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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - ProJared

May 31, 2021
This video was brought to you by Blue Apron Zelda: The Adventure of Link is known as the black sheep of the Zelda franchise and is often considered a bad game, much like the first game. Zelda 2 is another game from my childhood that I played a lot. I've told this story before, but back then my older brother had a bunch of NES games hidden in his room. I wasn't allowed to play them, but that didn't stop me from sneaking in there and secretly. I played it anyway and after quickly giving up on that game I started playing Zelda - The Adventure of Link and having played it numerous times since I was a kid, I can safely say that I like it.
zelda ii the adventure of link   projared
I think it's a fun game that doesn't deserve. the hate it gets and for the first time I am going to play it and really analyze the entire game and examine it thoroughly taking into account the common criticisms. The first screen is perfect. It immediately shows you what this game is all about. to learn everything you need in a safe environment, Zelda is asleep on the altar and you need the Triforce of Courage to wake her up, making sure that she here is brilliant, she is here, she needs your help,


r. I also love this


before this one.
zelda ii the adventure of link   projared

More Interesting Facts About,

zelda ii the adventure of link projared...

The boss was this tiny guy with green eyebrows and now BAM, that's a heroic looking


. He is thin, he is tall, he has no pants. His pose after swinging his sword was so attractive and he had no enemies in this. The screen gives you the opportunity to play safely with a different style of play compared to the first Zelda. You can learn to jump, crouch, stab high and low, and get a feel for the slight lag you have when attacking. It's a very minor thing, but this opening screen. in the palace is perfect and sets up the gameplay, the story and your resolution is great.
zelda ii the adventure of link   projared
Leaving the palace reveals more major differences in Zelda from the outside world, and random battles are complete with killing enemies to gain experience points. Now, this is an important point. There is a lot of controversy in the reviews of this role-playing game. These heavy RPG elements are generally not considered welcome in a Zelda game, which I find strange since many people love to classify the Zelda series as RPGs. Think about it, how many lists of the best RPGs of all time do you have? seen with Zelda, but because numbers appear in Xela 2, it sucks and it's not Zelda, but now the numbers are back, so it's cool again personally.
zelda ii the adventure of link   projared
I don't mind the random battles he gives to people who are trapped because they can. You don't go past dungeons or any bosses they may choose to fight enemies until they level up and have more power, although at no point is this necessary throughout the game. You'll never have to stop and get stronger through the grinding that plagues so many other RPGs because Zelda 2 does an excellent job of guiding the player and doesn't introduce artificial difficulties through overpowered enemies. Now I'm not saying the game is fair because there are many times when it isn't. I'll get to that in a moment.
I always looked forward to getting to palace 1. The music is incredibly amazing. It's so good that you remixed it for Smash Brothers. After all, they are also the most rewarding places in the entire game. I mean, besides getting the hidden items needed to progress and the fact that they are requirements for finishing the game. I mean these are the most fun ones you can get to fight the most interesting enemies and have the most fun in the game's combat. Iron knuckles probably seem silly to you now, but when you were a kid this was a For me, sword fighting eventually always relied on the most consistent way to guarantee damage back then, a jumping Crouch stabbed, which I have no idea how that works in real life.
I honestly enjoyed fighting compared to the first game, the enemies were more obstacles than enjoyable fights. but in


