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10 Rules for Dealing with Police (Full-Length)

May 11, 2020
118 25 it's money left arm up directing the machine eyes in the back view gotta keep it away from you when that money talks the block will hear you ride with a jockey victoria good night my friends for those of you who don't know I'm Billy Murphy and Let's talk about how to deal with the


. I have been a judge, but I am best known as a criminal defense attorney. I know how the law works and I know it for many people. The law sometimes doesn't work, but I'll show you how to make the law work for you.
10 rules for dealing with police full length
I see how the decisions my clients make have a huge impact on the outcomes of their encounters with the


, even if, and especially, you have done nothing wrong, there are plenty of good police officers out there doing what needs to be done and not I need to tell you that there are too many police officers who do not respect the basic rights of innocent people, but you cannot choose who you are


with and even the kindest police officer will use your mistakes against you, that is precisely why every citizen, every one of You, you must possess the tools to confidently assert your rights if necessary, by show of hands.
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If you, a friend or family member, have been involved in a bad encounter with the police, then you are in the right place. Who has a story they want to share with the class? What is your story? The other day the highway patrol bothered me. tell us he was ready to blow this was like the 4th time this year i've been pulled over for nothing license and registration yeah i know the driller excuse me license registration no need for that attitude bro i'm looking out for you safety and everyone else is on this road, any man, okay, get off the vehicle for me, turn around, put your hands here, turn around and put your hands in the air, my God, walk forward, walk forward with your hands in the hood.
10 rules for dealing with police full length
Hands on the hood of the car do it spread your life what are you doing man relax I didn't do anything relaxed ah I didn't do anything you have a bad attitude now I stopped you because you were swerving between lanes that's it now you have a choice here if you cooperate you will get things done much easier for you and what that means is you have to be honest with me, you understand, yeah, here's the deal, you don't talk unless I ask you a question, you understand, yeah, okay. It hurts, man, that's too tight, relax, you're okay now, where did you come from college?
10 rules for dealing with police full length
Coming home from college, man, you've been having trouble with gangs moving guns down this road, you don't have any technicians there, do you? no, no sir, so you don't mind if I take a look at you, go ahead, okay, darren, just relax, don't move, okay, get up, get up, come back to me, keep walking, keep walking, okay, here Take a seat, take a seat, Darren now. He crosses his legs he crosses his legs and when that police officer finished abusing me he made me sit there like a dog while he destroyed my car I have nothing to hide but that's disrespectful okay let's sit still I stayed there forever while he hanging in his car, okay, darren, get up, get up, turn around, this is a citation for excessive lane change, take care of this ASAP, sign, sign, here's your copy, get your way, that cop profiled me it's ridiculous I go to school I'm not an arms dealer I know exactly how you feel man that's why we're here it's certainly possible that you've been profiled but it's virtually impossible to prove you never know for sure what's going on in your head from an officer, I hate to say it but from what I heard it sounds like you broke the first rule of


with the police, always stay calm and collected, wait, are you saying he deserved to be treated like that?
No, what I'm saying is that an encounter with the police is absolutely best. The worst time and place to express your frustrations about being pulled over by the police is always frustrating and scary, but you could have done it much smarter if you were calm and collected. As soon as you opened your mouth you failed the attitude test, license and registration, yes I know. the man with the drill, your attitude only got worse, any man, never talk back, get out, never raise your voice, never use bad language with police officers, being hostile to the police is stupid and dangerous, you can't win that game in the street.
Where they are king, the police have a dangerous job, even the most professional officers can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if their authority is challenged. Always monitor your words, the tone of your voice and his body language if he is visibly scared and angry. it's easy for an officer to get scared and angry also things could have turned out much worse than they did now face down face down can you think of a better way you could have greeted that officer good night officer how are you doing that's better calm down ? and great, wait, wait, wait, what's all this polite talk?
They don't respect us, so why should we really respect them? This isn't just about respect, it's about common sense if you don't check your ego at the door and let it control you during an encounter with the police. You will regret it every time. Following the


