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Your Complete Guide For Bringing A New Puppy Home

May 16, 2024
I see her. Oh my God! I can't believe that just happened! We have some very exciting news and the title of this video,



a new


is exactly what we're going to talk about, but there are a couple of things you should do when you're getting ready to bring that



. . And Kayl will show us what she's


on the journey. So we'll just get in the car and drive a little bit to go pick up the puppy. So she just wanted to show you a couple of things we've done ahead of time so we'll be ready when she comes home.
your complete guide for bringing a new puppy home
And we are also ready in the car because who knows what could happen. So, first of all I have a towel so I can put it on my lap and hold the puppy on top of it while she's in the car, in case she gets motion sick. That way she'll be a little more comfortable and she definitely won't go anywhere without paper towels, because she can never be too prepared. I have some water. We have our little puppy crate. We'll decide if we'll take it home in the box or hold it on our lap, but we'll just have it with us.
your complete guide for bringing a new puppy home

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your complete guide for bringing a new puppy home...

And then also, and I have some more things. We have a dog bowl, I have some puppy-sized bones to chew on, and of course some tug toys. The louder the better, of course. So we have a lot of things with us just in case. And then when she comes home, she will usually be in a very small box to begin with, but we also have another box newly installed in the central area of ​​our house. This is our kitchen, Ken and I are here all the time. Now I've put this horrible cardboard box on top because I want to make sure he can't get anything through the box to chew on.
your complete guide for bringing a new puppy home
Because I repeat, she is a puppy and I have done something a little strategic. The box is a little wider than the drawer. So if we want to put a cover or a sheet on top of her, she won't be able to get it through the box either because there's a little bit of width on either side. I'm ready for her food, all my training stuff. And we're excited for this to be a bit of an adventure. And we are excited that you can join us on the journey. I know we've been racing through these things, but we're very excited.
your complete guide for bringing a new puppy home
Then let's go pick up the puppy. I'm Ken Steepe. I'm Kayl McCann. Welcome back to McCann Dogs. We are just minutes away from picking up the new puppy, which is really exciting. But I want to take a second to introduce you to this guy. This is my little brother Dan, and this new puppy will actually be Dan's, but she has been kind enough to let Ken and I take care of her for a while while she is a puppy. This way we can show you all the basic training we do with the puppies. When we bring them home for the first time, are you ready?
Let's go find her! Ok, in a moment you will see a puppy! Hi guys. We want to introduce you to someone. Oh, look at that. There she is. Yuki Dook, meet Euchre. She is fine. We are ready to return home. The breeder was amazing. In fact, he gave us one of the towels that Yuki has been sleeping with so we would have something familiar. Sometimes we greet babies. Sometimes we put them in a box on the way home. She's a little overwhelmed right now. There are many things happening. Yes. So I have the towel on my lap and I'm going to hug her for a while.
Let's stop and buy puppy food. Oh here we go. Now he's coming to stop and bring some puppy food all the way back. And I have to go because an adorable puppy is attacking me. We just stopped for gas on the way home. And I thought I'd tell you a couple more things to keep in mind when bringing a new puppy home. Number one, be sure to ask what type of food the breeder is feeding. The breeder was great at telling us what food the puppy is already accustomed to, so that if he wanted to change foods, he could do so very gradually. mixing old and new food.
The other thing you should also think about is whether the puppy has been able to urinate and defecate well before taking the long car ride home. You know, as weird dogs do, the three of us clapped before getting in the car, since she had a bit of poop before we knew we had to have her sit here for a while. So keep those things in mind to make sure the trip home is a little more stress-free. So we just got home. And as you can see, she looks a little sad. In fact, she got a little dizzy in the car just as we were going down the road.
Luckily she had this towel because we had to do a quick little cleanup. I think she just wants to take a nap, but before I take her inside, I'm going to see if she needs to pee. And then, to be honest, we could just take a nap, because I think taking it in and doing a play right now might not be the best thing, but we'll see, we'll see what happens once we get there. she goes. So now let's put her in the cage for a few minutes. And you might be wondering why the hell. We have the box on our island in the middle of the kitchen and we're doing that.
Because I may have other dogs and I just want to keep her away from the other dogs and the business. And that's also very helpful to have the puppy at head height and keep him a little bit closer, as a kind of good bonding and trust building. I hope she comes in and gets some sleep because she has an upset stomach. And then when he wakes up again, we'll try to pee one more time. Very good, feminine. So this is again, the first time she's been in a box, you'll notice I don't have any bedding in there.
I'll probably put a bone or something in there to chew on, but I'm not going to put bedding in there. I don't want him to chew it or go to the bathroom until we've had a couple of days without car accidents. Here you go, baby, come in. In


