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Graham's Top 10 Moments From Season 17 - The Graham Norton Show

Feb 27, 2020
What a


it's been here are my top ten


so far don't forget to subscribe to keep getting clips and thanks for watching so now you get invited to red carpets and stuff like that yeah and literally on red carpets it's you, this is the moment. the time 100 were influential people in the world once you are one of them how did this happen? I don't remember what it was yeah they I was one of the hundred most influential people even though no one has heard of me um and uh I was on the red carpet and you know, when you're doing interviews and the person sees someone more important behind them from you, which it always is for me, it's like being at a party and there's a hotter girl behind you and they're like I wish you'd drop dead, so I saw the reporter do that and all the reporters are turning crazy about Kim and Kanye and they just stand there like they own it, like they're short and important and I just couldn't, I like to think. falling is the most fun, so I just threw myself in front of them.
graham s top 10 moments from season 17   the graham norton show
I'm hearing wrong, we're photographers, we missed the moment Kanye broke a smile, no, no, that didn't happen, say there's a follow-up photo. where I loved it like you were fighting for help in the next you could have been a child drowning he was just walking I yeah, no he didn't crack a smile at any point and then I talked to them after I saw them and I said to Kim, "Oh "I'm sorry, you know, when you're in front of a celebrity, I just become a jerk. I was just saying things I didn't mean. I'm like you and your sister, this is inspiring and I like it." using it: good job, the new album Bush and a very sexy beauty arts course that D Pharrell's he co-wrote do you record all the songs he produced in their entirety just for the whole album?
graham s top 10 moments from season 17   the graham norton show

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graham s top 10 moments from season 17 the graham norton show...

Yes sir. Wow, is that true for Elle? he was the one who encouraged you to be a little more familiar and a little more conventional with yes, yes, he made me change certain words. He had a song called "So Many Holes", he did it so well for the pros that he certainly toned it down for the pros. prostitutes no they're professionals oh I look dumb the ladies in the video still look like hoes personals they're in a video and then Pharrell is that true? I mean, I'm a tree that enjoyed working with you, but he did.
graham s top 10 moments from season 17   the graham norton show
Some difficulties working with you too, yeah, when we were working on a particular song called Bad California, Stevie Wonder came to the studio and Pharrell had called a second-hand contact who was in the studio with me and he froze. I didn't know how to produce anymore, I was stuck, it was like I had to explain what the yes was, so with Pharrell I was in an environment created by Snoop. Pharrell was no longer the same Pharrell, now he was a different person, he wasn't, he wasn't the best producer. In the world he wasn't the best because he was just a boy in the room are you ready? okay, sure Cindy Juana Carson oh yeah, how about that one, two, three, four, when you hear the sound of thunder, don't be too scared.
graham s top 10 moments from season 17   the graham norton show
Grab your Thunder friends and say these magic words, Thunder, you can suck my dick, you can't get me thunder, 'cause you're just a god to us, Samuel Jackson, when you, but would you do it in college? Yes, you did something pretty extreme to meet women. I would do it. Not being a cheerleader now look, that's what we see now that seems like something quite out of the ordinary, meeting a woman, well, it wasn't necessarily just meeting a woman, it was to be able to travel to all the places that the team that I wanted to meet women yeah, hey, I went to all these other schools and hey, but did you make pompoms and stuff?
I had a megaphone, yeah the girls had pom poms, but I didn't go to any boys' school across the street, it was a one-hour girls' school, Spellman, so we took our chili to our cheerleaders over there, so I I was the only volunteer to be a cheerleader that year so I taught my roommate how to do it and you this is awesome we get to pick all the girls so we picked them and we got to travel to all these other schools to meet women, which was totally cool, oh my gosh, cool Claire, but did you have to root for Jeff to have a chance?
We did some animations, but basically we would go, I mean my roommate Navigo. Hello gang, Hello gang, and then the girls were cheering, doing some tricks and we were playing, we weren't picking up a whole number, it's like a gang, yeah, basically, you know, and from time to time we do it. You know, some chairs. like you know Edward Edward he's our man if he can't do it this hand is your hand this hand is my hand no wait that's your hand no that's my oh very well we don't know who's next oh oh yeah take that card of mine, you're actually talking about it, the competitors don't want to see it joins in New York, could you pick a winner, the biggest previous winner?
Hmm, I mean, I'm not saying anything, but we're in a movie, so he wants to win, yeah, when. Yeah okay yeah she's the best because the talking door gives accents this is kind of weird so Chris Pratt this seems so unlikely that now you've learned how to do the town voices yeah yeah , amazing, we love that trash TV? In America, my wife was crazy about it and when I was here filming Guardians, we filmed Guardians of the Galaxy here. Annette in London and my wife came to visit and she fell in love with this program. TOWIE The Only Way Is Essex is this