doesn't guarantee that the police will respect your rights, but they can prevent you from digging yourself into a deeper hole. Let's talk about what your rights are. These are the first 10 amendments that were added to the US Constitution after it was ratified in 1789. These rights are protected by federal law, which means that everything What we are talking about today applies to all 50 states that there are three amendments in particular that protect your rights during police encounters the fourth amendment states that the right of people to be safe in their homes, documents and effects against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures The Fifth Amendment states that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against him or shall be deprived of his life, liberty, or property without due process of law during a police encounter.
The smartest way to take the fifth is to simply keep your mouth shut because you always have the right to remain silent, we will talk in a minute about how this works in all criminal proceedings, the accused will have the right to have the assistance of a lawyer to your defense, so if the police question or arrest you, asking for a lawyer is a good way. to assert your right to remain silent attorney above that is correct, regardless of what you have seen on television, the police generally do not have to read you your rights even if they arrest you, so it is up to you to make sure you understand the law and make smart decisions if the police warn you, stop immediately turn off your car and place your hands on the wheel.
The police like to see your hands for your own safety, so wait until they ask for your documentation before reaching for it at night. It is also a good option. Idea of ​​turning on the interior light so the officer can see you without weapons Darren. Do you see any ways you could have handled yourself better? Good evening officer, how are you doing? Did you know you were swerving between lanes? No officer let me see your license and registration I'm sure my license here's my registration now Darren, we've had some problems with gangs moving guns down this road, you don't have any technicians with you, do you sir?
I didn't think about it, so you don't mind if I take a look, officer, I know you're just doing your job, I don't have any weapons or anything, but I don't consent to searches, perfect rule number three, you have the right to refuse records, this comes directly from the fourth amendment for your In order for the protection of the fourth amendment to apply legally, you must be prepared to clearly express your refusal under pressure. Everyone repeat after me. I do not consent to the searches. The officers can't hear him. So repeat it one more time. I do not consent to the searches. a law student or something, so if I show you that I know the


, you might think that I'm a law student or that maybe I have great legal connections, but don't get carried away by saying things like that, I know that my rights remain get out of my face I'm going to sue never tell the officer you know you're right show the officer you know your rights by asserting them calmly you seem nervous there's something in this car that I need to know about no officer okay please get out of the vehicle the police can legally order you out of your vehicle so you must comply, come back here with me, stand here for me, you now have two options, you can make this better or worse for you now, if you cooperate things will be better.
It's much easier for you, keep in mind that the police can legally lie to you, so never let false threats or promises trick you into giving up your rights now. If you don't, I'll call a canine unit and those dogs will tear you apart. in your car you are going to find what you are hiding so refusing a search request is not evidence of guilt and does not give the officer the legal right to search or detain you do not be fooled unless If you are detained or arrested, you can end up the encounter at any time, but don't wait for the officer to say goodbye, just ask if you are free to go there and those dogs will destroy your car and kill you.
Find what you're hiding like I said, what's going to be official? Are you stopping me or am I free to go? This line can help you walk away from an encounter by saying you want to leave establishes that the encounter is not voluntary which could help later if you end up in court let's practice that line everyone repeat after me am I being detained or am I free to go once more? Okay, you want to play like this, you want to go to the next level, okay? stay here, don't go anywhere, asserting your rights won't make the police love you, but it might make them more cautious about violating your rights.
Darren, this is a citation for excessive lane change, please take care of that ASAP, thanks officer. I understand that refusing a search doesn't make me guilty, but if I'm not doing anything wrong, why don't you let the police search me and be done with it? You have the right to let the police search you, you also have the right to refuse the The choice is yours, but there are some reasons to think care