Icrate. And eventually I will teach her to go into the box on command, but she doesn't really know right now. So I'm going to put it near the door. She had never used this box before. How did she use it? There we go like this. What do you think is


first crate and another thing to keep in mind when you bring your new puppy home?
It's just that he comes from an environment with which he feels very comfortable. For this particular puppy, she came from a farm. There are many other dogs. There's a lot going on and now she's in a new place. So, you know, if she starts making a fuss or starts, you know, barking a little bit uncomfortably in the cage, we'll just let it go for now because we'll just give her the benefit of the doubt. We are putting her in a new situation. These are types of behaviors that we will address in a few days, but for now, we will just let her relax, let her get comfortable in a new place, new people, new dogs, new smells.
I think she's already handling it very well, but let's play it by ear and make sure we're building on success. So we just finished dinner and while we were eating, we put the puppy cage very close to us so we could hear if she was moving or not. And in reality she has been asleep for two hours. She's finally awake. Now we have to take her outside to pee for the first time. So I'm going to see if she breaks out of the box here. Now, when she comes out, hello, honey. Don't go too far miss, I'm going to put the leash on you and take you outside.
She still isn't house trained so I don't want to risk her having an accident. So I'll take her outside from there. Now, when you have a new puppy, it is a very good idea to take advantage of him when he sleeps so that he learns to spend a little time in the crate, right from the beginning. A great place to nap is the box, start learning to stay calm there and keep the box close. Make sure she is close to where you are so that if they start to move, you can get up and take them outside right away.
Well. What do you think miss? Do you want to try going out to pee? Come on. Good girl. Good girl. Also, I went down some stairs, it's not a good idea to go up stairs so early with the puppies too. Good idea. Picking them up and carrying them just because they're not ready to do that kind of thing yet. Alright, let's see girl. I'm going to place it down here. He hasn't peed since he was with her, he hooked up with her friends and stuff. I'm not just going to let her run, I'm just going to keep her at bay and see if she goes to the bathroom for a bit here.
Actually, she hasn't been on this part of our property yet. Oh yeah. Good girl. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. She says I want to see the cameraman. Puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy, puppy. So from day one, I started teaching her how to go to the bathroom and learning to eventually go when she tells me to. So as she was leaving, I just said, hurry up, hurry up. You have to wait until they leave. And I will do so over the next few days. And then, hopefully, we'll have to go to the bathroom on command.
She was a very good young lady. Now. Actually, she hasn't had dinner yet because her tummy was a little upset before, but she's definitely more relaxed now. So let's train a little and incorporate some of her meals. Maybe see if she's interested in some toys. We're going to have a little play. I'm a little bit nervous. The fact that she had such a long nap might make tonight's bedtime a little interesting. So hopefully we can tire her out enough again that we can sleep through the night. Now, as she moves around the house, you'll notice that we have this little leash attached to her, and this is something we're going to do right away.
Now, this is the first time she has worn a collar and leash. She scratched herself a little, but she's actually handling it pretty well. But what she really wants to do is bite this leash. And this is a common thing that people, you know, talk to us about, you know, I don't want to draw the line at the puppy, he just bites it. So in the next two videos in our series you'll notice how we're going to solve that. And pretty soon, she won't worry too much about it, but having this line on will help keep my pup from getting into mischief.
I can stop her from getting behind the furniture. I can stop her from grabbing things she's not supposed to grab. I can grab her without trying to catch her and scare her in any way. So this line will be connected to this puppy, every moment that she is not in her cage so that I can be in control and make sure that he stays safe. So one of the first things I like to do with puppies is to start playing with toys. This will be way number one. I'm going to tire this puppy out every day until he learns to walk on a leash and learns to remember it.
That's why playing with toys is going to be really important. It took him a little time to get used to it, but he's doing great now. Now, if I can get it out of her mouth, I'll try to throw it away and see if she brings it back to me a little. Oh, she now she's gotten a great grip. So I'll let her win for a second. You have a good girl and I'm going to keep this line. Where she went? Because what I don't want her to do is pick up the toy and play with it alone.
This toy will only be played with me so we can build a fun little relationship together. Oh, I already have it. Oh here it is. Oh, so I keep it lively. Get it, get it, get it. Oh my God. Good girl. You are a little superstar. Get that thing. Then she lets go. I can move it. Make it exciting. Oh, thanks baby. Now. This natural recovery that she is doing will 100% disappear in a few days. If I don't continue to expand it, many puppies will initially come back to you very easily and then. Over time they'll start to realize: Oh, what if I can take this toy and do my thing with it?