2 when i see an iron knuckle my answer is yes go ahead although the range of the sword links is too short as his sword shrinks with each hit the sword beam comes back but the most brutal enemy that approaches is usually immune. So it's almost useless, but the improved combat also made the boss fights a lot more fun, most of them, and by beating them and placing the palace jewel, you instantly gain a whole level, so yeah, I always thought the Dungeons were cool, though that wasn't it.
Not to say I'm not aware of some of the main complaints about them, for example one complaint is that the dungeons are confusing and you get lost easily, but you only go in two directions, seriously, am I missing something here? I never felt lost in the dungeons. They are extremely simple with a few elevators and a key to open doors in each one and it is true that this game does not have any in-game map, but you can always do like we did back then, create your own. However, I still did it. Upon replaying it, I didn't realize that many dungeons reuse the same room layouts within themselves.
I could see how that could be confusing since they look the same, but even with similar looking rooms I still had a general idea of ​​where I was. in dungeons without the need for a map maybe people were referring to the open role that it is easy to get lost in this pit again. I don't agree in any case, this is one of the simplest worlds in the franchise from the moment you leave Hyrule Castle, there are paths that direct you. exactly where you should go, if anything this raises one of my main criticisms of Zelda 2: it's extremely linear, the feeling of exploration and finding secrets doesn't really exist in this game, compared to all the others, there are no secret caves . discover since they are there as clear as day, that is not to say that there are no secrets, as numerous squares in the overworld contain hidden items that usually experience pea bags full of points, extra lives or containers of hearts, but many times These are telegraphed quite strongly, usually standing out in some way, there are numerous literal obstacles that prevent you from having a sense of freedom of exploration soon after.
The Zelda titles aren't as free to play as the original game, but none of them feel as restrictive as Zelda 2 and the People in local towns often point out more than two secrets, which I think is one of the best things that made Delta 2. People in cities are really useful, except that they fight secretly from there. God, why don't you die? I feel like this is One of the most complained about aspects of Adventure of Link is that the villagers are as cryptic as those in Castlevania, but I really don't think that's the case. Find a candle and a parappa palace and we find the candle in the first palace. means that the clue to find Hart in South Parappa means that we can go south and eventually find a heart container and also Stonehenge, they have several clues like this to help you find magical heart containers or additional palaces and honestly, They are also good in every village. has a wise man to grant a new magic spell to Link, what's even cooler is that a couple of them have a sword master who teaches Link some now iconic sword attacks, the up tab and the back stab. below.
I love this idea of ​​progression for Link from learning and becoming a better swordsman instead of just getting things, his links inherit a potential that is growing instead of getting things and this concept isn't revisited again until Twilight Princess of course , there are also the ladies here who will recharge your magic in your life meters and yes, everyone knows the unoriginal juvenile joke with this she she what is she doing with Lincoln put up with it I always thought I was doing something to help bond the break, like giving it a Homemade Food Using Blue Apron Recipes You Like That Blue Apron Segue is a food delivery service that delivers meals right to your door.
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Personally, I don't. I even have problems with Death Mountain, a maze of caves full of enemies that really isn't as confusing as it seems, but it's unfair, for example, losing all the lives, well, first in this game, the screen terrified me as a child . It's disturbing and it's evil if you lose all your lives you return to the beginning of the game in Hyrule Castle this includes dying in a dungeon you return to the castle instead of the entrance you quickly create shortcuts to return later parts of the game easily but this punishment is so unnecessary yet the game isn't difficult up to this point right here passing the road devil after here everything kicks your ass without any remorse just getting to the next area requires following a path full of these lizard guys throwing at you rocks blatantly and there are no nearby towns to restore you, the only one after this path of pain is Kazuto town, which goes through a cave system and a bunch of other garbage, basically this means that the final areas just drain your resources even before of getting to any of the palaces and also getting to the final palace from here has another path full of event squares filled with these coconut eyeballs, so you have two long stretches of path that just slow you down and the spell Life alone can do so much, not to mention all the other bridges, cliffs and roads that have many holes to kill you instantly and are often accompanied by bubbles, bubbles that hurt you and make you fall into holes. just stupid I noticed that a lot of enemy placements are just stupid: they're gratuitous, they can be placed in unfair positions just to mess you up, usually it's to knock you down to lava or holes or whatever so you die and then you finish everything.
On the way back to the beginning, you have to kill these floating head students or they will throw you into lava in a dungeon that requires you to use all the magic you have. It's full of these types of skulls that drain your magic and take so many hits to kill, look at this, I'm not supposed to get hit by them, the final palace is just brutal, these Fire Phoenix things deal a lot of damage even with the shield spell activated, as they hurt a lot with their flames, chase after you remember. Those iron knuckles that were fun to fight are now jumping evil ones that hurt even more and you can't waste too much magic in this dungeon because you need a lot of it to fight the Thunderbird boss, the only way to damage him is to use a thunder spell first. , the most expensive spell in the game, you need the magic to hurt him along with enough health to fight him to get this.
If you finish the game in the grand palace, you restart in the grand palace, why wasn't that the case? so for everyone else, as if fighting Thunderbird wasn't enough, there is another boss fight after him, he is the final boss of the entire game and I must say he is so good that he makes up for all the crap you go through Warwick Davis holding The Triforce of Courage has linked the fight against his greatest enemy, Dark Link or Shadow Link, this was long before Shadow Link began to be overused and in too many Zelda games, and it makes for an incredible final boss, without no tricks or tricks, just a solid and frenetic one on one.
A sword fighting yourself is intimidating and it's cool or you can beat them by crouching in the corner and stabbing like a sausage, but if you fight them like the game intends you'll see how brilliant the swords are clashing and bouncing off each other. Jumping and using downward stabs is a fantastic fight and you split up and try to provoke him. He is Stewart nervous and motionless. You can feel the intensity. He won't attack first. It will wait for you to make your move after all. Your shadow only moves when you do. I know thatIt's much easier to beat him if you crouch in the corner, and after having so much life and magic taken from you, I wouldn't blame you, but I implore you to fight Shadow Link as planned. one of the best final bosses in


history, after destroying Link's incarnation of darkness, you obtain the Triforce of Courage and using the power of the three links awakens Zelda and the game ends and as much as everyone like this game its the only one that gives people what they want most from a zelda story real romance boom zelda and link hug this is what we all want right we all ship this right maybe You guys do it, there's only one Zelda girl for my heart, hmm, having played it again, I still really enjoy Zelda too, but I'm much more aware of its cracks and falls within its own design than before.
That makes it a truly bad game. No, far from it, it's a good game, but unfair and sometimes uncomplicated. That's why my final rating for this game is a wooden sword out of 10. It works well, it's not great, but it's not absolutely useless. Zelda: The Adventure of Link has extremely solid controls, even experience point progression, and honestly, it does a good job of getting the player where they need to go, whether through general paths or surprisingly helpful NPCs. The combat is fun. I honestly love participating in sword fights and the introduction of attacks like the downward stab is fantastic.
I like the magic system heal yourself it's great to turn into a fairy to fly and go through closed doors it's okay clearly it's not the sharpest sword as it has a lot of problems the sword attack is frankly too short the checkpoint system practically nonexistent is unnecessary and relies on a lot of unfair enemy advantages that usually lead you into deadly pits, exhaust you through unavoidable event stages, or just boost enemies to stupid levels and really poor placement, but it's still fun and has had a lasting impact on the franchise far more than most people give it credit for, which is why I still recommend playing it, but probably on the eShop so you can use the save states and alleviate some headaches.
Zelda 2 is still one of my favorite Zelda games and the only thing I really don't do. Don't follow the mentality just because it's different, it's automatically bad for what it is, it's solid and if anything Zelda 2 is the only Zelda game that has given us the death jumper Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing oh, thank you so much for Watching it make sure to like this video and leave a comment below and if you haven't seen it yet I have all the new Projared t-shirts available now on the Yeti communicator don't forget to subscribe or subscribe to my gaming channel right now. the original randomized Legend of Zelda that was a journey that

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