y about this. The officer is not your butler. Searches can get very complicated if they damage something. You may not receive compensation because you accepted the search.
Besides, you never know for sure what a careless person. A relative friend, the previous owner, might have left it in his car at some point. If the police find any illegal items after you accept a search request, you can be arrested even if you had nothing to do with it. You have the right to have your search request automatically contained. It makes the search legal in the eyes of the law and the 4th Amendment does not require officers to inform you of your right to refuse, so if you are stopped do not try to find out whether or not the officer has probable cause to do so. search you legally you always have the right to refuse searches I don't consent to searches but they are going to search us anyway sometimes they will but saying no is not just about stopping the search you can stop it or don't cross your leg the point is that refusing the search could help you later if you end up in court if the police search you without consent your lawyer can challenge that as your lawyer would be much more likely to win your case if you said no to the search if I don't consent, when are the police allowed to search my car you mentioned probable cause what does that mean?
Probable cause means that the police must have clear facts or evidence to believe that you are involved in criminal activity, in other words, an officer's hunch without evidence of illegal activity is not enough to search or arrest you, but it is not necessary a lot. Most avoidable police searches don't happen because the police have probable cause, they happen because people are tricked or intimidated into giving consent, so an expired search, guys, search my car isn't likely, It's not, but you still have to be careful. The courts are eager to back up police searches, so something suspicious about you or your car could be considered probable because I'm not the kind of person who tells you how to express yourself.
Expressing yourself is one thing. , but exposing yourself to the police while being a public nuisance is ignorant, everyone knows who I mean by rule number six, don't expose yourself Mr. Murphy, I appreciate you being here today talking about constitutional rights and all that, except in my neighborhood , the police don't do it. They don't care about anyone, they're right, they do what they want, tell us more the other day I was leaving my building on the way to work, huh, yeah, okay, see your hands, put them in the car, spread them out, where's the man of drugs, come on, leave it?
I have nothing, let me see his pockets, take them out, you have an ID here, run, please, look at his hat, I saw them leave there, yes, that is a known drug place, it is my house,That's where I live. go to school you're working I work in a restaurant that's where I go eh he's clean get your stuff thanks for your cooperation don't get in trouble this isn't the first time it probably won't be the last that's how they do it Not around here It amazes me that in cities across the country these stop and frisks are happening at a record pace, especially in low-income communities of color, they happen so often that they seem perfectly normal to you, yeah, that's how they do it, this It may be common but that doesn't make it right, in fact it looks like those cops illegally searched you and put them in the car.
If the police have reasonable suspicion to believe that you are involved in a crime, they are legally authorized to detain you for a reasonable short period of time. Suspicion requires less evidence than probable cause, but it basically means that the officer has some specific reason to believe you are up to something, for example, the police can legally detain someone who matches the description of a criminal suspect, a suspect dropping a suspicious object after seeing the police or someone running away after seeing the police, never run from the police, that's part of what Officers can use probable cause and will run you over and make you You may regret it, but if you see the police approaching, stay calm and assert your rights if necessary, but do not run if they have reasonable suspicions of stopping you, the police may search you. the outside of your clothing to check for weapons, but only if they have a basis to suspect you are armed.
If they sense a hard object that could be a weapon, the police may take it out of your pocket to check. The police can ask you. you show them what's in your pockets remember you don't have to do it let me see empty in your pockets it's the same as ordering a search and you always have the right to refuse in your case uh there seemed to be no basis to justify their stop and frisk it happened so quickly that it was over before I realized what I could have done differently here you don't have many immediate options if the police stop and search you you have the right to clearly state your refusal of consent to the search officer I don't resist, but I don't give my consent for searches, but you should only refuse verbally, never physically resist, never just touching a police officer could get you shocked or beaten, you could also be charged with felony assault, looking ahead, sometimes people get in trouble for simply standing near other people who have contraband or if you are nearby look what we have here the police may try to get you to snitch on yourself or others but remember the police can legally lie to you so don't let yourself be fooled. waving your rights we know that you bought this herb that makes you part of a drug conspiracy now you turn in your supplier or else we are going to accuse you of being an accomplice to drug trafficking I am going to remain silent I would like to see a lawyer I am going to remain silent I would like to see to a lawyer if you are being questioned or arrested these magic words are your best legal protection they are like a legal condom say I am with me I saw you drop this man just admit he is yours it is a slap on the wrist you make things difficult for me and I will charge you with possession and tampering with evidence that is a serious crime don't be fooled you know what to say if the police pressure you to come forward you need a lawyer use the magic words officer I'm going to remain silent I would like to see a lawyer but remember that Just because you ask for a lawyer doesn't mean they have to stop questioning you if you continue.
Talking about your words could still be used against you, so keep your mouth shut until you've seen a lawyer, but when will you get a lawyer? That depends if you keep your mouth shut, you might not even need one, but if you get arrested and charged. with a crime you need help if you can't afford a lawyer the court will assign you one, the point is you can't get out of a police interrogation without a lawyer, that's a big mistake, almost anything you say to the police can and will be used against you in court, but what if the police try to force you to sign a confession to something?
Don't sign anything without a lawyer and don't trust the police to explain what it says to you, read it to Usually, the only document that is safe to sign is the promise to appear in court. What happens if the police approach me and ask for identification? Hey, wait, man, let me see your ID. You are required to carry identification when you drive, but otherwise there is no The law requires that you carry identification, but in some states the police may require you to give your name if they have reasonable suspicion to believe that you are involved in criminal activity.
How do you know if the police have reasonable suspicions? Remember that the police need reasonable suspicion to stop you. So one way to know if they have reasonable suspicion is to ask if you are free to leave. Hey, wait, let me show you your ID, excuse me, officer. Are you stopping me or am I free to go? I just want to talk to you, what's going on? Your name, are you stopping me or am I free to go? I won't stop you, man, but I promise I'm clean, I'm sure I'll have time to check it out.
I have to go. What if they don't let me go? Then they will stop you. because the officer believes there is some reason to suspect that you have committed a crime let's use some identification, excuse me officer, are you making an arrest? Can I turn around? put your hands on the wall in that situation, you could be arrested if you refuse to reveal your identity. Technically, the police can't force you to identify yourself whenever they want, but on the street hiding your identity often leads to a detention or even an arrest. If your goal is to simply get the encounter over with, then identifying yourself could be your better option, but If you are prepared to fight in court, you can relax your rights by refusing to cooperate with random identification requests.
You say those cops broke the rules by searching me like that. What am I supposed to do? To call the police. Listen to fight them. Police misconduct is never easy, but it becomes easier if you know your rights and act appropriately. What should I do to file a complaint? Does anyone read them? Oh yes, they read them for sure. There are many bad cops who are off the streets because too many complaints and cases of serious police misconduct can lead to major lawsuits that change the way police behave. I know this because I found my share of them success