So keep her puppy in line to make sure you teach her every time she plays with the toy and to bring it back. Oh my God. So I'm going to savor this moment right now. What's happening because I'm sure that in a while I'll have to try really hard to get her back and that's okay. We will do it. But right now she's doing so many amazing things. Naturally we have to tire her out to be able to sleep through the night. Good? So she was starting to lose a little interest in the toy and it was starting to become a little less intense.
So I'm going to switch to some food. She hasn't had dinner yet. She's really snooping around. And what I find funny is that she still hasn't figured out how to get the food out of her hand. Here we go. Look, she's just not very sure. So sometimes what you can do is start by putting a couple of treats on the floor first. Ah, there we go. And buy candy. I'm literally just using her kibble, her dinner. She hasn't had dinner yet. She had an upset stomach earlier, so let's take it easy. Very good. Now I'm going to see if she takes it out of my hand.
Here it is. Yes. Good girl. Good. So when I first bring my puppies home, I usually like to assess, you know, what do they like? What, what motivates them? What am I going to use for my training? Are they more motivated by toys? Are they even motivated by toys? They like the food? Will the food follow naturally? Now that she knows this in my hand, she might move it a little. Yes. Goodgirl. And then I can reward her for simply following my hand. She doesn't have to do anything. And this is the entire base. Yes. Good girl.
For the methods that I am going to use to teach him to perform all types of behaviors. Yes. This is very simple. You follow my hand, you follow thefood, you get the food. It's really that simple. When I'm training, I'll just do little things here and there, a little toy, a little food, to tire her out. And then it's very important to remember that when you exercise a lot and play with your puppy and you go to feed him, he will take a drink. They will always need to go to the bathroom afterwards. So even though she just came out to pee, once we do some more together, I'll have to take her out again so we don't have any accidents.
We just came back inside after seeing if she is hostile in the bathroom. We've tried it a couple of times. We haven't had any success with pee or poop yet. She's a little distracted in a new place. Although I know she has to go to the bathroom. So instead of letting her wander around the house, we walked in and put her in her box. This is the first time she has made any noise in the box. So I'm not really going to worry about that. I'm just going to see if she'll settle for a little. And then we're going to go ahead and take her outside and try one more time.
If the mindless barking continues, I might take it as a sign that she needs to snap out of it, but I also need to make sure to maintain balance and teach her that this behavior won't let her do it. out. So this is where your instinct should come into play. You need to make sure you read the situation and then make the right decisions. So I waited for her. About two minutes passed and he started crying. We are going to let ourselves fall into puppy sleep. And then when she wakes up, we'll try again. It gets a little later at night.
And we still wonder if we are going to have a sleepless night or a peaceful night. So we want to pick it up one more time and do a little bit with it. She's been sleeping in her cage, pretty soundly for the last hour. And she still hasn't peed or pooped very well in the last two hours. So let's try again. You're probably watching with jealousy. The fact that this adorable little puppy has been so calm in her cage, but one tip that is important to remember is that you should not avoid the cage for a couple of days.
Just enter them right away. Take advantage of the natural times when your puppy is calm and tired and use it as an opportunity for him to learn early on that this is his place to go to relax and take a nap. She's had a little time rattling around in the box, as you may have seen before, but overall she's been great because we've used her appropriately. He's been with us all night, but let's see if we have any luck getting her outside. We finally peed and it's getting a little late. So now I want to take a little more time to have one more little play session before she goes to bed.
And hopefully that will allow you to get enough energy to sleep soundly through the night. I now specifically choose to have a small play session with a toy instead of food. I don't want to feed him right now because it's already quite late. I don't want him to have to go to the bathroom all night or, you know, for him to have an accident in his cage. So let's play a little with this toy. Let her do some active things, hopefully she'll have one more drink and pee one more time before bed and then we'll go from there.
So I want to give you a few more tips on some of the management decisions we've made for this puppy this first day home. And you may have noticed that she has had very little time to wander around our house and do her own thing. We are controlling her freedom by making her spend a little time in her cage. And then when she's out of her cage, we do things with her to keep her entertained, busy, but most importantly supervise her so that she can't learn on the first day that she's allowed to, you know, get into mischief.
Plus, she is a very young and inexperienced puppy. She really doesn't know what to do yet, so we need to be here to