that's basically like its shorts, the Jersey shore from here is like this town somewhere in Essex I guess, and these people are like the worst, it was like it was a bit of a parrot, and when I listen when I listen to it all the time.
I started to get it and I started to feel like I could pick up his accent and make his accent a little abnormal. I'm fine, it's going to sound really embarrassing doing it in front of a whole room full of Brits. here, but I'll try anyway, so it's like this, I mean I like a silly sky, honestly, like Michael cheating on me was on a meat, no cookies, a little sigh, you know, you know, unless May you ever let me miss you because of your mother, okay, okay, this is going to be beautiful, you're on board, don't be discouraged, oh, I realize it's hard to take courage when you're full of people, You can lose sight of everything and your insides can make you feel so small, but I see.
Your real concern, friend, that's why I love you, be an idiot,


your true self Callas, you are true, who can? Alice, how beautiful as a rainbow, here you are back in: days, that's now, the sword and sorcery thing is a Game of Thrones, right? It's the best show in the world and congratulations on the finale that shook the world, drove people crazy, yes, and you must have read the script with some trepidation. I did, yes, I once got engaged, yes, and that's why we left, yes. Rock gets You stole Jim, you must have been surprised, people knew they were going home, well, when they read the scripts, obviously yes, about you, mind you, sometimes, if you're lucky, I think they talked to you beforehand , but no, but the last thing.
The last death was definitely there, yes it was difficult and came out of nowhere. Now one of the people who unfortunately didn't make it was, of course, hooking up with her husband Khal Drogo, yeah, yeah, ooh, look, there's a smell of Conan, there we go, well, yeah. there's yes, yes, and all the things with him see my dark and brutal yes, but Bernie, the walls have a certain lightness involved, he wasn't like that, he's a funny man and just another man, he doesn't know me, but it's not me . some very funny whiskey and he's very funny, oh really, but he's burning in the darkest seas in the darkest scenes, yeah, so there was, there was, there was the scene of the lovely, the lovely and the rape where I read what happened at the beginning of the


. one and tried to call it yeah that's nervous laughter so yeah there's obviously nudity and you're trying to lighten the mood not only was it a sex scene but it was kind of a violent sex scene so he decided to do it for one .
From the scenes that were on her back and my face, she decided not to wear a modest sock, but a beautiful fluffy pink sock, so seeing that close-up of me looking petrified and like I didn't want it to happen, was just a lot of laughs, yes, any of you explain that this tweet was sent to the program. Hello, I hope you are happy with yourselves. They have been searching for words. This is Thomas. So which of you knows Thomas? What is his name? I'm Jessica Jessica and why. Thomas is upset with us. Thomas is upset because I postponed a date for the second time so he could come and be here.
You see your boyfriend. No, no, we haven't had a date. Yes, because I think you put it in. Because? You discouraged him for the first time, my sister, and this time Kylie is fine. You know you don't like that book, oh no, are you interested in it? I don't know, not that, Jesus, she came, what can I suggest? take it tomorrow night when it's on that's this week's visit to the red chair that's where we go hello who's there hello sir hello what's your name Thomas okay and where are you from im from durham durham okay but you live here now Yeah, okay, very good, continue with this story, Thomas, uh, so I asked a girl out a couple of weeks ago and she said yes, which was great because she's pretty hot and they're really good, So tonight I thought I'd come.
Get off and see if he wanted to rearrange it for next week. Yes, I was your key, but she hasn't given you any indication. The cheese is here. Well, I guess it wasn't visible. The good thing is that she didn't make other plans. That's good. Yes that's fine. So this is your decision now it's you, it's you texting him so Jessica, let's flip Thomas? We'll let Thomas fight. Okay Kylie, could you please leave him out of the red chair? Oh, literally, abandoned. I don't think even one had a date and they left him oh he's going to be us on the Graham Norton Show and I've got something quick I'll be back like the LaVista guys oh yeah take that enemy card.

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