Here's what you need to know about how to report police misconduct during the encounter. Pay close attention to details. remember the order of events remember everything you can about the officers what they were like what their names were what their badge numbers were although you should never ask them for their badge number that means to them that you are about to file a complaint And boy, does it It's bad for you if they know? So never tell them that you are going to file a complaint against them. Remember the exact words the officer says. Where is the drug?
There is nothing. Come on, leave it so soon. As you can gather everyone who saw or heard anything about the incident, sit with them together, listen to their memories. Use any device you can to organize your thoughts. The longer you wait, the less you will remember. The black police officer and the white police officer put them up. in the car and try to find other witnesses if you can you will need this evidence then look in the bag for man who was injured during a police incident make sure someone photographs you at your worst as soon as possible make copies of relevant hospital records If you are thinking In responding to an incident of police misconduct, visit to learn more about your options.
Don't be discouraged just because you've heard about the police abusing their power and getting away with it now that you know your rights. I have more power to demand accountability. Yes, ma'am, Mr. Murphy, is it legal for the police to go knocking on people's doors asking to search them? Unfortunately, yes, something happened. It was last Saturday afternoon. I was at home relaxing afterwards. Have you been in an accident for a long week and injured on a job? You need a lawyer with experience, integrity and commitment to you, the citizen of this great nation, call me Boris, who are the police?
Good department ma'am, I'm Officer Smith, what's up? Her name is Karen Stewart, everything is fine, how can I help you, Miss Stewart? Do you mind if we come in for a moment? One second, Officer Jones and I introduced ourselves to the tenants as part of a new home safety program. I'm available if you need help Mrs. Stewart, is she here by herself? Oh yes, my granddaughter lives here too, but she is at school. I'm sure she knows there have been some gang-related shootings in the neighborhood. Well, we're trying to do something about it. guns off the streets and we are asking people to help us, of course how can I help?
If you don't mind, we'll take a quick look to make sure there are no weapons in your house that you may not be aware of. No weapons here, go ahead, great, just sign this form for me please, I appreciate your cooperation, Miss Stewart. I see she has an extensive collection of books. He likes to read a lot. Oh, I love reading. I'm always reading something. Oh, okay, I love it. read too, but between my job and my two children I simply don't have time anymore, I understand. So you say your granddaughter is in school, college, yeah, huh, she's a freshman.
I'm going to look at this couch, do you mind? come for me hello, what is this? Can you tell me about this marijuana on your couch? What's that? Don't play dumb, you know what it is, it's not mine, I cook for some of the neighborhood kids, someone probably left it there. by mistake i don't know i really should pay more attention to what's going on at your house miss stewart i appreciate your cooperation i hate doing this please put your hands behind your back you are under arrest under arrest what are you arresting me? because I don't know it's not mine I'll take you to the station you can tell your story to the judge turn to your right you don't have to do this don't stop, stop, the worst part is that I live in public. housing and there is a zero tolerance rule.
I'm fighting the eviction order now. Have you heard people remember that the next time someone tells them that no one gets in trouble for marijuana, they shouldn't have left them inside? See, this is how they get. You, the police, knock on their door and say: Hello, we have a new security program. Can we search your house? Hell no, you don't have to let them in, even if the police have probable cause. The fourth amendment requires them to obtain a signed document. search warrant from a judge to enter and search your home unless there is a serious emergency, they cannot enter without a search warrant, but they do not need a warrant if you invite them in when the officers knocked on the door, Karen could have talked to them. outside and closed the door behind her good afternoon officers, how can I help you?
The chain lock also works well. Who is it? Police department. Good afternoon officers, how can I help you? Hello ma'am, do you mind if we come in for a moment? I have a warren what is this about no my name is officer smith this is officer jones we introduced ourselves to the tenants as part of a new home security program mind if we come in no thank you I can't let you in without an Order again No I can let you in without a warrant, that's your decision ma'am, but this is just a public safety check.
We are not here to get anyone into trouble. I understand, but I need to see an order before I leave you. inside, well ma'am, you have my card, if you need anything, have a good day, take care, we are clear, if the police come to your door and you don't need their help, you can simply refuse to open the door because you don't need it . We have to let them in unless they have a search warrant. We've covered a lot today, but we've only scratched the surface of service. If you would like to know the 10 rules for dealing with the police, please contact us at the website if you have any further questions. like a video set, the cameras move slowly when the street gets wet, shake them, I need to see more, the tilts, so that means, the equipment, everything clean, left arm up, directing the machine, eyes on the rear view, I have to keep him away from you when he talks about money. the block will hear you traveling with a writer it will be an honor as a movie the script has drama so bricks your boy takes care we can close the city

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