her every step of the way to keep her safe. The other thing I wanted to mention is that Ken and I have several other dogs and you don't see them in this video either. So they haven't had the most exciting day because we've saved them all so she can get comfortable here first. It is very important that if you have other animals in your home, you do not bring your puppy home and then introduce him to the other animals right away.
There are a couple of things that need to happen. Number one, you need to spend a little time bonding with your puppy, and then you also need to get everyone comfortable with the different animals in the house. We had her spend some time in her cage this afternoon for about half an hour and 45 minutes. And we took our dogs for a big run so they could get some exercise. And then they're in the other room right now while she can have some free time. And that's really what life will be like for the next few weeks and even months, until she has a little more training under her belt, she will spend very little time with our other dogs until I can trust her to listen to me. with me and understand that I am more important than those other dogs.
So I'm going to alternate between her having a crate, time, them being loose and doing the normal thing, my normal routine. And then change it to make sure that everyone gets equal attention, but that she's learning really good things, right from the start. As you can see by these sleepy dog ​​and puppy eyes, we're practically ready for bed. And I'm going to share with you. One more tip we like to do with our puppies when we first bring them home. And this one is strange. So bear with me. In fact, we like to clean everything on our nightstand for the first few nights.
And we placed our box on the nightstand. This may not be for everyone. However, this is a great way to keep your pup close. It's great for creating links. It's always good to make sure that if she moves in the middle of the night, I'll hear her and I'll be able to get up to make sure she, you know, doesn't have to go to the bathroom. So I'm going to place it literally right next to the bed. This is my side of the bed. I'm going to let Ken have the night off. And that way, when she's in the box and I put it here, I can stick my fingers in the box.
I can interact with her. If necessary, I can help you calm down. This won't be her permanent place to sleep, of course, but for the first few nights, it's a great way to make her feel a little more comfortable. What do you think girl? Would you like to come inside? Oh, that's so good. I have raised many puppies up to this point and have also helped students train and raise many puppies. And I've learned that all puppies are a little different. So if you're looking for personalized advice to help you with your specific puppy, be sure to check out our online Puppy Basics program.
The link is in the description below. She's probably going to move around a little tonight and we'll just have to deal with that. But in our next video, we're going to talk about what to do on your first full night, your first full day at home with your puppy. So to check it, click on the card right on that note. I'm Kayl. This is baby Euchre and we are looking forward to seeing the series. See you next time. Happy training.

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