazy the first month I had this car, so you see, here on the front it says twice to open it. which is okay, so apparently the first model here, these guys, for the first few months, people were hitting this in their pockets and these guys were just opening up and it was kind of dangerous, so they changed the software over the course of the year. time. air updates so you have to press it once and then hold it lasts about three seconds it makes all kinds of weird noises now it's very clunky and I hate it and in 2024 they have a soft close which is awesome so turns into an e- Rail I have soft clothes but I can deal with this for now, there you have the problem, that's what was good, number 11.
This one is a little strange and might help someone else when I drive my car that always I have it in Z. mode, which means I have the exhaust wide open, the steering heavy and the brake feels heavy, but I keep the throttle and transmission shifting very, very low to save gas and now it's much smoother doing so, even with the exhaust open the exhaust isn't as loud when you put it in track mode with the exhaust wide open the car is noticeably louder so if you drive the car with the throttle and transmission at minimum it means very , very docile, but the exhaust opens completely.
You're not taking advantage of all the potential and the fun crunches that occur between the gears like you are in track mode, so if you haven't tried it, try the whole track mode with the exhaust open, totally different to my uh, my C7 , this thing is unique in that feeling it's interesting, okay, number 12 according to the owner's manual, if you hold the unlock button for three seconds, the windows open, let's try it, it works, so you have to click it one once and then hold it for three seconds and that's it, remember you have to enable this in your car settings, go to start, go to settings, go to remote settings and then switch in the window and it works again, one click, hold pressed three seconds, boom, all good, number 13.
What to do if you have a dead battery? It actually turned out to be my C7 once I got out, the remote was dead, couldn't go anywhere. I had to Google it and actually the C7 has a little slot up here. The C7 C6 has really flat keys that you put in the slot and it will start. uh the C8 doesn't have that, what you have to do is in a cup holder here, grab your keychain and the mechanical key is on this end, you run it through this guy, the one closest to the other Dash with this one facing up says: hold it there like that and like that, I guess the RF antenna is right there and then you can start your car, okay, Mike Bob has keys.
I don't like to test it, but that's what the owner's manual says. It says do it right, the number 14 is a bit funny so I thought it was included, but the owner's manual says very clearly that there is a 3.5 jack here and a 3.5 jack there and it's not for headphones, they haven't done that at all . very clear that it is only for external audio, don't try to listen to headphones with this type because you can't so it won't work, there you have it and finally the number 15 back here on the front, similar to the back where you have the little button for the rear hatch, you also have one for the front in case your keys are somewhere else, but near the car, you have to get in right here, right on the center line of your uh, there's no point of actual reference like right in the middle of your lens here go down here and then boom it's actually faster than using your keychain and that's number 15.
Alright guys that's it for the 15 secrets and tricks we're going to call it by C8 Corvettes I'll have more as time goes on of course, I've done quite a few of these on the C5 and then the Mini Cooper as well and people seem to really like these videos so feel free to leave a comment below. I might leave it in the next video. I don't know, we'll see, so in the future I have three C5 Z videos in the next few weeks. Gotta do my garage build, smash a doll up to about 15 minutes, um time lapse. so it should be a lot of fun and some other good stuff we'll see eventually, they're almost ready to start putting some Go Fast parts on the c8, the analysts are coming next month for the C5 Z so I'll see you guys.
Next time, enjoy your weekend.

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